@import "app/styles/mixins" @import "app/styles/bootstrap/variables" $heroCanvasHeight: 265px #play-heroes-modal //- Clear modal defaults .modal-dialog padding: 0 width: 820px height: 658px //- Background #play-heroes-background position: absolute top: -59px left: -20px //- Header h1 position: absolute left: 154px top: 25px margin: 0 width: 450px text-align: center color: rgb(254,188,68) font-size: 38px text-shadow: black 4px 4px 0, black -4px -4px 0, black 4px -4px 0, black -4px 4px 0, black 4px 0px 0, black 0px -4px 0, black -4px 0px 0, black 0px 4px 0 //- Gems count #gems-count-container position: absolute right: 39px top: 470px #gems-count font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed' font-size: 24.5px color: lighten(rgb(1,64,91), 50%) //- Close modal button #close-modal position: absolute left: 615px top: 17px width: 60px height: 60px color: white text-align: center font-size: 30px padding-top: 15px cursor: pointer @include rotate(-3deg) &:hover color: yellow //- Carousel character portraits #hero-carousel width: 750px height: 386px position: absolute left: 34px top: 117px .carousel-indicator-container position: relative z-index: 1 .carousel-indicators position: static width: 100% margin-left: 0 .hero-indicator width: 104px height: 98px margin: 0 -11px position: relative background: url(/images/pages/play/modal/hero-portrait.png) border: none &.active background: url(/images/pages/play/modal/hero-portrait-selected.png) z-index: 5 .hero-avatar width: 61px height: 61px background-size: contain position: relative left: 21px top: 18px &.locked:not(.purchasable) .hero-avatar background-color: goldenrod @include filter(contrast(50%) brightness(65%)) .lock-indicator position: absolute width: 40% left: 30% top: 30% @include filter(invert(90%)) &.purchasable .hero-avatar background-color: goldenrod &.restricted @include opacity(0.25) .hero-avatar background-color: black //- Small transformations to jumble the hero icons a little .hero-index-0 transform: rotate(-5deg) z-index: 2 .hero-index-1 top: -3px z-index: 1 .hero-index-2 top: -3px transform: rotate(5deg) z-index: 1 .hero-index-3 transform: rotate(-1deg) z-index: 0 .hero-index-4 transform: rotate(3deg) .hero-index-5 z-index: 0 .hero-index-6 transform: rotate(6deg) top: -8px z-index: 1 .hero-index-8 transform: rotate(4deg) //- Carousel panel #hero-carousel .hero-item &.locked:not(.purchasable), &.restricted @include opacity(0.6) canvas, .hero-feature-image width: 334px height: $heroCanvasHeight float: left .hero-stats width: 384px height: $heroCanvasHeight float: left .hero-feature-image display: none text-align: center img height: $heroCanvasHeight .hero-stats color: white h2 margin-top: 0px color: white .hero-description margin-bottom: 10px .hero-stat-row margin: 5px 0 .stat-label float: left width: 100px color: rgb(203,170,148) .stat-value display: inline-block width: 280px color: rgb(244,189,68) .stat-progress background: rgb(32,27,22) height: 15px padding: 4px 5px border-radius: 16px position: relative top: 2px left: -3px width: 70% .stat-progress-bar height: 7px border-radius: 7px &.attack .stat-progress-bar background: #c32424 &.health .stat-progress-bar background: #0f802a &.speed .stat-progress-bar background: #4d52ab //- Carousel switch buttons a.left, a.right color: rgb(74,61,51) position: absolute top: 195px width: 40px height: 84px font-size: 24px .glyphicon position: relative top: 27px left: 8px &:hover, &:active color: rgb(126,105,88) a.right right: -49px a.left left: -46px .glyphicon @include scaleXY(-1, 1) //- Different footer states #purchasable-hero-explanation, #loading-hero-explanation position: absolute left: 32px top: 532px width: 541px height: 97px padding: 10px 40px h2 color: #333 text-align: center #locked-hero-explanation, #restricted-hero-explanation position: absolute left: 32px top: 527px width: 541px height: 102px padding: 10px 40px text-align: center h2 color: #333 margin-top: 12px margin-bottom: 5px #purchase-hero-button width: 209px height: 110px position: absolute left: 588px top: 522px line-height: 100px text-align: center text-transform: uppercase font-size: 24.5px font-family: Open Sans Condensed color: white border: 3px solid rgb(7,65,83) background: rgb(0,119,168) border-radius: 0 &:disabled background: rgb(72, 106, 113) opacity: 1 color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.4) > * @include opacity(0.9) &:hover > * @include opacity(1) //- Programming select box .form position: absolute left: 32px top: 527px width: 541px height: 102px padding: 10px 40px .help-block color: rgb(51,51,51) font-size: 14px font-weight: bold select font-size: 18px .fancy-select display: inline-block width: 100% .options text-transform: none .trigger, .options background-color: rgb(239,232,217) color: black .trigger text-transform: uppercase border: 3px solid black font-size: 16px padding: 5px 10px width: 100% //- the little triangle on the right side of the fancy select box &:after border: 8px solid transparent border-top-color: black top: 13px right: 11px .options padding-left: 5px overflow: visible .selected color: black .hover color: black background-color: #abc .options li padding-left: 40px background: transparent url(/images/common/code_languages/javascript_small.png) no-repeat left center background-size: 32px 32px margin-bottom: -1px &[data-value="python"] background-image: url(/images/common/code_languages/python_small.png) &[data-value="coffeescript"] background-image: url(/images/common/code_languages/coffeescript_small.png) &[data-value="clojure"] background-image: url(/images/common/code_languages/clojure_small.png) &[data-value="lua"] background-image: url(/images/common/code_languages/lua_small.png) &[data-value="io"] background-image: url(/images/common/code_languages/io_small.png) #confirm-button background: url(/images/pages/play/modal/confirm-button.png) width: 209px height: 110px position: absolute left: 588px top: 522px padding: 36px 0 text-align: center text-transform: uppercase font-size: 26px font-family: Open Sans Condensed color: white body.ipad #play-heroes-modal // iPad is Python-only for now, and has its own reset button. .form display: none