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describe 'Camera (Surface point of view)', ->
Camera = require 'lib/surface/Camera'
expectPositionsEqual = (p1, p2) ->
expect(p1.x).toBeCloseTo p2.x
expect(p1.y).toBeCloseTo p2.y
expect(p1.z).toBeCloseTo p2.z if p2.z?
checkConversionsFromWorldPos = (wop, cam) ->
# wop = world pos
# sup = surface pos
# cap = canvas pos
# scp = screen pos
sup = cam.worldToSurface wop
expect(sup.x).toBeCloseTo wop.x * Camera.PPM
expect(sup.y).toBeCloseTo cam.surfaceHeight - (wop.y + wop.z * cam.z2y) * cam.y2x * Camera.PPM
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expect(cap.x).toBeCloseTo (sup.x - cam.surfaceViewport.x) * cam.zoom
expect(cap.y).toBeCloseTo (sup.y - cam.surfaceViewport.y) * cam.zoom
scp = cam.worldToScreen wop
# If we ever want to use screen conversion, then make it and add this test
#expect(scp.x).toBeCloseTo cap.x * @someCanvasToScreenXScaleFactor
#expect(scp.y).toBeCloseTo cap.y * @someCanvasToScreenYScaleFactor
wop2 = cam.surfaceToWorld sup
expect(wop2.x).toBeCloseTo wop.x
expect(wop2.y).toBeCloseTo wop.y + wop.z * cam.z2y
# Make sure to call all twelve conversions in here. Can be redundant.
expectPositionsEqual sup, cam.worldToSurface wop2 # 0
expectPositionsEqual cap, cam.surfaceToCanvas sup # 1
expectPositionsEqual scp, cam.canvasToScreen cap # 2
expectPositionsEqual cap, cam.screenToCanvas scp # 3
expectPositionsEqual sup, cam.canvasToSurface cap # 4
expectPositionsEqual wop2, cam.surfaceToWorld sup # 5
expectPositionsEqual wop2, cam.canvasToWorld cap # 6
expectPositionsEqual cap, cam.worldToCanvas wop # 7
expectPositionsEqual scp, cam.worldToScreen wop # 8
expectPositionsEqual scp, cam.surfaceToScreen sup # 9
expectPositionsEqual sup, cam.screenToSurface scp # 10
expectPositionsEqual wop2, cam.screenToWorld scp # 11
checkCameraPos = (cam, wop) ->
botFOV = cam.x2y * cam.vFOV / (cam.y2x + cam.x2y)
botDist = (cam.worldViewport.height) * Math.sin(cam.angle) / Math.sin(botFOV)
camDist = (cam.worldViewport.height / 2) * Math.sin(Math.PI - cam.angle - botFOV) / Math.sin(botFOV)
targetPos =
x: cam.worldViewport.cx
y: cam.worldViewport.cy - camDist * cam.y2x * cam.z2y
z: camDist * cam.z2x * cam.y2z
#console.log "botFOV", botFOV * 180 / Math.PI, "botDist", botDist, "camDist", camDist, "target pos", targetPos, "actual pos", cam.cameraWorldPos()
expectPositionsEqual cam.cameraWorldPos(), targetPos
if wop
dx = targetPos.x - wop.x
dy = targetPos.y - wop.y
dz = targetPos.z - wop.z
d = cam.distanceTo wop
expect(d).toBeCloseTo Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
# This is fairly vulnerable to numerical instability, so we limit the number of digits to consider.
decimalPlaces = 3 - Math.floor(Math.log(d / camDist) / Math.log(10))
expect(cam.distanceRatioTo wop).toBeCloseTo d / camDist, decimalPlaces
testWops = [
{x: 3, y: 4, z: 7}
{x: -4, y: 12, z: 2}
{x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
testCanvasSizes = [
{width: 100, height: 100}
{width: 200, height: 50}
testLayer = {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, regX: 0, regY: 0}
testZooms = [0.5, 1, 2]
testZoomTargets = [
{x: 50, y: 50}
{x: 0, y: 150}
testAngles = [0, Math.PI / 4, null, Math.PI / 2]
testFOVs = [Math.PI / 6, Math.PI / 3, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI]
xit 'handles lots of different cases correctly', ->
for wop in testWops
for size in testCanvasSizes
for zoom in testZooms
for target in testZoomTargets
for angle in testAngles
for fov in testFOVs
cam = new Camera size.width, size.height, size.width * Camera.MPP, size.height * Camera.MPP, testLayer, zoom, null, angle, fov
checkCameraPos cam, wop
cam.zoomTo target, zoom, 0
checkConversionsFromWorldPos wop, cam
checkCameraPos cam, wop
it 'works at 90 degrees', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 100, 100 * Camera.MPP, 100 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 1, null, Math.PI / 2
expect(cam.x2y).toBeCloseTo 1
expect(cam.x2z).toBeGreaterThan 9001
expect(cam.z2y).toBeCloseTo 0
it 'works at 0 degrees', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 100, 100 * Camera.MPP, 100 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 1, null, 0
expect(cam.x2z).toBeGreaterThan 9001
expect(cam.x2y).toBeCloseTo 1
expect(cam.z2y).toBeCloseTo 0
it 'works at 45 degrees', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 100, 100 * Camera.MPP, 100 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 1, null, Math.PI / 4
expect(cam.x2y).toBeCloseTo 1
expect(cam.x2z).toBeGreaterThan 9001
expect(cam.z2y).toBeCloseTo 0
xit 'works at default angle of asin(0.75) ~= 48.9 degrees', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 100, 100 * Camera.MPP, 100 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 1
angle = 1 / Math.cos angle
expect(cam.angle).toBeCloseTo angle
expect(cam.x2y).toBeCloseTo 1
expect(cam.x2z).toBeGreaterThan 9001
expect(cam.z2y).toBeCloseTo 0
xit 'works at 2x zoom, 90 degrees', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 100, 100 * Camera.MPP, 100 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 2, null, Math.PI / 2
checkCameraPos cam
wop = x: 5, y: 2.5, z: 7
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: 50, y: 100}
cam.zoomTo {x: 50, y: 75}, 2, 0
checkCameraPos cam
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: 50, y: 50}
cam.zoomTo {x: 50, y: 75}, 4, 0
checkCameraPos cam
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: 50, y: 50}
# Now let's try zooming on the edge of the screen; we should be bounded to the surface viewport
cam.zoomTo {x: 100, y: 100}, 2, 0
checkCameraPos cam
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: 0, y: 50}
xit 'works at 2x zoom, 30 degrees', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 100, 100 * Camera.MPP, 2 * 100 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 2, null, Math.PI / 6
expect(cam.x2y).toBeCloseTo 1
expect(cam.x2z).toBeGreaterThan 9001
checkCameraPos cam
wop = x: 5, y: 4, z: 6 * cam.y2z # like x: 5, y: 10 out of world width: 10, height: 20
sup = cam.worldToSurface wop
expect(cam.surfaceToWorld(sup).y).toBeCloseTo 10
expectPositionsEqual sup, {x: 50, y: 50}
cap = cam.surfaceToCanvas sup
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: 50, y: 50}
# Zoom to bottom edge of screen
cam.zoomTo {x: 50, y: 100}, 2, 0
checkCameraPos cam
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: 50, y: 0}
cam.zoomTo {x: 50, y: 100}, 4, 0
checkCameraPos cam
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: 50, y: -100}
it 'works at 2x zoom, 60 degree hFOV', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 100, 100 * Camera.MPP, 100 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 2, null, null, 0.01
checkCameraPos cam
it 'works at 2x zoom, 60 degree hFOV, 40 degree hFOV', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 63.041494, 100 * Camera.MPP, 63.041494 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 2, null, null, Math.PI / 3
checkCameraPos cam
xit 'works on a surface wider than it is tall, 30 degrees, default viewing upper left corner', ->
cam = new Camera 100, 100, 200 * Camera.MPP, 2 * 50 * Camera.MPP, testLayer, 1, {x: 0, y: 0}, Math.PI / 6
checkCameraPos cam
expect(cam.zoom).toBeCloseTo 2
wop = x: 5, y: 4, z: 6 * cam.y2z # like x: 5, y: 10 out of world width: 20, height: 10
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: 100, y: 0}
# Zoom to far right edge of screen and try to zoom out
cam.zoomTo {x: 9001, y: 25}, 0.1, 0
checkCameraPos cam
cap = cam.worldToCanvas wop
expectPositionsEqual cap, {x: -200, y: 0}