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synced 2025-03-04 01:08:02 -05:00
213 lines
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213 lines
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/* global printjson */
/* global db */
// Insert per-day recurring revenue counts into analytics.perdays collection
// Usage:
// mongo <address>:<port>/<database> <script file> -u <username> -p <password>
// TODO: Investigate school sales amount == zero. Manual input error?
var scriptStartTime = new Date();
var analyticsStringCache = {};
var numDays = 40;
var daysInMonth = 30;
var startDay = new Date();
today = startDay.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
startDay.setUTCDate(startDay.getUTCDate() - numDays);
startDay = startDay.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
log("Today is " + today);
log("Start day is " + startDay);
log("Getting recurring revenue counts...");
var recurringRevenueCounts = getRecurringRevenueCounts(startDay);
// printjson(recurringRevenueCounts);
log("Inserting recurring revenue counts...");
for (var event in recurringRevenueCounts) {
for (var day in recurringRevenueCounts[event]) {
if (today === day) continue; // Never save data for today because it's incomplete
// print(event, day, recurringRevenueCounts[event][day]);
insertEventCount(event, day, recurringRevenueCounts[event][day]);
log("Script runtime: " + (new Date() - scriptStartTime));
function getRecurringRevenueCounts(startDay) {
if (!startDay) return {};
var dailyRevenueCounts = {};
var day;
var prepaidIDs = [];
var prepaidDayAmountMap = {};
var startObj = objectIdWithTimestamp(ISODate(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z"));
var cursor = db.payments.find({_id: {$gte: startObj}});
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
var doc = cursor.next();
if (doc.created) {
day = new Date(doc.created).toISOString().substring(0, 10);
else {
day = doc._id.getTimestamp().toISOString().substring(0, 10);
if (doc.service === 'ios' || doc.service === 'bitcoin') continue;
if (!doc.amount || doc.amount <= 0) continue;
if (doc.prepaidID) {
if (prepaidDayAmountMap[doc.prepaidID.valueOf()]) {
console.log("ERROR! prepaid", doc.prepaidID.valueOf(), "attached to multiple payments", doc._id.valueOf(), prepaidDayAmountMap[doc.prepaidID.valueOf()]);
return {};
prepaidDayAmountMap[doc.prepaidID.valueOf()] = {day: day, amount: doc.amount};
else if (doc.productID && doc.productID.indexOf('gems_') === 0) {
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR gems']) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR gems'] = {};
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR gems'][day]) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR gems'][day] = 0;
dailyRevenueCounts['DRR gems'][day] += doc.amount;
else if (doc.productID === 'custom' || doc.service === 'external' || doc.service === 'invoice') {
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR school sales']) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR school sales'] = {};
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR school sales'][day]) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR school sales'][day] = 0;
dailyRevenueCounts['DRR school sales'][day] += doc.amount;
else if (doc.service === 'stripe' && doc.gems === 42000) {
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR yearly subs']) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR yearly subs'] = {};
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR yearly subs'][day]) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR yearly subs'][day] = 0;
dailyRevenueCounts['DRR yearly subs'][day] += doc.amount;
else if (doc.service === 'stripe') {
// Catches prepaids, and assumes all are type terminal_subscription
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs']) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs'] = {};
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs'][day]) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs'][day] = 0;
dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs'][day] += doc.amount;
else if (doc.service === 'paypal') {
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs']) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs'] = {};
if (!dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs'][day]) dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs'][day] = 0;
dailyRevenueCounts['DRR monthly subs'][day] += doc.amount;
// else {
// // printjson(doc);
// // print(doc.service, doc.amount, doc.description, JSON.stringify(doc.stripe));
// }
// Add revenue from prepaids connected to payments
cursor = db.prepaids.find({_id: {$in: prepaidIDs}});
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
doc = cursor.next();
if (prepaidDayAmountMap[doc._id.valueOf()]) {
day = prepaidDayAmountMap[doc._id.valueOf()].day;
var amount = prepaidDayAmountMap[doc._id.valueOf()].amount;
if (doc.type === 'course' || doc.type === 'terminal_subscription') {
var revenueType = doc.type === 'course' ? 'DRR school sales' : 'DRR monthly subs';
if (!dailyRevenueCounts[revenueType]) dailyRevenueCounts[revenueType] = {};
if (!dailyRevenueCounts[revenueType][day]) dailyRevenueCounts[revenueType][day] = 0;
dailyRevenueCounts[revenueType][day] += amount;
return dailyRevenueCounts;
// *** Helper functions ***
function slugify(text)
// https://gist.github.com/mathewbyrne/1280286
return text.toString().toLowerCase()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text
function log(str) {
print(new Date().toISOString() + " " + str);
function objectIdWithTimestamp(timestamp) {
// Convert string date to Date object (otherwise assume timestamp is a date)
if (typeof(timestamp) == 'string') timestamp = new Date(timestamp);
// Convert date object to hex seconds since Unix epoch
var hexSeconds = Math.floor(timestamp/1000).toString(16);
// Create an ObjectId with that hex timestamp
var constructedObjectId = ObjectId(hexSeconds + "0000000000000000");
return constructedObjectId
function getAnalyticsString(str) {
if (analyticsStringCache[str]) return analyticsStringCache[str];
// Find existing string
var doc = db['analytics.strings'].findOne({v: str});
if (doc) {
analyticsStringCache[str] = doc._id;
return analyticsStringCache[str];
// Insert string
// http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/create-an-auto-incrementing-field/#auto-increment-optimistic-loop
doc = {v: str};
while (true) {
var cursor = db['analytics.strings'].find({}, {_id: 1}).sort({_id: -1}).limit(1);
var seq = cursor.hasNext() ? cursor.next()._id + 1 : 1;
doc._id = seq;
var results = db['analytics.strings'].insert(doc);
if (results.hasWriteError()) {
if ( results.writeError.code == 11000 /* dup key */ ) continue;
else throw new Error("ERROR: Unexpected error inserting data: " + tojson(results));
// Find new string entry
doc = db['analytics.strings'].findOne({v: str});
if (doc) {
analyticsStringCache[str] = doc._id;
return analyticsStringCache[str];
throw new Error("ERROR: Did not find analytics.strings insert for: " + str);
function insertEventCount(event, day, count) {
// analytics.perdays schema in server/analytics/AnalyticsPeryDay.coffee
day = day.replace(/-/g, '');
var results;
var eventID = getAnalyticsString(event);
var filterID = getAnalyticsString('all');
var queryParams = {$and: [{d: day}, {e: eventID}, {f: filterID}]};
var doc = db['analytics.perdays'].findOne(queryParams);
if (doc && doc.c === count) return;
if (doc && doc.c !== count) {
// Update existing count, assume new one is more accurate
// log("Updating count in db for " + day + " " + event + " " + doc.c + " => " + count);
results = db['analytics.perdays'].update(queryParams, {$set: {c: count}});
if (results.nMatched !== 1 && results.nModified !== 1) {
log("ERROR: update event count failed");
else {
var insertDoc = {d: day, e: eventID, f: filterID, c: count};
results = db['analytics.perdays'].insert(insertDoc);
if (results.nInserted !== 1) {
log("ERROR: insert event failed");
// else {
// log("Added " + day + " " + event + " " + count);
// }