Scott Erickson 4dda1b67dd Refactor ThangsTabView to use GameUIState for managing all Surface mouse events
Attempting to use a react-component-like system, where the Surface simply emits everything that
happens through the shared GameUIState, and the parent (in this case the ThangsTabView, but theoretically
anything that uses the surface) handles the events manually, to enforce desired behavior for that particular

It's nice that all the event handling is centralized, but it's still a bit of a mess, and not thoroughly
stateful. But it's a start. This is in preparation for allowing multi-thang selection and manipulation
in the level editor.
2016-06-28 09:19:38 -07:00

806 lines
31 KiB

CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView'
AddThangsView = require './AddThangsView'
thangs_template = require 'templates/editor/level/thangs-tab-view'
Level = require 'models/Level'
ThangType = require 'models/ThangType'
LevelComponent = require 'models/LevelComponent'
CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection'
{isObjectID} = require 'models/CocoModel'
Surface = require 'lib/surface/Surface'
Thang = require 'lib/world/thang'
LevelThangEditView = require './LevelThangEditView'
ComponentsCollection = require 'collections/ComponentsCollection'
require 'vendor/treema'
GameUIState = require 'models/GameUIState'
# Moving the screen while dragging thangs constants
# Let us place these on top of other Thangs
overlappableThangTypeNames = ['Torch', 'Chains', 'Bird', 'Cloud 1', 'Cloud 2', 'Cloud 3', 'Waterfall', 'Obstacle', 'Electrowall', 'Spike Walls']
class ThangTypeSearchCollection extends CocoCollection
url: '/db/thang.type?project=original,name,version,slug,kind,components,prerenderedSpriteSheetData'
model: ThangType
module.exports = class ThangsTabView extends CocoView
id: 'thangs-tab-view'
className: 'tab-pane active'
template: thangs_template
'surface:mouse-moved': 'onSurfaceMouseMoved'
'surface:mouse-over': 'onSurfaceMouseOver'
'surface:mouse-out': 'onSurfaceMouseOut'
'editor:edit-level-thang': 'editThang'
'editor:level-thang-edited': 'onLevelThangEdited'
'editor:level-thang-done-editing': 'onLevelThangDoneEditing'
'editor:view-switched': 'onViewSwitched'
'sprite:dragged': 'onSpriteDragged'
'sprite:mouse-up': 'onSpriteMouseUp'
'sprite:double-clicked': 'onSpriteDoubleClicked'
'surface:stage-mouse-down': 'onStageMouseDown'
'surface:stage-mouse-up': 'onStageMouseUp'
'editor:random-terrain-generated': 'onRandomTerrainGenerated'
'click #extant-thangs-filter button': 'onFilterExtantThangs'
'click #delete': 'onDeleteClicked'
'click #duplicate': 'onDuplicateClicked'
'click #thangs-container-toggle': 'toggleThangsContainer'
'click #thangs-palette-toggle': 'toggleThangsPalette'
# 'click .add-thang-palette-icon': 'toggleThangsPalette'
'click #rotation-menu-item button': 'onClickRotationButton'
'esc': 'selectAddThang'
'delete, del, backspace': 'deleteSelectedExtantThang'
'ctrl+z, ⌘+z': 'undo'
'ctrl+shift+z, ⌘+shift+z': 'redo'
'alt+c': 'toggleSelectedThangCollision'
'left': -> @moveSelectedThangBy -1, 0
'right': -> @moveSelectedThangBy 1, 0
'up': -> @moveSelectedThangBy 0, 1
'down': -> @moveSelectedThangBy 0, -1
'alt+left': -> @rotateSelectedThangTo Math.PI unless key.shift
'alt+right': -> @rotateSelectedThangTo 0 unless key.shift
'alt+up': -> @rotateSelectedThangTo -Math.PI / 2
'alt+down': -> @rotateSelectedThangTo Math.PI / 2
'alt+shift+left': -> @rotateSelectedThangBy Math.PI / 16
'alt+shift+right': -> @rotateSelectedThangBy -Math.PI / 16
'shift+left': -> @resizeSelectedThangBy -1, 0
'shift+right': -> @resizeSelectedThangBy 1, 0
'shift+up': -> @resizeSelectedThangBy 0, 1
'shift+down': -> @resizeSelectedThangBy 0, -1
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@world =
@gameUIState = new GameUIState()
@listenTo(@gameUIState, 'sprite:mouse-down', @onSpriteMouseDown)
@listenTo(@gameUIState, 'surface:stage-mouse-move', @onStageMouseMove)
@listenTo(@gameUIState, 'change:selected', @onChangeSelected)
@willRepositionCamera =true
# should load depended-on Components, too
@thangTypes = @supermodel.loadCollection(new ThangTypeSearchCollection(), 'thangs').model
# just loading all Components for now:
@componentCollection = @supermodel.loadCollection(new ComponentsCollection(), 'components').load()
@level = options.level
$(document).bind 'contextmenu', @preventDefaultContextMenu
getRenderData: (context={}) ->
context = super(context)
return context unless @supermodel.finished()
for thangType in @thangTypes.models
thangType.notInLevel = true
thangTypes = (thangType.attributes for thangType in @supermodel.getModels(ThangType))
thangTypes = _.uniq thangTypes, false, 'original'
thangTypes = _.reject thangTypes, (tt) -> tt.kind in ['Mark', undefined]
groupMap = {}
for thangType in thangTypes
groupMap[thangType.kind] ?= []
groupMap[thangType.kind].push thangType
groups = []
for groupName in Object.keys(groupMap).sort()
someThangTypes = groupMap[groupName]
someThangTypes = _.sortBy someThangTypes, 'name'
group =
name: groupName
thangs: someThangTypes
groups.push group
context.thangTypes = thangTypes
context.groups = groups
undo: (e) ->
if not @editThangView then @thangsTreema.undo() else @editThangView.undo()
redo: (e) ->
if not @editThangView then @thangsTreema.redo() else @editThangView.redo()
afterRender: ->
return unless @supermodel.finished()
$('.tab-content').mousedown @selectAddThang
$('#thangs-list').bind 'mousewheel', @preventBodyScrollingInThangList
@$el.find('#extant-thangs-filter button:first').button('toggle')
$(window).on 'resize', @onWindowResize
@addThangsView = @insertSubView new AddThangsView world: @world
@buildInterface() # refactor to not have this trigger when this view re-renders?
if _.keys(
@$el.find('#canvas-overlay').css('display', 'none')
onFilterExtantThangs: (e) ->
button = $('button')
val = button.val()
@thangsTreema.$el.removeClass(@lastHideClass) if @lastHideClass
@thangsTreema.$el.addClass(@lastHideClass = "hide-except-#{val}") if val
preventBodyScrollingInThangList: (e) ->
@scrollTop += (if e.deltaY < 0 then 1 else -1) * 30
buildInterface: (e) ->
@level = e.level if e
data = $.extend(true, [], @level.attributes.thangs ? [])
thangsObject = @groupThangs(data)
schema = {
type: 'object'
format: 'thangs-folder'
additionalProperties: {
anyOf: [
type: 'object'
format: 'thang'
required: ['thangType', 'id']
{ $ref: '#' }
treemaOptions =
schema: schema
data: thangsObject
skipValidation: true
supermodel: @supermodel
change: @onThangsChanged
select: @onTreemaThangSelected
dblclick: @onTreemaThangDoubleClicked
readOnly: true
thang: ThangNode
'thangs-folder': ThangsFolderNode
world: @world
@thangsTreema = @$el.find('#thangs-treema').treema treemaOptions
@onThangsChanged() # Initialize the World with Thangs
thangsHeaderHeight = $('#thangs-header').height()
oldHeight = $('#thangs-list').height()
$('#thangs-list').height(oldHeight - thangsHeaderHeight)
if data?.length
openSmallerFolders: (folderTreema) ->
children = _.values folderTreema.childrenTreemas
for child in children
continue if
if _.keys( < 5
initSurface: ->
webGLCanvas = $('canvas#webgl-surface', @$el)
normalCanvas = $('canvas#normal-surface', @$el)
@surface = new Surface(@world, normalCanvas, webGLCanvas, {
paths: false
coords: true
grid: true
navigateToSelection: false
thangTypes: @supermodel.getModels(ThangType)
showInvisible: true
frameRate: 15
levelType: @level.get 'type', true
handleEvents: false
@surface.playing = false
@surface.setWorld @world
@surface.lankBoss.suppressSelectionSounds = true
centerCamera: ->
[width, height] = @world.size()
width = Math.max width, 80
height = Math.max height, 68
{left, top, right, bottom} = @world.getBounds()
center = x: left + width / 2, y: bottom + height / 2
sup = center
zoom = 0.94 * 92.4 / width # Zoom 1.0 lets us see 92.4 meters., zoom, 0)
destroy: ->
@selectAddThangType null
$(window).off 'resize', @onWindowResize
$(document).unbind 'contextmenu', @preventDefaultContextMenu
onViewSwitched: (e) ->
@selectAddThang null, true
@surface?.lankBoss?.selectLank null, null
onStageMouseDown: (e) ->
@dragged = false
@willRepositionCamera = true
@gameUIState.set('canDragCamera', true)
if @addThangLank?.thangType.get('kind') is 'Wall'
@paintingWalls = true
@gameUIState.set('canDragCamera', false)
else if @addThangLank
# We clicked on the background when we had an add Thang selected, so add it
@addThang @addThangType, @addThangLank.thang.pos
@willRepositionCamera = false
else if e.onBackground
@gameUIState.set('selected', null)
onStageMouseMove: (e) ->
@willRepositionCamera = false
onStageMouseUp: (e) ->
if @willRepositionCamera
worldPos = {x: e.originalEvent.rawX, y: e.originalEvent.rawY},, 1000)
@paintingWalls = false
onSpriteMouseDown: (e) ->
# update selection
# TODO: Handle key.shift, lankBoss.dragged property
selected = null
if e.thang?.isSelectable
selected = { thang: e.thang, sprite: e.sprite, spellName: e.spellName }
if selected and (key.alt or key.meta)
# Clone selected thang instead of selecting it
@willRepositionCamera = false
@selectAddThangType selected.thang.spriteName, selected.thang
selected = null
@gameUIState.set('selected', selected)
if selected
@willRepositionCamera = false
@gameUIState.set('canDragCamera', false)
onSpriteDragged: (e) ->
selected = @gameUIState.get('selected')
return unless selected and e.thang?.id is
@dragged = true
@willRepositionCamera = false
{stageX, stageY} = e.originalEvent
cap = x: stageX, y: stageY
wop = cap
wop.z = selected.thang.depth / 2
@adjustThangPos selected.sprite, selected.thang, wop
[w, h] = [,]
sidebarWidths = ((if @$el.find(id).hasClass('hide') then 0 else (@$el.find(id).outerWidth() / for id in ['#all-thangs', '#add-thangs-view'])
w -= sidebarWidth for sidebarWidth in sidebarWidths
cap.x -= sidebarWidths[0]
@calculateMovement(cap.x / w, cap.y / h, w / h)
onSpriteMouseUp: (e) ->
selected = @gameUIState.get('selected')
if e.originalEvent.nativeEvent.button == 2 and selected
@onSpriteContextMenu e
clearInterval(@movementInterval) if @movementInterval?
@movementInterval = null
return unless selected and e.thang?.id is
pos = selected.thang.pos
thang = _.find(@level.get('thangs') ? [], {id:})
path = "#{@pathForThang(thang)}/components/original=#{LevelComponent.PhysicalID}"
physical = @thangsTreema.get path
return if not physical or (physical.config.pos.x is pos.x and physical.config.pos.y is pos.y)
@thangsTreema.set path + '/config/pos', x: pos.x, y: pos.y, z: pos.z
onSpriteDoubleClicked: (e) ->
return unless e.thang
@editThang thangID:
onRandomTerrainGenerated: (e) ->
@thangsBatch = []
@hush = true
nonRandomThangs = (thang for thang in @flattenThangs( when not /Random/.test
@thangsTreema.set '', @groupThangs(nonRandomThangs)
listening = {}
for thang in e.thangs
# kind of a hack to get the walls to show up correctly when they load.
# might also fix other thangs who need to show up looking a certain way based on thang type components
unless @addThangType.isFullyLoaded() or listening[@addThangType.cid]
listening[@addThangType.cid] = true
@listenToOnce @addThangType, 'build-complete', @onThangsChanged
@addThang @addThangType, thang.pos, true
@hush = false
@selectAddThangType null
onChangeSelected: (gameUIState, selected) ->
previousSprite = gameUIState.previousAttributes()?.selected?.sprite
sprite = selected?.sprite
thang = selected?.thang
previousSprite?.setNameLabel?(null) unless previousSprite is sprite
if thang and not (@addThangLank and @addThangType.get('name') in overlappableThangTypeNames)
# We clicked on a Thang (or its Treema), so select the Thang
@selectAddThang(null, true)
@selectedExtantThangClickTime = new Date()
# Show the label above selected thang, notice that we may get here from thang-edit-view, so it will be selected but no label
sprite.setNameLabel(sprite.thangType.get('name') + ': ' +
justAdded: -> @lastAddTime and (new Date() - @lastAddTime) < 150
selectAddThang: (e, forceDeselect=false) =>
return if e? and $('#thang-search').length # Ignore if you're trying to search thangs
return unless (e? and $('#thangs-tab-view').length) or key.isPressed('esc') or forceDeselect
if e then target = $( else target = @$el.find('.add-thangs-palette') # pretend to click on background if no event
return true if target.attr('id') is 'webgl-surface'
target = target.closest('.add-thang-palette-icon')
wasSelected = target.hasClass 'selected'
@$el.find('.add-thangs-palette .add-thang-palette-icon.selected').removeClass('selected')
@selectAddThangType(if wasSelected then null else target.attr 'data-thang-type') unless key.alt or key.meta
@addThangLank?.playSound? 'selected'
target.addClass('selected') if @addThangType
moveAddThangSelection: (direction) ->
return unless @addThangType
icons = $('.add-thangs-palette .add-thang-palette-icon')
selectedIcon = icons.filter('.selected')
selectedIndex = icons.index selectedIcon
nextSelectedIndex = (selectedIndex + direction + icons.length) % icons.length
@selectAddThang {target: icons[nextSelectedIndex]}
selectAddThangType: (type, @cloneSourceThang) ->
if _.isString type
type = _.find @supermodel.getModels(ThangType), (m) -> m.get('name') is type
pos = @addThangLank?.thang.pos # Maintain old sprite's pos if we have it
@surface.lankBoss.removeLank @addThangLank if @addThangLank
@addThangType = type
if @addThangType
@surface.lankBoss.reallyStopMoving = true
thang = @createAddThang()
@addThangLank = @surface.lankBoss.addThangToLanks thang, @surface.lankBoss.layerAdapters['Floating']
@addThangLank.notOfThisWorld = true
@addThangLank.sprite.alpha = 0.75
pos ?= x: Math.round(@world.width / 2), y: Math.round(@world.height / 2)
@adjustThangPos @addThangLank, thang, pos
@addThangLank = null
@surface?.lankBoss.reallyStopMoving = false
createEssentialComponents: (defaultComponents) ->
physicalConfig = {pos: {x: 10, y: 10, z: 1}}
if physicalOriginal = _.find(defaultComponents ? [], original: LevelComponent.PhysicalID)
physicalConfig.pos.z = physicalOriginal.config?.pos?.z ? 1 # Get the z right
{original: LevelComponent.ExistsID, majorVersion: 0, config: {}}
{original: LevelComponent.PhysicalID, majorVersion: 0, config: physicalConfig}
createAddThang: ->
allComponents = (lc.attributes for lc in @supermodel.getModels LevelComponent)
rawComponents = @addThangType.get('components') ? []
rawComponents = @createEssentialComponents() unless rawComponents.length
mockThang = {components: rawComponents}
@level.sortThangComponents [mockThang], allComponents
components = []
for raw in mockThang.components
comp = _.find allComponents, {original: raw.original}
continue if in ['Selectable', 'Attackable'] # Don't draw health bars or intercept clicks
componentClass = @world.loadClassFromCode comp.js,, 'component'
components.push [componentClass, raw.config]
thang = new Thang @world, @addThangType.get('name'), 'Add Thang Phantom'
thang.addComponents components...
adjustThangPos: (sprite, thang, pos) ->
if key.shift
# Meter resolution when holding shift, not caring about thang size.
pos.x = Math.round pos.x
pos.y = Math.round pos.y
snap = sprite?.data?.snap or sprite?.thangType?.get('snap') or x: 0.01, y: 0.01 # Centimeter resolution by default
pos.x = Math.round((pos.x - (thang.width ? 1) / 2) / snap.x) * snap.x + (thang.width ? 1) / 2
pos.y = Math.round((pos.y - (thang.height ? 1) / 2) / snap.y) * snap.y + (thang.height ? 1) / 2
pos.z = thang.depth / 2
thang.pos = pos
thang.stateChanged = true
@surface.lankBoss.update true # Make sure Obstacle layer resets cache
onSurfaceMouseMoved: (e) ->
@dragged = true
return unless @addThangLank
wop = x: e.x, y: e.y
wop.z = 0.5
@adjustThangPos @addThangLank, @addThangLank.thang, wop
if @paintingWalls
unless _.find @surface.lankBoss.lankArray, ((lank) =>
lank.thangType.get('kind') is 'Wall' and
Math.abs(lank.thang.pos.x - @addThangLank.thang.pos.x) < 2 and
Math.abs(lank.thang.pos.y - @addThangLank.thang.pos.y) < 2 and
lank isnt @addThangLank
@addThang @addThangType, @addThangLank.thang.pos
@lastAddTime = new Date()
@paintedWalls = true
onSurfaceMouseOver: (e) ->
return unless @addThangLank
@addThangLank.sprite.visible = true
onSurfaceMouseOut: (e) ->
return unless @addThangLank
@addThangLank.sprite.visible = false
calculateMovement: (pctX, pctY, widthHeightRatio) ->
clearInterval(@movementInterval) if @movementInterval?
@movementInterval = null
return @moveLatitude = @moveLongitude = @speed = 0
# calculating speed to be 0.0 to 1.0 within the movement buffer on the outer edge
diff = (MOVE_MARGIN * 2) # comments are assuming MOVE_MARGIN is 0.1
@speed = Math.max(Math.abs(pctX-0.5), Math.abs(pctY-0.5)) * 2 # pct is now 0.8 - 1.0
@speed -= 1.0 - diff # 0.0 - 0.2
@speed *= (1.0 / diff) # 0.0 - 1.0
@speed *= MOVE_SPEED
@moveLatitude = pctX * 2 - 1
@moveLongitude = pctY * 2 - 1
@moveLongitude /= widthHeightRatio if widthHeightRatio > 1.0
@moveLatitude *= widthHeightRatio if widthHeightRatio < 1.0
@movementInterval = setInterval(@moveSide, 16) unless @movementInterval?
moveSide: =>
return unless @speed
c =
p = {x: + @moveLatitude * @speed / c.zoom, y: + @moveLongitude * @speed / c.zoom}
c.zoomTo(p, c.zoom, 0)
deleteSelectedExtantThang: (e) =>
return if $( 'treema-node'
selected = @gameUIState.get('selected')
return unless selected
thang = @getThangByID(
Thang.resetThangIDs() # TODO: find some way to do this when we delete from treema, too
deleteEmptyTreema: (thang)->
thangType = @supermodel.getModelByOriginal ThangType, thang.thangType
children = @thangsTreema.childrenTreemas
thangKind = children[thangType.get('kind', true)].data
thangName = thangKind[thangType.get('name', true)]
if Object.keys(thangName).length == 0
folderPath = [thangType.get('kind', true), thangType.get('name', true)].join('/')
if Object.keys(thangKind).length == 0
folderPath = [thangType.get('kind', true)].join('/')
groupThangs: (thangs) ->
# array of thangs -> foldered thangs
grouped = {}
for thang, index in thangs
path = @folderForThang(thang)
obj = grouped
for key in path
obj[key] ?= {}
obj = obj[key]
obj[] = thang
thang.index = index
folderForThang: (thang) ->
thangType = @supermodel.getModelByOriginal ThangType, thang.thangType
console.error 'uhh, we had kind', thangType.get('kind', true), 'for', thangType unless thangType.get('kind', true)
[thangType.get('kind', true), thangType.get('name', true)]
pathForThang: (thang) ->
folder = @folderForThang(thang)
flattenThangs: (thangs) ->
# foldered thangs -> array of thangs
flattened = []
for key, value of thangs
if and value.thangType
flattened.push value
flattened = flattened.concat @flattenThangs(value)
populateFoldersForThang: (thang) ->
thangFolder = @folderForThang(thang)
prefix = ''
for segment in thangFolder
if prefix then prefix += '/'
prefix += segment
if not @thangsTreema.get(prefix) then @thangsTreema.set(prefix, {})
onThangsChanged: (skipSerialization) =>
return if @hush
# keep the thangs in the same order as before, roughly
thangs = @flattenThangs(
thangs = $.extend true, [], thangs
thangs = _.sortBy thangs, 'index'
delete thang.index for thang in thangs
@level.set 'thangs', thangs
return if @editThangView
return if skipSerialization
serializedLevel = @level.serialize @supermodel, null, null, true
@world.loadFromLevel serializedLevel, false
catch error
console.error 'Catastrophic error loading the level:', error
thang.isSelectable = not thang.isLand for thang in @world.thangs # let us select walls and such
@surface?.setWorld @world
@surface?.lankBoss.cachedObstacles = false
@selectAddThangType @addThangType, @cloneSourceThang if @addThangType # make another addThang sprite, since the World just refreshed
# update selection, since the thangs have been remade
selected = @gameUIState.get('selected')
if selected
sprite = @surface.lankBoss.lanks[]
if sprite
thang = sprite.thang
@gameUIState.set('selected', _.extend({}, selected, { sprite, thang }))
@gameUIState.set('selected', null)
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'editor:thangs-edited', thangs: @world.thangs
onTreemaThangSelected: (e, selectedTreemas) =>
selectedThangID = _.last(selectedTreemas)?
if selectedThangID isnt @gameUIState.get('selected')?
@surface.lankBoss.selectThang selectedThangID, null, true
onTreemaThangDoubleClicked: (e, treema) =>
id = treema?.data?.id
@editThang thangID: id if id
getThangByID: (id) -> _.find(@level.get('thangs') ? [], {id: id})
addThang: (thangType, pos, batchInsert=false) ->
if batchInsert
if thangType.get('name') is 'Hero Placeholder'
thangID = 'Hero Placeholder'
return if not (@level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop', 'course', 'course-ladder', 'game-dev']) or @getThangByID(thangID)
thangID = "Random #{thangType.get('name')} #{@thangsBatch.length}"
thangID = Thang.nextID(thangType.get('name'), @world) until thangID and not @getThangByID(thangID)
if @cloneSourceThang
components = _.cloneDeep @getThangByID(
else if @level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop', 'course', 'course-ladder', 'game-dev']
components = [] # Load them all from default ThangType Components
components = _.cloneDeep thangType.get('components') ? []
components = @createEssentialComponents(thangType.get('components')) unless components.length
physical = _.find components, (c) -> c.config?.pos?
physical.config.pos = x: pos.x, y: pos.y, z: physical.config.pos.z if physical
thang = thangType: thangType.get('original'), id: thangID, components: components
if batchInsert
@thangsBatch.push thang
@thangsTreema.set(@pathForThang(thang), thang)
editThang: (e) ->
if # click event
thangData = $( 'thang-data'
else # Mediator event
thangData = @getThangByID(e.thangID)
return unless thangData
@editThangView = new LevelThangEditView thangData: thangData, level: @level, world: @world, supermodel: @supermodel, oldPath: @pathForThang(thangData) # supermodel needed for checkForMissingSystems
@insertSubView @editThangView
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'editor:view-switched', {}
onLevelThangDoneEditing: (e) ->
@removeSubView @editThangView
@editThangView = null
@updateEditedThang e.thangData, e.oldPath
onLevelThangEdited: (e) ->
@updateEditedThang e.thangData, e.oldPath
updateEditedThang: (newThang, oldPath) ->
@hush = true
@thangsTreema.delete oldPath
@thangsTreema.set(@pathForThang(newThang), newThang)
@hush = false
preventDefaultContextMenu: (e) ->
return unless $('#canvas-wrapper').length
onSpriteContextMenu: (e) ->
{clientX, clientY} = e.originalEvent.nativeEvent
if @addThangType
$('#duplicate a').html $.i18n.t 'editor.stop_duplicate'
$('#duplicate a').html $.i18n.t 'editor.duplicate'
$('#contextmenu').css { position: 'fixed', left: clientX, top: clientY }
#- Context menu callbacks
onDeleteClicked: (e) ->
@deleteSelectedExtantThang e
onDuplicateClicked: (e) ->
selected = @gameUIState.get('selected')
@selectAddThangType(selected.thang.spriteName, selected.thang)
onClickRotationButton: (e) ->
rotation = parseFloat($('button').data('rotation'))
@rotateSelectedThangTo rotation * Math.PI
modifySelectedThangComponentConfig: (thang, componentOriginal, modificationFunction) ->
return unless thang
@hush = true
thangData = @getThangByID
thangData = $.extend true, {}, thangData
component = _.find thangData.components, {original: componentOriginal}
unless component
component = original: componentOriginal, config: {}, majorVersion: 0
thangData.components.push component
modificationFunction component
@thangsTreema.set @pathForThang(thangData), thangData
@hush = false
@onThangsChanged true
thang.stateChanged = true
lank = @surface.lankBoss.lanks[]
lank.update true
delete lank.marks.debug
lank.setDebug true
rotateSelectedThangTo: (radians) ->
selectedThang = @gameUIState.get('selected')?.thang
@modifySelectedThangComponentConfig selectedThang, LevelComponent.PhysicalID, (component) =>
component.config.rotation = radians
selectedThang.rotation = component.config.rotation
rotateSelectedThangBy: (radians) ->
selectedThang = @gameUIState.get('selected')?.thang
@modifySelectedThangComponentConfig selectedThang, LevelComponent.PhysicalID, (component) =>
component.config.rotation = ((component.config.rotation ? 0) + radians) % (2 * Math.PI)
selectedThang.rotation = component.config.rotation
moveSelectedThangBy: (xDir, yDir) ->
selectedThang = @gameUIState.get('selected')?.thang
@modifySelectedThangComponentConfig selectedThang, LevelComponent.PhysicalID, (component) =>
component.config.pos.x += 0.5 * xDir
component.config.pos.y += 0.5 * yDir
selectedThang.pos.x = component.config.pos.x
selectedThang.pos.y = component.config.pos.y
resizeSelectedThangBy: (xDir, yDir) ->
selectedThang = @gameUIState.get('selected')?.thang
@modifySelectedThangComponentConfig selectedThang, LevelComponent.PhysicalID, (component) =>
component.config.width = (component.config.width ? 4) + 0.5 * xDir
component.config.height = (component.config.height ? 4) + 0.5 * yDir
selectedThang.width = component.config.width
selectedThang.height = component.config.height
toggleSelectedThangCollision: ->
selectedThang = @gameUIState.get('selected')?.thang
@modifySelectedThangComponentConfig selectedThang, LevelComponent.CollidesID, (component) =>
component.config ?= {}
component.config.collisionCategory = if component.config.collisionCategory is 'none' then 'ground' else 'none'
selectedThang.collisionCategory = component.config.collisionCategory
toggleThangsContainer: (e) ->
toggleThangsPalette: (e) ->
class ThangsFolderNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.object
valueClass: 'treema-thangs-folder'
nodeDescription: 'Thang'
@nameToThangTypeMap: null
getTrackedActionDescription: (trackedAction) ->
trackedActionDescription = super(trackedAction)
if trackedActionDescription is 'Edit ' + @nodeDescription
path = trackedAction.path.split '/'
if path[path.length-1] is 'pos'
trackedActionDescription = 'Move Thang'
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
el = $("<span><strong>#{@keyForParent}</strong> <span class='text-muted'>(#{@countThangs(data)})</span></span>")
# Kind of like having the portraits on the individual thang rows, rather than the parent folder row
# but keeping this logic here in case we want to have it the other way.
# if thangType = @nameToThangType(@keyForParent)
# el.prepend($("<img class='img-circle' src='#{thangType.getPortraitURL()}' />"))
countThangs: (data) ->
return 0 if data.thangType and
num = 0
for key, value of data
if value.thangType and
num += 1
num += @countThangs(value)
nameToThangType: (name) ->
if not ThangsFolderNode.nameToThangTypeMap
thangTypes = @settings.supermodel.getModels(ThangType)
map = {}
map[thangType.get('name')] = thangType for thangType in thangTypes
ThangsFolderNode.nameToThangTypeMap = map
class ThangNode extends TreemaObjectNode
valueClass: 'treema-thang'
collection: false
@thangNameMap: {}
@thangKindMap: {}
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
pos = _.find(data.components, (c) -> c.config?.pos?)?.config.pos # TODO: hack
s =
if pos
s += " (#{Math.round(pos.x)}, #{Math.round(pos.y)})"
s += ' (non-physical)'
@buildValueForDisplaySimply valEl, s
thangType = @settings.supermodel.getModelByOriginal(ThangType, data.thangType)
if thangType
valEl.prepend($("<img class='img-circle' src='#{thangType.getPortraitURL()}' />"))
onEnterPressed: ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'editor:edit-level-thang', thangID: @getData().id