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ModalView = require 'views/core/ModalView'
template = require 'templates/core/subscribe-modal'
stripeHandler = require 'core/services/stripe'
utils = require 'core/utils'
AuthModal = require 'views/core/AuthModal'
Products = require 'collections/Products'
module.exports = class SubscribeModal extends ModalView
id: 'subscribe-modal'
template: template
plain: true
closesOnClickOutside: false
planID: 'basic'
'stripe:received-token': 'onStripeReceivedToken'
'click #close-modal': 'hide'
'click .popover-content .parent-send': 'onClickParentSendButton'
'click .email-parent-complete button': 'onClickParentEmailCompleteButton'
'click .purchase-button': 'onClickPurchaseButton'
'click .sale-button': 'onClickSaleButton'
constructor: (options) ->
@state = 'standby'
@products = new Products()
@supermodel.loadCollection(@products, 'products')
onLoaded: ->
@basicProduct = @products.findWhere { name: 'basic_subscription' }
@yearProduct = @products.findWhere { name: 'year_subscription' }
afterRender: ->
setupParentButtonPopover: ->
popoverTitle = $.i18n.t 'subscribe.parent_email_title'
popoverTitle += '<button type="button" class="close" onclick="$('.parent-button').popover('hide');">×</button>'
popoverContent = ->
animation: true
html: true
placement: 'top'
trigger: 'click'
title: popoverTitle
content: popoverContent
container: @$el
).on 'shown.bs.popover', =>
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Subscription ask parent button click'
setupParentInfoPopover: ->
return unless @products.size()
popoverTitle = $.i18n.t 'subscribe.parents_title'
levelsCompleted = me.get('stats')?.gamesCompleted or 'several'
popoverContent = "<p>" + $.i18n.t('subscribe.parents_blurb1', nLevels: levelsCompleted) + "</p>"
popoverContent += "<p>" + $.i18n.t('subscribe.parents_blurb1a') + "</p>"
popoverContent += "<p>" + $.i18n.t('subscribe.parents_blurb2a') + "</p>"
price = (@products.findWhere({'name': 'basic_subscription'}).get('amount') / 100).toFixed(2)
# TODO: Update i18next and use its own interpolation system instead
popoverContent = popoverContent.replace('{{price}}', price)
popoverContent += "<p>" + $.i18n.t('subscribe.parents_blurb3') + "</p>"
#popoverContent = popoverContent.replace /9[.,]99/g, '3.99' # Sale
animation: true
html: true
placement: 'top'
trigger: 'hover'
title: popoverTitle
content: popoverContent
container: @$el
).on 'shown.bs.popover', =>
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Subscription parent hover'
setupPaymentMethodsInfoPopover: ->
return unless @products.size()
popoverTitle = $.i18n.t('subscribe.payment_methods_title')
three_month_price = (@products.findWhere({'name': 'basic_subscription'}).get('amount') * 3 / 100).toFixed(2)
year_price = (@products.findWhere({name: 'year_subscription'}).get('amount') / 100).toFixed(2)
popoverTitle += '<button type="button" class="close" onclick="$('#payment-methods-info').popover('hide');">×</button>'
popoverContent = "<p>" + $.i18n.t('subscribe.payment_methods_blurb1a') + "</p>"
# TODO: Update i18next and use its own interpolation system instead
popoverContent = popoverContent.replace('{{three_month_price}}', three_month_price)
popoverContent = popoverContent.replace('{{year_price}}', year_price)
popoverContent += "<p>" + $.i18n.t('subscribe.payment_methods_blurb2') + " <a href='mailto:support@codecombat.com'>support@codecombat.com</a>."
animation: true
html: true
placement: 'top'
trigger: 'click'
title: popoverTitle
content: popoverContent
container: @$el
).on 'shown.bs.popover', =>
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Subscription payment methods hover'
onClickParentSendButton: (e) ->
# TODO: Popover sometimes dismisses immediately after send
email = @$el.find('.popover-content .parent-input').val()
unless /[\w\.]+@\w+\.\w+/.test email
@$el.find('.popover-content .parent-input').parent().addClass('has-error')
@$el.find('.popover-content .parent-email-validator').show()
return false
request = @supermodel.addRequestResource 'send_one_time_email', {
url: '/db/user/-/send_one_time_email'
data: {email: email, type: 'subscribe modal parent'}
method: 'POST'
}, 0
@$el.find('.popover-content .email-parent-form').hide()
@$el.find('.popover-content .email-parent-complete').show()
onClickParentEmailCompleteButton: (e) ->
onClickPurchaseButton: (e) ->
return unless @basicProduct and @yearProduct
@playSound 'menu-button-click'
return @openModalView new AuthModal() if me.get('anonymous')
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Started subscription purchase'
options = {
description: $.i18n.t('subscribe.stripe_description')
amount: @basicProduct.get('amount')
alipay: if me.get('country') is 'china' or (me.get('preferredLanguage') or 'en-US')[...2] is 'zh' then true else 'auto'
alipayReusable: true
# overwrite amount with sale price
# maybe also put in another description with details about how long it lasts, etc
# NOTE: Do not change this price without updating the context.price in getRenderData
# NOTE: And, the popover content if necessary
#options = {
# description: 'Monthly Subscription (HoC sale)'
# amount: 399
@purchasedAmount = options.amount
onClickSaleButton: (e) ->
@playSound 'menu-button-click'
return @openModalView new AuthModal() if me.get('anonymous')
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Started 1 year subscription purchase'
discount = @basicProduct.get('amount') * 12 - @yearProduct.get('amount')
discountString = (discount/100).toFixed(2)
options =
description: $.i18n.t('subscribe.stripe_description_year_sale1').replace('{{discount}}', discountString)
amount: @yearProduct.get('amount')
alipay: if me.get('country') is 'china' or (me.get('preferredLanguage') or 'en-US')[...2] is 'zh' then true else 'auto'
alipayReusable: true
@purchasedAmount = options.amount
onStripeReceivedToken: (e) ->
@state = 'purchasing'
if @purchasedAmount is @basicProduct.get('amount')
stripe = _.clone(me.get('stripe') ? {})
stripe.planID = @basicProduct.get('planID')
stripe.token = e.token.id
me.set 'stripe', stripe
@listenToOnce me, 'sync', @onSubscriptionSuccess
@listenToOnce me, 'error', @onSubscriptionError
me.patch({headers: {'X-Change-Plan': 'true'}})
else if @purchasedAmount is @yearProduct.get('amount')
# Purchasing a year
data =
token: e.token.id
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
jqxhr = $.post('/db/subscription/-/year_sale', data)
jqxhr.done (data, textStatus, jqXHR) =>
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Finished 1 year subscription purchase', value: @purchasedAmount
me.set 'stripe', data?.stripe if data?.stripe?
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'subscribe-modal:subscribed', {}
@playSound 'victory'
jqxhr.fail (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) =>
console.error 'We got an error subscribing with Stripe from our server:', textStatus, errorThrown
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Failed to finish 1 year subscription purchase', status: textStatus, value: @purchasedAmount
stripe = me.get('stripe') ? {}
delete stripe.token
delete stripe.planID
if xhr.status is 402
@state = 'declined'
@state = 'unknown_error'
@stateMessage = "#{xhr.status}: #{xhr.responseText}"
console.error "Unexpected purchase amount received", @purchasedAmount, e
@state = 'unknown_error'
@stateMessage = "Uknown problem occurred while processing Stripe request"
onSubscriptionSuccess: ->
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Finished subscription purchase', value: @purchasedAmount
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'subscribe-modal:subscribed', {}
@playSound 'victory'
onSubscriptionError: (user, response, options) ->
console.error 'We got an error subscribing with Stripe from our server:', response
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Failed to finish subscription purchase', status: options.xhr?.status, value: @purchasedAmount
stripe = me.get('stripe') ? {}
delete stripe.token
delete stripe.planID
# TODO: Need me.set('stripe', stripe) here?
xhr = options.xhr
if xhr.status is 402
@state = 'declined'
@state = 'unknown_error'
@stateMessage = "#{xhr.status}: #{xhr.responseText}"