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synced 2025-02-17 17:02:18 -05:00
Saw that this caused 500s on /auth/whoami with no cookies set, with this error:
debug: 500: MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error index: coco.users.$emailLower_1 dup key: { : null }
Probably we need to be much more careful about what changes this blanket change to the minimize Mongoose option might introduce, since tests didn't catch this, but it would have taken the site down for anyone not logged in already.
This reverts commit 121f07d020
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mongoose = require 'mongoose'
jsonschema = require '../../app/schemas/models/achievement'
log = require 'winston'
utils = require '../../app/core/utils'
plugins = require('../plugins/plugins')
AchievablePlugin = require '../plugins/achievements'
TreemaUtils = require '../../bower_components/treema/treema-utils.js'
# `pre` and `post` are not called for update operations executed directly on the database,
# including `Model.update`,`.findByIdAndUpdate`,`.findOneAndUpdate`, `.findOneAndRemove`,and `.findByIdAndRemove`.order
# to utilize `pre` or `post` middleware, you should `find()` the document, and call the `init`, `validate`, `save`,
# or `remove` functions on the document. See [explanation](http://github.com/LearnBoost/mongoose/issues/964).
AchievementSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
userField: String
}, {strict: false})
AchievementSchema.methods.objectifyQuery = ->
@set('query', JSON.parse(@get('query'))) if typeof @get('query') == 'string'
catch error
log.error "Couldn't convert query string to object because of #{error}"
@set('query', {})
AchievementSchema.methods.stringifyQuery = ->
@set('query', JSON.stringify(@get('query'))) if typeof @get('query') != 'string'
AchievementSchema.methods.getExpFunction = ->
func = @get('function') ? {}
TreemaUtils.populateDefaults(func, jsonschema.properties.function)
return utils.functionCreators[func.kind](func.parameters) if func.kind of utils.functionCreators
AchievementSchema.statics.jsonschema = jsonschema
AchievementSchema.statics.earnedAchievements = {}
# Reloads all achievements into memory.
# TODO might want to tweak this to only load new achievements
AchievementSchema.statics.loadAchievements = (done) ->
Achievement = require('../achievements/Achievement')
query = Achievement.find({collection: {$ne: 'level.sessions'}})
query.exec (err, docs) ->
_.each docs, (achievement) ->
category = achievement.get 'collection'
AchievementSchema.statics.earnedAchievements[category] = [] unless category of AchievementSchema.statics.earnedAchievements
AchievementSchema.statics.earnedAchievements[category].push achievement
AchievementSchema.statics.getLoadedAchievements = ->
AchievementSchema.statics.resetAchievements = ->
delete AchievementSchema.statics.earnedAchievements[category] for category of AchievementSchema.statics.earnedAchievements
# Queries are stored as JSON strings, objectify them upon loading
AchievementSchema.post 'init', (doc) -> doc.objectifyQuery()
AchievementSchema.pre 'save', (next) ->
# Reload achievements upon save
AchievementSchema.post 'save', -> @constructor.loadAchievements()
AchievementSchema.plugin(plugins.SearchablePlugin, {searchable: ['name']})
AchievementSchema.plugin plugins.TranslationCoveragePlugin
module.exports = Achievement = mongoose.model('Achievement', AchievementSchema, 'achievements')