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synced 2025-01-08 05:32:18 -05:00
Address some code review feedback Correct error code in test Don't try to send emails to empty addresses Add tests for subscriptions Add tests for Next Steps email Fix specs Add reason for disabled test
284 lines
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284 lines
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CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/account/account-settings-view'
{me} = require 'core/auth'
forms = require 'core/forms'
User = require 'models/User'
ConfirmModal = require 'views/editor/modal/ConfirmModal'
{logoutUser, me} = require('core/auth')
module.exports = class AccountSettingsView extends CocoView
id: 'account-settings-view'
template: template
className: 'countainer-fluid'
'change .panel input': 'onChangePanelInput'
'change #name-input': 'onChangeNameInput'
'click #toggle-all-btn': 'onClickToggleAllButton'
'click #profile-photo-panel-body': 'onClickProfilePhotoPanelBody'
'click #delete-account-btn': 'onClickDeleteAccountButton'
'click #reset-progress-btn': 'onClickResetProgressButton'
'click .resend-verification-email': 'onClickResendVerificationEmail'
constructor: (options) ->
super options
require('core/services/filepicker')() unless window.application.isIPadApp # Initialize if needed
@uploadFilePath = "db/user/#{me.id}"
getEmailSubsDict: ->
subs = {}
return subs unless me
subs[sub] = 1 for sub in me.getEnabledEmails()
return subs
#- Form input callbacks
onChangePanelInput: (e) ->
return if $(e.target).closest('.form').attr('id') in ['reset-progress-form', 'delete-account-form']
$(e.target).addClass 'changed'
@trigger 'input-changed'
onClickToggleAllButton: ->
subs = @getSubscriptions()
$('#email-panel input[type="checkbox"]', @$el).prop('checked', not _.any(_.values(subs))).addClass('changed')
@trigger 'input-changed'
onChangeNameInput: ->
name = $('#name-input', @$el).val()
return if name is me.get 'name'
User.getUnconflictedName name, (newName) =>
if name is newName
@suggestedName = undefined
@suggestedName = newName
forms.setErrorToProperty @$el, 'name', "That name is taken! How about #{newName}?", true
onPictureChanged: (e) =>
@trigger 'inputChanged', e
@$el.find('.gravatar-fallback').toggle not me.get 'photoURL'
onClickDeleteAccountButton: (e) ->
@validateCredentialsForDestruction @$el.find('#delete-account-form'), =>
renderData =
title: 'Are you really sure?'
body: 'This will completely delete your account. This action CANNOT be undone. Are you entirely sure?'
decline: 'Cancel'
confirm: 'DELETE Your Account'
confirmModal = new ConfirmModal renderData
confirmModal.on 'confirm', @deleteAccount
@openModalView confirmModal
onClickResetProgressButton: ->
@validateCredentialsForDestruction @$el.find('#reset-progress-form'), =>
renderData =
title: 'Are you really sure?'
body: 'This will completely erase your progress: code, levels, achievements, earned gems, and course work. This action CANNOT be undone. Are you entirely sure?'
decline: 'Cancel'
confirm: 'Erase ALL Progress'
confirmModal = new ConfirmModal renderData
confirmModal.on 'confirm', @resetProgress
@openModalView confirmModal
onClickResendVerificationEmail: (e) ->
$.post me.getRequestVerificationEmailURL(), ->
link = $(e.currentTarget)
validateCredentialsForDestruction: ($form, onSuccess) ->
enteredEmailOrUsername = $form.find('input[name="emailOrUsername"]').val()
enteredPassword = $form.find('input[name="password"]').val()
if enteredEmailOrUsername and enteredEmailOrUsername in [me.get('email'), me.get('name')]
isPasswordCorrect = false
toBeDelayed = true
url: '/auth/login'
type: 'POST'
username: enteredEmailOrUsername
password: enteredPassword
parse: true
error: (error) ->
toBeDelayed = false
'Bad Error. Can\'t connect to server or something. ' + error
success: (response, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
toBeDelayed = false
return unless jqXHR.status is 200
isPasswordCorrect = true
callback = =>
if toBeDelayed
setTimeout callback, 100
if isPasswordCorrect
message = $.i18n.t('account_settings.wrong_password', defaultValue: 'Wrong Password.')
err = [message: message, property: 'password', formatted: true]
forms.applyErrorsToForm($form, err)
$('.nano').nanoScroller({scrollTo: @$el.find('.has-error')})
setTimeout callback, 100
message = $.i18n.t('account_settings.wrong_email', defaultValue: 'Wrong Email.')
err = [message: message, property: 'email', formatted: true]
forms.applyErrorsToForm($form, err)
$('.nano').nanoScroller({scrollTo: @$el.find('.has-error')})
deleteAccount: ->
type: 'DELETE'
success: ->
timeout: 5000
text: 'Your account is gone.'
type: 'success'
layout: 'topCenter'
_.delay ->
window?.webkit?.messageHandlers?.notification?.postMessage(name: "signOut") if window.application.isIPadApp
Backbone.Mediator.publish("auth:logging-out", {})
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Log Out', category:'Homepage' if @id is 'home-view'
, 500
error: (jqXHR, status, error) ->
console.error jqXHR
timeout: 5000
text: "Deleting account failed with error code #{jqXHR.status}"
type: 'error'
layout: 'topCenter'
url: "/db/user/#{me.id}"
resetProgress: ->
type: 'POST'
success: ->
timeout: 5000
text: 'Your progress is gone.'
type: 'success'
layout: 'topCenter'
me.fetch cache: false
_.delay (-> window.location.reload()), 1000
error: (jqXHR, status, error) ->
console.error jqXHR
timeout: 5000
text: "Resetting progress failed with error code #{jqXHR.status}"
type: 'error'
layout: 'topCenter'
url: "/db/user/#{me.id}/reset_progress"
onClickProfilePhotoPanelBody: (e) ->
return if window.application.isIPadApp # TODO: have an iPad-native way of uploading a photo, since we don't want to load FilePicker on iPad (memory)
photoContainer = @$el.find('.profile-photo')
onSaving = =>
onSaved = (uploadingPath) =>
@$el.find('#photoURL').trigger('change') # cause for some reason editing the value doesn't trigger the jquery event
me.set('photoURL', uploadingPath)
photoContainer.removeClass('saving').attr('src', me.getPhotoURL(photoContainer.width()))
filepicker.pick {mimetypes: 'image/*'}, @onImageChosen(onSaving, onSaved)
formatImagePostData: (inkBlob) ->
url: inkBlob.url, filename: inkBlob.filename, mimetype: inkBlob.mimetype, path: @uploadFilePath, force: true
onImageChosen: (onSaving, onSaved) ->
(inkBlob) =>
uploadingPath = [@uploadFilePath, inkBlob.filename].join('/')
data = @formatImagePostData(inkBlob)
success = @onImageUploaded(onSaved, uploadingPath)
$.ajax '/file', type: 'POST', data: data, success: success
onImageUploaded: (onSaved, uploadingPath) ->
(e) =>
onSaved uploadingPath
#- Misc
getSubscriptions: ->
inputs = ($(i) for i in $('#email-panel input[type="checkbox"].changed', @$el))
emailNames = (i.attr('name').replace('email_', '') for i in inputs)
enableds = (i.prop('checked') for i in inputs)
_.zipObject emailNames, enableds
#- Saving changes
save: ->
$('#settings-tabs input').removeClass 'changed'
res = me.validate()
if res?
console.error 'Couldn\'t save because of validation errors:', res
forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$el, res)
$('.nano').nanoScroller({scrollTo: @$el.find('.has-error')})
return unless me.hasLocalChanges()
res = me.patch()
return unless res
res.error =>
if res.responseJSON?.property
errors = res.responseJSON
forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$el, errors)
$('.nano').nanoScroller({scrollTo: @$el.find('.has-error')})
text: res.responseText
type: 'error'
layout: 'topCenter'
timeout: 5000
@trigger 'save-user-error'
res.success (model, response, options) =>
@trigger 'save-user-success'
@trigger 'save-user-began'
grabData: ->
grabPasswordData: ->
password1 = $('#password', @$el).val()
password2 = $('#password2', @$el).val()
bothThere = Boolean(password1) and Boolean(password2)
if bothThere and password1 isnt password2
message = $.i18n.t('account_settings.password_mismatch', defaultValue: 'Password does not match.')
err = [message: message, property: 'password2', formatted: true]
forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$el, err)
$('.nano').nanoScroller({scrollTo: @$el.find('.has-error')})
if bothThere
me.set('password', password1)
else if password1
message = $.i18n.t('account_settings.password_repeat', defaultValue: 'Please repeat your password.')
err = [message: message, property: 'password2', formatted: true]
forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$el, err)
$('.nano').nanoScroller({scrollTo: @$el.find('.has-error')})
grabOtherData: ->
@$el.find('#name-input').val @suggestedName if @suggestedName
me.set 'name', @$el.find('#name-input').val()
me.set 'email', @$el.find('#email').val()
for emailName, enabled of @getSubscriptions()
me.setEmailSubscription emailName, enabled
me.set('photoURL', @$el.find('#photoURL').val())
permissions = []
unless application.isProduction()
adminCheckbox = @$el.find('#admin')
if adminCheckbox.length
permissions.push 'admin' if adminCheckbox.prop('checked')
godmodeCheckbox = @$el.find('#godmode')
if godmodeCheckbox.length
permissions.push 'godmode' if godmodeCheckbox.prop('checked')
me.set('permissions', permissions)