CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass' {me} = require 'lib/auth' LayerAdapter = require './LayerAdapter' IndieLank = require 'lib/surface/IndieLank' WizardLank = require 'lib/surface/WizardLank' FlagLank = require 'lib/surface/FlagLank' Lank = require 'lib/surface/Lank' Mark = require './Mark' Grid = require 'lib/world/Grid' module.exports = class LankBoss extends CocoClass subscriptions: 'bus:player-joined': 'onPlayerJoined' 'bus:player-left': 'onPlayerLeft' 'level:set-debug': 'onSetDebug' 'sprite:highlight-sprites': 'onHighlightSprites' 'surface:stage-mouse-down': 'onStageMouseDown' 'level:select-sprite': 'onSelectSprite' 'level:suppress-selection-sounds': 'onSuppressSelectionSounds' 'level:lock-select': 'onSetLockSelect' 'level:restarted': 'onLevelRestarted' 'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorld' 'god:streaming-world-updated': 'onNewWorld' 'camera:dragged': 'onCameraDragged' 'sprite:loaded': -> @update(true) 'level:flag-color-selected': 'onFlagColorSelected' 'level:flag-updated': 'onFlagUpdated' 'surface:flag-appeared': 'onFlagAppeared' 'surface:remove-selected-flag': 'onRemoveSelectedFlag' constructor: (@options) -> super() @dragged = 0 @options ?= {} @camera = @webGLStage = @options.webGLStage @surfaceTextLayer = @options.surfaceTextLayer @world = @options.thangTypes ?= [] @lanks = {} @lankArray = [] # Mirror @lanks, but faster for when we just need to iterate @selfWizardLank = null @createLayers() @pendingFlags = [] destroy: -> @removeLank lank for thangID, lank of @lanks @targetMark?.destroy() @selectionMark?.destroy() lankLayer.destroy() for lankLayer in _.values @layerAdapters super() toString: -> "" thangTypeFor: (type) -> _.find @options.thangTypes, (m) -> m.get('original') is type or m.get('name') is type createLayers: -> @layerAdapters = {} for [name, priority] in [ ['Land', -40] ['Ground', -30] ['Obstacle', -20] ['Path', -10] ['Default', 0] ['Floating', 10] ] @layerAdapters[name] = new LayerAdapter name: name, webGL: true, layerPriority: priority, transform: LayerAdapter.TRANSFORM_SURFACE, camera: @camera @webGLStage.addChild (lankLayer.container for lankLayer in _.values(@layerAdapters))... layerForChild: (child, lank) -> unless child.layerPriority? if thang = lank?.thang child.layerPriority = thang.layerPriority child.layerPriority ?= 0 if thang.isSelectable child.layerPriority ?= -40 if thang.isLand child.layerPriority ?= 0 return @layerAdapters['Default'] unless child.layerPriority layer = _.findLast @layerAdapters, (layer, name) -> layer.layerPriority <= child.layerPriority layer ?= @layerAdapters['Land'] if child.layerPriority < -40 layer ? @layerAdapters['Default'] addLank: (lank, id=null, layer=null) -> id ?= console.error 'Lank collision! Already have:', id if @lanks[id] @lanks[id] = lank @lankArray.push lank layer ?= @layerAdapters['Obstacle'] if lank.thang?|indoor).wall/i) isnt -1 layer ?= @layerForChild lank.sprite, lank layer.addLank lank layer.updateLayerOrder() lank createMarks: -> @targetMark = new Mark name: 'target', camera: @camera, layer: @layerAdapters['Ground'], thangType: 'target' @selectionMark = new Mark name: 'selection', camera: @camera, layer: @layerAdapters['Ground'], thangType: 'selection' createLankOptions: (options) -> _.extend options, camera: @camera, resolutionFactor: SPRITE_RESOLUTION_FACTOR, groundLayer: @layerAdapters['Ground'], textLayer: @surfaceTextLayer, floatingLayer: @layerAdapters['Floating'], showInvisible: @options.showInvisible createIndieLanks: (indieLanks, withWizards) -> unless @indieLanks @indieLanks = [] @indieLanks = (@createIndieLank indieLank for indieLank in indieLanks) if indieLanks if withWizards and not @selfWizardLank @selfWizardLank = @createWizardLank thangID: 'My Wizard', isSelf: true, lanks: @lanks createIndieLank: (indieLank) -> unless thangType = @thangTypeFor indieLank.thangType console.warn "Need to convert #{}'s ThangType #{indieLank.thangType} to a ThangType reference. Until then, #{} won't show up." return lank = new IndieLank thangType, @createLankOptions {thangID:, pos: indieLank.pos, lanks: @lanks, team:, teamColors: @world.getTeamColors()} @addLank lank, createOpponentWizard: (opponent) -> # TODO: colorize name and cloud by team, colorize wizard by user's color config, level-specific wizard spawn points lank = @createWizardLank thangID:, name:, codeLanguage: opponent.codeLanguage if not opponent.levelSlug or opponent.levelSlug is 'brawlwood' lank.targetPos = if is 'ogres' then {x: 52, y: 52} else {x: 28, y: 28} else if opponent.levelSlug in ['dungeon-arena', 'sky-span'] lank.targetPos = if is 'ogres' then {x: 72, y: 39} else {x: 9, y: 39} else if opponent.levelSlug is 'criss-cross' lank.targetPos = if is 'ogres' then {x: 50, y: 12} else {x: 0, y: 40} else lank.targetPos = if is 'ogres' then {x: 52, y: 28} else {x: 20, y: 28} createWizardLank: (options) -> lank = new WizardLank @thangTypeFor('Wizard'), @createLankOptions(options) @addLank lank,, @layerAdapters['Floating'] onPlayerJoined: (e) -> # Create another WizardLank, unless this player is just me pid = return if pid is wiz = @createWizardLank thangID: pid, lanks: @lanks wiz.animateIn() state = e.player.wizard or {} wiz.setInitialState(state.targetPos, @lanks[state.targetLank]) onPlayerLeft: (e) -> pid = @lanks[pid]?.animateOut => @removeLank @lanks[pid] onSetDebug: (e) -> return if e.debug is @debug @debug = e.debug lank.setDebug @debug for lank in @lankArray onHighlightSprites: (e) -> highlightedIDs = e.thangIDs or [] for thangID, lank of @lanks lank.setHighlight? thangID in highlightedIDs, e.delay addThangToLanks: (thang, layer=null) -> return console.warn 'Tried to add Thang to the surface it already has:', if @lanks[] thangType = _.find @options.thangTypes, (m) -> return false unless m.get('actions') or m.get('raster') return m.get('name') is thang.spriteName thangType ?= _.find @options.thangTypes, (m) -> return m.get('name') is thang.spriteName return console.error "Couldn't find ThangType for", thang unless thangType options = @createLankOptions thang: thang options.resolutionFactor = if thangType.get('kind') is 'Floor' then 2 else SPRITE_RESOLUTION_FACTOR lank = new Lank thangType, options @listenTo lank, 'sprite:mouse-up', @onLankMouseUp @addLank lank, null, layer lank.setDebug @debug lank removeLank: (lank) -> lank.layer.removeLank(lank) thang = lank.thang delete @lanks[] @lankArray.splice @lankArray.indexOf(lank), 1 @stopListening lank lank.destroy() lank.thang = thang # Keep around so that we know which thang the destroyed thang was for updateSounds: -> lank.playSounds() for lank in @lankArray # hmm; doesn't work for lanks which we didn't add yet in adjustLankExistence update: (frameChanged) -> @adjustLankExistence() if frameChanged lank.update frameChanged for lank in @lankArray @updateSelection() @layerAdapters['Default'].updateLayerOrder() @cacheObstacles() adjustLankExistence: -> # Add anything new, remove anything old, update everything current updatedObstacles = [] itemsJustEquipped = [] for thang in @world.thangs when thang.exists and thang.pos itemsJustEquipped = itemsJustEquipped.concat @equipNewItems thang if lank = @lanks[] lank.setThang thang # make sure Lank has latest Thang else lank = @addThangToLanks(thang) Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:new-thang-added', thang: thang, sprite: lank updatedObstacles.push lank if lank.sprite.parent is @layerAdapters['Obstacle'] lank.playSounds() item.modifyStats() for item in itemsJustEquipped for thangID, lank of @lanks missing = not (lank.notOfThisWorld or @world.thangMap[thangID]?.exists) isObstacle = lank.sprite.parent is @layerAdapters['Obstacle'] updatedObstacles.push lank if isObstacle and (missing or lank.hasMoved) lank.hasMoved = false @removeLank lank if missing @cacheObstacles updatedObstacles if updatedObstacles.length and @cachedObstacles # mainly for handling selecting thangs from session when the thang is not always in existence if @willSelectThang and @lanks[@willSelectThang[0]] @selectThang @willSelectThang... equipNewItems: (thang) -> itemsJustEquipped = [] if thang.equip and not thang.equipped thang.equip() # Pretty hacky, but needed since initialize may not be called if we're not running Systems. itemsJustEquipped.push thang if thang.inventoryIDs # Even hackier: these items were only created/equipped during simulation, so we reequip here. for slot, itemID of thang.inventoryIDs item = @world.getThangByID itemID unless item.equipped console.log, 'equipping', item, 'in', thang.slot, 'Surface-side, but it cannot equip?' unless item.equip item.equip() itemsJustEquipped.push item return itemsJustEquipped cacheObstacles: (updatedObstacles=null) -> return if @cachedObstacles and not updatedObstacles wallLanks = (lank for lank in @lankArray when lank.thangType?.get('name').search(/(dungeon|indoor).wall/i) isnt -1) return if _.any (s.stillLoading for s in wallLanks) walls = (lank.thang for lank in wallLanks) @world.calculateBounds() wallGrid = new Grid walls, @world.size()... if updatedObstacles possiblyUpdatedWallLanks = (lank for lank in wallLanks when _.find updatedObstacles, (w2) -> lank is w2 or (Math.abs(lank.thang.pos.x - w2.thang.pos.x) + Math.abs(lank.thang.pos.y - w2.thang.pos.y)) <= 16) else possiblyUpdatedWallLanks = wallLanks # console.log 'updating up to', possiblyUpdatedWallLanks.length, 'of', wallLanks.length, 'wall lanks from updatedObstacles', updatedObstacles for wallLank in possiblyUpdatedWallLanks wallLank.queueAction 'idle' if not wallLank.currentRootAction wallLank.lockAction(false) wallLank.updateActionDirection wallGrid wallLank.lockAction(true) wallLank.updateScale() wallLank.updatePosition() # console.log wallGrid.toString() @cachedObstacles = true lankFor: (thangID) -> @lanks[thangID] onNewWorld: (e) -> @world = = play: -> for lank in @lankArray @selectionMark?.play() @targetMark?.play() stop: -> lank.stop() for lank in @lankArray @selectionMark?.stop() @targetMark?.stop() # Selection onSuppressSelectionSounds: (e) -> @suppressSelectionSounds = e.suppress onSetLockSelect: (e) -> @selectLocked = e.lock onLevelRestarted: (e) -> @selectLocked = false @selectLank e, null onSelectSprite: (e) -> @selectThang e.thangID, e.spellName onCameraDragged: -> @dragged += 1 onLankMouseUp: (e) -> return if key.shift #and @options.choosing return @dragged = 0 if @dragged > 3 @dragged = 0 lank = if e.sprite?.thang?.isSelectable then e.sprite else null return if @flagCursorLank and lank?.thangType.get('name') is 'Flag' @selectLank e, lank onStageMouseDown: (e) -> return if key.shift #and @options.choosing @selectLank e if e.onBackground selectThang: (thangID, spellName=null, treemaThangSelected = null) -> return @willSelectThang = [thangID, spellName] unless @lanks[thangID] @selectLank null, @lanks[thangID], spellName, treemaThangSelected selectLank: (e, lank=null, spellName=null, treemaThangSelected = null) -> return if e and (@disabled or @selectLocked) # Ignore clicks for selection/panning/wizard movement while disabled or select is locked worldPos = lank?.thang?.pos worldPos ?= @camera.screenToWorld {x: e.originalEvent.rawX, y: e.originalEvent.rawY} if e?.originalEvent if (not @reallyStopMoving) and worldPos and (@options.navigateToSelection or not lank or treemaThangSelected) and e?.originalEvent?.nativeEvent?.which isnt 3 @camera.zoomTo(lank?.sprite or @camera.worldToSurface(worldPos), @camera.zoom, 1000, true) lank = null if @options.choosing # Don't select lanks while choosing if lank isnt @selectedLank @selectedLank?.selected = false lank?.selected = true @selectedLank = lank alive = lank and not ( < 0) Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:sprite-selected', thang: if lank then lank.thang else null sprite: lank spellName: spellName ? e?.spellName originalEvent: e worldPos: worldPos @willSelectThang = null if lank # Now that we've done a real selection, don't reselect some other Thang later. if alive and not @suppressSelectionSounds instance = lank.playSound 'selected' if instance?.playState is 'playSucceeded' Backbone.Mediator.publish 'sprite:thang-began-talking', thang: lank?.thang instance.addEventListener 'complete', -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'sprite:thang-finished-talking', thang: lank?.thang onFlagColorSelected: (e) -> @removeLank @flagCursorLank if @flagCursorLank @flagCursorLank = null for flagLank in @lankArray when flagLank.thangType.get('name') is 'Flag' flagLank.sprite.cursor = if e.color then 'crosshair' else 'pointer' return unless e.color @flagCursorLank = new FlagLank @thangTypeFor('Flag'), @createLankOptions(thangID: 'Flag Cursor', color: e.color, team:, isCursor: true, pos: e.pos) @addLank @flagCursorLank,, @layerAdapters['Floating'] onFlagUpdated: (e) -> return unless pendingFlag = new FlagLank @thangTypeFor('Flag'), @createLankOptions(thangID: 'Pending Flag ' + Math.random(), color: e.color, team:, isCursor: false, pos: e.pos) @addLank pendingFlag,, @layerAdapters['Floating'] @pendingFlags.push pendingFlag onFlagAppeared: (e) -> # Remove the pending flag that matches this one's color/team/position, and any color/team matches placed earlier. t1 = e.sprite.thang pending = (@pendingFlags ? []).slice() foundExactMatch = false for i in [pending.length - 1 .. 0] by -1 pendingFlag = pending[i] t2 = pendingFlag.thang matchedType = t1.color is t2.color and is matched = matchedType and (foundExactMatch or Math.abs(t1.pos.x - t2.pos.x) < 0.00001 and Math.abs(t1.pos.y - t2.pos.y) < 0.00001) if matched foundExactMatch = true @pendingFlags.splice(i, 1) @removeLank pendingFlag e.sprite.sprite?.cursor = if @flagCursorLank then 'crosshair' else 'pointer' null onRemoveSelectedFlag: (e) -> # Remove the selected lank if it's a flag, or any flag of the given color if a color is given. flagLank = _.find [@selectedLank].concat(@lankArray), (lank) -> lank and lank.thangType.get('name') is 'Flag' and is and (lank.thang.color is e.color or not e.color) and not lank.notOfThisWorld return unless flagLank Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:remove-flag', color: flagLank.thang.color # Marks updateSelection: -> if @selectedLank?.thang and (not @selectedLank.thang.exists or not @world.getThangByID thangID = @selectedLank = null # Don't actually trigger deselection, but remove the selected lank. @selectionMark?.toggle false @willSelectThang = [thangID, null] @updateTarget() return unless @selectionMark @selectedLank = null if @selectedLank and (@selectedLank.destroyed or not @selectedLank.thang) # The selection mark should be on the ground layer, unless we're not a normal lank (like a wall), in which case we'll place it higher so we can see it. if @selectedLank and @selectedLank.sprite.parent isnt @layerAdapters.Default.container @selectionMark.setLayer @layerAdapters.Default else if @selectedLank @selectionMark.setLayer @layerAdapters.Ground @selectionMark.toggle @selectedLank? @selectionMark.setLank @selectedLank @selectionMark.update() updateTarget: -> return unless @targetMark thang = @selectedLank?.thang target = thang?.target targetPos = thang?.targetPos targetPos = null if targetPos?.isZero?() # Null targetPos get serialized as (0, 0, 0) @targetMark.setLank if target then @lanks[] else null @targetMark.toggle @targetMark.lank or targetPos @targetMark.update if targetPos then @camera.worldToSurface targetPos else null