log = require 'winston' module.exports.custom = (res, code=500, message='Internal Server Error') -> log.debug "#{code}: #{message}" res.send code, message res.end() module.exports.unauthorized = (res, message='Unauthorized') -> # TODO: The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field log.debug "401: #{message}" res.send 401, message res.end() module.exports.forbidden = (res, message='Forbidden') -> log.debug "403: #{message}" res.send 403, message res.end() module.exports.paymentRequired = (res, message='Payment required') -> log.debug "402: #{message}" res.send 402, message res.end() module.exports.notFound = (res, message='Not found.') -> res.send 404, message res.end() module.exports.badMethod = (res, allowed=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'], message='Method Not Allowed') -> log.debug "405: #{message}" allowHeader = _.reduce allowed, ((str, current) -> str += ', ' + current) res.set 'Allow', allowHeader # TODO not sure if these are always the case res.send 405, message res.end() module.exports.conflict = (res, message='Conflict. File exists') -> log.debug "409: #{message}" res.send 409, message res.end() module.exports.badInput = (res, message='Unprocessable Entity. Bad Input.') -> log.debug "422: #{message}" res.send 422, message res.end() module.exports.serverError = (res, message='Internal Server Error') -> log.debug "500: #{message}" res.send 500, message res.end() module.exports.gatewayTimeoutError = (res, message='Gateway timeout') -> log.debug "504: #{message}" res.send 504, message res.end() module.exports.clientTimeout = (res, message='The server did not receive the client response in a timely manner') -> log.debug "408: #{message}" res.send 408, message res.end()