
725 lines
27 KiB

CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass'
TrailMaster = require './TrailMaster'
Dropper = require './Dropper'
AudioPlayer = require 'lib/AudioPlayer'
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
Camera = require './Camera'
CameraBorder = require './CameraBorder'
Layer = require('./LayerAdapter')
Letterbox = require './Letterbox'
Dimmer = require './Dimmer'
CountdownScreen = require './CountdownScreen'
PlaybackOverScreen = require './PlaybackOverScreen'
WaitingScreen = require './WaitingScreen'
DebugDisplay = require './DebugDisplay'
CoordinateDisplay = require './CoordinateDisplay'
CoordinateGrid = require './CoordinateGrid'
LankBoss = require './LankBoss'
PointChooser = require './PointChooser'
RegionChooser = require './RegionChooser'
MusicPlayer = require './MusicPlayer'
resizeDelay = 500 # At least as much as $level-resize-transition-time.
module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
stage: null
normalLayers: null
surfaceLayer: null
surfaceTextLayer: null
screenLayer: null
gridLayer: null
lankBoss: null
debugDisplay: null
currentFrame: 0
lastFrame: null
totalFramesDrawn: 0
playing: false # play vs. pause -- match default button state in playback.jade
dead: false # if we kill it for some reason
imagesLoaded: false
worldLoaded: false
scrubbing: false
debug: false
wizards: true
paths: true
grid: false
navigateToSelection: true
choosing: false # 'point', 'region', 'ratio-region'
coords: null # use world defaults, or set to false/true to override
playJingle: false
showInvisible: false
frameRate: 30 # Best as a divisor of 60, like 15, 30, 60, with RAF_SYNCHED timing.
'level:disable-controls': 'onDisableControls'
'level:enable-controls': 'onEnableControls'
'level:set-playing': 'onSetPlaying'
'level:set-debug': 'onSetDebug'
'level:toggle-debug': 'onToggleDebug'
'level:toggle-pathfinding': 'onTogglePathFinding'
'level:set-time': 'onSetTime'
'camera:set-camera': 'onSetCamera'
'level:restarted': 'onLevelRestarted'
'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorld'
'god:streaming-world-updated': 'onNewWorld'
'tome:cast-spells': 'onCastSpells'
'level:set-letterbox': 'onSetLetterbox'
'application:idle-changed': 'onIdleChanged'
'camera:zoom-updated': 'onZoomUpdated'
'playback:real-time-playback-waiting': 'onRealTimePlaybackWaiting'
'playback:real-time-playback-started': 'onRealTimePlaybackStarted'
'playback:real-time-playback-ended': 'onRealTimePlaybackEnded'
'level:flag-color-selected': 'onFlagColorSelected'
'ctrl+\\, ⌘+\\': 'onToggleDebug'
'ctrl+o, ⌘+o': 'onTogglePathFinding'
#- Initialization
constructor: (@world, @normalCanvas, @webGLCanvas, givenOptions) ->
@normalLayers = []
@options = _.clone(@defaults)
@options = _.extend(@options, givenOptions) if givenOptions
@onResize = _.debounce @onResize, resizeDelay
$(window).on 'resize', @onResize
if @world.ended
_.defer => @setWorld @world
initEasel: ->
@normalStage = new createjs.Stage(@normalCanvas[0])
@webGLStage = new createjs.SpriteStage(@webGLCanvas[0])
@normalStage.nextStage = @webGLStage
@camera = new Camera @webGLCanvas = @camera unless @options.choosing
@normalLayers.push @surfaceTextLayer = new Layer name: 'Surface Text', layerPriority: 1, transform: Layer.TRANSFORM_SURFACE_TEXT, camera: @camera
@normalLayers.push @gridLayer = new Layer name: 'Grid', layerPriority: 2, transform: Layer.TRANSFORM_SURFACE, camera: @camera
@normalLayers.push @screenLayer = new Layer name: 'Screen', layerPriority: 3, transform: Layer.TRANSFORM_SCREEN, camera: @camera
# @normalLayers.push @cameraBorderLayer = new Layer name: 'Camera Border', layerPriority: 4, transform: Layer.TRANSFORM_SURFACE, camera: @camera
# @cameraBorderLayer.addChild @cameraBorder = new CameraBorder(bounds: @camera.bounds)
@normalStage.addChild (layer.container for layer in @normalLayers)...
canvasWidth = parseInt @normalCanvas.attr('width'), 10
canvasHeight = parseInt @normalCanvas.attr('height'), 10
@screenLayer.addChild new Letterbox canvasWidth: canvasWidth, canvasHeight: canvasHeight
@lankBoss = new LankBoss camera: @camera, webGLStage: @webGLStage, surfaceTextLayer: @surfaceTextLayer, world: @world, thangTypes: @options.thangTypes, choosing: @options.choosing, navigateToSelection: @options.navigateToSelection, showInvisible: @options.showInvisible
@countdownScreen = new CountdownScreen camera: @camera, layer: @screenLayer, showsCountdown: @world.showsCountdown
@playbackOverScreen = new PlaybackOverScreen camera: @camera, layer: @screenLayer
@normalStage.addChildAt @playbackOverScreen.dimLayer, 0 # Put this below the other layers, actually, so we can more easily read text on the screen.
@waitingScreen = new WaitingScreen camera: @camera, layer: @screenLayer
@webGLStage.addEventListener 'stagemousemove', @onMouseMove
@webGLStage.addEventListener 'stagemousedown', @onMouseDown
@webGLCanvas[0].addEventListener 'mouseup', @onMouseUp
@webGLCanvas.on 'mousewheel', @onMouseWheel
@hookUpChooseControls() if @options.choosing # TODO: figure this stuff out
createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.RAF_SYNCHED
createjs.Ticker.setFPS @options.frameRate
initCoordinates: ->
@coordinateGrid ?= new CoordinateGrid {camera: @camera, layer: @gridLayer, textLayer: @surfaceTextLayer}, @world.size()
@coordinateGrid.showGrid() if @world.showGrid or @options.grid
showCoordinates = if @options.coords? then @options.coords else @world.showCoordinates
@coordinateDisplay ?= new CoordinateDisplay camera: @camera, layer: @surfaceTextLayer if showCoordinates
hookUpChooseControls: ->
chooserOptions = stage: @webGLStage, surfaceLayer: @surfaceTextLayer, camera: @camera, restrictRatio: @options.choosing is 'ratio-region'
klass = if @options.choosing is 'point' then PointChooser else RegionChooser
@chooser = new klass chooserOptions
initAudio: ->
@musicPlayer = new MusicPlayer()
#- Setting the world
setWorld: (@world) ->
@worldLoaded = true = @world
@restoreWorldState() unless @options.choosing
@updateState true if @loaded
showLevel: ->
return if @destroyed
return if @loaded
@loaded = true
@lankBoss.createIndieLanks @world.indieSprites, @options.wizards
@updateState true
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener 'tick', @tick
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:started', {}
createOpponentWizard: (opponent) ->
@lankBoss.createOpponentWizard opponent
#- Update loop
tick: (e) =>
# seems to be a bug where only one object can register with the Ticker...
oldFrame = @currentFrame
oldWorldFrame = Math.floor oldFrame
lastFrame = @world.frames.length - 1
framesDropped = 0
while true
# Skip some frame updates unless we're playing and not at end (or we haven't drawn much yet)
frameAdvanced = (@playing and @currentFrame < lastFrame) or @totalFramesDrawn < 2
if frameAdvanced and @playing
advanceBy = @world.frameRate / @options.frameRate
if @fastForwardingToFrame and @currentFrame < @fastForwardingToFrame - advanceBy
advanceBy = Math.min(@currentFrame + advanceBy * @fastForwardingSpeed, @fastForwardingToFrame) - @currentFrame
else if @fastForwardingToFrame
@fastForwardingToFrame = @fastForwardingSpeed = null
@currentFrame += advanceBy
@currentFrame = Math.min @currentFrame, lastFrame
newWorldFrame = Math.floor @currentFrame
if Dropper.drop()
worldFrameAdvanced = newWorldFrame isnt oldWorldFrame
if worldFrameAdvanced
# Only restore world state when it will correspond to an integer WorldFrame, not interpolated frame.
oldWorldFrame = newWorldFrame
if frameAdvanced and not worldFrameAdvanced
# We didn't end the above loop on an integer frame, so do the world state update.
# these are skipped for dropped frames
@updateState @currentFrame isnt oldFrame
@drawCurrentFrame e
Backbone.Mediator.publish('surface:ticked', {dt: 1 / @options.frameRate})
mib = @webGLStage.mouseInBounds
if @mouseInBounds isnt mib
Backbone.Mediator.publish('surface:mouse-' + (if mib then 'over' else 'out'), {})
@mouseInBounds = mib
@mouseIsDown = false
restoreWorldState: ->
frame = @world.getFrame(@getCurrentFrame())
current = Math.max(0, Math.min(@currentFrame, @world.frames.length - 1))
if current - Math.floor(current) > 0.01 and Math.ceil(current) < @world.frames.length - 1
next = Math.ceil current
ratio = current % 1
@world.frames[next].restorePartialState ratio if next > 1
frame.clearEvents() if parseInt(@currentFrame) is parseInt(@lastFrame)
@lankBoss.updateSounds() if parseInt(@currentFrame) isnt parseInt(@lastFrame)
updateState: (frameChanged) ->
# world state must have been restored in @restoreWorldState
if @playing and @currentFrame < @world.frames.length - 1 and @heroLank and not @mouseIsDown and @camera.newTarget isnt @heroLank.sprite and isnt @heroLank.sprite
@camera.zoomTo @heroLank.sprite, @camera.zoom, 750
@lankBoss.update frameChanged
@camera.updateZoom() # Make sure to do this right after the LankBoss updates, not before, so it can properly target sprite positions.
@dimmer?.setSprites @lankBoss.lanks
drawCurrentFrame: (e) ->
@normalStage.update e
@webGLStage.update e
#- Setting play/pause and progress
setProgress: (progress, scrubDuration=500) ->
progress = Math.max(Math.min(progress, 1), 0.0)
@fastForwardingToFrame = null
@scrubbing = true
onTweenEnd = =>
@scrubbingTo = null
@scrubbing = false
@scrubbingPlaybackSpeed = null
if @scrubbingTo?
# cut to the chase for existing tween
@currentFrame = @scrubbingTo
@scrubbingTo = Math.round(progress * (@world.frames.length - 1))
@scrubbingTo = Math.max @scrubbingTo, 1
@scrubbingTo = Math.min @scrubbingTo, @world.frames.length - 1
@scrubbingPlaybackSpeed = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(@scrubbingTo - @currentFrame) * @world.dt / (scrubDuration or 0.5))
if scrubDuration
t = createjs.Tween
.to({currentFrame: @scrubbingTo}, scrubDuration, createjs.Ease.sineInOut)
t.addEventListener('change', @onFramesScrubbed)
@currentFrame = @scrubbingTo
@onFramesScrubbed() # For performance, don't play these for instant transitions.
return unless @loaded
@updateState true
onFramesScrubbed: (e) =>
return unless @loaded
if e
# Gotta play all the sounds when scrubbing (but not when doing an immediate transition).
rising = @currentFrame > @lastFrame
actualCurrentFrame = @currentFrame
tempFrame = if rising then Math.ceil(@lastFrame) else Math.floor(@lastFrame)
while true # temporary fix to stop cacophony
break if rising and tempFrame > actualCurrentFrame
break if (not rising) and tempFrame < actualCurrentFrame
@currentFrame = tempFrame
frame = @world.getFrame(@getCurrentFrame())
volume = Math.max(0.05, Math.min(1, 1 / @scrubbingPlaybackSpeed))
lank.playSounds false, volume for lank in @lankBoss.lankArray
tempFrame += if rising then 1 else -1
@currentFrame = actualCurrentFrame
@lankBoss.update true
getCurrentFrame: ->
return Math.max(0, Math.min(Math.floor(@currentFrame), @world.frames.length - 1))
setPaused: (paused) ->
# We want to be able to essentially stop rendering the surface if it doesn't need to animate anything.
# If pausing, though, we want to give it enough time to finish any tweens.
performToggle = =>
createjs.Ticker.setFPS if paused then 1 else @options.frameRate
@surfacePauseTimeout = null
clearTimeout @surfacePauseTimeout if @surfacePauseTimeout
clearTimeout @surfaceZoomPauseTimeout if @surfaceZoomPauseTimeout
@surfacePauseTimeout = @surfaceZoomPauseTimeout = null
if paused
@surfacePauseTimeout = _.delay performToggle, 2000
#- Changes and events that only need to happen when the frame has changed
onFrameChanged: (force) ->
@currentFrame = Math.min(@currentFrame, @world.frames.length - 1)
@debugDisplay?.updateFrame @currentFrame
return if @currentFrame is @lastFrame and not force
progress = @getProgress()
selectedThang: @lankBoss.selectedLank?.thang
progress: progress
frame: @currentFrame
world: @world
if @lastFrame < @world.frames.length and @currentFrame >= @world.totalFrames - 1
@ended = true
@setPaused true
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:playback-ended', {}
@updatePaths() # TODO: this is a hack to make sure paths are on the first time the level loads
else if @currentFrame < @world.totalFrames and @ended
@ended = false
@setPaused false
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:playback-restarted', {}
@lastFrame = @currentFrame
getProgress: -> @currentFrame / Math.max(1, @world.frames.length - 1)
#- Subscription callbacks
onToggleDebug: (e) ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:set-debug', {debug: not @debug}
onSetDebug: (e) ->
return if e.debug is @debug
@debug = e.debug
if @debug and not @debugDisplay
@screenLayer.addChild @debugDisplay = new DebugDisplay canvasWidth: @camera.canvasWidth, canvasHeight: @camera.canvasHeight
onLevelRestarted: (e) ->
@setProgress 0, 0
onSetCamera: (e) ->
if e.thangID
return unless target = @lankBoss.lankFor(e.thangID)?.sprite
else if e.pos
target = @camera.worldToSurface e.pos
target = null
@camera.setBounds e.bounds if e.bounds
# @cameraBorder.updateBounds @camera.bounds
@camera.zoomTo target, e.zoom, e.duration # TODO: SurfaceScriptModule perhaps shouldn't assign e.zoom if not set
onZoomUpdated: (e) ->
if @ended
@setPaused false
@surfaceZoomPauseTimeout = _.delay (=> @setPaused true), 3000
@zoomedIn = e.zoom > e.minZoom * 1.1
updateGrabbability: ->
@webGLCanvas.toggleClass 'grabbable', @zoomedIn and not @playing and not @disabled
onDisableControls: (e) ->
return if e.controls and not ('surface' in e.controls)
@setDisabled true
@dimmer ?= new Dimmer camera: @camera, layer: @screenLayer
@dimmer.setSprites @lankBoss.lanks
onEnableControls: (e) ->
return if e.controls and not ('surface' in e.controls)
@setDisabled false
onSetLetterbox: (e) ->
@setDisabled e.on
setDisabled: (@disabled) ->
@lankBoss.disabled = @disabled
onSetPlaying: (e) ->
@playing = (e ? {}).playing ? true
@setPlayingCalled = true
if @playing and @currentFrame >= (@world.totalFrames - 5)
@currentFrame = 1 # Go back to the beginning (but not frame 0, that frame is weird)
if @fastForwardingToFrame and not @playing
@fastForwardingToFrame = null
onSetTime: (e) ->
toFrame = @currentFrame
if e.time?
@worldLifespan = @world.frames.length / @world.frameRate
e.ratio = e.time / @worldLifespan
if e.ratio?
toFrame = @world.frames.length * e.ratio
if e.frameOffset
toFrame += e.frameOffset
if e.ratioOffset
toFrame += @world.frames.length * e.ratioOffset
unless _.isNumber(toFrame) and not _.isNaN(toFrame)
return console.error('set-time event', e, 'produced invalid target frame', toFrame)
@setProgress(toFrame / @world.frames.length, e.scrubDuration)
onCastSpells: (e) ->
return if e.preload
@setPaused false if @ended
@casting = true
@setPlayingCalled = false # Don't overwrite playing settings if they changed by, say, scripts.
@frameBeforeCast = @currentFrame
# This is where I wanted to trigger a rewind, but it turned out to be pretty complicated, since the new world gets updated everywhere, and you don't want to rewind through that.
@setProgress 0, 0
onNewWorld: (event) ->
return unless is
@onStreamingWorldUpdated event
onStreamingWorldUpdated: (event) ->
@casting = false
# This has a tendency to break scripts that are waiting for playback to change when the level is loaded
# so only run it after the first world is created.
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:set-playing', {playing: true} unless event.firstWorld or @setPlayingCalled
fastForwardBuffer = 2
if @playing and not @realTime and (ffToFrame = Math.min(event.firstChangedFrame, @frameBeforeCast, @world.frames.length - 1)) and ffToFrame > @currentFrame + fastForwardBuffer * @world.frameRate
@fastForwardingToFrame = ffToFrame
@fastForwardingSpeed = Math.max 3, 3 * (@world.maxTotalFrames * @world.dt) / 60
else if @realTime
lag = (@world.frames.length - 1) * @world.dt - @world.age
intendedLag = @world.realTimeBufferMax + @world.dt
if lag > intendedLag * 1.2
@fastForwardingToFrame = @world.frames.length - @world.realTimeBufferMax * @world.frameRate
@fastForwardingSpeed = lag / intendedLag
@fastForwardingToFrame = @fastForwardingSpeed = null
# console.log "on new world, lag", lag, "intended lag", intendedLag, "fastForwardingToFrame", @fastForwardingToFrame, "speed", @fastForwardingSpeed, "cause we are at", @world.age, "of", @world.frames.length * @world.dt
if event.finished
onIdleChanged: (e) ->
@setPaused e.idle unless @ended
#- Mouse event callbacks
onMouseMove: (e) =>
@mouseScreenPos = {x: e.stageX, y: e.stageY}
return if @disabled
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:mouse-moved', x: e.stageX, y: e.stageY
onMouseDown: (e) =>
return if @disabled
cap = @camera.screenToCanvas({x: e.stageX, y: e.stageY})
# getObject(s)UnderPoint is broken, so we have to use the private method to get what we want
onBackground = not @webGLStage._getObjectsUnderPoint(e.stageX, e.stageY, null, true)
wop = @camera.screenToWorld x: e.stageX, y: e.stageY
event = onBackground: onBackground, x: e.stageX, y: e.stageY, originalEvent: e, worldPos: wop
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:stage-mouse-down', event
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:focus-editor', {}
@mouseIsDown = true
onMouseUp: (e) =>
return if @disabled
onBackground = not @webGLStage.hitTest e.stageX, e.stageY
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:stage-mouse-up', onBackground: onBackground, x: e.stageX, y: e.stageY, originalEvent: e
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:focus-editor', {}
@mouseIsDown = false
onMouseWheel: (e) =>
return if @disabled
event =
deltaX: e.deltaX
deltaY: e.deltaY
canvas: @webGLCanvas
event.screenPos = @mouseScreenPos if @mouseScreenPos
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:mouse-scrolled', event unless @disabled
#- Canvas callbacks
onResize: (e) =>
return if @destroyed or @options.choosing
oldWidth = parseInt @normalCanvas.attr('width'), 10
oldHeight = parseInt @normalCanvas.attr('height'), 10
aspectRatio = oldWidth / oldHeight
pageWidth = $('#page-container').width() - 17 # 17px nano scroll bar
if application.isIPadApp
newWidth = 1024
newHeight = newWidth / aspectRatio
else if @realTime or @options.spectateGame
pageHeight = $('#page-container').height() - $('#control-bar-view').outerHeight() - $('#playback-view').outerHeight()
newWidth = Math.min pageWidth, pageHeight * aspectRatio
newHeight = newWidth / aspectRatio
else if $('#thangs-tab-view')
newWidth = $('#canvas-wrapper').width()
newHeight = newWidth / aspectRatio
newWidth = 0.55 * pageWidth
newHeight = newWidth / aspectRatio
return unless newWidth > 0 and newHeight > 0
return if newWidth is oldWidth and newHeight is oldHeight and not @options.spectateGame
#scaleFactor = if application.isIPadApp then 2 else 1 # Retina
scaleFactor = 1
@normalCanvas.add(@webGLCanvas).attr width: newWidth * scaleFactor, height: newHeight * scaleFactor
# Cannot do this to the webGLStage because it does not use scaleX/Y.
# Instead the LayerAdapter scales webGL-enabled layers.
@webGLStage.updateViewport(@webGLCanvas[0].width, @webGLCanvas[0].height)
@normalStage.scaleX *= newWidth / oldWidth
@normalStage.scaleY *= newHeight / oldHeight
@camera.onResize newWidth, newHeight
if @options.spectateGame
# Since normalCanvas is absolutely positioned, it needs help aligning with webGLCanvas. But not further than +149px (1920px screen).
@normalCanvas.css 'left', Math.min 149, @webGLCanvas.offset().left
#- Camera focus on hero
focusOnHero: ->
hadHero = @heroLank
@heroLank = @lankBoss.lankFor 'Hero Placeholder'
if is 'ogres'
# TODO: do this for real
@heroLank = @lankBoss.lankFor 'Hero Placeholder 1'
@updatePaths() if not hadHero
#- Real-time playback
onRealTimePlaybackWaiting: (e) ->
@onRealTimePlaybackStarted e
onRealTimePlaybackStarted: (e) ->
return if @realTime
@realTime = true
@lankBoss.selfWizardLank?.toggle false
@playing = false # Will start when countdown is done.
if @heroLank
@previousCameraZoom = @camera.zoom
#@camera.zoomTo @heroLank.sprite, 2, 3000 # This makes flag placement hard, now that we're only rarely using this as a coolcam.
onRealTimePlaybackEnded: (e) ->
return unless @realTime
@realTime = false
_.delay @onResize, resizeDelay + 100 # Do it again just to be double sure that we don't stay zoomed in due to timing problems.
@lankBoss.selfWizardLank?.toggle true
@normalCanvas.add(@webGLCanvas).removeClass 'flag-color-selected'
if @previousCameraZoom
@camera.zoomTo @camera.newTarget or, @previousCameraZoom, 3000
onFlagColorSelected: (e) ->
@normalCanvas.add(@webGLCanvas).toggleClass 'flag-color-selected', Boolean(e.color)
e.pos = @camera.screenToWorld @mouseScreenPos if @mouseScreenPos
updatePaths: ->
return unless @options.paths and @heroLank
return if @world.showPaths is 'never'
layerAdapter = @lankBoss.layerAdapters['Path']
@trailmaster ?= new TrailMaster @camera, layerAdapter
@paths = @trailmaster.generatePaths @world, @heroLank.thang = 'paths'
layerAdapter.addChild @paths
hidePaths: ->
return if not @paths
if @paths.parent
@paths.parent.removeChild @paths
@paths = null
#- Screenshot
screenshot: (scale=0.25, format='image/jpeg', quality=0.8, zoom=2) ->
# TODO: get screenshots working again
# Quality doesn't work with image/png, just image/jpeg and image/webp
[w, h] = [@camera.canvasWidth, @camera.canvasHeight]
margin = (1 - 1 / zoom) / 2
@webGLStage.cache margin * w, margin * h, w / zoom, h / zoom, scale * zoom
imageData = @webGLStage.cacheCanvas.toDataURL(format, quality)
#console.log 'Screenshot with scale', scale, 'format', format, 'quality', quality, 'was', Math.floor(imageData.length / 1024), 'kB'
screenshot = document.createElement('img')
screenshot.src = imageData
#- Path finding debugging
onTogglePathFinding: (e) ->
@showingPathFinding = not @showingPathFinding
if @showingPathFinding then @showPathFinding() else @hidePathFinding()
hidePathFinding: ->
@surfaceLayer.removeChild @navRectangles if @navRectangles
@surfaceLayer.removeChild @navPaths if @navPaths
@navRectangles = @navPaths = null
showPathFinding: ->
mesh = _.values(@world.navMeshes or {})[0]
return unless mesh
@navRectangles = new createjs.Container()
@navRectangles.layerPriority = -1
@addMeshRectanglesToContainer mesh, @navRectangles
@surfaceLayer.addChild @navRectangles
graph = _.values(@world.graphs or {})[0]
return @surfaceLayer.updateLayerOrder() unless graph
@navPaths = new createjs.Container()
@navPaths.layerPriority = -1
@addNavPathsToContainer graph, @navPaths
@surfaceLayer.addChild @navPaths
addMeshRectanglesToContainer: (mesh, container) ->
for rect in mesh
shape = new createjs.Shape()
pos = @camera.worldToSurface {x: rect.x, y: rect.y}
dim = @camera.worldToSurface {x: rect.width, y: rect.height}
.drawRect(pos.x - dim.x/2, pos.y - dim.y/2, dim.x, dim.y)
container.addChild shape
addNavPathsToContainer: (graph, container) ->
for node in _.values graph
for edgeVertex in node.edges
@drawLine node.vertex, edgeVertex, container
drawLine: (v1, v2, container) ->
shape = new createjs.Shape()
v1 = @camera.worldToSurface v1
v2 = @camera.worldToSurface v2
.moveTo(v1.x, v1.y)
.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y)
container.addChild shape
#- Teardown
destroy: ->
createjs.Ticker.removeEventListener('tick', @tick)
layer.destroy() for layer in @normalLayers
@webGLStage.removeEventListener 'stagemousemove', @onMouseMove
@webGLStage.removeEventListener 'stagemousedown', @onMouseDown
@webGLStage.removeEventListener 'stagemouseup', @onMouseUp
@normalStage.enableDOMEvents false
@webGLStage.enableDOMEvents false
@webGLStage.enableMouseOver 0 'mousewheel', @onMouseWheel
$(window).off 'resize', @onResize
clearTimeout @surfacePauseTimeout if @surfacePauseTimeout
clearTimeout @surfaceZoomPauseTimeout if @surfaceZoomPauseTimeout