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// ShaderParticleUtils 0.7.8
// (c) 2014 Luke Moody (http://www.github.com/squarefeet)
// & Lee Stemkoski (http://www.adelphi.edu/~stemkoski/)
// Based on Lee Stemkoski's original work:
// (https://github.com/stemkoski/stemkoski.github.com/blob/master/Three.js/js/ParticleEngine.js).
// ShaderParticleGroup may be freely distributed under the MIT license (See LICENSE.txt)
var SPE = SPE || {};
SPE.utils = {
* Given a base vector and a spread range vector, create
* a new THREE.Vector3 instance with randomised values.
* @private
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {THREE.Vector3} spread
* @return {THREE.Vector3}
randomVector3: function( base, spread ) {
var v = new THREE.Vector3();
v.copy( base );
v.x += Math.random() * spread.x - (spread.x/2);
v.y += Math.random() * spread.y - (spread.y/2);
v.z += Math.random() * spread.z - (spread.z/2);
return v;
* Create a new THREE.Color instance and given a base vector and
* spread range vector, assign random values.
* Note that THREE.Color RGB values are in the range of 0 - 1, not 0 - 255.
* @private
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {THREE.Vector3} spread
* @return {THREE.Color}
randomColor: function( base, spread ) {
var v = new THREE.Color();
v.copy( base );
v.r += (Math.random() * spread.x) - (spread.x/2);
v.g += (Math.random() * spread.y) - (spread.y/2);
v.b += (Math.random() * spread.z) - (spread.z/2);
v.r = Math.max( 0, Math.min( v.r, 1 ) );
v.g = Math.max( 0, Math.min( v.g, 1 ) );
v.b = Math.max( 0, Math.min( v.b, 1 ) );
return v;
* Create a random Number value based on an initial value and
* a spread range
* @private
* @param {Number} base
* @param {Number} spread
* @return {Number}
randomFloat: function( base, spread ) {
return base + spread * (Math.random() - 0.5);
* Create a new THREE.Vector3 instance and project it onto a random point
* on a sphere with randomized radius.
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {Number} radius
* @param {THREE.Vector3} radiusSpread
* @param {THREE.Vector3} radiusScale
* @private
* @return {THREE.Vector3}
randomVector3OnSphere: function( base, radius, radiusSpread, radiusScale, radiusSpreadClamp ) {
var z = 2 * Math.random() - 1;
var t = 6.2832 * Math.random();
var r = Math.sqrt( 1 - z*z );
var vec = new THREE.Vector3( r * Math.cos(t), r * Math.sin(t), z );
var rand = this._randomFloat( radius, radiusSpread );
if( radiusSpreadClamp ) {
rand = Math.round( rand / radiusSpreadClamp ) * radiusSpreadClamp;
vec.multiplyScalar( rand );
if( radiusScale ) {
vec.multiply( radiusScale );
vec.add( base );
return vec;
* Create a new THREE.Vector3 instance and project it onto a random point
* on a disk (in the XY-plane) centered at `base` and with randomized radius.
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {Number} radius
* @param {THREE.Vector3} radiusSpread
* @param {THREE.Vector3} radiusScale
* @private
* @return {THREE.Vector3}
randomVector3OnDisk: function( base, radius, radiusSpread, radiusScale, radiusSpreadClamp ) {
var t = 6.2832 * Math.random();
var rand = this._randomFloat( radius, radiusSpread );
if( radiusSpreadClamp ) {
rand = Math.round( rand / radiusSpreadClamp ) * radiusSpreadClamp;
var vec = new THREE.Vector3( Math.cos(t), Math.sin(t), 0 ).multiplyScalar( rand );
if ( radiusScale ) {
vec.multiply( radiusScale );
vec.add( base );
return vec ;
* Create a new THREE.Vector3 instance, and given a sphere with center `base` and
* point `position` on sphere, set direction away from sphere center with random magnitude.
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {THREE.Vector3} position
* @param {Number} speed
* @param {Number} speedSpread
* @param {THREE.Vector3} scale
* @private
* @return {THREE.Vector3}
randomVelocityVector3OnSphere: function( base, position, speed, speedSpread, scale ) {
var direction = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors( base, position );
direction.normalize().multiplyScalar( Math.abs( this._randomFloat( speed, speedSpread ) ) );
if( scale ) {
direction.multiply( scale );
return direction;
* Given a base vector and a spread vector, randomise the given vector
* accordingly.
* @param {THREE.Vector3} vector
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {THREE.Vector3} spread
* @private
* @return {[type]}
randomizeExistingVector3: function( v, base, spread ) {
v.copy( base );
v.x += Math.random() * spread.x - (spread.x/2);
v.y += Math.random() * spread.y - (spread.y/2);
v.z += Math.random() * spread.z - (spread.z/2);
* Randomize a THREE.Color instance and given a base vector and
* spread range vector, assign random values.
* Note that THREE.Color RGB values are in the range of 0 - 1, not 0 - 255.
* @private
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {THREE.Vector3} spread
* @return {THREE.Color}
randomizeExistingColor: function( v, base, spread ) {
v.copy( base );
v.r += (Math.random() * spread.x) - (spread.x/2);
v.g += (Math.random() * spread.y) - (spread.y/2);
v.b += (Math.random() * spread.z) - (spread.z/2);
v.r = Math.max( 0, Math.min( v.r, 1 ) );
v.g = Math.max( 0, Math.min( v.g, 1 ) );
v.b = Math.max( 0, Math.min( v.b, 1 ) );
* Given an existing particle vector, project it onto a random point on a
* sphere with radius `radius` and position `base`.
* @private
* @param {THREE.Vector3} v
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {Number} radius
randomizeExistingVector3OnSphere: function( v, base, radius, radiusSpread, radiusScale, radiusSpreadClamp ) {
var z = 2 * Math.random() - 1,
t = 6.2832 * Math.random(),
r = Math.sqrt( 1 - z*z ),
rand = this._randomFloat( radius, radiusSpread );
if( radiusSpreadClamp ) {
rand = Math.round( rand / radiusSpreadClamp ) * radiusSpreadClamp;
(r * Math.cos(t)) * rand,
(r * Math.sin(t)) * rand,
z * rand
).multiply( radiusScale );
v.add( base );
* Given an existing particle vector, project it onto a random point
* on a disk (in the XY-plane) centered at `base` and with radius `radius`.
* @private
* @param {THREE.Vector3} v
* @param {THREE.Vector3} base
* @param {Number} radius
randomizeExistingVector3OnDisk: function( v, base, radius, radiusSpread, radiusScale, radiusSpreadClamp ) {
var t = 6.2832 * Math.random(),
rand = Math.abs( this._randomFloat( radius, radiusSpread ) );
if( radiusSpreadClamp ) {
rand = Math.round( rand / radiusSpreadClamp ) * radiusSpreadClamp;
Math.cos( t ),
Math.sin( t ),
).multiplyScalar( rand );
if ( radiusScale ) {
v.multiply( radiusScale );
v.add( base );
randomizeExistingVelocityVector3OnSphere: function( v, base, position, speed, speedSpread ) {
.multiplyScalar( Math.abs( this._randomFloat( speed, speedSpread ) ) );
generateID: function() {
var str = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';
str = str.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var rand = Math.random();
var r = rand*16|0%16, v = c === 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
return str;
// ShaderParticleGroup 0.7.8
// (c) 2014 Luke Moody (http://www.github.com/squarefeet)
// & Lee Stemkoski (http://www.adelphi.edu/~stemkoski/)
// Based on Lee Stemkoski's original work:
// (https://github.com/stemkoski/stemkoski.github.com/blob/master/Three.js/js/ParticleEngine.js).
// ShaderParticleGroup may be freely distributed under the MIT license (See LICENSE.txt)
var SPE = SPE || {};
SPE.Group = function( options ) {
var that = this;
that.fixedTimeStep = parseFloat( typeof options.fixedTimeStep === 'number' ? options.fixedTimeStep : 0.016 );
// Uniform properties ( applied to all particles )
that.maxAge = parseFloat( options.maxAge || 3 );
that.texture = options.texture || null;
that.hasPerspective = parseInt( typeof options.hasPerspective === 'number' ? options.hasPerspective : 1, 10 );
that.colorize = parseInt( typeof options.colorize === 'number' ? options.colorize : 1, 10 );
// Material properties
that.blending = typeof options.blending === 'number' ? options.blending : THREE.AdditiveBlending;
that.transparent = typeof options.transparent === 'number' ? options.transparent : 1;
that.alphaTest = typeof options.alphaTest === 'number' ? options.alphaTest : 0.5;
that.depthWrite = options.depthWrite || false;
that.depthTest = options.depthTest || true;
// Create uniforms
that.uniforms = {
duration: { type: 'f', value: that.maxAge },
texture: { type: 't', value: that.texture },
hasPerspective: { type: 'i', value: that.hasPerspective },
colorize: { type: 'i', value: that.colorize }
// Create a map of attributes that will hold values for each particle in this group.
that.attributes = {
acceleration: { type: 'v3', value: [] },
velocity: { type: 'v3', value: [] },
alive: { type: 'f', value: [] },
age: { type: 'f', value: [] },
size: { type: 'v3', value: [] },
angle: { type: 'v4', value: [] },
colorStart: { type: 'c', value: [] },
colorMiddle: { type: 'c', value: [] },
colorEnd: { type: 'c', value: [] },
opacity: { type: 'v3', value: [] }
// Emitters (that aren't static) will be added to this array for
// processing during the `tick()` function.
that.emitters = [];
// Create properties for use by the emitter pooling functions.
that._pool = [];
that._poolCreationSettings = null;
that._createNewWhenPoolEmpty = 0;
that.maxAgeMilliseconds = that.maxAge * 1000;
// Create an empty geometry to hold the particles.
// Each particle is a vertex pushed into this geometry's
// vertices array.
that.geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
// Create the shader material using the properties we set above.
that.material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: that.uniforms,
attributes: that.attributes,
vertexShader: SPE.shaders.vertex,
fragmentShader: SPE.shaders.fragment,
blending: that.blending,
transparent: that.transparent,
alphaTest: that.alphaTest,
depthWrite: that.depthWrite,
depthTest: that.depthTest
// And finally create the ParticleSystem. It's got its `dynamic` property
// set so that THREE.js knows to update it on each frame.
that.mesh = new THREE.PointCloud( that.geometry, that.material );
that.mesh.dynamic = true;
SPE.Group.prototype = {
* Tells the age and alive attributes (and the geometry vertices)
* that they need updating by THREE.js's internal tick functions.
* @private
* @return {this}
_flagUpdate: function() {
var that = this;
// Set flags to update (causes less garbage than
// ```ParticleSystem.sortParticles = true``` in THREE.r58 at least)
that.attributes.age.needsUpdate = true;
that.attributes.alive.needsUpdate = true;
that.attributes.angle.needsUpdate = true;
// that.attributes.angleAlignVelocity.needsUpdate = true;
that.attributes.velocity.needsUpdate = true;
that.attributes.acceleration.needsUpdate = true;
that.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
return that;
* Add an emitter to this particle group. Once added, an emitter will be automatically
* updated when SPE.Group#tick() is called.
* @param {SPE.Emitter} emitter
* @return {this}
addEmitter: function( emitter ) {
var that = this;
if( emitter.duration ) {
emitter.particlesPerSecond = emitter.particleCount / (that.maxAge < emitter.duration ? that.maxAge : emitter.duration) | 0;
else {
emitter.particlesPerSecond = emitter.particleCount / that.maxAge | 0
var vertices = that.geometry.vertices,
start = vertices.length,
end = emitter.particleCount + start,
a = that.attributes,
acceleration = a.acceleration.value,
velocity = a.velocity.value,
alive = a.alive.value,
age = a.age.value,
size = a.size.value,
angle = a.angle.value,
colorStart = a.colorStart.value,
colorMiddle = a.colorMiddle.value,
colorEnd = a.colorEnd.value,
opacity = a.opacity.value;
emitter.particleIndex = parseFloat( start );
// Create the values
for( var i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
if( emitter.type === 'sphere' ) {
vertices[i] = that._randomVector3OnSphere( emitter.position, emitter.radius, emitter.radiusSpread, emitter.radiusScale, emitter.radiusSpreadClamp );
velocity[i] = that._randomVelocityVector3OnSphere( vertices[i], emitter.position, emitter.speed, emitter.speedSpread );
else if( emitter.type === 'disk' ) {
vertices[i] = that._randomVector3OnDisk( emitter.position, emitter.radius, emitter.radiusSpread, emitter.radiusScale, emitter.radiusSpreadClamp );
velocity[i] = that._randomVelocityVector3OnSphere( vertices[i], emitter.position, emitter.speed, emitter.speedSpread );
else {
vertices[i] = that._randomVector3( emitter.position, emitter.positionSpread );
velocity[i] = that._randomVector3( emitter.velocity, emitter.velocitySpread );
acceleration[i] = that._randomVector3( emitter.acceleration, emitter.accelerationSpread );
size[i] = new THREE.Vector3(
Math.abs( that._randomFloat( emitter.sizeStart, emitter.sizeStartSpread ) ),
Math.abs( that._randomFloat( emitter.sizeMiddle, emitter.sizeMiddleSpread ) ),
Math.abs( that._randomFloat( emitter.sizeEnd, emitter.sizeEndSpread ) )
angle[i] = new THREE.Vector4(
that._randomFloat( emitter.angleStart, emitter.angleStartSpread ),
that._randomFloat( emitter.angleMiddle, emitter.angleMiddleSpread ),
that._randomFloat( emitter.angleEnd, emitter.angleEndSpread ),
emitter.angleAlignVelocity ? 1.0 : 0.0
age[i] = 0.0;
alive[i] = emitter.isStatic ? 1.0 : 0.0;
colorStart[i] = that._randomColor( emitter.colorStart, emitter.colorStartSpread );
colorMiddle[i] = that._randomColor( emitter.colorMiddle, emitter.colorMiddleSpread );
colorEnd[i] = that._randomColor( emitter.colorEnd, emitter.colorEndSpread );
opacity[i] = new THREE.Vector3(
Math.abs( that._randomFloat( emitter.opacityStart, emitter.opacityStartSpread ) ),
Math.abs( that._randomFloat( emitter.opacityMiddle, emitter.opacityMiddleSpread ) ),
Math.abs( that._randomFloat( emitter.opacityEnd, emitter.opacityEndSpread ) )
// Cache properties on the emitter so we can access
// them from its tick function.
emitter.verticesIndex = parseFloat( start );
emitter.attributes = a;
emitter.vertices = that.geometry.vertices;
emitter.maxAge = that.maxAge;
// Assign a unique ID to this emitter
emitter.__id = that._generateID();
// Save this emitter in an array for processing during this.tick()
if( !emitter.isStatic ) {
that.emitters.push( emitter );
return that;
removeEmitter: function( emitter ) {
var id,
emitters = this.emitters;
if( emitter instanceof SPE.Emitter ) {
id = emitter.__id;
else if( typeof emitter === 'string' ) {
id = emitter;
else {
console.warn('Invalid emitter or emitter ID passed to SPE.Group#removeEmitter.' );
for( var i = 0, il = emitters.length; i < il; ++i ) {
if( emitters[i].__id === id ) {
emitters.splice(i, 1);
* The main particle group update function. Call this once per frame.
* @param {Number} dt
* @return {this}
tick: function( dt ) {
var that = this,
emitters = that.emitters,
numEmitters = emitters.length;
dt = dt || that.fixedTimeStep;
if( numEmitters === 0 ) {
for( var i = 0; i < numEmitters; ++i ) {
emitters[i].tick( dt );
return that;
* Fetch a single emitter instance from the pool.
* If there are no objects in the pool, a new emitter will be
* created if specified.
* @return {ShaderParticleEmitter | null}
getFromPool: function() {
var that = this,
pool = that._pool,
createNew = that._createNewWhenPoolEmpty;
if( pool.length ) {
return pool.pop();
else if( createNew ) {
return new SPE.Emitter( that._poolCreationSettings );
return null;
* Release an emitter into the pool.
* @param {ShaderParticleEmitter} emitter
* @return {this}
releaseIntoPool: function( emitter ) {
if( !(emitter instanceof SPE.Emitter) ) {
console.error( 'Will not add non-emitter to particle group pool:', emitter );
this._pool.unshift( emitter );
return this;
* Get the pool array
* @return {Array}
getPool: function() {
return this._pool;
* Add a pool of emitters to this particle group
* @param {Number} numEmitters The number of emitters to add to the pool.
* @param {Object} emitterSettings An object describing the settings to pass to each emitter.
* @param {Boolean} createNew Should a new emitter be created if the pool runs out?
* @return {this}
addPool: function( numEmitters, emitterSettings, createNew ) {
var that = this,
// Save relevant settings and flags.
that._poolCreationSettings = emitterSettings;
that._createNewWhenPoolEmpty = !!createNew;
// Create the emitters, add them to this group and the pool.
for( var i = 0; i < numEmitters; ++i ) {
emitter = new SPE.Emitter( emitterSettings );
that.addEmitter( emitter );
that.releaseIntoPool( emitter );
return that;
* Internal method. Sets a single emitter to be alive
* @private
* @param {THREE.Vector3} pos
* @return {this}
_triggerSingleEmitter: function( pos ) {
var that = this,
emitter = that.getFromPool();
if( emitter === null ) {
console.log('SPE.Group pool ran out.');
// TODO: Should an instanceof check happen here? Or maybe at least a typeof?
if( pos ) {
emitter.position.copy( pos );
setTimeout( function() {
that.releaseIntoPool( emitter );
}, that.maxAgeMilliseconds );
return that;
* Set a given number of emitters as alive, with an optional position
* vector3 to move them to.
* @param {Number} numEmitters
* @param {THREE.Vector3} position
* @return {this}
triggerPoolEmitter: function( numEmitters, position ) {
var that = this;
if( typeof numEmitters === 'number' && numEmitters > 1) {
for( var i = 0; i < numEmitters; ++i ) {
that._triggerSingleEmitter( position );
else {
that._triggerSingleEmitter( position );
return that;
// Extend ShaderParticleGroup's prototype with functions from utils object.
for( var i in SPE.utils ) {
SPE.Group.prototype[ '_' + i ] = SPE.utils[i];
// The all-important shaders
SPE.shaders = {
vertex: [
'uniform float duration;',
'uniform int hasPerspective;',
'attribute vec3 colorStart;',
'attribute vec3 colorMiddle;',
'attribute vec3 colorEnd;',
'attribute vec3 opacity;',
'attribute vec3 acceleration;',
'attribute vec3 velocity;',
'attribute float alive;',
'attribute float age;',
'attribute vec3 size;',
'attribute vec4 angle;',
// values to be passed to the fragment shader
'varying vec4 vColor;',
'varying float vAngle;',
// Integrate acceleration into velocity and apply it to the particle's position
'vec4 GetPos() {',
'vec3 newPos = vec3( position );',
// Move acceleration & velocity vectors to the value they
// should be at the current age
'vec3 a = acceleration * age;',
'vec3 v = velocity * age;',
// Move velocity vector to correct values at this age
'v = v + (a * age);',
// Add velocity vector to the newPos vector
'newPos = newPos + v;',
// Convert the newPos vector into world-space
'vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( newPos, 1.0 );',
'return mvPosition;',
'void main() {',
'float positionInTime = (age / duration);',
'float lerpAmount1 = (age / (0.5 * duration));', // percentage during first half
'float lerpAmount2 = ((age - 0.5 * duration) / (0.5 * duration));', // percentage during second half
'float halfDuration = duration / 2.0;',
'float pointSize = 0.0;',
'vAngle = 0.0;',
'if( alive > 0.5 ) {',
// lerp the color and opacity
'if( positionInTime < 0.5 ) {',
'vColor = vec4( mix(colorStart, colorMiddle, lerpAmount1), mix(opacity.x, opacity.y, lerpAmount1) );',
'else {',
'vColor = vec4( mix(colorMiddle, colorEnd, lerpAmount2), mix(opacity.y, opacity.z, lerpAmount2) );',
// Get the position of this particle so we can use it
// when we calculate any perspective that might be required.
'vec4 pos = GetPos();',
// Determine the angle we should use for this particle.
'if( angle[3] == 1.0 ) {',
'vAngle = -atan(pos.y, pos.x);',
'else if( positionInTime < 0.5 ) {',
'vAngle = mix( angle.x, angle.y, lerpAmount1 );',
'else {',
'vAngle = mix( angle.y, angle.z, lerpAmount2 );',
// Determine point size.
'if( positionInTime < 0.5) {',
'pointSize = mix( size.x, size.y, lerpAmount1 );',
'else {',
'pointSize = mix( size.y, size.z, lerpAmount2 );',
'if( hasPerspective == 1 ) {',
'pointSize = pointSize * ( 300.0 / length( pos.xyz ) );',
// Set particle size and position
'gl_PointSize = pointSize;',
'gl_Position = projectionMatrix * pos;',
'else {',
// Hide particle and set its position to the (maybe) glsl
// equivalent of Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
'vColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );',
'gl_Position = vec4(1000000000.0, 1000000000.0, 1000000000.0, 0.0);',
fragment: [
'uniform sampler2D texture;',
'uniform int colorize;',
'varying vec4 vColor;',
'varying float vAngle;',
'void main() {',
'float c = cos(vAngle);',
'float s = sin(vAngle);',
'vec2 rotatedUV = vec2(c * (gl_PointCoord.x - 0.5) + s * (gl_PointCoord.y - 0.5) + 0.5,',
'c * (gl_PointCoord.y - 0.5) - s * (gl_PointCoord.x - 0.5) + 0.5);',
'vec4 rotatedTexture = texture2D( texture, rotatedUV );',
'if( colorize == 1 ) {',
'gl_FragColor = vColor * rotatedTexture;',
'else {',
'gl_FragColor = rotatedTexture;',
// ShaderParticleEmitter 0.7.8
// (c) 2014 Luke Moody (http://www.github.com/squarefeet)
// & Lee Stemkoski (http://www.adelphi.edu/~stemkoski/)
// Based on Lee Stemkoski's original work:
// (https://github.com/stemkoski/stemkoski.github.com/blob/master/Three.js/js/ParticleEngine.js).
// ShaderParticleEmitter may be freely distributed under the MIT license (See LICENSE.txt)
var SPE = SPE || {};
SPE.Emitter = function( options ) {
// If no options are provided, fallback to an empty object.
options = options || {};
// Helps with minification. Not as easy to read the following code,
// but should still be readable enough!
var that = this;
that.particleCount = typeof options.particleCount === 'number' ? options.particleCount : 100;
that.type = (options.type === 'cube' || options.type === 'sphere' || options.type === 'disk') ? options.type : 'cube';
that.position = options.position instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.position : new THREE.Vector3();
that.positionSpread = options.positionSpread instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.positionSpread : new THREE.Vector3();
// These two properties are only used when this.type === 'sphere' or 'disk'
that.radius = typeof options.radius === 'number' ? options.radius : 10;
that.radiusSpread = typeof options.radiusSpread === 'number' ? options.radiusSpread : 0;
that.radiusScale = options.radiusScale instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.radiusScale : new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1);
that.radiusSpreadClamp = typeof options.radiusSpreadClamp === 'number' ? options.radiusSpreadClamp : 0;
that.acceleration = options.acceleration instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.acceleration : new THREE.Vector3();
that.accelerationSpread = options.accelerationSpread instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.accelerationSpread : new THREE.Vector3();
that.velocity = options.velocity instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.velocity : new THREE.Vector3();
that.velocitySpread = options.velocitySpread instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.velocitySpread : new THREE.Vector3();
// And again here; only used when this.type === 'sphere' or 'disk'
that.speed = parseFloat( typeof options.speed === 'number' ? options.speed : 0.0 );
that.speedSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.speedSpread === 'number' ? options.speedSpread : 0.0 );
// Sizes
that.sizeStart = parseFloat( typeof options.sizeStart === 'number' ? options.sizeStart : 1.0 );
that.sizeStartSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.sizeStartSpread === 'number' ? options.sizeStartSpread : 0.0 );
that.sizeEnd = parseFloat( typeof options.sizeEnd === 'number' ? options.sizeEnd : that.sizeStart );
that.sizeEndSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.sizeEndSpread === 'number' ? options.sizeEndSpread : 0.0 );
that.sizeMiddle = parseFloat(
typeof options.sizeMiddle !== 'undefined' ?
options.sizeMiddle :
Math.abs(that.sizeEnd + that.sizeStart) / 2
that.sizeMiddleSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.sizeMiddleSpread === 'number' ? options.sizeMiddleSpread : 0 );
// Angles
that.angleStart = parseFloat( typeof options.angleStart === 'number' ? options.angleStart : 0 );
that.angleStartSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.angleStartSpread === 'number' ? options.angleStartSpread : 0 );
that.angleEnd = parseFloat( typeof options.angleEnd === 'number' ? options.angleEnd : 0 );
that.angleEndSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.angleEndSpread === 'number' ? options.angleEndSpread : 0 );
that.angleMiddle = parseFloat(
typeof options.angleMiddle !== 'undefined' ?
options.angleMiddle :
Math.abs(that.angleEnd + that.angleStart) / 2
that.angleMiddleSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.angleMiddleSpread === 'number' ? options.angleMiddleSpread : 0 );
that.angleAlignVelocity = options.angleAlignVelocity || false;
// Colors
that.colorStart = options.colorStart instanceof THREE.Color ? options.colorStart : new THREE.Color( 'white' );
that.colorStartSpread = options.colorStartSpread instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.colorStartSpread : new THREE.Vector3();
that.colorEnd = options.colorEnd instanceof THREE.Color ? options.colorEnd : that.colorStart.clone();
that.colorEndSpread = options.colorEndSpread instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.colorEndSpread : new THREE.Vector3();
that.colorMiddle =
options.colorMiddle instanceof THREE.Color ?
options.colorMiddle :
new THREE.Color().addColors( that.colorStart, that.colorEnd ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
that.colorMiddleSpread = options.colorMiddleSpread instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? options.colorMiddleSpread : new THREE.Vector3();
// Opacities
that.opacityStart = parseFloat( typeof options.opacityStart !== 'undefined' ? options.opacityStart : 1 );
that.opacityStartSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.opacityStartSpread !== 'undefined' ? options.opacityStartSpread : 0 );
that.opacityEnd = parseFloat( typeof options.opacityEnd === 'number' ? options.opacityEnd : 0 );
that.opacityEndSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.opacityEndSpread !== 'undefined' ? options.opacityEndSpread : 0 );
that.opacityMiddle = parseFloat(
typeof options.opacityMiddle !== 'undefined' ?
options.opacityMiddle :
Math.abs(that.opacityEnd + that.opacityStart) / 2
that.opacityMiddleSpread = parseFloat( typeof options.opacityMiddleSpread === 'number' ? options.opacityMiddleSpread : 0 );
// Generic
that.duration = typeof options.duration === 'number' ? options.duration : null;
that.alive = parseFloat( typeof options.alive === 'number' ? options.alive : 1.0 );
that.isStatic = typeof options.isStatic === 'number' ? options.isStatic : 0;
// The following properties are used internally, and mostly set when this emitter
// is added to a particle group.
that.particlesPerSecond = 0;
that.attributes = null;
that.vertices = null;
that.verticesIndex = 0;
that.age = 0.0;
that.maxAge = 0.0;
that.particleIndex = 0.0;
that.__id = null;
that.userData = {};
SPE.Emitter.prototype = {
* Reset a particle's position. Accounts for emitter type and spreads.
* @private
* @param {THREE.Vector3} p
_resetParticle: function( i ) {
var that = this,
type = that.type,
spread = that.positionSpread,
particlePosition = that.vertices[i],
a = that.attributes,
particleVelocity = a.velocity.value[i],
vSpread = that.velocitySpread,
aSpread = that.accelerationSpread;
// Optimise for no position spread or radius
( type === 'cube' && spread.x === 0 && spread.y === 0 && spread.z === 0 ) ||
( type === 'sphere' && that.radius === 0 ) ||
( type === 'disk' && that.radius === 0 )
) {
particlePosition.copy( that.position );
that._randomizeExistingVector3( particleVelocity, that.velocity, vSpread );
if( type === 'cube' ) {
that._randomizeExistingVector3( that.attributes.acceleration.value[i], that.acceleration, aSpread );
// If there is a position spread, then get a new position based on this spread.
else if( type === 'cube' ) {
that._randomizeExistingVector3( particlePosition, that.position, spread );
that._randomizeExistingVector3( particleVelocity, that.velocity, vSpread );
that._randomizeExistingVector3( that.attributes.acceleration.value[i], that.acceleration, aSpread );
else if( type === 'sphere') {
that._randomizeExistingVector3OnSphere( particlePosition, that.position, that.radius, that.radiusSpread, that.radiusScale, that.radiusSpreadClamp );
that._randomizeExistingVelocityVector3OnSphere( particleVelocity, that.position, particlePosition, that.speed, that.speedSpread );
else if( type === 'disk') {
that._randomizeExistingVector3OnDisk( particlePosition, that.position, that.radius, that.radiusSpread, that.radiusScale, that.radiusSpreadClamp );
that._randomizeExistingVelocityVector3OnSphere( particleVelocity, that.position, particlePosition, that.speed, that.speedSpread );
* Update this emitter's particle's positions. Called by the SPE.Group
* that this emitter belongs to.
* @param {Number} dt
tick: function( dt ) {
if( this.isStatic ) {
// Cache some values for quicker access in loops.
var that = this,
a = that.attributes,
alive = a.alive.value,
age = a.age.value,
start = that.verticesIndex,
particleCount = that.particleCount,
end = start + particleCount,
pps = that.particlesPerSecond * that.alive,
ppsdt = pps * dt,
m = that.maxAge,
emitterAge = that.age,
duration = that.duration,
pIndex = that.particleIndex;
// Loop through all the particles in this emitter and
// determine whether they're still alive and need advancing
// or if they should be dead and therefore marked as such.
for( var i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
if( alive[ i ] === 1.0 ) {
age[ i ] += dt;
if( age[ i ] >= m ) {
age[ i ] = 0.0;
alive[ i ] = 0.0;
// If the emitter is dead, reset any particles that are in
// the recycled vertices array and reset the age of the
// emitter to zero ready to go again if required, then
// exit this function.
if( that.alive === 0.0 ) {
that.age = 0.0;
// If the emitter has a specified lifetime and we've exceeded it,
// mark the emitter as dead and exit this function.
if( typeof duration === 'number' && emitterAge > duration ) {
that.alive = 0.0;
that.age = 0.0;
var n = Math.max( Math.min( end, pIndex + ppsdt ), 0),
count = 0,
index = 0,
pIndexFloor = pIndex | 0,
for( i = pIndexFloor; i < n; ++i ) {
if( alive[ i ] !== 1.0 ) {
if( count !== 0 ) {
dtInc = dt / count;
for( i = pIndexFloor; i < n; ++i, ++index ) {
if( alive[ i ] !== 1.0 ) {
alive[ i ] = 1.0;
age[ i ] = dtInc * index;
that._resetParticle( i );
that.particleIndex += ppsdt;
if( that.particleIndex < 0.0 ) {
that.particleIndex = 0.0;
if( pIndex >= start + particleCount ) {
that.particleIndex = parseFloat( start );
// Add the delta time value to the age of the emitter.
that.age += dt;
if( that.age < 0.0 ) {
that.age = 0.0;
* Reset this emitter back to its starting position.
* If `force` is truthy, then reset all particles in this
* emitter as well, even if they're currently alive.
* @param {Boolean} force
* @return {this}
reset: function( force ) {
var that = this;
that.age = 0.0;
that.alive = 0;
if( force ) {
var start = that.verticesIndex,
end = that.verticesIndex + that.particleCount,
a = that.attributes,
alive = a.alive.value,
age = a.age.value;
for( var i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
alive[ i ] = 0.0;
age[ i ] = 0.0;
return that;
* Enable this emitter.
enable: function() {
this.alive = 1;
* Disable this emitter.
disable: function() {
this.alive = 0;
// Extend SPE.Emitter's prototype with functions from utils object.
for( var i in SPE.utils ) {
SPE.Emitter.prototype[ '_' + i ] = SPE.utils[i];