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synced 2024-11-28 10:06:08 -05:00
Mechanics have changed a bit: first param is an action string, second param has specific properties if Google Analytics. Updating some of the trackEvent calls to use correct actions and categories.
155 lines
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155 lines
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# A root view is one that replaces everything else on the screen when it
# comes into being, as opposed to sub-views which get inserted into other views.
CocoView = require './CocoView'
{logoutUser, me} = require('lib/auth')
locale = require 'locale/locale'
Achievement = require 'models/Achievement'
AchievementPopup = require 'views/achievements/AchievementPopup'
utils = require 'lib/utils'
# TODO remove
filterKeyboardEvents = (allowedEvents, func) ->
return (splat...) ->
e = splat[0]
return unless e.keyCode in allowedEvents or not e.keyCode
return func(splat...)
module.exports = class RootView extends CocoView
showBackground: true
'click #logout-button': 'logoutAccount'
'change .language-dropdown': 'onLanguageChanged'
'click .toggle-fullscreen': 'toggleFullscreen'
'click .signup-button': 'onClickSignupButton'
'click .login-button': 'onClickLoginButton'
'click a': 'onClickAnchor'
'click button': 'toggleModal'
'click li': 'toggleModal'
'achievements:new': 'handleNewAchievements'
'modal:open-modal-view': 'onOpenModalView'
showNewAchievement: (achievement, earnedAchievement) ->
return if achievement.get('collection') is 'level.sessions'
popup = new AchievementPopup achievement: achievement, earnedAchievement: earnedAchievement
handleNewAchievements: (e) ->
_.each e.earnedAchievements.models, (earnedAchievement) =>
achievement = new Achievement(_id: earnedAchievement.get('achievement'))
success: (achievement) => @showNewAchievement(achievement, earnedAchievement)
logoutAccount: ->
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Log Out', category:'Homepage', ['Google Analytics'] if @id is 'home-view'
showWizardSettingsModal: ->
WizardSettingsModal = require('views/modal/WizardSettingsModal')
subview = new WizardSettingsModal {}
@openModalView subview
onClickSignupButton: ->
AuthModal = require 'views/modal/AuthModal'
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Sign Up', category: 'Homepage', ['Google Analytics'] if @id is 'home-view'
@openModalView new AuthModal {mode: 'signup'}
onClickLoginButton: ->
AuthModal = require 'views/modal/AuthModal'
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Login', category: 'Homepage', ['Google Analytics'] if @id is 'home-view'
@openModalView new AuthModal {mode: 'login'}
onClickAnchor: (e) ->
return if @destroyed
anchorText = e?.currentTarget?.text
window.tracker?.trackEvent anchorText, category: 'Homepage', ['Google Analytics'] if @id is 'home-view' and anchorText
@toggleModal e
onOpenModalView: (e) ->
return console.error "Couldn't find modalPath #{e.modalPath}" unless e.modalPath and ModalClass = require e.modalPath
@openModalView new ModalClass {}
showLoading: ($el) ->
$el ?= @$el.find('#site-content-area')
afterInsert: ->
# force the browser to scroll to the hash
# also messes with the browser history, so perhaps come up with a better solution
#hash = location.hash
#location.hash = ''
#location.hash = hash
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.usesSocialMedia = @usesSocialMedia
afterRender: ->
if @$el.find('#site-nav').length # hack...
if @showBackground
@chooseTab(location.hash.replace('#', '')) if location.hash
if application.isProduction()
title = 'CodeCombat - ' + (@getTitle() or 'Learn how to code by playing a game')
title = @getTitle() or @constructor.name
getTitle: -> ''
chooseTab: (category) ->
$("a[href='##{category}']", @$el).tab('show')
# TODO: automate tabs to put in hashes when they are clicked
buildLanguages: ->
$select = @$el.find('.language-dropdown').empty()
preferred = me.get('preferredLanguage', true)
@addLanguagesToSelect($select, preferred)
$('body').attr('lang', preferred)
addLanguagesToSelect: ($select, initialVal) ->
initialVal ?= me.get('preferredLanguage', true)
codes = _.keys(locale)
genericCodes = _.filter codes, (code) ->
_.find(codes, (code2) ->
code2 isnt code and code2.split('-')[0] is code)
for code, localeInfo of locale when not (code in genericCodes) or code is initialVal
onLanguageChanged: ->
newLang = $('.language-dropdown').val()
$.i18n.setLng(newLang, {})
unless newLang.split('-')[0] is 'en'
DiplomatModal = require 'views/modal/DiplomatSuggestionModal'
@openModalView(new DiplomatModal())
saveLanguage: (newLang) ->
me.set('preferredLanguage', newLang)
res = me.patch()
return unless res
res.error ->
errors = JSON.parse(res.responseText)
console.warn 'Error saving language:', errors
res.success (model, response, options) ->
#console.log 'Saved language:', newLang