mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 03:15:58 -04:00
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787 lines
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mail = require '../commons/mail'
MailSent = require '../mail/sent/MailSent'
UserRemark = require '../users/remarks/UserRemark'
User = require '../users/User'
async = require 'async'
errors = require '../commons/errors'
config = require '../../server_config'
LevelSession = require '../levels/sessions/LevelSession'
Level = require '../levels/Level'
log = require 'winston'
sendwithus = require '../sendwithus'
if config.isProduction and config.redis.host isnt 'localhost'
lockManager = require '../commons/LockManager'
module.exports.setup = (app) ->
app.all config.mail.mailchimpWebhook, handleMailchimpWebHook
app.get '/mail/cron/ladder-update', handleLadderUpdate
app.get '/mail/cron/next-steps', handleNextSteps
if lockManager
setupScheduledEmails = ->
mailTasks = [
# taskFunction: candidateUpdateProfileTask
# frequencyMs: 10 * 60 * 1000 #10 minutes
# taskFunction: internalCandidateUpdateTask
# frequencyMs: 10 * 60 * 1000 #10 minutes
# taskFunction: employerNewCandidatesAvailableTask
# frequencyMs: 10 * 60 * 1000 #10 minutes
# taskFunction: unapprovedCandidateFinishProfileTask
# frequencyMs: 10 * 60 * 1000
# taskFunction: emailUserRemarkTaskRemindersTask
# frequencyMs: 10 * 60 * 1000
for mailTask in mailTasks
setInterval mailTask.taskFunction, mailTask.frequencyMs
testForLockManager = -> unless lockManager then throw "The system isn't configured to do distributed locking!"
### Approved Candidate Update Reminder Task ###
candidateUpdateProfileTask = ->
mailTaskName = "candidateUpdateProfileTask"
lockDurationMs = 2 * 60 * 1000
currentDate = new Date()
timeRanges = []
for weekPair in [[4, 2,'two weeks'], [8, 4, 'four weeks'], [52, 8, 'eight weeks']]
start: generateWeekOffset currentDate, weekPair[0]
end: generateWeekOffset currentDate, weekPair[1]
name: weekPair[2]
lockManager.setLock mailTaskName, lockDurationMs, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "Error getting a distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
async.each timeRanges, emailTimeRange.bind({mailTaskName: mailTaskName}), (err) ->
if err
log.error "There was an error sending the candidate profile update reminder emails: #{err}"
lockManager.releaseLock mailTaskName, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "There was an error releasing the distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
generateWeekOffset = (originalDate, numberOfWeeks) ->
return (new Date(originalDate.getTime() - numberOfWeeks * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)).toISOString()
emailTimeRange = (timeRange, emailTimeRangeCallback) ->
waterfallContext =
"timeRange": timeRange
"mailTaskName": @mailTaskName
async.waterfall [
(unfilteredCandidates, cb) ->
async.reject unfilteredCandidates, candidateFilter.bind(waterfallContext), cb.bind(null, null)
(filteredCandidates, cb) ->
async.each filteredCandidates, sendReminderEmailToCandidate.bind(waterfallContext), cb
], emailTimeRangeCallback
findAllCandidatesWithinTimeRange = (cb) ->
findParameters =
$gt: @timeRange.start
$lte: @timeRange.end
"jobProfileApproved": true
selection = "_id email jobProfile.name jobProfile.updated emails" #make sure to check for anyNotes too.
User.find(findParameters).select(selection).lean().exec cb
candidateFilter = (candidate, sentEmailFilterCallback) ->
if candidate.emails?.anyNotes?.enabled is false or candidate.emails?.recruitNotes?.enabled is false
return sentEmailFilterCallback true
findParameters =
"user": candidate._id
"mailTask": @mailTaskName
"metadata.timeRangeName": @timeRange.name
"metadata.updated": candidate.jobProfile.updated
MailSent.find(findParameters).lean().exec (err, sentMail) ->
if err?
log.error "Error finding mail sent for task #{@mailTaskName} and user #{candidate._id}!"
sentEmailFilterCallback true
sentEmailFilterCallback Boolean(sentMail.length)
findEmployersSignedUpAfterDate = (dateObject, cb) ->
countParameters =
$or: [{"dateCreated": {$gte: dateObject}},{"signedEmployerAgreement":{$gte: dateObject}}]
employerAt: {$exists: true}
permissions: "employer"
User.count countParameters, cb
sendReminderEmailToCandidate = (candidate, sendEmailCallback) ->
findEmployersSignedUpAfterDate new Date(candidate.jobProfile.updated), (err, employersAfterCount) =>
if err?
log.error "There was an error finding employers who signed up after #{candidate.jobProfile.updated}: #{err}"
return sendEmailCallback err
if employersAfterCount < 2
employersAfterCount = 2
context =
email_id: "tem_CtTLsKQufxrxoPMn7upKiL"
address: candidate.email
name: candidate.jobProfile.name
new_company: employersAfterCount
company_name: "CodeCombat"
user_profile: "http://codecombat.com/account/profile/#{candidate._id}"
recipient_address: encodeURIComponent(candidate.email)
#log.info "Sending #{@timeRange.name} update reminder to #{context.recipient.name}(#{context.recipient.address})"
newSentMail =
mailTask: @mailTaskName
user: candidate._id
timeRangeName: @timeRange.name
updated: candidate.jobProfile.updated
MailSent.create newSentMail, (err) ->
if err? then return sendEmailCallback err
sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) ->
log.error "Error sending candidate update reminder email: #{err} with result #{result}" if err
sendEmailCallback null
### End Approved Candidate Update Reminder Task ###
### Unapproved Candidate Finish Reminder Task ###
unapprovedCandidateFinishProfileTask = ->
mailTaskName = "unapprovedCandidateFinishProfileTask"
lockDurationMs = 2 * 60 * 1000
currentDate = new Date()
timeRanges = []
for weekPair in [[4, 2,'two weeks'], [8, 4, 'four weeks'], [52, 8, 'eight weeks']]
start: generateWeekOffset currentDate, weekPair[0]
end: generateWeekOffset currentDate, weekPair[1]
name: weekPair[2]
lockManager.setLock mailTaskName, lockDurationMs, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "Error getting a distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
async.each timeRanges, emailUnapprovedCandidateTimeRange.bind({mailTaskName: mailTaskName}), (err) ->
if err
log.error "There was an error sending the candidate profile update reminder emails: #{err}"
lockManager.releaseLock mailTaskName, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "There was an error releasing the distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
emailUnapprovedCandidateTimeRange = (timeRange, emailTimeRangeCallback) ->
waterfallContext =
"timeRange": timeRange
"mailTaskName": @mailTaskName
async.waterfall [
(unfilteredCandidates, cb) ->
async.reject unfilteredCandidates, ignoredCandidateFilter, cb.bind(null,null)
(unfilteredPotentialCandidates, cb) ->
async.reject unfilteredPotentialCandidates, unapprovedCandidateFilter.bind(waterfallContext), cb.bind(null, null)
(filteredCandidates, cb) ->
async.each filteredCandidates, sendReminderEmailToUnapprovedCandidate.bind(waterfallContext), cb
], emailTimeRangeCallback
findAllUnapprovedCandidatesWithinTimeRange = (cb) ->
findParameters =
$exists: true
$gt: @timeRange.start
$lte: @timeRange.end
"jobProfileApproved": false
selection = "_id email jobProfile.name jobProfile.updated emails"
User.find(findParameters).select(selection).lean().exec cb
ignoredCandidateFilter = (candidate, cb) ->
findParameters =
"user": candidate._id
"contactName": "Ignore"
UserRemark.count findParameters, (err, results) ->
if err? then return true
return cb Boolean(results.length)
unapprovedCandidateFilter = (candidate, sentEmailFilterCallback) ->
if candidate.emails?.anyNotes?.enabled is false or candidate.emails?.recruitNotes?.enabled is false
return sentEmailFilterCallback true
findParameters =
"user": candidate._id
"mailTask": @mailTaskName
"metadata.timeRangeName": @timeRange.name
"metadata.updated": candidate.jobProfile.updated
MailSent.find(findParameters).lean().exec (err, sentMail) ->
if err?
log.error "Error finding mail sent for task #{@mailTaskName} and user #{candidate._id}!"
sentEmailFilterCallback true
sentEmailFilterCallback Boolean(sentMail.length)
sendReminderEmailToUnapprovedCandidate = (candidate, sendEmailCallback) ->
if err?
log.error "There was an error finding employers who signed up after #{candidate.jobProfile.updated}: #{err}"
return sendEmailCallback err
context =
email_id: "tem_RXyjzmc7S2HJH287pfoSPN"
address: candidate.email
name: candidate.jobProfile.name
user_profile: "http://codecombat.com/account/profile/#{candidate._id}"
recipient_address: encodeURIComponent(candidate.email)
#log.info "Sending #{@timeRange.name} finish profile reminder to #{context.recipient.name}(#{context.recipient.address})"
newSentMail =
mailTask: @mailTaskName
user: candidate._id
timeRangeName: @timeRange.name
updated: candidate.jobProfile.updated
MailSent.create newSentMail, (err) ->
if err? then return sendEmailCallback err
sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) ->
log.error "Error sending candidate finish profile reminder email: #{err} with result #{result}" if err
sendEmailCallback null
### End Unapproved Candidate Finish Reminder Task ###
### Internal Candidate Update Reminder Email ###
internalCandidateUpdateTask = ->
mailTaskName = "internalCandidateUpdateTask"
lockDurationMs = 2 * 60 * 1000
lockManager.setLock mailTaskName, lockDurationMs, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "Error getting a distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
emailInternalCandidateUpdateReminder.call {"mailTaskName":mailTaskName}, (err) ->
if err
log.error "There was an error sending the internal candidate update reminder.: #{err}"
lockManager.releaseLock mailTaskName, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "There was an error releasing the distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
emailInternalCandidateUpdateReminder = (internalCandidateUpdateReminderCallback) ->
currentTime = new Date()
beginningOfUTCDay = new Date()
asyncContext =
"beginningOfUTCDay": beginningOfUTCDay
"currentTime": currentTime
"mailTaskName": @mailTaskName
async.waterfall [
(unfilteredCandidates, cb) ->
async.reject unfilteredCandidates, candidatesUpdatedTodayFilter.bind(asyncContext), cb.bind(null,null)
(filteredCandidates, cb) ->
async.each filteredCandidates, sendInternalCandidateUpdateReminder.bind(asyncContext), cb
], internalCandidateUpdateReminderCallback
findNonApprovedCandidatesWhoUpdatedJobProfileToday = (cb) ->
findParameters =
$lte: @currentTime.toISOString()
$gt: @beginningOfUTCDay.toISOString()
"jobProfileApproved": false
User.find(findParameters).select("_id jobProfile.name jobProfile.updated").lean().exec cb
candidatesUpdatedTodayFilter = (candidate, cb) ->
findParameters =
"user": candidate._id
"mailTask": @mailTaskName
"metadata.beginningOfUTCDay": @beginningOfUTCDay
MailSent.find(findParameters).lean().exec (err, sentMail) ->
if err?
log.error "Error finding mail sent for task #{@mailTaskName} and user #{candidate._id}!"
cb true
cb Boolean(sentMail.length)
sendInternalCandidateUpdateReminder = (candidate, cb) ->
context =
email_id: "tem_Ac7nhgKqatTHBCgDgjF5pE"
address: "team@codecombat.com"
name: "The CodeCombat Team"
new_candidate_profile: "http://codecombat.com/account/profile/#{candidate._id}"
#log.info "Sending candidate updated reminder for #{candidate.jobProfile.name}"
newSentMail =
mailTask: @mailTaskName
user: candidate._id
beginningOfUTCDay: @beginningOfUTCDay
MailSent.create newSentMail, (err) ->
if err? then return cb err
sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) ->
log.error "Error sending interal candidate update email: #{err} with result #{result}" if err
cb null
### End Internal Candidate Update Reminder Email ###
### Employer New Candidates Available Email ###
employerNewCandidatesAvailableTask = ->
mailTaskName = "employerNewCandidatesAvailableTask"
lockDurationMs = 2 * 60 * 1000
lockManager.setLock mailTaskName, lockDurationMs, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "Error getting a distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
emailEmployerNewCandidatesAvailable.call {"mailTaskName":mailTaskName}, (err) ->
if err
log.error "There was an error completing the new candidates available task: #{err}"
lockManager.releaseLock mailTaskName, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "There was an error releasing the distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
emailEmployerNewCandidatesAvailable = (emailEmployerNewCandidatesAvailableCallback) ->
currentTime = new Date()
asyncContext =
"currentTime": currentTime
"mailTaskName": @mailTaskName
async.waterfall [
(allEmployers, cb) ->
async.reject allEmployers, employersEmailedDigestMoreThanWeekAgoFilter.bind(asyncContext), cb.bind(null,null)
(employersToEmail, cb) ->
async.each employersToEmail, sendEmployerNewCandidatesAvailableEmail.bind(asyncContext), cb
], emailEmployerNewCandidatesAvailableCallback
findAllEmployers = (cb) ->
findParameters =
$exists: true
permissions: "employer"
selection = "_id email employerAt signedEmployerAgreement.data.firstName signedEmployerAgreement.data.lastName activity dateCreated emails"
User.find(findParameters).select(selection).lean().exec cb
makeEmployerNamesEasilyAccessible = (allEmployers, cb) ->
for employer, index in allEmployers
if employer.signedEmployerAgreement?.data?.firstName
employer.name = employer.signedEmployerAgreement.data.firstName + " " + employer.signedEmployerAgreement.data.lastName
delete employer.signedEmployerAgreement
allEmployers[index] = employer
cb null, allEmployers
employersEmailedDigestMoreThanWeekAgoFilter = (employer, cb) ->
if employer.emails?.employerNotes?.enabled is false
return cb true
if not employer.signedEmployerAgreement and not employer.activity?.login?
return cb true
findParameters =
"user": employer._id
"mailTask": @mailTaskName
$gt: new Date(@currentTime.getTime() - 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
MailSent.find(findParameters).lean().exec (err, sentMail) ->
if err?
log.error "Error finding mail sent for task #{@mailTaskName} and employer #employer._id}!"
cb true
cb Boolean(sentMail.length)
sendEmployerNewCandidatesAvailableEmail = (employer, cb) ->
lastLoginDate = employer.activity?.login?.last ? employer.dateCreated
countParameters =
"jobProfileApproved": true
$or: [
$gt: lastLoginDate.toISOString()
$exists: false
$gt: lastLoginDate.toISOString()
User.count countParameters, (err, numberOfCandidatesSinceLogin) =>
if err? then return cb err
if numberOfCandidatesSinceLogin < 4
return cb null
context =
email_id: "tem_CCcHKr95Nvu5bT7c7iHCtm"
address: employer.email
new_candidates: numberOfCandidatesSinceLogin
employer_company_name: employer.employerAt
company_name: "CodeCombat"
recipient_address: encodeURIComponent(employer.email)
if employer.name
context.recipient.name = employer.name
log.info "Sending available candidates update reminder to #{context.recipient.name}(#{context.recipient.address})"
newSentMail =
mailTask: @mailTaskName
user: employer._id
MailSent.create newSentMail, (err) ->
if err? then return cb err
sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) ->
log.error "Error sending employer candidates available email: #{err} with result #{result}" if err
cb null
### End Employer New Candidates Available Email ###
### Task Emails ###
emailUserRemarkTaskRemindersTask = ->
mailTaskName = "emailUserRemarkTaskRemindersTask"
lockDurationMs = 2 * 60 * 1000
lockManager.setLock mailTaskName, lockDurationMs, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "Error getting a distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
emailUserRemarkTaskReminders.call {"mailTaskName":mailTaskName}, (err) ->
if err
log.error "There was an error completing the #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
lockManager.releaseLock mailTaskName, (err) ->
if err? then return log.error "There was an error releasing the distributed lock for task #{mailTaskName}: #{err}"
emailUserRemarkTaskReminders = (cb) ->
currentTime = new Date()
asyncContext =
"currentTime": currentTime
"mailTaskName": @mailTaskName
async.waterfall [
(allTasks, cb) ->
async.reject allTasks, taskReminderAlreadySentThisWeekFilter.bind(asyncContext), cb.bind(null,null)
(tasksToRemind, cb) ->
async.each tasksToRemind, sendUserRemarkTaskEmail.bind(asyncContext), cb
], cb
findAllIncompleteUserRemarkTasksDue = (cb) ->
findParameters =
$exists: true
$lte: @currentTime.toISOString()
$ne: 'Completed'
selection = "contact user tasks"
UserRemark.find(findParameters).select(selection).lean().exec cb
processRemarksIntoTasks = (remarks, cb) ->
tasks = []
for remark in remarks
for task in remark.tasks
taskObject =
date: task.date
action: task.action
contact: remark.contact
user: remark.user
remarkID: remark._id
tasks.push taskObject
cb null, tasks
taskReminderAlreadySentThisWeekFilter = (task, cb) ->
findParameters =
"user": task.contact
"mailTask": @mailTaskName
$gt: new Date(@currentTime.getTime() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
remarkID: task.remarkID
taskAction: task.action
date: task.date
MailSent.count findParameters, (err, count) ->
if err? then return cb true
return cb Boolean(count)
sendUserRemarkTaskEmail = (task, cb) ->
mailTaskName = @mailTaskName
User.findOne("_id":task.contact).select("email").lean().exec (err, contact) ->
if err? then return cb err
User.findOne("_id":task.user).select("jobProfile.name").lean().exec (err, user) ->
if err? then return cb err
context =
email_id: "tem_aryDjyw6JmEmbKtCMTSwAM"
address: contact.email
task_text: task.action
candidate_name: user.jobProfile?.name ? "(Name not listed in job profile)"
candidate_link: "http://codecombat.com/account/profile/#{task.user}"
due_date: task.date
#log.info "Sending recruitment task reminder to #{contact.email}"
newSentMail =
mailTask: mailTaskName
user: task.contact
remarkID: task.remarkID
taskAction: task.action
date: task.date
MailSent.create newSentMail, (err) ->
if err? then return cb err
sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) ->
log.error "Error sending #{mailTaskName} to #{contact.email}: #{err} with result #{result}" if err
cb null
### New Recruit Leaderboard Email ###
newRecruitLeaderboardEmailTask = ->
#maxRank and maxRankTime should be recorded if isSimulating is false
mailTaskName = "newRecruitLeaderboardEmailTask"
lockDurationMs = 6000
lockManager.setLock mailTaskName, lockDurationMs, (err, lockResult) ->
### End New Recruit Leaderboard Email ###
### Employer Matching Candidate Notification Email ###
employerMatchingCandidateNotificationTask = ->
# tem_mYsepTfWQ265noKfZJcbBH
#save email filters in their own collection
mailTaskName = "employerMatchingCandidateNotificationTask"
lockDurationMs = 6000
lockManager.setLock mailTaskName, lockDurationMs, (err, lockResult) ->
### End Employer Matching Candidate Notification Email ###
### Employer ignore ###
LADDER_PREGAME_INTERVAL = 2 * 3600 * 1000 # Send emails two hours before players last submitted.
getTimeFromDaysAgo = (now, daysAgo) ->
t = now - 86400 * 1000 * daysAgo - LADDER_PREGAME_INTERVAL
isRequestFromDesignatedCronHandler = (req, res) ->
requestIP = req.headers['x-forwarded-for']?.replace(' ', '').split(',')[0]
if requestIP isnt config.mail.cronHandlerPublicIP and requestIP isnt config.mail.cronHandlerPrivateIP
console.log "RECEIVED REQUEST FROM IP #{requestIP}(headers indicate #{req.headers['x-forwarded-for']}"
res.send('You aren\'t authorized to perform that action. Only the specified Cron handler may perform that action.')
return false
return true
### Ladder Update Email ###
handleLadderUpdate = (req, res) ->
return unless DEBUGGING or isRequestFromDesignatedCronHandler req, res
res.send('Great work, Captain Cron! I can take it from here.')
# TODO: somehow fetch the histograms
#emailDays = [1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 30]
emailDays = [1, 3, 7] # Reduced to keep smaller monthly recipient footprint
now = new Date()
for daysAgo in emailDays
# Get every session that was submitted in a 5-minute window after the time.
startTime = getTimeFromDaysAgo now, daysAgo
endTime = startTime + 5 * 60 * 1000
endTime = startTime + 15 * 60 * 1000 # Debugging: make sure there's something to send
findParameters = {submitted: true, submitDate: {$gt: new Date(startTime), $lte: new Date(endTime)}}
# TODO: think about putting screenshots in the email
selectString = 'creator team levelName levelID totalScore matches submitted submitDate scoreHistory level.original unsubscribed'
query = LevelSession.find(findParameters)
do (daysAgo) ->
query.exec (err, results) ->
if err
log.error "Couldn't fetch ladder updates for #{findParameters}\nError: #{err}"
return errors.serverError res, "Ladder update email query failed: #{JSON.stringify(err)}"
#log.info "Found #{results.length} ladder sessions to email updates about for #{daysAgo} day(s) ago."
sendLadderUpdateEmail result, now, daysAgo for result in results
sendLadderUpdateEmail = (session, now, daysAgo) ->
User.findOne({_id: session.creator}).select('name email firstName lastName emailSubscriptions emails preferredLanguage').exec (err, user) ->
if err
log.error "Couldn't find user for #{session.creator} from session #{session._id}"
allowNotes = user.isEmailSubscriptionEnabled 'anyNotes'
unless user.get('email') and allowNotes and not session.unsubscribed
#log.info "Not sending email to #{user.get('email')} #{user.get('name')} because they only want emails about #{user.get('emailSubscriptions')}, #{user.get('emails')} - session unsubscribed: #{session.unsubscribed}"
unless session.levelName and session.team
#log.info "Not sending email to #{user.get('email')} #{user.get('name')} because the session had levelName #{session.levelName} or team #{session.team} in it."
name = if user.get('firstName') and user.get('lastName') then "#{user.get('firstName')}" else user.get('name')
name = 'Wizard' if not name or name is 'Anoner'
# Fetch the most recent defeat and victory, if there are any.
# (We could look at strongest/weakest, but we'd have to fetch everyone, or denormalize more.)
matches = _.filter session.matches, (match) -> match.date >= getTimeFromDaysAgo now, daysAgo
defeats = _.filter matches, (match) -> match.metrics.rank is 1 and match.opponents[0].metrics.rank is 0
victories = _.filter matches, (match) -> match.metrics.rank is 0 and match.opponents[0].metrics.rank is 1
defeat = _.last defeats
victory = _.last victories
sendEmail = (defeatContext, victoryContext, levelVersionsContext) ->
# TODO: do something with the preferredLanguage?
context =
email_id: sendwithus.templates.ladder_update_email
address: if DEBUGGING then 'nick@codecombat.com' else user.get('email')
name: name
name: name
days_ago: daysAgo
wins: victories.length
losses: defeats.length
total_score: Math.round(session.totalScore * 100)
team: session.team
team_name: session.team[0].toUpperCase() + session.team.substr(1)
level_name: session.levelName
session_id: session._id
ladder_url: "http://codecombat.com/play/ladder/#{session.levelID}#my-matches"
score_history_graph_url: getScoreHistoryGraphURL session, daysAgo
defeat: defeatContext
victory: victoryContext
levelVersions: levelVersionsContext
#log.info "Sending ladder update email to #{context.recipient.address} with #{context.email_data.wins} wins and #{context.email_data.losses} losses since #{daysAgo} day(s) ago."
sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) ->
log.error "Error sending ladder update email: #{err} with result #{result}" if err
urlForMatch = (match) ->
onFetchedDefeatedOpponent = (err, defeatedOpponent) ->
if err
log.error "Couldn't find defeateded opponent: #{err}"
defeatedOpponent = null
victoryContext = {opponent_name: defeatedOpponent?.name ? 'Anoner', url: urlForMatch(victory)} if victory
onFetchedVictoriousOpponent = (err, victoriousOpponent) ->
if err
log.error "Couldn't find victorious opponent: #{err}"
victoriousOpponent = null
defeatContext = {opponent_name: victoriousOpponent?.name ? 'Anoner', url: urlForMatch(defeat)} if defeat
Level.find({original: session.level.original, created: {$gt: session.submitDate}}).select('created commitMessage version').sort('-created').lean().exec (err, levelVersions) ->
sendEmail defeatContext, victoryContext, (if levelVersions.length then levelVersions else null)
if defeat
User.findOne({_id: defeat.opponents[0].userID}).select('name').lean().exec onFetchedVictoriousOpponent
onFetchedVictoriousOpponent null, null
if victory
User.findOne({_id: victory.opponents[0].userID}).select('name').lean().exec onFetchedDefeatedOpponent
onFetchedDefeatedOpponent null, null
getScoreHistoryGraphURL = (session, daysAgo) ->
# Totally duplicated in My Matches tab for now until we figure out what we're doing.
since = new Date() - 86400 * 1000 * daysAgo
scoreHistory = (s for s in session.scoreHistory ? [] when s[0] >= since)
return '' unless scoreHistory.length > 1
scoreHistory = _.last scoreHistory, 100 # Chart URL needs to be under 2048 characters for GET
times = (s[0] for s in scoreHistory)
times = ((100 * (t - times[0]) / (times[times.length - 1] - times[0])).toFixed(1) for t in times)
scores = (s[1] for s in scoreHistory)
lowest = _.min scores #.concat([0])
highest = _.max scores #.concat(50)
scores = (Math.round(100 * (s - lowest) / (highest - lowest)) for s in scores)
currentScore = Math.round scoreHistory[scoreHistory.length - 1][1] * 100
minScore = Math.round(100 * lowest)
maxScore = Math.round(100 * highest)
chartData = times.join(',') + '|' + scores.join(',')
### End Ladder Update Email ###
### Next Steps Email ###
handleNextSteps = (req, res) ->
return unless DEBUGGING or isRequestFromDesignatedCronHandler req, res
res.send('Great work, Captain Cron! I can take it from here.')
emailDays = [1]
now = new Date()
for daysAgo in emailDays
# Get every User that was created in a 5-minute window after the time.
startTime = getTimeFromDaysAgo now, daysAgo
endTime = startTime + 5 * 60 * 1000
findParameters = {dateCreated: {$gt: new Date(startTime), $lte: new Date(endTime)}, emailLower: {$exists: true}}
selectString = 'name firstName lastName lastLevel points email gender emailSubscriptions emails dateCreated preferredLanguage aceConfig.language activity stats earned testGroupNumber ageRange courseInstances'
query = User.find(findParameters).select(selectString)
do (daysAgo) ->
query.exec (err, results) ->
if err
log.error "Couldn't fetch next steps users for #{findParameters}\nError: #{err}"
return errors.serverError res, "Next steps email query failed: #{JSON.stringify(err)}"
log.info "Found #{results.length} next-steps users to email updates about for #{daysAgo} day(s) ago." if DEBUGGING
sendNextStepsEmail result, now, daysAgo for result in results
sendNextStepsEmail = (user, now, daysAgo) ->
unless user.isEmailSubscriptionEnabled('generalNews') and user.isEmailSubscriptionEnabled('anyNotes')
log.info "Not sending email to #{user.get('email')} #{user.get('name')} because they only want emails about #{JSON.stringify(user.get('emails'))}" if DEBUGGING
LevelSession.find({creator: user.get('_id') + ''}).select('levelName levelID changed state.complete playtime').lean().exec (err, sessions) ->
return log.error "Couldn't find sessions for #{user.get('email')}: #{err}" if err
complete = (s for s in sessions when s.state?.complete)
incomplete = (s for s in sessions when not s.state?.complete)
return if complete.length < 2
# TODO: find the next level to do somehow, for real
if incomplete.length
nextLevel = name: incomplete[0].levelName, slug: incomplete[0].levelID
nextLevel = null
err = null
do (err, nextLevel) ->
return log.error "Couldn't find next level for #{user.get('email')}: #{err}" if err
name = if user.get('firstName') and user.get('lastName') then "#{user.get('firstName')}" else user.get('name')
name = 'hero' if not name or name is 'Anoner'
#secretLevel = switch user.get('testGroupNumber') % 8
# when 0, 1, 2, 3 then name: 'Forgetful Gemsmith', slug: 'forgetful-gemsmith'
# when 4, 5, 6, 7 then name: 'Signs and Portents', slug: 'signs-and-portents'
secretLevel = name: 'Signs and Portents', slug: 'signs-and-portents' # We turned off this test for now and are sending everyone to forgetful-gemsmith
# TODO: make this smarter, actually data-driven, looking at all available sessions
shadowGuardSession = _.find sessions, levelID: 'shadow-guard'
isFast = shadowGuardSession and shadowGuardSession.playtime < 90 # Average is 107s
isVeryFast = shadowGuardSession and shadowGuardSession.playtime < 75
isAdult = user.get('ageRange') in ['18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-100']
isKid = not isAdult # Assume kid if not specified
# Used to use these categories to customize the email; not doing it right now. TODO: customize it again in Sendwithus.
# TODO: do something with the preferredLanguage?
context =
email_id: sendwithus.templates.next_steps_email
address: if DEBUGGING then 'nick@codecombat.com' else user.get('email')
name: name
name: name
days_ago: daysAgo
nextLevelName: nextLevel?.name
nextLevelLink: if nextLevel then "http://codecombat.com/play/level/#{nextLevel.slug}" else null
secretLevelName: secretLevel.name
secretLevelLink: "http://codecombat.com/play/level/#{secretLevel.slug}"
levelsComplete: complete.length
isCoursePlayer: user.get('courseInstances')?.length > 0
log.info "Sending next steps email to #{context.recipient.address} with #{context.email_data.nextLevelName} next and #{context.email_data.levelsComplete} levels complete since #{daysAgo} day(s) ago." if DEBUGGING
sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) ->
log.error "Error sending next steps email: #{err} with result #{result}" if err
### End Next Steps Email ###
handleMailchimpWebHook = (req, res) ->
post = req.body
unless post.type in ['unsubscribe', 'profile']
res.send 'Bad post type'
return res.end()
unless post.data.email
res.send 'No email provided'
return res.end()
query = {'mailChimp.leid': post.data.web_id}
User.findOne query, (err, user) ->
return errors.serverError(res) if err
if not user
return errors.notFound(res)
handleProfileUpdate(user, post) if post.type is 'profile'
handleUnsubscribe(user) if post.type is 'unsubscribe'
user.updatedMailChimp = true # so as not to echo back to mailchimp
user.save (err) ->
return errors.serverError(res) if err
module.exports.handleProfileUpdate = handleProfileUpdate = (user, post) ->
mailchimpSubs = post.data.merges.INTERESTS.split(', ')
for [mailchimpEmailGroup, emailGroup] in _.zip(mail.MAILCHIMP_GROUPS, mail.NEWS_GROUPS)
user.setEmailSubscription emailGroup, mailchimpEmailGroup in mailchimpSubs
fname = post.data.merges.FNAME
user.set('firstName', fname) if fname
lname = post.data.merges.LNAME
user.set('lastName', lname) if lname
user.set 'mailChimp.email', post.data.email
user.set 'mailChimp.euid', post.data.id
module.exports.handleUnsubscribe = handleUnsubscribe = (user) ->
user.set 'emailSubscriptions', []
for emailGroup in mail.NEWS_GROUPS
user.setEmailSubscription emailGroup, false