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RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
template = require 'templates/admin/pending-patches-view'
CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection'
Patch = require 'models/Patch'
class PendingPatchesCollection extends CocoCollection
url: '/db/patch?view=pending'
model: Patch
module.exports = class PendingPatchesView extends RootView
id: 'pending-patches-view'
template: template
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@nameMap = {}
@patches = @supermodel.loadCollection(new PendingPatchesCollection(), 'patches', {cache: false}).model
onLoaded: ->
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.patches = []
if @supermodel.finished()
comparator = (m) -> m.target.collection + ' ' + m.target.original
patches = _.sortBy (_.clone(patch.attributes) for patch in @patches.models), comparator
c.patches = _.uniq patches, comparator
for patch in c.patches
patch.creatorName = @nameMap[patch.creator] or patch.creator
if name = @nameMap[patch.target.original]
patch.name = name
patch.slug = _.string.slugify name
patch.url = '/editor/' + switch patch.target.collection
when 'level', 'achievement', 'article', 'campaign', 'poll'
when 'thang_type'
when 'level_system', 'level_component'
console.log "Where do we review a #{patch.target.collection} patch?"
loadUserNames: ->
# Only fetch the names for the userIDs we don't already have in @nameMap
ids = []
for patch in @patches.models
unless id = patch.get('creator')
console.error 'Found bad user ID in malformed patch', patch
ids.push id unless @nameMap[id]
ids = _.uniq ids
return unless ids.length
success = (nameMap) =>
return if @destroyed
for patch in @patches.models
creatorID = patch.get 'creator'
continue if @nameMap[creatorID]
creator = nameMap[creatorID]
name = creator?.name
name ||= creator.firstName + ' ' + creator.lastName if creator?.firstName
name ||= "Anonymous #{creatorID.substr(18)}" if creator
name ||= '<bad patch data>'
if name.length > 21
name = name.substr(0, 18) + '...'
@nameMap[creatorID] = name
userNamesRequest = @supermodel.addRequestResource 'user_names', {
url: '/db/user/-/names'
data: {ids: ids}
method: 'POST'
success: success
}, 0
loadAllModelNames: ->
allPatches = (p.attributes for p in @patches.models)
allPatches = _.groupBy allPatches, (p) -> p.target.collection
@loadCollectionModelNames collection, patches for collection, patches of allPatches
loadCollectionModelNames: (collection, patches) ->
ids = (patch.target.original for patch in patches when not @nameMap[patch.target.original])
ids = _.uniq ids
return unless ids.length
success = (nameMapArray) =>
return if @destroyed
nameMap = {}
for model in nameMapArray
nameMap[model.original or model._id] = model.name
for patch in patches
original = patch.target.original
name = nameMap[original]
if name and name.length > 60
name = name.substr(0, 57) + '...'
@nameMap[original] = name
modelNamesRequest = @supermodel.addRequestResource 'patches', {
url: "/db/#{collection.replace('_', '.')}/names"
data: {ids: ids}
method: 'POST'
success: success
}, 0