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RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
ModalView = require 'views/core/ModalView'
template = require 'templates/demo'
requireUtils = require 'lib/requireUtils'
DEMO_REQUIRE_PREFIX = 'test/demo/'
DEMO_URL_PREFIX = '/demo/'
What are demo files?
They could be a function which returns an element to insert into the demo page.
But what about demoing achievements? They'll get put into the main html. Or modals.
Well, I was thinking that a single folder would show all demos at the same time, line them up.
But it'd be confusing to have a whole bunch of achievement demos show up all at the same time?
Maybe there could be a button to show all the demos. Hmm, that'd be cool.
It could work like Jasmine, where it modifies the path and so when you select to run them, they all run with page reloads.
I think for now, I'll just say: have it be a function which we can run anytime.
It may or may not return an element to be inserted into the main area.
Another idea. Do we want root views to just take over the full view?
Or should they just go into the central part?
Probably should take over the full view, and if you want to get out of the demo, you navigate back.
module.exports = DemoView = class DemoView extends RootView
id: 'demo-view'
template: template
constructor: (options, @subPath='') ->
@subPath = @subPath[1..] if @subPath[0] is '/'
@loadDemoingLibs() unless DemoView.loaded
loadDemoingLibs: ->
DemoView.loaded = true
@queue = new createjs.LoadQueue()
@queue.on('complete', @scriptsLoaded, @)
window.jasmine = {} # so that mock-ajax properly loads. It expects jasmine to be loaded
for f in ['mock-ajax', 'demo-app']
src: "/javascripts/#{f}.js"
type: createjs.LoadQueue.JAVASCRIPT
scriptsLoaded: ->
@children = requireUtils.parseImmediateChildren(@demoFiles, @subPath, DEMO_REQUIRE_PREFIX, DEMO_URL_PREFIX)
getRenderData: ->
c = super(arguments...)
c.parentFolders = requireUtils.getParentFolders(@subPath, DEMO_URL_PREFIX)
c.children = @children or []
parts = @subPath.split('/')
c.currentFolder = parts[parts.length-1] or parts[parts.length-2] or 'All'
initDemoFiles: ->
@demoFiles = @getAllDemoFiles()
if @subPath
prefix = DEMO_REQUIRE_PREFIX + @subPath
@demoFiles = (f for f in @demoFiles when _.string.startsWith f, prefix)
runDemo: ->
# TODO: Maybe have an option to run all demos in this folder at the same time?
return unless @subPath and _.last(@subPath.split('/')).indexOf('.demo') > -1
requirePath = DEMO_REQUIRE_PREFIX + @subPath
demoFunc = require requirePath
if not _.isFunction(demoFunc)
console.error "Demo files must export a function. #{requirePath} does not."
view = demoFunc()
return unless view
if view instanceof ModalView
window.currentDemoView = view
# TODO, maybe handle root views differently than modal views differently than everything else?
getAllDemoFiles: ->
allFiles = window.require.list()
(f for f in allFiles when f.indexOf('.demo') > -1)
destroy: ->
# hack to get jasmine tests to properly run again on clicking links, and make sure if you
# leave this page (say, back to the main site) that test stuff doesn't follow you.