mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 08:08:15 -05:00
Saw that this caused 500s on /auth/whoami with no cookies set, with this error:
debug: 500: MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error index: coco.users.$emailLower_1 dup key: { : null }
Probably we need to be much more careful about what changes this blanket change to the minimize Mongoose option might introduce, since tests didn't catch this, but it would have taken the site down for anyone not logged in already.
This reverts commit 121f07d020
272 lines
9.5 KiB
272 lines
9.5 KiB
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
jsonschema = require '../../app/schemas/models/user'
crypto = require 'crypto'
{salt, isProduction} = require '../../server_config'
mail = require '../commons/mail'
log = require 'winston'
plugins = require '../plugins/plugins'
AnalyticsUsersActive = require '../analytics/AnalyticsUsersActive'
config = require '../../server_config'
stripe = require('stripe')(config.stripe.secretKey)
sendwithus = require '../sendwithus'
delighted = require '../delighted'
UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: Date
'default': Date.now
}, {strict: false})
UserSchema.post('init', ->
@set('anonymous', false) if @get('email')
UserSchema.methods.isAdmin = ->
p = @get('permissions')
return p and 'admin' in p
UserSchema.methods.isAnonymous = ->
@get 'anonymous'
UserSchema.methods.trackActivity = (activityName, increment) ->
now = new Date()
increment ?= parseInt increment or 1
increment = Math.max increment, 0
activity = @get('activity') ? {}
activity[activityName] ?= {first: now, count: 0}
activity[activityName].count += increment
activity[activityName].last = now
@set 'activity', activity
emailNameMap =
generalNews: 'announcement'
adventurerNews: 'tester'
artisanNews: 'level_creator'
archmageNews: 'developer'
scribeNews: 'article_editor'
diplomatNews: 'translator'
ambassadorNews: 'support'
anyNotes: 'notification'
UserSchema.methods.setEmailSubscription = (newName, enabled) ->
oldSubs = _.clone @get('emailSubscriptions')
if oldSubs and oldName = emailNameMap[newName]
oldSubs = (s for s in oldSubs when s isnt oldName)
oldSubs.push(oldName) if enabled
@set('emailSubscriptions', oldSubs)
newSubs = _.clone(@get('emails') or _.cloneDeep(jsonschema.properties.emails.default))
newSubs[newName] ?= {}
newSubs[newName].enabled = enabled
@set('emails', newSubs)
@newsSubsChanged = true if newName in mail.NEWS_GROUPS
UserSchema.methods.gems = ->
gemsEarned = @get('earned')?.gems ? 0
gemsPurchased = @get('purchased')?.gems ? 0
gemsSpent = @get('spent') ? 0
gemsEarned + gemsPurchased - gemsSpent
UserSchema.methods.isEmailSubscriptionEnabled = (newName) ->
emails = @get 'emails'
if not emails
oldSubs = @get('emailSubscriptions')
oldName = emailNameMap[newName]
return oldName and oldName in oldSubs if oldSubs
emails ?= {}
_.defaults emails, _.cloneDeep(jsonschema.properties.emails.default)
return emails[newName]?.enabled
UserSchema.statics.updateServiceSettings = (doc, callback) ->
return callback?() unless isProduction or GLOBAL.testing
return callback?() if doc.updatedMailChimp
return callback?() unless doc.get('email')
existingProps = doc.get('mailChimp')
emailChanged = (not existingProps) or existingProps?.email isnt doc.get('email')
if emailChanged and customerID = doc.get('stripe')?.customerID
unless stripe?.customers
console.error('Oh my god, Stripe is not imported correctly-how could we have done this (again)?')
stripe?.customers?.update customerID, {email:doc.get('email')}, (err, customer) ->
console.error('Error updating stripe customer...', err) if err
return callback?() unless emailChanged or doc.newsSubsChanged
newGroups = []
for [mailchimpEmailGroup, emailGroup] in _.zip(mail.MAILCHIMP_GROUPS, mail.NEWS_GROUPS)
newGroups.push(mailchimpEmailGroup) if doc.isEmailSubscriptionEnabled(emailGroup)
if (not existingProps) and newGroups.length is 0
return callback?() # don't add totally unsubscribed people to the list
params = {}
params.id = mail.MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID
params.email = if existingProps then {leid: existingProps.leid} else {email: doc.get('email')}
params.merge_vars = {
groupings: [{id: mail.MAILCHIMP_GROUP_ID, groups: newGroups}]
'new-email': doc.get('email')
params.update_existing = true
onSuccess = (data) ->
doc.set('mailChimp', data)
doc.updatedMailChimp = true
onFailure = (error) ->
log.error 'failed to subscribe', error, callback?
doc.updatedMailChimp = true
mc?.lists.subscribe params, onSuccess, onFailure
UserSchema.statics.statsMapping =
article: 'stats.articleEdits'
level: 'stats.levelEdits'
'level.component': 'stats.levelComponentEdits'
'level.system': 'stats.levelSystemEdits'
'thang.type': 'stats.thangTypeEdits'
article: 'stats.articleTranslationPatches'
level: 'stats.levelTranslationPatches'
'level.component': 'stats.levelComponentTranslationPatches'
'level.system': 'stats.levelSystemTranslationPatches'
'thang.type': 'stats.thangTypeTranslationPatches'
article: 'stats.articleMiscPatches'
level: 'stats.levelMiscPatches'
'level.component': 'stats.levelComponentMiscPatches'
'level.system': 'stats.levelSystemMiscPatches'
'thang.type': 'stats.thangTypeMiscPatches'
UserSchema.statics.incrementStat = (id, statName, done, inc=1) ->
id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId id if _.isString id
@findById id, (err, user) ->
log.error err if err?
err = new Error "Could't find user with id '#{id}'" unless user or err
return done() if err?
user.incrementStat statName, done, inc=1
UserSchema.methods.incrementStat = (statName, done, inc=1) ->
@set statName, (@get(statName) or 0) + inc
@save (err) -> done?(err)
UserSchema.statics.unconflictName = unconflictName = (name, done) ->
User.findOne {slug: _.str.slugify(name)}, (err, otherUser) ->
return done err if err?
return done null, name unless otherUser
suffix = _.random(0, 9) + ''
unconflictName name + suffix, done
UserSchema.methods.register = (done) ->
@set('anonymous', false)
@set('permissions', ['admin']) if not isProduction and not GLOBAL.testing
if (name = @get 'name')? and name isnt ''
unconflictName name, (err, uniqueName) =>
return done err if err
@set 'name', uniqueName
else done()
data =
email_id: sendwithus.templates.welcome_email
address: @get 'email'
sendwithus.api.send data, (err, result) ->
log.error "sendwithus post-save error: #{err}, result: #{result}" if err
delighted.addDelightedUser @
@saveActiveUser 'register'
UserSchema.methods.isPremium = ->
return false unless stripeObject = @get('stripe')
return true if stripeObject.subscriptionID
return true if stripeObject.free is true
return true if _.isString(stripeObject.free) and new Date() < new Date(stripeObject.free)
return false
UserSchema.statics.saveActiveUser = (id, event, done=null) ->
# TODO: Disabling this until we know why our app servers CPU grows out of control.
return done?()
id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId id if _.isString id
@findById id, (err, user) ->
if err?
log.error err
user?.saveActiveUser event
UserSchema.methods.saveActiveUser = (event, done=null) ->
# TODO: Disabling this until we know why our app servers CPU grows out of control.
return done?()
return done?() if @isAdmin()
userID = @get('_id')
# Create if no active user entry for today
today = new Date()
minDate = new Date(Date.UTC(today.getUTCFullYear(), today.getUTCMonth(), today.getUTCDate()))
AnalyticsUsersActive.findOne({created: {$gte: minDate}, creator: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userID)}).exec (err, activeUser) ->
if err?
log.error "saveActiveUser error retrieving active users: #{err}"
else if not activeUser
newActiveUser = new AnalyticsUsersActive()
newActiveUser.set 'creator', userID
newActiveUser.set 'event', event
newActiveUser.save (err) ->
log.error "Level session saveActiveUser error saving active user: #{err}" if err?
catch err
log.error err
UserSchema.pre('save', (next) ->
@set('emailLower', @get('email')?.toLowerCase())
@set('nameLower', @get('name')?.toLowerCase())
pwd = @get('password')
if @get('password')
@set('passwordHash', User.hashPassword(pwd))
@set('password', undefined)
if @get('email') and @get('anonymous') # a user registers
@register next
UserSchema.post 'save', (doc) ->
doc.newsSubsChanged = not _.isEqual(_.pick(doc.get('emails'), mail.NEWS_GROUPS), _.pick(doc.startingEmails, mail.NEWS_GROUPS))
UserSchema.post 'init', (doc) ->
doc.startingEmails = _.cloneDeep(doc.get('emails'))
UserSchema.statics.hashPassword = (password) ->
password = password.toLowerCase()
shasum = crypto.createHash('sha512')
shasum.update(salt + password)
UserSchema.statics.privateProperties = [
'permissions', 'email', 'mailChimp', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'gender', 'facebookID',
'gplusID', 'music', 'volume', 'aceConfig', 'employerAt', 'signedEmployerAgreement',
'emailSubscriptions', 'emails', 'activity', 'stripe', 'stripeCustomerID'
UserSchema.statics.jsonSchema = jsonschema
UserSchema.statics.editableProperties = [
'name', 'photoURL', 'password', 'anonymous', 'wizardColor1', 'volume',
'firstName', 'lastName', 'gender', 'facebookID', 'gplusID', 'emails',
'testGroupNumber', 'music', 'hourOfCode', 'hourOfCodeComplete', 'preferredLanguage',
'wizard', 'aceConfig', 'autocastDelay', 'lastLevel', 'jobProfile', 'savedEmployerFilterAlerts',
'heroConfig', 'iosIdentifierForVendor'
UserSchema.plugin plugins.NamedPlugin
UserSchema.index({'stripe.subscriptionID':1}, {unique: true, sparse: true})
module.exports = User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema)
AchievablePlugin = require '../plugins/achievements'