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synced 2025-03-10 21:28:02 -04:00
164 lines
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164 lines
4.2 KiB
# Life's too short to write these things in JS, so install cofmon:
# npm install -g cofmon
# Then you can paste CoffeeScript into it.
nDays = 3
dayOffset = 0.2
now = new Date()
startDate = new Date(now - 86400 * 1000 * (nDays + dayOffset))
endDate = new Date(now - 86400 * 1000 * dayOffset)
users = db.users.find({dateCreated: {$gt: startDate, $lt: endDate}}, {_id: 1, name: 1, testGroupNumber: 1, email: true}).toArray()
goodUsers = []
for user in users when user.email
totalPlaytime = 0
sessions = db.level.sessions.find({creator: '' + user._id}, {playtime: 1, levelID: 1}).toArray()
firstSessions = []
for session in sessions when session.playtime
totalPlaytime += session.playtime
if totalPlaytime > 60 * 60
firstSessions.push session
if totalPlaytime < 60 * 60
goodUsers.push {user: user, playtime: totalPlaytime, sessions: firstSessions}
levelUserCounts = {}
for user in goodUsers
for session in user.sessions
levelUserCounts[session.levelID] ?= 0
print "Found #{goodUsers.length} users who played more than an hour out of #{users.length}."
print "Levels by number of users completing:"
Found 194 users who played more than an hour out of 93952.
rs0:PRIMARY> levelUserCounts;
"dungeons-of-kithgard" : 190,
"gems-in-the-deep" : 184,
"shadow-guard" : 186,
"forgetful-gemsmith" : 189,
"kounter-kithwise" : 80,
"true-names" : 186,
"favorable-odds" : 76,
"the-raised-sword" : 181,
"haunted-kithmaze" : 181,
"descending-further" : 70,
"the-second-kithmaze" : 171,
"dread-door" : 172,
"known-enemy" : 170,
"master-of-names" : 160,
"lowly-kithmen" : 138,
"closing-the-distance" : 137,
"tactical-strike" : 48,
"the-final-kithmaze" : 108,
"the-gauntlet" : 43,
"kithgard-gates" : 96,
"defense-of-plainswood" : 88,
"winding-trail" : 75,
"endangered-burl" : 51,
"village-guard" : 40,
"thornbush-farm" : 33,
"back-to-back" : 27,
"ogre-encampment" : 22,
"woodland-cleaver" : 18,
"shield-rush" : 10,
"peasant-protection" : 8,
"munchkin-swarm" : 10,
"munchkin-harvest" : 4,
"swift-dagger" : 1,
"shrapnel" : 1,
"arcane-ally" : 1,
"touch-of-death" : 1
"bonemender" : 1,
"coinucopia" : 6,
"copper-meadows" : 3,
"drop-the-flag" : 3,
"deadly-pursuit" : 2,
"rich-forager" : 1,
"multiplayer-treasure-grove" : 1,
"rescue-mission" : 2,
"dungeon-arena-tutorial" : 3,
"dungeon-arena" : 2,
"undefined" : 2,
"grab-the-mushroom" : 2,
"gold-rush" : 1,
"criss-cross" : 1,
# With usernames, 3 days instead of 1:
Found 532 users who played more than an hour out of 277828.
> print("Levels by number of users completing:");
Levels by number of users completing:
> levelUserCounts;
"dungeons-of-kithgard" : 524,
"gems-in-the-deep" : 513,
"shadow-guard" : 515,
"kounter-kithwise" : 229,
"forgetful-gemsmith" : 520,
"true-names" : 516,
"favorable-odds" : 216,
"the-raised-sword" : 504,
"haunted-kithmaze" : 494,
"the-second-kithmaze" : 472,
"dread-door" : 475,
"known-enemy" : 463,
"master-of-names" : 440,
"lowly-kithmen" : 403,
"closing-the-distance" : 393,
"tactical-strike" : 139,
"the-final-kithmaze" : 321,
"the-gauntlet" : 113,
"kithgard-gates" : 253,
"defense-of-plainswood" : 236,
"descending-further" : 200,
"winding-trail" : 196,
"endangered-burl" : 133,
"village-guard" : 118,
"thornbush-farm" : 89,
"back-to-back" : 77,
"ogre-encampment" : 66,
"woodland-cleaver" : 56,
"shield-rush" : 32,
"peasant-protection" : 30,
"munchkin-swarm" : 28,
"munchkin-harvest" : 9,
"swift-dagger" : 3,
"shrapnel" : 1,
"arcane-ally" : 10,
"bonemender" : 4,
"coinucopia" : 21,
"copper-meadows" : 17,
"drop-the-flag" : 11,
"deadly-pursuit" : 13,
"rich-forager" : 6,
"undefined" : 8,
"dungeon-arena-tutorial" : 8,
"dungeon-arena" : 8,
"grab-the-mushroom" : 6,
"gold-rush" : 6,
"criss-cross" : 4,
"rescue-mission" : 3,
"touch-of-death" : 2,
"taunt-the-guards" : 1,
"taunt" : 1,
"sky-span" : 1,
"greed" : 1,
"dungeon-battle" : 1,
"drink-me" : 1,
"cowardly-taunt" : 1,
"bubble-sort-bootcamp-battle" : 1,
"break-the-prison" : 1