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synced 2024-12-19 12:02:35 -05:00
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170 lines
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log = require 'winston'
async = require 'async'
errors = require '../../commons/errors'
scoringUtils = require './scoringUtils'
LevelSession = require '../../models/LevelSession'
TaskLog = require './../../models/ScoringTask'
module.exports = processTaskResult = (req, res) ->
return if scoringUtils.simulatorIsTooOld req, res
originalSessionID = req.body?.originalSessionID
req.body?.simulator?.user = '' + req.user?._id
yetiGuru = {}
async.waterfall [
verifyClientResponse.bind(yetiGuru, req.body)
scoringUtils.updateUserSimulationCounts.bind(yetiGuru, req.user?._id)
], (err, results) ->
if err is 'shouldn\'t continue'
markSessionAsDoneRanking originalSessionID, (err) ->
if err? then return scoringUtils.sendResponseObject res, {'error': 'There was an error marking the session as done ranking'}
scoringUtils.sendResponseObject res, {message: 'The scores were updated successfully, person lost so no more games are being inserted!'}
else if err is 'no session was found'
markSessionAsDoneRanking originalSessionID, (err) ->
if err? then return scoringUtils.sendResponseObject res, {'error': 'There was an error marking the session as done ranking'}
scoringUtils.sendResponseObject res, {message: 'There were no more games to rank (game is at top)!'}
else if err?
errors.serverError res, "There was an error:#{err}"
scoringUtils.sendResponseObject res, {message: 'The scores were updated successfully and more games were sent to the queue!'}
catch e
errors.serverError res, 'There was an error processing the task result!'
verifyClientResponse = (responseObject, callback) ->
# TODO: better verification
if typeof responseObject isnt 'object' or responseObject?.originalSessionID?.length isnt 24
callback 'The response to that query is required to be a JSON object.'
@clientResponseObject = responseObject
callback null, responseObject
fetchTaskLog = (responseObject, callback) ->
TaskLog.findOne(_id: responseObject.taskID).exec (err, taskLog) =>
return callback new Error("Couldn't find TaskLog for _id #{responseObject.taskID}!") unless taskLog
@taskLog = taskLog
callback err, taskLog
checkTaskLog = (taskLog, callback) ->
if taskLog.get('calculationTimeMS') then return callback 'That computational task has already been performed'
if hasTaskTimedOut taskLog.get('sentDate') then return callback 'The task has timed out'
callback null
hasTaskTimedOut = (taskSentTimestamp) ->
taskSentTimestamp + scoringUtils.scoringTaskTimeoutInSeconds * 1000 < Date.now()
deleteQueueMessage = (callback) ->
scoringUtils.scoringTaskQueue.deleteMessage @clientResponseObject.receiptHandle, (err) ->
callback err
fetchLevelSession = (callback) ->
selectString = 'submitDate creator level standardDeviation meanStrength totalScore submittedCodeLanguage leagues'
LevelSession.findOne(_id: @clientResponseObject.originalSessionID).select(selectString).lean().exec (err, session) =>
@levelSession = session
callback err
checkSubmissionDate = (callback) ->
supposedSubmissionDate = new Date(@clientResponseObject.sessions[0].submitDate)
if Number(supposedSubmissionDate) isnt Number(@levelSession.submitDate)
callback 'The game has been resubmitted. Removing from queue...'
callback null
logTaskComputation = (callback) ->
@taskLog.set 'calculationTimeMS', @clientResponseObject.calculationTimeMS
@taskLog.set 'sessions', @clientResponseObject.sessions
@taskLog.save (err, saved) ->
callback err
determineIfSessionShouldContinueAndUpdateLog = (cb) ->
sessionID = @clientResponseObject.originalSessionIDx
sessionRank = parseInt @clientResponseObject.originalSessionRank
update = '$inc': {}
if sessionRank is 0
update['$inc'] = {numberOfWinsAndTies: 1}
update['$inc'] = {numberOfLosses: 1}
LevelSession.findOneAndUpdate {_id: sessionID}, update, {select: 'numberOfWinsAndTies numberOfLosses', lean: true}, (err, updatedSession) ->
if err? then return cb err, updatedSession
totalNumberOfGamesPlayed = updatedSession.numberOfWinsAndTies + updatedSession.numberOfLosses
if totalNumberOfGamesPlayed < 10
#console.log 'Number of games played is less than 10, continuing...'
cb null
ratio = (updatedSession.numberOfLosses) / (totalNumberOfGamesPlayed)
if ratio > 0.33
cb 'shouldn\'t continue'
#console.log "Ratio(#{ratio}) is bad, ending simulation"
#console.log "Ratio(#{ratio}) is good, so continuing simulations"
cb null
findNearestBetterSessionID = (cb) ->
levelOriginalID = @levelSession.level.original
levelMajorVersion = @levelSession.level.majorVersion
sessionID = @clientResponseObject.originalSessionID
sessionTotalScore = @newScoresObject[sessionID].totalScore
opponentSessionID = _.pull(_.keys(@newScoresObject), sessionID)
opponentSessionTotalScore = @newScoresObject[opponentSessionID].totalScore
opposingTeam = scoringUtils.calculateOpposingTeam(@clientResponseObject.originalSessionTeam)
catch e
cb e
retrieveAllOpponentSessionIDs sessionID, (err, opponentSessionIDs) ->
if err? then return cb err, null
queryParameters =
$gt: opponentSessionTotalScore
$nin: opponentSessionIDs
'level.original': levelOriginalID
'level.majorVersion': levelMajorVersion
submitted: true
team: opposingTeam
if opponentSessionTotalScore < 30
# Don't play a ton of matches at low scores--skip some in proportion to how close to 30 we are.
# TODO: this could be made a lot more flexible.
queryParameters['totalScore']['$gt'] = opponentSessionTotalScore + 2 * (30 - opponentSessionTotalScore) / 20
limitNumber = 1
sortParameters = totalScore: 1
selectString = '_id totalScore'
query = LevelSession.findOne(queryParameters)
#console.log "Finding session with score near #{opponentSessionTotalScore}"
query.exec (err, session) ->
if err? then return cb err, session
unless session then return cb 'no session was found'
#console.log "Found session with score #{session.totalScore}"
cb err, session._id
retrieveAllOpponentSessionIDs = (sessionID, cb) ->
selectString = 'matches.opponents.sessionID matches.date submitDate'
LevelSession.findOne({_id: sessionID}).select(selectString).lean().exec (err, session) ->
if err? then return cb err, null
opponentSessionIDs = (match.opponents[0].sessionID for match in session.matches when match.date > session.submitDate)
cb err, opponentSessionIDs
addNewSessionsToQueue = (sessionID, callback) ->
sessions = [@clientResponseObject.originalSessionID, sessionID]
scoringUtils.addPairwiseTaskToQueue sessions, callback
markSessionAsDoneRanking = (sessionID, cb) ->
#console.log 'Marking session as done ranking...'
LevelSession.update {_id: sessionID}, {isRanking: false}, cb