mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 16:17:57 -05:00
Made conflict finding a bit more liberal, in that any messing with arrays (adding, removing or moving things inside) will conflict with any other such change.
304 lines
8.8 KiB
304 lines
8.8 KiB
storage = require 'lib/storage'
deltasLib = require 'lib/deltas'
NewAchievementCollection = require '../collections/NewAchievementCollection'
class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
idAttribute: "_id"
loaded: false
loading: false
saveBackups: false
notyErrors: true
@schema: null
getMe: -> @me or @me = require('lib/auth').me
initialize: ->
if not @constructor.className
console.error("#{@} needs a className set.")
@on 'sync', @onLoaded, @
@on 'error', @onError, @
@on 'add', @onLoaded, @
@saveBackup = _.debounce(@saveBackup, 500)
type: ->
clone: (withChanges=true) ->
# Backbone does not support nested documents
clone = super()
clone.set($.extend(true, {}, if withChanges then @attributes else @_revertAttributes))
onError: ->
@loading = false
@jqxhr = null
onLoaded: ->
@loaded = true
@loading = false
@jqxhr = null
getNormalizedURL: -> "#{@urlRoot}/#{@id}"
set: ->
inFlux = @loading or not @loaded
@markToRevert() unless inFlux or @_revertAttributes
res = super(arguments...)
@saveBackup() if @saveBackups and (not inFlux) and @hasLocalChanges()
loadFromBackup: ->
return unless @saveBackups
existing = storage.load @id
if existing
@set(existing, {silent:true})
CocoModel.backedUp[@id] = @
saveBackup: -> @saveBackupNow()
saveBackupNow: ->
storage.save(@id, @attributes)
CocoModel.backedUp[@id] = @
@backedUp = {}
schema: -> return @constructor.schema
getValidationErrors: ->
errors = tv4.validateMultiple(@attributes, @constructor.schema or {}).errors
return errors if errors?.length
validate: ->
errors = @getValidationErrors()
if errors?.length
console.debug "Validation failed for #{@constructor.className}: '#{@get('name') or @}'."
for error in errors
console.debug "\t", error.dataPath, ":", error.message
return errors
save: (attrs, options) ->
options ?= {}
options.headers ?= {}
options.headers['X-Current-Path'] = document.location.pathname
success = options.success
error = options.error
options.success = (model, res) =>
@trigger "save:success", @
success(@, res) if success
@markToRevert() if @_revertAttributes
options.error = (model, res) =>
error(@, res) if error
return unless @notyErrors
errorMessage = "Error saving #{@get('name') ? @type()}"
console.error errorMessage, res.responseJSON
noty text: "#{errorMessage}: #{res.status} #{res.statusText}", layout: 'topCenter', type: 'error', killer: false, timeout: 10000
@trigger "save", @
return super attrs, options
patch: (options) ->
return false unless @_revertAttributes
options ?= {}
options.patch = true
attrs = {_id: @id}
keys = []
for key in _.keys @attributes
unless _.isEqual @attributes[key], @_revertAttributes[key]
attrs[key] = @attributes[key]
keys.push key
return unless keys.length
console.debug 'Patching', @get('name') or @, keys
@save(attrs, options)
fetch: ->
@jqxhr = super(arguments...)
@loading = true
markToRevert: ->
if @type() is 'ThangType'
@_revertAttributes = _.clone @attributes # No deep clones for these!
@_revertAttributes = $.extend(true, {}, @attributes)
revert: ->
@set(@_revertAttributes, {silent: true}) if @_revertAttributes
clearBackup: ->
storage.remove @id
hasLocalChanges: ->
@_revertAttributes and not _.isEqual @attributes, @_revertAttributes
cloneNewMinorVersion: ->
newData = _.clone @attributes
clone = new @constructor(newData)
cloneNewMajorVersion: ->
clone = @cloneNewMinorVersion()
isPublished: ->
for permission in @get('permissions') or []
return true if permission.target is 'public' and permission.access is 'read'
publish: ->
if @isPublished() then throw new Error("Can't publish what's already-published. Can't kill what's already dead.")
@set "permissions", (@get("permissions") or []).concat({access: 'read', target: 'public'})
addSchemaDefaults: ->
return if @addedSchemaDefaults
@addedSchemaDefaults = true
for prop, defaultValue of @constructor.schema.default or {}
continue if @get(prop)?
#console.log "setting", prop, "to", defaultValue, "from attributes.default"
@set prop, defaultValue
for prop, sch of @constructor.schema.properties or {}
continue if @get(prop)?
continue if prop is 'emails' # hack, defaults are handled through User.coffee's email-specific methods.
#console.log "setting", prop, "to", sch.default, "from sch.default" if sch.default?
@set prop, sch.default if sch.default?
if @loaded
@isObjectID: (s) ->
s.length is 24 and s.match(/[a-f0-9]/gi)?.length is 24
hasReadAccess: (actor) ->
# actor is a User object
actor ?= @getMe()
return true if actor.isAdmin()
if @get('permissions')?
for permission in @get('permissions')
if permission.target is 'public' or actor.get('_id') is permission.target
return true if permission.access in ['owner', 'read']
return false
hasWriteAccess: (actor) ->
# actor is a User object
actor ?= @getMe()
return true if actor.isAdmin()
if @get('permissions')?
for permission in @get('permissions')
if permission.target is 'public' or actor.get('_id') is permission.target
return true if permission.access in ['owner', 'write']
return false
getDelta: ->
differ = deltasLib.makeJSONDiffer()
differ.diff @_revertAttributes, @attributes
getDeltaWith: (otherModel) ->
differ = deltasLib.makeJSONDiffer()
differ.diff @attributes, otherModel.attributes
applyDelta: (delta) ->
newAttributes = $.extend(true, {}, @attributes)
jsondiffpatch.patch newAttributes, delta
catch error
console.error "Error applying delta", delta, "to attributes", newAttributes, error
return false
@set newAttributes
return true
getExpandedDelta: ->
delta = @getDelta()
deltasLib.expandDelta(delta, @_revertAttributes, @schema())
getExpandedDeltaWith: (otherModel) ->
delta = @getDeltaWith(otherModel)
deltasLib.expandDelta(delta, @attributes, @schema())
watch: (doWatch=true) ->
$.ajax("#{@urlRoot}/#{@id}/watch", {type:'PUT', data:{on:doWatch}})
@watching = -> doWatch
watching: ->
return me.id in (@get('watchers') or [])
populateI18N: (data, schema, path='') ->
# TODO: Better schema/json walking
sum = 0
data ?= $.extend true, {}, @attributes
schema ?= @schema() or {}
if schema.properties?.i18n and _.isPlainObject(data) and not data.i18n?
data.i18n = {}
sum += 1
if _.isPlainObject data
for key, value of data
numChanged = 0
numChanged = @populateI18N(value, childSchema, path+'/'+key) if childSchema = schema.properties?[key]
if numChanged and not path # should only do this for the root object
@set key, value
sum += numChanged
if schema.items and _.isArray data
sum += @populateI18N(value, schema.items, path+'/'+index) for value, index in data
@getReferencedModel: (data, schema) ->
return null unless schema.links?
linkObject = _.find schema.links, rel: "db"
return null unless linkObject
return null if linkObject.href.match("thang.type") and not @isObjectID(data) # Skip loading hardcoded Thang Types for now (TODO)
# not fully extensible, but we can worry about that later
link = linkObject.href
link = link.replace('{(original)}', data.original)
link = link.replace('{(majorVersion)}', '' + (data.majorVersion ? 0))
link = link.replace('{($)}', data)
@getOrMakeModelFromLink: (link) ->
makeUrlFunc = (url) -> -> url
modelUrl = link.split('/')[2]
modelModule = _.string.classify(modelUrl)
modulePath = "models/#{modelModule}"
Model = require modulePath
catch e
console.error 'could not load model from link path', link, 'using path', modulePath
model = new Model()
model.url = makeUrlFunc(link)
return model
setURL: (url) ->
makeURLFunc = (u) -> -> u
@url = makeURLFunc(url)
getURL: ->
return if _.isString @url then @url else @url()
@pollAchievements: ->
achievements = new NewAchievementCollection
success: (collection) ->
me.fetch (success: -> Backbone.Mediator.publish('achievements:new', collection)) unless _.isEmpty(collection.models)
CocoModel.pollAchievements = _.debounce CocoModel.pollAchievements, 500
module.exports = CocoModel