Matt Lott d72e4eb750 Practice levels Ux and next level algorithm
Update classroom and gameplay Ux to surface practice levels as 3a, 3b,
Update next level logic to leverage practice levels based on per level
completion playtime thresholds.
Patrol buster and patrol buster A are live for testing.
Fix a few classroom Ux progress hover bubble info bugs.

Closes #3767
2016-06-27 14:05:42 -07:00

164 lines
7.3 KiB

errors = require '../commons/errors'
wrap = require 'co-express'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
database = require '../commons/database'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
TrialRequest = require '../models/TrialRequest'
CourseInstance = require '../models/CourseInstance'
Classroom = require '../models/Classroom'
Course = require '../models/Course'
User = require '../models/User'
Level = require '../models/Level'
LevelSession = require '../models/LevelSession'
parse = require '../commons/parse'
{objectIdFromTimestamp} = require '../lib/utils'
utils = require '../../app/core/utils'
Prepaid = require '../models/Prepaid'
module.exports =
addMembers: wrap (req, res) ->
if req.body.userID
userIDs = [req.body.userID]
else if req.body.userIDs
userIDs = req.body.userIDs
throw new errors.UnprocessableEntity('Must provide userID or userIDs')
for userID in userIDs
unless _.all userIDs, database.isID
throw new errors.UnprocessableEntity('Invalid list of user IDs')
courseInstance = yield database.getDocFromHandle(req, CourseInstance)
if not courseInstance
throw new errors.NotFound('Course Instance not found.')
classroom = yield Classroom.findById courseInstance.get('classroomID')
if not classroom
throw new errors.NotFound('Classroom not found.')
classroomMembers = (userID.toString() for userID in classroom.get('members'))
unless _.all(userIDs, (userID) -> _.contains classroomMembers, userID)
throw new errors.Forbidden('Users must be members of classroom')
ownsClassroom = classroom.get('ownerID').equals(req.user._id)
addingSelf = userIDs.length is 1 and userIDs[0] is
unless ownsClassroom or addingSelf
throw new errors.Forbidden('You must own the classroom to add members')
# Only the enrolled users
users = yield User.find({ _id: { $in: userIDs }}).select('coursePrepaid coursePrepaidID') # TODO: remove coursePrepaidID once migrated
usersAreEnrolled = _.all((user.isEnrolled() for user in users))
course = yield Course.findById courseInstance.get('courseID')
throw new errors.NotFound('Course referenced by course instance not found') unless course
if not (course.get('free') or usersAreEnrolled)
throw new errors.PaymentRequired('Cannot add users to a course instance until they are added to a prepaid')
userObjectIDs = (mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userID) for userID in userIDs)
courseInstance = yield CourseInstance.findByIdAndUpdate(
{ $addToSet: { members: { $each: userObjectIDs } } }
{ new: true }
userUpdateResult = yield User.update(
{ _id: { $in: userObjectIDs } },
{ $addToSet: { courseInstances: courseInstance._id } }
res.status(200).send(courseInstance.toObject({ req }))
fetchNextLevel: wrap (req, res) ->
levelOriginal = req.params.levelOriginal
unless database.isID(levelOriginal) then throw new errors.UnprocessableEntity('Invalid level original ObjectId')
sessionID = req.params.sessionID
unless database.isID(sessionID) then throw new errors.UnprocessableEntity('Invalid session ObjectId')
courseInstance = yield database.getDocFromHandle(req, CourseInstance)
unless courseInstance then throw new errors.NotFound('Course Instance not found.')
classroom = yield Classroom.findById courseInstance.get('classroomID')
unless classroom then throw new errors.NotFound('Classroom not found.')
currentLevel = yield Level.findOne({original: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(levelOriginal)}, {practiceThresholdMinutes: 1, type: 1})
unless currentLevel then throw new errors.NotFound('Current level not found.')
courseID = courseInstance.get('courseID')
courseLevels = []
courseLevels = course.levels for course in classroom.get('courses') or [] when courseID.equals(course._id)
# Get level completions and playtime
currentLevelSession = null
levelIDs = (level.original.toString() for level in courseLevels)
query = {$and: [{creator:}, {'level.original': {$in: levelIDs}}]}
levelSessions = yield LevelSession.find(query, {level: 1, playtime: 1, state: 1})
levelCompleteMap = {}
for levelSession in levelSessions
currentLevelSession = levelSession if is sessionID
levelCompleteMap[levelSession.get('level')?.original] = levelSession.get('state')?.complete
unless currentLevelSession then throw new errors.NotFound('Level session not found.')
needsPractice = utils.needsPractice(currentLevelSession.get('playtime'), currentLevel.get('practiceThresholdMinutes'))
# Find next level
levels = []
currentIndex = -1
for level, index in courseLevels
currentIndex = index if level.original.toString() is levelOriginal
practice: level.practice ? false
complete: levelCompleteMap[level.original?.toString()] or currentIndex is index
unless currentIndex >=0 then throw new errors.NotFound('Level original ObjectId not found in Classroom courses')
nextLevelIndex = utils.findNextLevel(levels, currentIndex, needsPractice)
nextLevelOriginal = courseLevels[nextLevelIndex]?.original
unless nextLevelOriginal then return res.status(200).send({})
# Return full Level object
dbq = Level.findOne({original: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(nextLevelOriginal)})
dbq.sort({ 'version.major': -1, 'version.minor': -1 })
level = yield dbq
level = level.toObject({req: req})
fetchClassroom: wrap (req, res) ->
courseInstance = yield database.getDocFromHandle(req, CourseInstance)
if not courseInstance
throw new errors.NotFound('Course Instance not found.')
classroom = yield Classroom.findById(courseInstance.get('classroomID')).select(parse.getProjectFromReq(req))
if not classroom
throw new errors.NotFound('Classroom not found.')
isOwner = classroom.get('ownerID')?.equals req.user?._id
isMember = _.any(classroom.get('members') or [], (memberID) -> memberID.equals(req.user.get('_id')))
if not (isOwner or isMember)
throw new errors.Forbidden('You do not have access to this classroom')
classroom = classroom.toObject({req: req})
fetchRecent: wrap (req, res) ->
query = {$and: [{name: {$ne: 'Single Player'}}, {hourOfCode: {$ne: true}}]}
query["$and"].push(_id: {$gte: objectIdFromTimestamp(req.body.startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")}) if req.body.startDay?
query["$and"].push(_id: {$lt: objectIdFromTimestamp(req.body.endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")}) if req.body.endDay?
courseInstances = yield CourseInstance.find(query, {courseID: 1, members: 1, ownerID: 1})
userIDs = []
for courseInstance in courseInstances
if members = courseInstance.get('members')
userIDs.push(userID) for userID in members
users = yield User.find({_id: {$in: userIDs}}, {coursePrepaid: 1, coursePrepaidID: 1})
prepaidIDs = []
for user in users
if prepaidID = user.get('coursePrepaid')
prepaids = yield Prepaid.find({_id: {$in: prepaidIDs}}, {properties: 1})
courseInstances: (courseInstance.toObject({req: req}) for courseInstance in courseInstances)
students: (user.toObject({req: req}) for user in users)
prepaids: (prepaid.toObject({req: req}) for prepaid in prepaids)