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SaveVersionModal = require 'views/modal/save_version_modal'
template = require 'templates/editor/level/save'
forms = require 'lib/forms'
LevelComponent = require 'models/LevelComponent'
LevelSystem = require 'models/LevelSystem'
module.exports = class LevelSaveView extends SaveVersionModal
template: template
instant: false
modalWidthPercent: 60
'click #save-version-button': 'commitLevel'
'submit form': 'commitLevel'
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@level = options.level
getRenderData: (context={}) ->
context = super(context)
context.level = @level
context.levelNeedsSave = @level.hasLocalChanges()
context.modifiedComponents = _.filter @supermodel.getModels(LevelComponent), @shouldSaveEntity
context.modifiedSystems = _.filter @supermodel.getModels(LevelSystem), @shouldSaveEntity
context.noSaveButton = not (context.levelNeedsSave or context.modifiedComponents.length or context.modifiedSystems.length)
shouldSaveEntity: (m) ->
return true if m.hasLocalChanges()
return true if (m.get('version').major is 0 and m.get('version').minor is 0) or not m.isPublished() and not m.collection
# Sometimes we have two versions: one in a search collection and one with a URL. We only save changes to the latter.
commitLevel: ->
modelsToSave = []
for form in @$el.find('form')
# Level form is first, then LevelComponents' forms, then LevelSystems' forms
fields = {}
for field in $(form).serializeArray()
fields[field.name] = if field.value is "on" then true else field.value
isLevelForm = $(form).attr('id') is 'save-level-form'
if isLevelForm
model = @level
[kind, klass] = if $(form).hasClass 'component-form' then ['component', LevelComponent] else ['system', LevelSystem]
model = @supermodel.getModelByOriginalAndMajorVersion klass, fields["#{kind}-original"], parseInt(fields["#{kind}-parent-major-version"], 10)
console.log "Couldn't find model for", kind, fields, "from", @supermodel.models unless model
newModel = if fields.major then model.cloneNewMajorVersion() else model.cloneNewMinorVersion()
newModel.set 'commitMessage', fields['commit-message']
modelsToSave.push newModel
if isLevelForm
@level = newModel
if fields['publish'] and not @level.isPublished()
else if @level.isPublished() and not newModel.isPublished()
newModel.publish() # Publish any LevelComponents that weren't published yet
res = newModel.save()
do (newModel, form) =>
res.error =>
console.log "Got errors:", JSON.parse(res.responseText)
forms.applyErrorsToForm($(form), JSON.parse(res.responseText))
res.success =>
modelsToSave = _.without modelsToSave, newModel
unless modelsToSave.length
url = "/editor/level/#{@level.get('slug') or @level.id}"
document.location.href = url
@hide() # This will destroy everything, so do it last