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synced 2025-03-06 18:28:05 -05:00
130 lines
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130 lines
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# Calculate subscribe copy A/B test results
import sys
from mixpanel import Mixpanel
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
# NOTE: mixpanel dates are by day and inclusive
# E.g. '2014-12-08' is any date that day, up to 2014-12-09 12am
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not len(sys.argv) is 3:
print "Script format: <script> <api_key> <api_secret>"
api_key = sys.argv[1]
api_secret = sys.argv[2]
api = Mixpanel(
api_key = api_key,
api_secret = api_secret
startDate = '2014-12-14'
endDate = '2014-12-21'
print("Requesting data for {0} to {1}".format(startDate, endDate))
data = api.request(['export'], {
'event' : ['Show subscription modal', 'Started subscription purchase', 'Finished subscription purchase'],
'from_date' : startDate,
'to_date' : endDate
userProgressionGroupA = {}
userProgressionGroupB = {}
lines = data.split('\n')
print "Received %d entries" % len(lines)
for line in lines:
if len(line) is 0: continue
eventData = json.loads(line)
eventName = eventData['event']
properties = eventData['properties']
if not eventName in ['Show subscription modal', 'Started subscription purchase', 'Finished subscription purchase']:
print 'Unexpected event ' + eventName
if 'distinct_id' in properties and 'testGroupNumber' in properties:
userID = properties['distinct_id']
# Test grouping logic
# group = me.get('testGroupNumber') % 6
# @subscribeCopyGroup = switch group
# when 0, 1, 2 then 'original'
# when 3, 4, 5 then 'new'
if int(properties['testGroupNumber']) % 6 in [0, 1, 2]:
if not userID in userProgressionGroupA:
userProgressionGroupA[userID] = {
'Show subscription modal': 0,
'Started subscription purchase': 0,
'Finished subscription purchase': 0
userProgressionGroupA[userID][eventName] += 1
if not userID in userProgressionGroupB:
userProgressionGroupB[userID] = {
'Show subscription modal': 0,
'Started subscription purchase': 0,
'Finished subscription purchase': 0
userProgressionGroupB[userID][eventName] += 1
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
print line
saw = started = converted = 0
sawGroupA = startedGroupA = convertedGroupA = 0
sawGroupB = startedGroupB = convertedGroupB = 0
# Group A
print("Processing Group A")
for key, item in userProgressionGroupA.iteritems():
if item['Finished subscription purchase'] > 0:
converted += 1
convertedGroupA += 1
# TODO: is our distinct_id correct? We hit this at least once.
# if item['Finished subscription purchase'] > 1:
# print "User multiple subcription purchases?"
# print item
elif item['Started subscription purchase'] > 0:
started += 1
startedGroupA += 1
elif item['Show subscription modal'] > 0:
saw += 1
sawGroupA += 1
print "User without any hits?"
print item
# Group B
print("Processing Group B")
for key, item in userProgressionGroupB.iteritems():
if item['Finished subscription purchase'] > 0:
converted += 1
convertedGroupB += 1
elif item['Started subscription purchase'] > 0:
started += 1
startedGroupB += 1
elif item['Show subscription modal'] > 0:
saw += 1
sawGroupB += 1
print "User without any hits?"
print item
print("saw {0} started {1} converted {2}".format(saw, started, converted))
print("step 1 conversion {0}% step 2 conversion {1}% overall conversion {2}%".format(float(started) / saw * 100, float(converted) / started * 100, float(converted) / saw * 100))
print("Group A")
print("sawGroupA {0} startedGroupA {1} convertedGroupA {2}".format(sawGroupA, startedGroupA, convertedGroupA))
print("step 1 conversion {0}% step 2 conversion {1}% overall conversion {2}%".format(float(startedGroupA) / sawGroupA * 100, float(convertedGroupA) / startedGroupA * 100, float(convertedGroupA) / sawGroupA * 100))
print("Group B")
print("sawGroupB {0} startedGroupB {1} convertedGroupB {2}".format(sawGroupB, startedGroupB, convertedGroupB))
print("step 1 conversion {0}% step 2 conversion {1}% overall conversion {2}%".format(float(startedGroupB) / sawGroupB * 100, float(convertedGroupB) / startedGroupB * 100, float(convertedGroupB) / sawGroupB * 100))
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]