RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' forms = require 'core/forms' TrialRequest = require 'models/TrialRequest' TrialRequests = require 'collections/TrialRequests' AuthModal = require 'views/core/AuthModal' CreateAccountModal = require 'views/core/CreateAccountModal' storage = require 'core/storage' formSchema = { type: 'object' required: ['name', 'email', 'organization', 'role', 'numStudents'] properties: name: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 } email: { type: 'string', format: 'email' } phoneNumber: { type: 'string' } role: { type: 'string' } organization: { type: 'string' } city: { type: 'string' } state: { type: 'string' } country: { type: 'string' } numStudents: { type: 'string' } educationLevel: { type: 'array' items: { type: 'string' } } notes: { type: 'string' } } module.exports = class RequestQuoteView extends RootView id: 'request-quote-view' template: require 'templates/request-quote-view' events: 'change form': 'onChangeForm' 'submit form': 'onSubmitForm' 'click #login-btn': 'onClickLoginButton' 'click #signup-btn': 'onClickSignupButton' 'click #email-exists-login-link': 'onClickEmailExistsLoginLink' initialize: -> @trialRequest = new TrialRequest() @trialRequests = new TrialRequests() @trialRequests.fetchOwn() @supermodel.loadCollection(@trialRequests) onLoaded: -> if @trialRequests.size() @trialRequest = @trialRequests.first() if @trialRequest and @trialRequest.get('status') isnt 'submitted' and @trialRequest.get('status') isnt 'approved' window.tracker?.trackEvent 'View Trial Request', category: 'Teachers', label: 'View Trial Request', ['Mixpanel'] super() afterRender: -> super() obj = storage.load('request-quote-form') if obj @$('#other-education-level-checkbox').attr('checked', obj.otherChecked) @$('#other-education-level-input').val(obj.otherInput) forms.objectToForm(@$('form'), obj) onChangeForm: -> obj = forms.formToObject(@$('form')) obj.otherChecked = @$('#other-education-level-checkbox').is(':checked') obj.otherInput = @$('#other-education-level-input').val()'request-quote-form', obj, 10) onSubmitForm: (e) -> e.preventDefault() form = @$('form') attrs = forms.formToObject(form) # custom other input logic (also used in form local storage save/restore) if @$('#other-education-level-checkbox').is(':checked') attrs.educationLevel.push(@$('#other-education-level-input').val()) forms.clearFormAlerts(form) result = tv4.validateMultiple(attrs, formSchema) error = true if not result.valid forms.applyErrorsToForm(form, result.errors) else if not /^.+@.+\..+$/.test( forms.setErrorToProperty(form, 'email', 'Invalid email.') else if not _.size(attrs.educationLevel) return forms.setErrorToProperty(form, 'educationLevel', 'Check at least one.') else error = false if error forms.scrollToFirstError() return @trialRequest = new TrialRequest({ type: 'course' properties: attrs }) @trialRequest.notyErrors = false @$('#submit-request-btn').text('Sending').attr('disabled', true) @trialRequest.on 'sync', @onTrialRequestSubmit, @ @trialRequest.on 'error', @onTrialRequestError, @ me.setRole attrs.role.toLowerCase(), true onTrialRequestError: (model, jqxhr) -> if jqxhr.status is 409 userExists = $.i18n.t('teachers_quote.email_exists') logIn = $.i18n.t('login.log_in') @$('#email-form-group') .addClass('has-error') .append($("
#{userExists} #{logIn}")) @$('#submit-request-btn').text('Submit').attr('disabled', false) forms.scrollToFirstError() onClickEmailExistsLoginLink: -> modal = new AuthModal({ initialValues: { email: @trialRequest.get('properties')?.email } }) @openModalView(modal) onTrialRequestSubmit: -> @$('form, #form-submit-success').toggleClass('hide') $('#flying-focus').css({top: 0, left: 0}) # Hack copied from Ideally we'd swap out the view and have view-swapping logic handle this window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Submit Trial Request', category: 'Teachers', label: 'Trial Request', ['Mixpanel'] onClickLoginButton: -> modal = new AuthModal({ initialValues: { email: @trialRequest.get('properties')?.email } }) @openModalView(modal) window.nextURL = '/courses/teachers' unless @trialRequest.isNew() onClickSignupButton: -> props = @trialRequest.get('properties') or {} me.set('name', modal = new CreateAccountModal({ initialValues: { email: schoolName: props.organization } }) @openModalView(modal) window.nextURL = '/courses/teachers' unless @trialRequest.isNew()