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synced 2025-02-26 06:24:45 -05:00
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205 lines
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mongoose = require 'mongoose'
jsonschema = require '../../app/schemas/models/user'
crypto = require 'crypto'
{salt, isProduction} = require '../../server_config'
mail = require '../commons/mail'
log = require 'winston'
plugins = require '../plugins/plugins'
sendwithus = require '../sendwithus'
delighted = require '../delighted'
UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: Date
'default': Date.now
}, {strict: false})
UserSchema.post('init', ->
@set('anonymous', false) if @get('email')
UserSchema.methods.isAdmin = ->
p = @get('permissions')
return p and 'admin' in p
UserSchema.methods.isAnonymous = ->
@get 'anonymous'
UserSchema.methods.trackActivity = (activityName, increment) ->
now = new Date()
increment ?= parseInt increment or 1
increment = Math.max increment, 0
activity = @get('activity') ? {}
activity[activityName] ?= {first: now, count: 0}
activity[activityName].count += increment
activity[activityName].last = now
@set 'activity', activity
emailNameMap =
generalNews: 'announcement'
adventurerNews: 'tester'
artisanNews: 'level_creator'
archmageNews: 'developer'
scribeNews: 'article_editor'
diplomatNews: 'translator'
ambassadorNews: 'support'
anyNotes: 'notification'
UserSchema.methods.setEmailSubscription = (newName, enabled) ->
oldSubs = _.clone @get('emailSubscriptions')
if oldSubs and oldName = emailNameMap[newName]
oldSubs = (s for s in oldSubs when s isnt oldName)
oldSubs.push(oldName) if enabled
@set('emailSubscriptions', oldSubs)
newSubs = _.clone(@get('emails') or _.cloneDeep(jsonschema.properties.emails.default))
newSubs[newName] ?= {}
newSubs[newName].enabled = enabled
@set('emails', newSubs)
@newsSubsChanged = true if newName in mail.NEWS_GROUPS
UserSchema.methods.isEmailSubscriptionEnabled = (newName) ->
emails = @get 'emails'
if not emails
oldSubs = @get('emailSubscriptions')
oldName = emailNameMap[newName]
return oldName and oldName in oldSubs if oldSubs
emails ?= {}
_.defaults emails, _.cloneDeep(jsonschema.properties.emails.default)
return emails[newName]?.enabled
UserSchema.statics.updateMailChimp = (doc, callback) ->
return callback?() unless isProduction or GLOBAL.testing
return callback?() if doc.updatedMailChimp
return callback?() unless doc.get('email')
existingProps = doc.get('mailChimp')
emailChanged = (not existingProps) or existingProps?.email isnt doc.get('email')
return callback?() unless emailChanged or doc.newsSubsChanged
newGroups = []
for [mailchimpEmailGroup, emailGroup] in _.zip(mail.MAILCHIMP_GROUPS, mail.NEWS_GROUPS)
newGroups.push(mailchimpEmailGroup) if doc.isEmailSubscriptionEnabled(emailGroup)
if (not existingProps) and newGroups.length is 0
return callback?() # don't add totally unsubscribed people to the list
params = {}
params.id = mail.MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID
params.email = if existingProps then {leid: existingProps.leid} else {email: doc.get('email')}
params.merge_vars = {groupings: [{id: mail.MAILCHIMP_GROUP_ID, groups: newGroups}]}
params.update_existing = true
params.double_optin = false
onSuccess = (data) ->
doc.set('mailChimp', data)
doc.updatedMailChimp = true
onFailure = (error) ->
log.error 'failed to subscribe', error, callback?
doc.updatedMailChimp = true
mc?.lists.subscribe params, onSuccess, onFailure
UserSchema.statics.statsMapping =
article: 'stats.articleEdits'
level: 'stats.levelEdits'
'level.component': 'stats.levelComponentEdits'
'level.system': 'stats.levelSystemEdits'
'thang.type': 'stats.thangTypeEdits'
article: 'stats.articleTranslationPatches'
level: 'stats.levelTranslationPatches'
'level.component': 'stats.levelComponentTranslationPatches'
'level.system': 'stats.levelSystemTranslationPatches'
'thang.type': 'stats.thangTypeTranslationPatches'
article: 'stats.articleMiscPatches'
level: 'stats.levelMiscPatches'
'level.component': 'stats.levelComponentMiscPatches'
'level.system': 'stats.levelSystemMiscPatches'
'thang.type': 'stats.thangTypeMiscPatches'
UserSchema.statics.incrementStat = (id, statName, done, inc=1) ->
id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId id if _.isString id
@findById id, (err, user) ->
log.error err if err?
err = new Error "Could't find user with id '#{id}'" unless user or err
return done() if err?
user.incrementStat statName, done, inc=1
UserSchema.methods.incrementStat = (statName, done, inc=1) ->
@set statName, (@get(statName) or 0) + inc
@save (err) -> done?(err)
UserSchema.statics.unconflictName = unconflictName = (name, done) ->
User.findOne {slug: _.str.slugify(name)}, (err, otherUser) ->
return done err if err?
return done null, name unless otherUser
suffix = _.random(0, 9) + ''
unconflictName name + suffix, done
UserSchema.methods.register = (done) ->
@set('anonymous', false)
@set('permissions', ['admin']) if not isProduction
if (name = @get 'name')? and name isnt ''
unconflictName name, (err, uniqueName) =>
return done err if err
@set 'name', uniqueName
else done()
data =
email_id: sendwithus.templates.welcome_email
address: @get 'email'
sendwithus.api.send data, (err, result) ->
log.error "sendwithus post-save error: #{err}, result: #{result}" if err
delighted.addDelightedUser @
UserSchema.pre('save', (next) ->
@set('emailLower', @get('email')?.toLowerCase())
@set('nameLower', @get('name')?.toLowerCase())
pwd = @get('password')
if @get('password')
@set('passwordHash', User.hashPassword(pwd))
@set('password', undefined)
if @get('email') and @get('anonymous') # a user registers
@register next
UserSchema.post 'save', (doc) ->
UserSchema.statics.hashPassword = (password) ->
password = password.toLowerCase()
shasum = crypto.createHash('sha512')
shasum.update(salt + password)
UserSchema.statics.privateProperties = [
'permissions', 'email', 'mailChimp', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'gender', 'facebookID',
'gplusID', 'music', 'volume', 'aceConfig', 'employerAt', 'signedEmployerAgreement',
'emailSubscriptions', 'emails', 'activity'
UserSchema.statics.jsonSchema = jsonschema
UserSchema.statics.editableProperties = [
'name', 'photoURL', 'password', 'anonymous', 'wizardColor1', 'volume',
'firstName', 'lastName', 'gender', 'facebookID', 'gplusID', 'emails',
'testGroupNumber', 'music', 'hourOfCode', 'hourOfCodeComplete', 'preferredLanguage',
'wizard', 'aceConfig', 'autocastDelay', 'lastLevel', 'jobProfile', 'savedEmployerFilterAlerts',
UserSchema.plugin plugins.NamedPlugin
module.exports = User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema)
AchievablePlugin = require '../plugins/achievements'