mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 22:14:29 -05:00
918 lines
54 KiB
918 lines
54 KiB
module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "German (Switzerland)", translation:
loading: "Lade..."
saving: "Speichere..."
sending: "Sende..."
send: "G'sendet"
cancel: "Abbreche"
save: "Speichere"
publish: "Veröffentliche"
create: "Erstelle"
delay_1_sec: "1 sekunde"
delay_3_sec: "3 sekunde"
delay_5_sec: "5 sekunde"
manual: "Aleitig"
# fork: "Fork"
play: "Spiele"
retry: "nomol versuche"
# watch: "Watch"
# unwatch: "Unwatch"
submit_patch: "Patch ireiche"
second: "Sekunde"
seconds: "Sekunde"
minute: "Minute"
minutes: "Minute"
hour: "Stund"
hours: "Stunde"
day: "Tag"
days: "Täg"
week: "Wuche"
weeks: "Wuche"
month: "Monet"
months: "Mönet"
year: "Johr"
years: "Johr"
close: "Beende"
okay: "Okay"
page_not_found: "Siite nid gfunde"
play: "Levels"
community: "Community"
editor: "Editor"
blog: "Blog"
forum: "Forum"
account: "Account"
admin: "Admin"
home: "Home"
contribute: "Mitmache"
legal: "Rechtlichs"
about: "Über"
contact: "Kontakt"
twitter_follow: "Folge"
employers: "Mitarbeiter"
save_version_title: "Neui Version speichere"
new_major_version: "Neui Hauptversion"
# cla_prefix: "To save changes, first you must agree to our"
# cla_url: "CLA"
# cla_suffix: "."
# cla_agree: "I AGREE"
sign_up: "Account erstelle"
log_in: "Ilogge"
logging_in: "Am Ilogge"
log_out: "Uslogge"
recover: "Account wiederherstelle"
recover_account_title: "Account wiederherstelle"
send_password: "Recovery Password sende"
create_account_title: "Erstell en Account zum din Fortschritt speichere"
description: "Es isch gratis. Nur no es paar Sache und denn chas los goh:"
email_announcements: "Akündigunge per Mail erhalte"
coppa: "13+ or Nicht-Amerikaner "
coppa_why: "(Warum?)"
creating: "Account wird erstellt..."
sign_up: "Registriere"
log_in: "Mit Passwort ilogge"
social_signup: "Du chasch dich au mit Facebook oder G+ registriere:"
required: "Du muesch dich zersch ilogge befor du det dure chasch"
slogan: "Lern, wiemer JavaScript programmiert indem du es Spiel spielsch!"
no_ie: "CodeCombat funktioniert uf InternetExplorer 9 und älter nid. Sorry!"
no_mobile: "CodeCombat isch nid für mobili Grät entwicklet worde und funktioniert vilicht nid!"
play: "Spiele"
old_browser: "Uh oh, din Browser isch z alt zum CodeCombat spiele. Sorry!"
old_browser_suffix: "Du chasches gliich probiere, aber es funktioniert worschinli nid."
campaign: "Kampagne"
for_beginners: "Für Afänger"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
for_developers: "Für Entwickler"
javascript_blurb: "D Internetsproch. Super zum Websiite, Web Apps, HTML5 Games und Server schriibe."
python_blurb: "Eifach und doch mächtig. Python isch grossartigi, allgemein isetzbari Programmiersproch."
coffeescript_blurb: "Nettere JavaScript Syntax."
# clojure_blurb: "A modern Lisp."
lua_blurb: "D Sproch für Game Scripts."
io_blurb: "Eifach aber undurchsichtig."
choose_your_level: "Wähl dis Level us"
adventurer_prefix: "Du chasch zu de untere Level zrugg goh oder die kommende Level diskutiere im "
adventurer_forum: "Abentürer-Forum"
adventurer_suffix: "."
campaign_beginner: "Afängerkampagne"
campaign_beginner_description: "... i dere du d Zauberkunst vom Programmiere lernsch."
campaign_dev: "Zuefälligi schwierigeri Level"
campaign_dev_description: "... i dene du s Interface kenne lernsch, während du öppis chli Schwierigers machsch."
campaign_multiplayer: "Multiplayer Arenas"
campaign_multiplayer_description: "... i dene du Chopf a Chopf geg anderi Spieler spielsch."
campaign_player_created: "Vo Spieler erstellti Level"
campaign_player_created_description: "... i dene du gege d Kreativität vome <a href=\"/contribute#artisan\">Handwerker Zauberer</a> kämpfsch."
level_difficulty: "Schwierigkeit: "
play_as: "Spiel als"
spectate: "Zueluege"
contact_us: "CodeCombat kontaktiere"
welcome: "Mir ghöred gern vo dir! Benutz das Formular zum üs e E-Mail schicke."
contribute_prefix: "Wenn du dra interessiert bisch, mitzhelfe denn lueg doch mol verbii uf üsere "
contribute_page: "Contribute Page"
contribute_suffix: "!"
forum_prefix: "Für öffentlichi Sache versuechs mol stattdesse i "
forum_page: "üsem Forum"
forum_suffix: "."
send: "Feedback schicke"
contact_candidate: "Kandidat kontaktiere"
recruitment_reminder: "Benutz das Formular zum mit Kandidate Kontakt ufneh, i die du interessiert bisch. Bhalt in Erinnerig, dass CodeCombat 15% vom erstjöhrige Lohn verrechnet. De Betrag wird fällig, sobald de Programmierer agstellt wird und chan 90 Täg lang zruggverrechnet werde wenn de Agstellti nid agstellt bliibt. Teilziitarbeit, Fernarbeit und temporäri Agstellti sind chostelos, s gliiche gilt für Interni Mitarbeiter."
title: "Hilf, CodeCombat z übersetze!"
sub_heading: "Mir bruuched dini Sprochfähigkeite."
pitch_body: "Mir entwickled CodeCombat in Englisch, aber mir hend scho Spieler uf de ganze Welt. Vieli devo würed gern uf Schwiizerdütsch spiele, aber chönd kei Englisch. Wenn du beides chasch, denk doch mol drüber noh, dich bi üs als Diplomat izträge und z helfe, d CodeCombat Websiite und alli Level uf Schwiizerdütsch z übersetze."
missing_translations: "Bis mir alles chönd uf Schwiizerdütsch übersetze wirsch du döt generisches Dütsch oder Englisch gseh, wo Schwiizerdütsch nid verfüegbar isch."
learn_more: "Lern meh drüber, en Diplomat zsii"
subscribe_as_diplomat: "Abonnier als en Diplomat"
title: "Zaubereristellige"
customize_avatar: "Pass din Avatar ah"
active: "Aktiv"
color: "Farb"
group: "Gruppe"
clothes: "Chleider"
trim: "Deko"
cloud: "Wolke"
team: "Team"
spell: "Zauberspruch"
boots: "Stiefel"
hue: "Färbig"
saturation: "Sättigung"
lightness: "Helligkeit"
title: "Account Istellige"
not_logged_in: "Log dich ih oder erstelle en Account zum dini Istellige ändere."
autosave: "Änderige werded automatisch gspeicheret"
me_tab: "Ich"
picture_tab: "Bild"
upload_picture: "Es Bild ufelade"
wizard_tab: "Zauberer"
password_tab: "Passwort"
emails_tab: "E-Mails"
admin: "Admin"
wizard_color: "Zaubererchleid Farb"
new_password: "Neus Passwort"
new_password_verify: "Bestätige"
email_subscriptions: "E-Mail Abos"
email_announcements: "Akündigunge"
email_announcements_description: "Bechum Mails mit Neuigkeite und de neuste Entwicklige bi CodeCombat."
email_notifications: "Benachrichtigunge"
email_notifications_summary: "Istellige für personalisierti, automatischi E-Mail Notifikatione im Zemehang mit dine CodeCombat Aktivitäte"
email_any_notes: "Alli Notifikatione"
email_any_notes_description: "Deaktiviere zum kei Aktivitäts-Notifikatione meh per E-Mail becho."
# email_recruit_notes: "Job Opportunities"
# email_recruit_notes_description: "If you play really well, we may contact you about getting you a (better) job."
# contributor_emails: "Contributor Class Emails"
# contribute_prefix: "We're looking for people to join our party! Check out the "
# contribute_page: "contribute page"
# contribute_suffix: " to find out more."
# email_toggle: "Toggle All"
# error_saving: "Error Saving"
# saved: "Changes Saved"
# password_mismatch: "Password does not match."
# password_repeat: "Please repeat your password."
# job_profile: "Job Profile"
# job_profile_approved: "Your job profile has been approved by CodeCombat. Employers will be able to see it until you either mark it inactive or it has not been changed for four weeks."
# job_profile_explanation: "Hi! Fill this out, and we will get in touch about finding you a software developer job."
# sample_profile: "See a sample profile"
# view_profile: "View Your Profile"
settings: "Istellige"
edit_profile: "Profil bearbeite"
done_editing: "Fertig mit bearbeite"
profile_for_prefix: "Profil für "
# profile_for_suffix: ""
# featured: "Featured"
# not_featured: "Not Featured"
# looking_for: "Looking for:"
last_updated: "S letzte Update:"
contact: "Kontakt"
# active: "Looking for interview offers now"
# inactive: "Not looking for offers right now"
complete: "komplett"
next: "Nögst"
next_city: "Stadt?"
next_country: "wähl dis Land."
next_name: "Name?"
next_short_description: "schriibe e churzi Beschriibig."
next_long_description: "beschriib dini Wunschstell."
next_skills: "liste mindestens füf Fähigkeite uf."
next_work: "liste din bruefliche Werdegang uf."
# next_education: "recount your educational ordeals."
next_projects: "Zeig üs bis zu drü Projekt a dene du scho gschaffet hesch."
next_links: "füeg persönlichi oder Social Media Links ih."
next_photo: "füeg optional es professionells Foti hinzue."
next_active: "markier dich selber als offe für Agebot zum i Suechafroge uftauche."
example_blog: "Blog"
example_personal_site: "Eigeni Websiite"
links_header: "Eigeni Links"
links_blurb: "Verlinke anderi Sitene oder Profil wo du willsch hervorhebe, wie zum Bispiel dis GitHub, dis LinkedIn Profil oder din Blog."
links_name: "Link Name"
links_name_help: "Woane verlinksch?"
links_link_blurb: "Link URL"
basics_header: "Eifachi infos update"
basics_active: "Offe für Agebot"
basics_active_help: "Wötsch ez gad Interview Agebot?"
basics_job_title: "Erwünschte Job Titel"
basics_job_title_help: "Noch welem Job suechsch?"
basics_city: "Stadt"
basics_city_help: "D Stadt wo du willsch schaffe (oder im Moment wohnsch)."
basics_country: "Land"
basics_country_help: "Country you want to work in (or live in now)."
basics_visa: "US Work Status"
basics_visa_help: "Hesch du d Berechtigung zum i de USA schaffe oder bruchsch du e Visa Sponsorship? (Wenn du in Kanada oder Australie wohnsch, markier als berechtigt.)"
basics_looking_for: "Ich sueche nach"
basics_looking_for_full_time: "Vollziit"
basics_looking_for_part_time: "Teilziit"
# basics_looking_for_remote: "Remote"
# basics_looking_for_contracting: "Contracting"
basics_looking_for_internship: "Praktikum"
basics_looking_for_help: "Weli Art vo Entwicklerposition möchtisch du?"
name_header: "Füll din Name us"
name_anonymous: "Anonyme Entwickler"
name_help: "De Name wo d Entwickler söled gseh, z.B. 'Nick Winter'."
short_description_header: "Schriib e churzi Beschriibi vo dir."
short_description_blurb: "Füeg e Tagline hinzue, damit Arbeitgeber chönd schnell öppis über dich erfahre."
short_description: "Tagline"
short_description_help: "Wer bisch du und noch wa suechsch? 140 Charakter max."
skills_header: "Fähigkeite"
skills_help: "Tagge relevanti Entwicklerfähigkeite gordnet nach Kenntnis."
long_description_header: "Beschriib dini Wunschposition"
long_description_blurb: "Verzell de Arbetgeber wie fantastisch du bisch und weli Position du gern hettsch."
long_description: "Selbstbeschriibig"
long_description_help: "Beschriib dich de potentielle Arbetgeber. Halte es churz und relevant. Mir empfehled, churz d Position z umrahme, wo dich am meiste interessiert. Stilvolli Herabsetzig okay; 600 Charakter max."
work_experience: "Arbeitserfahrig"
work_header: "Liste dini Arbeitserfahrig uf"
work_years: "Johr a Arbeitserfahrig"
work_years_help: "Wieviel (bezahlti) Johre Erfahrig hesch du im Bereich Softwareentwicklig?"
work_blurb: "Liste dini relevant Arbeitserfahrig uf, s neuste als Ersts."
work_employer: "Arbeitgeber"
work_employer_help: "Name vo dim Arbeitgeber."
work_role: "Job Titel"
work_role_help: "Was hesch für en Job Titel / Position gha?"
work_duration: "Ziitduur"
work_duration_help: "Wenn hesch die Astellig gha?"
work_description: "Beschriibig"
work_description_help: "Wa hesch du det gmacht? (140 Charakter; optional)"
education: "Usbildig"
# education_header: "Recount your academic ordeals"
# education_blurb: "List your academic ordeals."
education_school: "Schuel"
education_school_help: "De Name vo dinere Schuel."
education_degree: "Abschluss"
education_degree_help: "Was isch din Abschluss und dis Studiefach gsi?"
education_duration: "Date"
education_duration_help: "Wenn?"
education_description: "Beschriibig"
education_description_help: "Öppis wo du willsch hervorhebe bezüglich dere Usbildig. (140 Charakter; optional)"
# our_notes: "CodeCombat's Notes"
remarks: "Bemerkige"
projects: "Projekt"
projects_header: "Füeg 3 Projekt hinzue"
projects_header_2: "Projekt (Top 3)"
projects_blurb: "Hebe dini Projekt hervor zum Arbeitgeber in Stuune z versetze."
project_name: "Projektname"
project_name_help: "Wie het s Projekt gheisse?"
project_description: "Beschriibig"
project_description_help: "Beschriib churz dis Projekt."
project_picture: "Bild"
project_picture_help: "Lad es Bild ufe wo 230x115px oder grösser isch zum dis Projekt präsentiere."
project_link: "Link"
project_link_help: "Link zum Projekt."
# player_code: "Player Code"
# employers:
hire_developers_not_credentials: "Stell Entwickler ah, nid Zügnis."
# get_started: "Get Started"
# already_screened: "We've already technically screened all our candidates"
# filter_further: ", but you can also filter further:"
# filter_visa: "Visa"
# filter_visa_yes: "US Authorized"
# filter_visa_no: "Not Authorized"
# filter_education_top: "Top School"
# filter_education_other: "Other"
# filter_role_web_developer: "Web Developer"
# filter_role_software_developer: "Software Developer"
# filter_role_mobile_developer: "Mobile Developer"
# filter_experience: "Experience"
# filter_experience_senior: "Senior"
# filter_experience_junior: "Junior"
# filter_experience_recent_grad: "Recent Grad"
# filter_experience_student: "College Student"
# filter_results: "results"
# start_hiring: "Start hiring."
# reasons: "Three reasons you should hire through us:"
# everyone_looking: "Everyone here is looking for their next opportunity."
# everyone_looking_blurb: "Forget about 20% LinkedIn InMail response rates. Everyone that we list on this site wants to find their next position and will respond to your request for an introduction."
# weeding: "Sit back; we've done the weeding for you."
# weeding_blurb: "Every player that we list has been screened for technical ability. We also perform phone screens for select candidates and make notes on their profiles to save you time."
# pass_screen: "They will pass your technical screen."
# pass_screen_blurb: "Review each candidate's code before reaching out. One employer found that 5x as many of our devs passed their technical screen than hiring from Hacker News."
# make_hiring_easier: "Make my hiring easier, please."
# what: "What is CodeCombat?"
# what_blurb: "CodeCombat is a multiplayer browser programming game. Players write code to control their forces in battle against other developers. Our players have experience with all major tech stacks."
# cost: "How much do we charge?"
# cost_blurb: "We charge 15% of first year's salary and offer a 100% money back guarantee for 90 days. We don't charge for candidates who are already actively being interviewed at your company."
# candidate_name: "Name"
# candidate_location: "Location"
# candidate_looking_for: "Looking For"
# candidate_role: "Role"
# candidate_top_skills: "Top Skills"
# candidate_years_experience: "Yrs Exp"
# candidate_last_updated: "Last Updated"
# candidate_who: "Who"
# featured_developers: "Featured Developers"
# other_developers: "Other Developers"
# inactive_developers: "Inactive Developers"
done: "Fertig"
grid: "Gitter"
customize_wizard: "Zauberer apasse"
home: "Home"
guide: "Aleitig"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Neu starte"
goals: "Ziel"
success: "Erfolg!"
incomplete: "Unvollständig"
timed_out: "Ziit abglaufe"
failing: "Fehler"
action_timeline: "Aktionsziitleiste"
click_to_select: "Klick uf e Einheit zum sie uswähle."
reload_title: "De ganze Code neu lade?"
reload_really: "Bisch sicher du willsch level neu lade bis zrugg zum Afang?"
reload_confirm: "Alles neu lade"
# victory_title_prefix: ""
victory_title_suffix: " Vollständig"
victory_sign_up: "Meld dich ah zum din Fortschritt speichere"
victory_sign_up_poke: "Wötsch din Code speichere? Erstell gratis en Account!"
victory_rate_the_level: "Bewerte das Level: "
victory_return_to_ladder: "Zrugg zum letzte Level"
victory_play_next_level: "Spiel s nögste Level"
# victory_go_home: "Go Home"
victory_review: "Verzell üs meh!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Bisch fertig?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Jo, ich bin fertig mit mim Hour of Code™!"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Istellige"
multiplayer_link_description: "Gib de Link jedem, wo mit dir will spiele."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hiiwis:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klick uf de Link zum alles uswähle und druck ⌘-C or Ctrl-C zum de Link kopiere"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Meh Multiplayer Features chömed no!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Handbuech"
tome_minion_spells: "Zaubersprüch vo dine Minions"
tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Zaubersprüch"
tome_other_units: "Anderi Einheite"
tome_cast_button_castable: "Zauber beschwöre"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Wird beschwore"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
tome_select_spell: "Wähl en Zauberspruch us"
tome_select_a_thang: "Wähl öpper us für"
tome_available_spells: "Verfüegbari Zaubersprüch"
hud_continue: "Wiiter (shift+space)"
spell_saved: "Zauberspruch gspeicheret"
skip_tutorial: "Überspringe (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
editor_config_title: "Editor Konfiguration"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Sproch für das Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Wähl d Programmiersproch us für das bestimmte Level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Vorigstellti Programmiersproch"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Wähl us i welere Programmiersproch du willsch code wenn du es neus Level startisch."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Voristellig (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Auto-Vervollständigung"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Schlot dir möglichi Wortvervollständigunge vor während du tippsch."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Unsichtbari Zeiche azeige"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Zeigt unsichtbari Zeiche ah wie z.B. space und tab."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Izüg azeige"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Zeigt vertikali Linie zum de Zeileizug besser gseh."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Intelligents Verhalte"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Auto-vervollständigt Chlammere und Ahfüerigszeiche."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Klick uf en Punkt uf de Charte zums in Zauberspruch-Editor ifüege."
tip_toggle_play: "Play/Pausiert mit Ctrl+P ischalte."
# tip_scrub_shortcut: "Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] rewind and fast-forward."
tip_guide_exists: "Klick ufs Handbuech im obere Teil vo de Siite zum nützlichi Infos becho."
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat isch 100% Open Source!"
tip_beta_launch: "D CodeCombat Beta isch im Oktober 2013 online gange."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript isch nur de Afang."
tip_autocast_setting: "Passe d Auto-Beschwöre Istellige ah, indem du ufs Zahrad bim Beschwöre-Chnopf drucksch."
think_solution: "Denk über d Lösig noh, nid über s Problem."
tip_theory_practice: "Theoretisch gits kein Unterschied zwüsche Theorie und Praxis. Praktisch aber scho. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Es git zwei Arte zum fehlerfreii Programm schriibe; nur di dritt funktioniert. - Alan Perils"
tip_debugging_program: "Wenn Debugging de Prozess isch, mit dem mehr Bugs entfernt, denn mues Programmiere de sii, mit dem mer sie dri tuet. - Edsger W. Dijkstra"
tip_forums: "Chum übere is Forum und verzell üs, wa du denksch!"
tip_baby_coders: "I de Zuekunft werded sogar Babies Erzmagier sii."
tip_morale_improves: "Es ladet bis d Moral besser worde isch..."
tip_all_species: "Mir glaubed a gliichi Möglichkeite zum Programmiere lerne für alli Lebewese."
tip_reticulating: "Rückgrat isch am wachse..."
tip_harry: "Yer a Wizard, "
tip_great_responsibility: "Mit grosse Coding Skills chunt grossi Debug Verantwortig."
tip_munchkin: "Wenn du dis Gmües nid issisch, chunt dich en Zwerg go hole wenn du schlofsch."
tip_binary: "Es git 10 Arte vo Mensche uf de Welt: die wo s Binärsystem verstönd und die wos nid verstönd."
tip_commitment_yoda: "En Programmierer mues tüüfsti Higob ha, en konzentrierte Geist. - Yoda"
tip_no_try: "Machs. Oder machs nid. Probiere existiert nid. - Yoda"
tip_patience: "Geduld du bruuchsch, junge Padawan. - Yoda"
tip_documented_bug: "En dokumentierte Bug isch kein Bug; es isch es Feature."
tip_impossible: "Es schiint immer unmöglich bis es gschafft isch. - Nelson Mandela"
tip_talk_is_cheap: "Rede isch billig. Zeig mir de Code. - Linus Torvalds"
tip_first_language: "S Katastrophalste wo du chasch lerne, isch dini erst Programmiersproch. - Alan Kay"
tip_hardware_problem: "Q: Wie viel Programmierer bruuchts zum e Glüehbire uswechsle? A: Keine, da isch es Hardware Problem."
time_current: "Jetzt:"
time_total: "Max:"
time_goto: "Goh zu:"
infinite_loop_try_again: "Versuechs nomol"
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Level zrugsetze"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Min Code uskommentiere"
keyboard_shortcuts: "Shortcuts uf de Tastatur"
space: "Space"
enter: "Enter"
escape: "Escape"
cast_spell: "Aktuelle Zauberspruch beschwöre."
continue_script: "Nochem aktuelle Script fortsetze."
skip_scripts: "Alli überspringbare Scripts überspringe."
toggle_playback: "Play/Pause istelle."
scrub_playback: "Reise vorwärts und zrugg i de Ziit."
single_scrub_playback: "Reise eis einzels Frame vorwärts und zrugg i de Ziit."
scrub_execution: "Gang dur d Zauberusfüehrig."
toggle_debug: "Debug Display ischalte/usschalte."
toggle_grid: "Gitter ischalte/usschalte."
toggle_pathfinding: "Wegfinder ischalte/usschalte."
beautify: "Mach din Code schöner, indem du sini Formatierig standartisiersch."
move_wizard: "Beweg din Zauberer durs Level."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
# av_entities_sub_title: "Entities"
# av_entities_users_url: "Users"
# av_entities_active_instances_url: "Active Instances"
# av_entities_employer_list_url: "Employer List"
# av_other_sub_title: "Other"
# av_other_debug_base_url: "Base (for debugging base.jade)"
# u_title: "User List"
# lg_title: "Latest Games"
# clas: "CLAs"
level_editor: "Level Editor"
main_title: "CodeCombat Community"
facebook: "Facebook"
twitter: "Twitter"
gplus: "Google+"
# editor:
# main_title: "CodeCombat Editors"
# main_description: "Build your own levels, campaigns, units and educational content. We provide all the tools you need!"
# article_title: "Article Editor"
# article_description: "Write articles that give players overviews of programming concepts which can be used across a variety of levels and campaigns."
# thang_title: "Thang Editor"
# thang_description: "Build units, defining their default logic, graphics and audio. Currently only supports importing Flash exported vector graphics."
# level_title: "Level Editor"
# level_description: "Includes the tools for scripting, uploading audio, and constructing custom logic to create all sorts of levels. Everything we use ourselves!"
# achievement_title: "Achievement Editor"
# got_questions: "Questions about using the CodeCombat editors?"
# contact_us: "Contact us!"
# hipchat_prefix: "You can also find us in our"
# hipchat_url: "HipChat room."
# back: "Back"
# revert: "Revert"
# revert_models: "Revert Models"
# pick_a_terrain: "Pick A Terrain"
# small: "Small"
# grassy: "Grassy"
# fork_title: "Fork New Version"
# fork_creating: "Creating Fork..."
# randomize: "Randomize"
# more: "More"
# wiki: "Wiki"
# live_chat: "Live Chat"
# level_some_options: "Some Options?"
# level_tab_thangs: "Thangs"
# level_tab_scripts: "Scripts"
# level_tab_settings: "Settings"
# level_tab_components: "Components"
# level_tab_systems: "Systems"
# level_tab_thangs_title: "Current Thangs"
# level_tab_thangs_all: "All"
# level_tab_thangs_conditions: "Starting Conditions"
# level_tab_thangs_add: "Add Thangs"
# delete: "Delete"
# duplicate: "Duplicate"
# level_settings_title: "Settings"
# level_component_tab_title: "Current Components"
# level_component_btn_new: "Create New Component"
# level_systems_tab_title: "Current Systems"
# level_systems_btn_new: "Create New System"
# level_systems_btn_add: "Add System"
# level_components_title: "Back to All Thangs"
# level_components_type: "Type"
# level_component_edit_title: "Edit Component"
# level_component_config_schema: "Config Schema"
# level_component_settings: "Settings"
# level_system_edit_title: "Edit System"
# create_system_title: "Create New System"
# new_component_title: "Create New Component"
# new_component_field_system: "System"
# new_article_title: "Create a New Article"
# new_thang_title: "Create a New Thang Type"
# new_level_title: "Create a New Level"
# new_article_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Article"
# new_thang_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Thang Type"
# new_level_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Level"
# new_achievement_title: "Create a New Achievement"
# new_achievement_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Achievement"
# article_search_title: "Search Articles Here"
# thang_search_title: "Search Thang Types Here"
# level_search_title: "Search Levels Here"
# achievement_search_title: "Search Achievements"
# read_only_warning2: "Note: you can't save any edits here, because you're not logged in."
# article:
# edit_btn_preview: "Preview"
# edit_article_title: "Edit Article"
# general:
# and: "and"
# name: "Name"
# body: "Body"
# version: "Version"
# commit_msg: "Commit Message"
# version_history: "Version History"
# version_history_for: "Version History for: "
# result: "Result"
# results: "Results"
# description: "Description"
# or: "or"
# subject: "Subject"
# email: "Email"
# password: "Password"
# message: "Message"
# code: "Code"
# ladder: "Ladder"
# when: "When"
# opponent: "Opponent"
# rank: "Rank"
# score: "Score"
# win: "Win"
# loss: "Loss"
# tie: "Tie"
# easy: "Easy"
# medium: "Medium"
# hard: "Hard"
# player: "Player"
who_is_codecombat: "Wer isch CodeCombat?"
why_codecombat: "Warum CodeCombat?"
who_description_prefix: "hend im 2013 zeme CodeCombat gstartet. Mir hend au "
who_description_suffix: "im 2008 kreiert und drufabe isches zur Nummer 1 Web und iOS App zum Chinesischi und Japanischi Charakter schriibe worde."
who_description_ending: "Ez isches Ziit zum de Mensche biibringe wie sie Code schriibed."
why_paragraph_1: "Womer Skritter gmacht hend, het de George nid gwüsst wiemer programmiert und isch dauernd gfrustet gsi, will er unfähig gsi isch, sini Ideä z implementiere. Spöter het er probiert zums lerne, aber d Lektione sind z langsam gsi. Sin Mitbewohner, wo het wöle sini Fähigkeite uffrische und ufhöre sie öpperem biizbringe, het Codecademy probiert, aber ihm isch \"langwiilig worde\". Jedi Wuche het en andere Fründ agfange mit Codecademy und het wieder ufghört. Mir hend realisiert, dass es s gliiche Problem isch, wo mir mit Skitter glöst gha hend: Lüüt, wo öppis mit langsame, intensive Lektione lerned, obwohl sie schnelli, umfangriichi Üebig bruuched. Mir wüssed, wie mer das behebe."
why_paragraph_2: "Du muesch Programmiere lerne? Du bruchsch kei Lektione. Wa du bruuchsch, isch ganz viel Code schriibe und viel Spass ha, während du das machsch."
why_paragraph_3_prefix: "Um da gohts bim Programmiere. Es mues Spass mache. Nid Spass wie"
why_paragraph_3_italic: "wuhu en Badge"
why_paragraph_3_center: "eher Spass wie"
why_paragraph_3_italic_caps: "NEI MAMI, ICH MUES DAS LEVEL NO FERTIG MACHE!"
why_paragraph_3_suffix: "Darum isch CodeCombat es Multiplayer Spiel, nid en gamifizierte Kurs mit Lektione. Mir stopped nid, bis du nümm chasch stoppe--aber damol isch da öppis guets."
why_paragraph_4: "Wenn du süchtig wirsch nochme Spiel, wird süchtig noch dem Spiel und wird eine vo de Zauberer vom Tech-Ziitalter."
why_ending: "Und hey, es isch gratis. "
why_ending_url: "Fang ez a zaubere!"
george_description: "CEO, Business-Typ, Web Designer, Game Designer und de Held für d Programmierafänger uf de ganze Welt."
scott_description: "Programmierer extraordinaire, Software Architekt, Chuchi-Zauberer und de Meister vo de Finanze. De Scott isch de Vernünftig unter üs."
nick_description: "Programmier-Zauberer, exzentrische Motivations-Magier und Chopfüber-Experimentierer. De Nick chönti alles mache und het sich entschiede zum CodeCombat baue."
jeremy_description: "Kundesupport-Magier, Usability Tester und Community-Organisator; du hesch worschinli scho mitem Jeremy gredet."
michael_description: "Programmierer, Systemadmin und es technisches Wunderchind ohni Studium. Michael isch die Person wo üsi Server am Laufe bhaltet."
glen_description: "Programmierer und passionierte Gameentwickler mit de Motivation, die Welt zumene bessere Ort zmache, indem mer Sache entwickled wo e Rolle spieled. S Wort unmöglich findet mer nid i sim Wortschatz. Neui Fähigkeite erlerne isch sini Freud!"
page_title: "Rechtlichs"
opensource_intro: "CodeCombat isch free to play und komplett Open Source."
opensource_description_prefix: "Lueg dir "
github_url: "üsi GitHub Siite"
opensource_description_center: "ah und hilf mit, wennd magsch! CodeCombat isch uf dutzendi Open Source Projekt ufbaut und mir liebed sie. Lueg i "
archmage_wiki_url: "üses Erzmagier-Wiki"
opensource_description_suffix: "ine zum d Liste a de Software finde, wo das Game möglich mached."
practices_title: "Respektvolli bewährti Praxis"
practices_description: "Das sind üsi Verspreche a dich, de Spieler, in bitz weniger Fachchinesisch."
privacy_title: "Dateschutz"
privacy_description: "Mir verchaufed kei vo dine persönliche Informatione. Mir hend vor zum irgendwenn durch Rekrutierig Geld z verdiene, aber bis versicheret, dass mir nid dini persönliche Date a interessierti Firmene wiiter gebed ohni dis usdrücklich Iverständnis."
security_title: "Sicherheit"
security_description: "Mir bemühed üs, dini persönliche Informatione sicher ufzbewahre. Als es Open Source Projekt isch üsi Siite offe für jede, wo gern möcht üsi Security System besichtige und verbessere."
email_title: "E-Mail"
email_description_prefix: "Mir werded dich nid mit Spam überfluete. I dine"
email_settings_url: "E-Mail Istellige"
email_description_suffix: "oder dur d Links i de E-Mails wo mir schicked, chasch du jederziit dini Preferänze ändere und dich ganz eifach us de Mailing-Liste neh."
cost_title: "Chöste"
cost_description: "Im Moment isch CodeCombat 100% gratis! Eis vo üsne Hauptziel isch, dass das so bliibt, damit so viel Lüüt wie möglich chönd spiele, egal wo sie sich im Lebe befinded. Sötted dunkli Wolke am Horizont ufzieh chas sii, dass mir müed en Teil vom Inhalt chostepflichtig mache, aber es isch üs lieber, wenn da nid passiert. Mit chli Glück werded mir fähig sii, s Unternehme ufrecht z erhalte und zwor mit:"
recruitment_title: "Rekrutierig"
recruitment_description_prefix: "Do uf CodeCombat wirsch du en mächtige Zauberer - nid nur ingame, sonder au im echte Lebe."
url_hire_programmers: "Niemer cha Programmierer schnell gnueg astelle"
recruitment_description_suffix: "das heisst, sobald du dini Fähigkeite gschärft hesch, und wenn du zuestimmsch, werded mir dini beste Programmiererfolg de tuusige vo Arbeitgeber zeige, wo nur druf warted, dich chöne azstelle. Sie zahled üs es bitz öppis, sie zahled dir"
recruitment_description_italic: "ziemli viel"
recruitment_description_ending: "d Siite bliibt gratis und alli sind glücklich. Das isch de Plan."
# copyrights_title: "Copyrights and Licenses"
# contributor_title: "Contributor License Agreement"
# contributor_description_prefix: "All contributions, both on the site and on our GitHub repository, are subject to our"
# cla_url: "CLA"
# contributor_description_suffix: "to which you should agree before contributing."
# code_title: "Code - MIT"
# code_description_prefix: "All code owned by CodeCombat or hosted on codecombat.com, both in the GitHub repository or in the codecombat.com database, is licensed under the"
# mit_license_url: "MIT license"
# code_description_suffix: "This includes all code in Systems and Components that are made available by CodeCombat for the purpose of creating levels."
# art_title: "Art/Music - Creative Commons "
# art_description_prefix: "All common content is available under the"
# cc_license_url: "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License"
# art_description_suffix: "Common content is anything made generally available by CodeCombat for the purpose of creating Levels. This includes:"
# art_music: "Music"
# art_sound: "Sound"
# art_artwork: "Artwork"
# art_sprites: "Sprites"
# art_other: "Any and all other non-code creative works that are made available when creating Levels."
# art_access: "Currently there is no universal, easy system for fetching these assets. In general, fetch them from the URLs as used by the site, contact us for assistance, or help us in extending the site to make these assets more easily accessible."
# art_paragraph_1: "For attribution, please name and link to codecombat.com near where the source is used or where appropriate for the medium. For example:"
# use_list_1: "If used in a movie or another game, include codecombat.com in the credits."
# use_list_2: "If used on a website, include a link near the usage, for example underneath an image, or in a general attributions page where you might also mention other Creative Commons works and open source software being used on the site. Something that's already clearly referencing CodeCombat, such as a blog post mentioning CodeCombat, does not need some separate attribution."
# art_paragraph_2: "If the content being used is created not by CodeCombat but instead by a user of codecombat.com, attribute them instead, and follow attribution directions provided in that resource's description if there are any."
# rights_title: "Rights Reserved"
# rights_desc: "All rights are reserved for Levels themselves. This includes"
# rights_scripts: "Scripts"
# rights_unit: "Unit configuration"
# rights_description: "Description"
# rights_writings: "Writings"
# rights_media: "Media (sounds, music) and any other creative content made specifically for that Level and not made generally available when creating Levels."
# rights_clarification: "To clarify, anything that is made available in the Level Editor for the purpose of making levels is under CC, whereas the content created with the Level Editor or uploaded in the course of creation of Levels is not."
# nutshell_title: "In a Nutshell"
# nutshell_description: "Any resources we provide in the Level Editor are free to use as you like for creating Levels. But we reserve the right to restrict distribution of the Levels themselves (that are created on codecombat.com) so that they may be charged for in the future, if that's what ends up happening."
# canonical: "The English version of this document is the definitive, canonical version. If there are any discrepencies between translations, the English document takes precedence."
# contribute:
# page_title: "Contributing"
# character_classes_title: "Character Classes"
# introduction_desc_intro: "We have high hopes for CodeCombat."
# introduction_desc_pref: "We want to be where programmers of all stripes come to learn and play together, introduce others to the wonderful world of coding, and reflect the best parts of the community. We can't and don't want to do that alone; what makes projects like GitHub, Stack Overflow and Linux great are the people who use them and build on them. To that end, "
# introduction_desc_github_url: "CodeCombat is totally open source"
# introduction_desc_suf: ", and we aim to provide as many ways as possible for you to take part and make this project as much yours as ours."
# introduction_desc_ending: "We hope you'll join our party!"
# introduction_desc_signature: "- Nick, George, Scott, Michael, Jeremy and Glen"
# alert_account_message_intro: "Hey there!"
# alert_account_message: "To subscribe for class emails, you'll need to be logged in first."
# archmage_summary: "Interested in working on game graphics, user interface design, database and server organization, multiplayer networking, physics, sound, or game engine performance? Want to help build a game to help other people learn what you are good at? We have a lot to do and if you are an experienced programmer and want to develop for CodeCombat, this class is for you. We would love your help building the best programming game ever."
# archmage_introduction: "One of the best parts about building games is they synthesize so many different things. Graphics, sound, real-time networking, social networking, and of course many of the more common aspects of programming, from low-level database management, and server administration to user facing design and interface building. There's a lot to do, and if you're an experienced programmer with a hankering to really dive into the nitty-gritty of CodeCombat, this class might be for you. We would love to have your help building the best programming game ever."
# class_attributes: "Class Attributes"
# archmage_attribute_1_pref: "Knowledge in "
# archmage_attribute_1_suf: ", or a desire to learn. Most of our code is in this language. If you're a fan of Ruby or Python, you'll feel right at home. It's JavaScript, but with a nicer syntax."
# archmage_attribute_2: "Some experience in programming and personal initiative. We'll help you get oriented, but we can't spend much time training you."
# how_to_join: "How To Join"
# join_desc_1: "Anyone can help out! Just check out our "
# join_desc_2: "to get started, and check the box below to mark yourself as a brave Archmage and get the latest news by email. Want to chat about what to do or how to get more deeply involved? "
# join_desc_3: ", or find us in our "
# join_desc_4: "and we'll go from there!"
# join_url_email: "Email us"
# join_url_hipchat: "public HipChat room"
# more_about_archmage: "Learn More About Becoming an Archmage"
# archmage_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on new coding opportunities and announcements."
# artisan_summary_pref: "Want to design levels and expand CodeCombat's arsenal? People are playing through our content at a pace faster than we can build! Right now, our level editor is barebone, so be wary. Making levels will be a little challenging and buggy. If you have visions of campaigns spanning for-loops to"
# artisan_summary_suf: ", then this class is for you."
# artisan_introduction_pref: "We must construct additional levels! People be clamoring for more content, and we can only build so many ourselves. Right now your workstation is level one; our level editor is barely usable even by its creators, so be wary. If you have visions of campaigns spanning for-loops to"
# artisan_introduction_suf: ", then this class might be for you."
# artisan_attribute_1: "Any experience in building content like this would be nice, such as using Blizzard's level editors. But not required!"
# artisan_attribute_2: "A hankering to do a whole lot of testing and iteration. To make good levels, you need to take it to others and watch them play it, and be prepared to find a lot of things to fix."
# artisan_attribute_3: "For the time being, endurance en par with an Adventurer. Our Level Editor is super preliminary and frustrating to use. You have been warned!"
# artisan_join_desc: "Use the Level Editor in these steps, give or take:"
# artisan_join_step1: "Read the documentation."
# artisan_join_step2: "Create a new level and explore existing levels."
# artisan_join_step3: "Find us in our public HipChat room for help."
# artisan_join_step4: "Post your levels on the forum for feedback."
# more_about_artisan: "Learn More About Becoming an Artisan"
# artisan_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on level editor updates and announcements."
# adventurer_summary: "Let us be clear about your role: you are the tank. You are going to take heavy damage. We need people to try out brand-new levels and help identify how to make things better. The pain will be enormous; making good games is a long process and no one gets it right the first time. If you can endure and have a high constitution score, then this class is for you."
# adventurer_introduction: "Let's be clear about your role: you are the tank. You're going to take heavy damage. We need people to try out brand-new levels and help identify how to make things better. The pain will be enormous; making good games is a long process and no one gets it right the first time. If you can endure and have a high constitution score, then this class might be for you."
# adventurer_attribute_1: "A thirst for learning. You want to learn how to code and we want to teach you how to code. You'll probably be doing most of the teaching in this case, though."
# adventurer_attribute_2: "Charismatic. Be gentle but articulate about what needs improving, and offer suggestions on how to improve."
# adventurer_join_pref: "Either get together with (or recruit!) an Artisan and work with them, or check the box below to receive emails when there are new levels to test. We'll also be posting about levels to review on our networks like"
# adventurer_forum_url: "our forum"
# adventurer_join_suf: "so if you prefer to be notified those ways, sign up there!"
# more_about_adventurer: "Learn More About Becoming an Adventurer"
# adventurer_subscribe_desc: "Get emails when there are new levels to test."
# scribe_summary_pref: "CodeCombat is not just going to be a bunch of levels. It will also be a resource of programming knowledge that players can hook into. That way, each Artisan can link to a detailed article that for the player's edification: documentation akin to what the "
# scribe_summary_suf: " has built. If you enjoy explaining programming concepts, then this class is for you."
# scribe_introduction_pref: "CodeCombat isn't just going to be a bunch of levels. It will also include a resource for knowledge, a wiki of programming concepts that levels can hook into. That way rather than each Artisan having to describe in detail what a comparison operator is, they can simply link their level to the Article describing them that is already written for the player's edification. Something along the lines of what the "
# scribe_introduction_url_mozilla: "Mozilla Developer Network"
# scribe_introduction_suf: " has built. If your idea of fun is articulating the concepts of programming in Markdown form, then this class might be for you."
# scribe_attribute_1: "Skill in words is pretty much all you need. Not only grammar and spelling, but able to convey complicated ideas to others."
# contact_us_url: "Contact us"
# scribe_join_description: "tell us a little about yourself, your experience with programming and what sort of things you'd like to write about. We'll go from there!"
# more_about_scribe: "Learn More About Becoming a Scribe"
# scribe_subscribe_desc: "Get emails about article writing announcements."
# diplomat_summary: "There is a large interest in CodeCombat in other countries that do not speak English! We are looking for translators who are willing to spend their time translating the site's corpus of words so that CodeCombat is accessible across the world as soon as possible. If you'd like to help getting CodeCombat international, then this class is for you."
# diplomat_introduction_pref: "So, if there's one thing we learned from the "
# diplomat_launch_url: "launch in October"
# diplomat_introduction_suf: "it's that there is sizeable interest in CodeCombat in other countries! We're building a corps of translators eager to turn one set of words into another set of words to get CodeCombat as accessible across the world as possible. If you like getting sneak peeks at upcoming content and getting these levels to your fellow nationals ASAP, then this class might be for you."
# diplomat_attribute_1: "Fluency in English and the language you would like to translate to. When conveying complicated ideas, it's important to have a strong grasp in both!"
# diplomat_join_pref_github: "Find your language locale file "
# diplomat_github_url: "on GitHub"
# diplomat_join_suf_github: ", edit it online, and submit a pull request. Also, check this box below to keep up-to-date on new internationalization developments!"
# more_about_diplomat: "Learn More About Becoming a Diplomat"
# diplomat_subscribe_desc: "Get emails about i18n developments and levels to translate."
# ambassador_summary: "We are trying to build a community, and every community needs a support team when there are troubles. We have got chats, emails, and social networks so that our users can get acquainted with the game. If you want to help people get involved, have fun, and learn some programming, then this class is for you."
# ambassador_introduction: "This is a community we're building, and you are the connections. We've got Olark chats, emails, and social networks with lots of people to talk with and help get acquainted with the game and learn from. If you want to help people get involved and have fun, and get a good feel of the pulse of CodeCombat and where we're going, then this class might be for you."
# ambassador_attribute_1: "Communication skills. Be able to identify the problems players are having and help them solve them. Also, keep the rest of us informed about what players are saying, what they like and don't like and want more of!"
# ambassador_join_desc: "tell us a little about yourself, what you've done and what you'd be interested in doing. We'll go from there!"
# ambassador_join_note_strong: "Note"
# ambassador_join_note_desc: "One of our top priorities is to build multiplayer where players having difficulty solving levels can summon higher level wizards to help them. This will be a great way for ambassadors to do their thing. We'll keep you posted!"
# more_about_ambassador: "Learn More About Becoming an Ambassador"
# ambassador_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on support updates and multiplayer developments."
# changes_auto_save: "Changes are saved automatically when you toggle checkboxes."
# diligent_scribes: "Our Diligent Scribes:"
# powerful_archmages: "Our Powerful Archmages:"
# creative_artisans: "Our Creative Artisans:"
# brave_adventurers: "Our Brave Adventurers:"
# translating_diplomats: "Our Translating Diplomats:"
# helpful_ambassadors: "Our Helpful Ambassadors:"
# classes:
# archmage_title: "Archmage"
# archmage_title_description: "(Coder)"
# artisan_title: "Artisan"
# artisan_title_description: "(Level Builder)"
# adventurer_title: "Adventurer"
# adventurer_title_description: "(Level Playtester)"
# scribe_title: "Scribe"
# scribe_title_description: "(Article Editor)"
# diplomat_title: "Diplomat"
# diplomat_title_description: "(Translator)"
# ambassador_title: "Ambassador"
# ambassador_title_description: "(Support)"
# ladder:
# please_login: "Please log in first before playing a ladder game."
# my_matches: "My Matches"
# simulate: "Simulate"
# simulation_explanation: "By simulating games you can get your game ranked faster!"
# simulate_games: "Simulate Games!"
# simulate_all: "RESET AND SIMULATE GAMES"
# games_simulated_by: "Games simulated by you:"
# games_simulated_for: "Games simulated for you:"
# games_simulated: "Games simulated"
# games_played: "Games played"
# ratio: "Ratio"
# leaderboard: "Leaderboard"
# battle_as: "Battle as "
# summary_your: "Your "
# summary_matches: "Matches - "
# summary_wins: " Wins, "
# summary_losses: " Losses"
# rank_no_code: "No New Code to Rank"
# rank_my_game: "Rank My Game!"
# rank_submitting: "Submitting..."
# rank_submitted: "Submitted for Ranking"
# rank_failed: "Failed to Rank"
# rank_being_ranked: "Game Being Ranked"
# rank_last_submitted: "submitted "
# help_simulate: "Help simulate games?"
# code_being_simulated: "Your new code is being simulated by other players for ranking. This will refresh as new matches come in."
# no_ranked_matches_pre: "No ranked matches for the "
# no_ranked_matches_post: " team! Play against some competitors and then come back here to get your game ranked."
# choose_opponent: "Choose an Opponent"
# select_your_language: "Select your language!"
# tutorial_play: "Play Tutorial"
# tutorial_recommended: "Recommended if you've never played before"
# tutorial_skip: "Skip Tutorial"
# tutorial_not_sure: "Not sure what's going on?"
# tutorial_play_first: "Play the Tutorial first."
# simple_ai: "Simple AI"
# warmup: "Warmup"
# vs: "VS"
# friends_playing: "Friends Playing"
# log_in_for_friends: "Log in to play with your friends!"
# social_connect_blurb: "Connect and play against your friends!"
# invite_friends_to_battle: "Invite your friends to join you in battle!"
# fight: "Fight!"
# watch_victory: "Watch your victory"
# defeat_the: "Defeat the"
# tournament_ends: "Tournament ends"
# tournament_ended: "Tournament ended"
# tournament_rules: "Tournament Rules"
# tournament_blurb: "Write code, collect gold, build armies, crush foes, win prizes, and upgrade your career in our $40,000 Greed tournament! Check out the details"
# tournament_blurb_blog: "on our blog"
# rules: "Rules"
# winners: "Winners"
# ladder_prizes:
# title: "Tournament Prizes"
# blurb_1: "These prizes will be awarded according to"
# blurb_2: "the tournament rules"
# blurb_3: "to the top human and ogre players."
# blurb_4: "Two teams means double the prizes!"
# blurb_5: "(There will be two first place winners, two second-place winners, etc.)"
# rank: "Rank"
# prizes: "Prizes"
# total_value: "Total Value"
# in_cash: "in cash"
# custom_wizard: "Custom CodeCombat Wizard"
# custom_avatar: "Custom CodeCombat avatar"
# heap: "for six months of \"Startup\" access"
# credits: "credits"
# one_month_coupon: "coupon: choose either Rails or HTML"
# one_month_discount: "discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML"
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the ladders–then challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."
# unauthorized: "You need to be signed in. Do you have cookies disabled?"
# forbidden: "You do not have the permissions."
# not_found: "Not found."
# not_allowed: "Method not allowed."
# timeout: "Server timeout."
# conflict: "Resource conflict."
# bad_input: "Bad input."
# server_error: "Server error."
# unknown: "Unknown error."
# resources:
# your_sessions: "Your Sessions"
# level: "Level"
# social_network_apis: "Social Network APIs"
# facebook_status: "Facebook Status"
# facebook_friends: "Facebook Friends"
# facebook_friend_sessions: "Facebook Friend Sessions"
# gplus_friends: "G+ Friends"
# gplus_friend_sessions: "G+ Friend Sessions"
# leaderboard: "Leaderboard"
# user_schema: "User Schema"
# user_profile: "User Profile"
# patches: "Patches"
# patched_model: "Source Document"
# model: "Model"
# system: "System"
# component: "Component"
# components: "Components"
# thang: "Thang"
# thangs: "Thangs"
# level_session: "Your Session"
# opponent_session: "Opponent Session"
# article: "Article"
# user_names: "User Names"
# thang_names: "Thang Names"
# files: "Files"
# top_simulators: "Top Simulators"
# source_document: "Source Document"
# document: "Document"
# sprite_sheet: "Sprite Sheet"
# candidate_sessions: "Candidate Sessions"
# user_remark: "User Remark"
# versions: "Versions"
# delta:
# added: "Added"
# modified: "Modified"
# deleted: "Deleted"
# moved_index: "Moved Index"
# text_diff: "Text Diff"
# merge_conflict_with: "MERGE CONFLICT WITH"
# no_changes: "No Changes"