async = require 'async' mongoose = require 'mongoose' Grid = require 'gridfs-stream' errors = require './errors' log = require 'winston' Patch = require '../patches/Patch' User = require '../users/User' sendwithus = require '../sendwithus' hipchat = require '../hipchat' deltasLib = require '../../app/lib/deltas' PROJECT = {original: 1, name: 1, version: 1, description: 1, slug: 1, kind: 1, created: 1, permissions: 1} FETCH_LIMIT = 300 module.exports = class Handler # subclasses should override these properties modelClass: null privateProperties: [] editableProperties: [] postEditableProperties: [] jsonSchema: {} waterfallFunctions: [] allowedMethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'] constructor: -> # TODO The second 'or' is for backward compatibility only is for backward compatibility only @privateProperties = @modelClass.privateProperties or @privateProperties or [] @editableProperties = @modelClass.editableProperties or @editableProperties or [] @postEditableProperties = @modelClass.postEditableProperties or @postEditableProperties or [] @jsonSchema = @modelClass.jsonSchema or @jsonSchema or {} # subclasses should override these methods hasAccess: (req) -> true hasAccessToDocument: (req, document, method=null) -> return true if req.user?.isAdmin() if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_translation_coverage and (method or req.method).toLowerCase() is 'put' return true if @isJustFillingTranslations(req, document) if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_permissions return document.hasPermissionsForMethod?(req.user, method or req.method) return true isJustFillingTranslations: (req, document) -> differ = deltasLib.makeJSONDiffer() omissions = ['original'].concat(deltasLib.DOC_SKIP_PATHS) delta = differ.diff(_.omit(document.toObject(), omissions), _.omit(req.body, omissions)) flattened = deltasLib.flattenDelta(delta) _.all(flattened, (delta) -> # sometimes coverage gets moved around... allow other changes to happen to i18nCoverage return _.isArray(delta.o) and (('i18n' in delta.dataPath and delta.o.length is 1) or 'i18nCoverage' in delta.dataPath)) formatEntity: (req, document) -> document?.toObject() getEditableProperties: (req, document) -> props = @editableProperties.slice() isBrandNew = req.method is 'POST' and not req.body.original props = props.concat @postEditableProperties if isBrandNew if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_permissions # can only edit permissions if this is a brand new property, # or you are an owner of the old one isOwner = document.getAccessForUserObjectId(req.user._id) is 'owner' if isBrandNew or isOwner or req.user?.isAdmin() props.push 'permissions' props.push 'commitMessage' if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions props.push 'allowPatches' if @modelClass.schema.is_patchable props # sending functions sendForbiddenError: (res) -> errors.forbidden(res) sendNotFoundError: (res, message) -> errors.notFound(res, message) sendMethodNotAllowed: (res, message) -> errors.badMethod(res, @allowedMethods, message) sendBadInputError: (res, message) -> errors.badInput(res, message) sendDatabaseError: (res, err) -> return @sendError(res, err.code, err.response) if err.response and err.code log.error "Database error, #{err}" errors.serverError(res, 'Database error, ' + err) sendError: (res, code, message) -> errors.custom(res, code, message) sendSuccess: (res, message) -> res.send(message) res.end() sendCreated: (res, message) -> res.send 201, message res.end() sendAccepted: (res, message) -> res.send 202, message res.end() sendNoContent: (res) -> res.send 204 res.end() # generic handlers get: (req, res) -> @sendForbiddenError(res) if not @hasAccess(req) specialParameters = ['term', 'project', 'conditions'] if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_translation_coverage and req.query.view is 'i18n-coverage' # TODO: generalize view, project, limit and skip query parameters projection = {} if req.query.project projection[field] = 1 for field in req.query.project.split(',') query = {slug: {$exists: true}, i18nCoverage: {$exists: true}} q = @modelClass.find(query, projection) skip = parseInt(req.query.skip) if skip? and skip < 1000000 q.skip(skip) limit = parseInt(req.query.limit) if limit? and limit < 1000 q.limit(limit) q.exec (err, documents) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err documents = (@formatEntity(req, doc) for doc in documents) @sendSuccess(res, documents) return # If the model uses coco search it's probably a text search else if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_search term = req.query.term matchedObjects = [] filters = if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions or @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_permissions then [filter: {index: true}] else [filter: {}] if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_permissions and req.user filters.push {filter: {index: req.user.get('id')}} projection = null if req.query.project is 'true' projection = PROJECT else if req.query.project if @modelClass.className is 'User' projection = PROJECT log.warn 'Whoa, we haven\'t yet thought about public properties for User projection yet.' else projection = {} projection[field] = 1 for field in req.query.project.split(',') for filter in filters callback = (err, results) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err for r in results.results ? results obj = r.obj ? r continue if obj in matchedObjects # TODO: probably need a better equality check matchedObjects.push obj filters.pop() # doesn't matter which one unless filters.length res.send matchedObjects res.end() if term filter.project = projection @modelClass.textSearch term, filter, callback else args = [filter.filter] args.push projection if projection @modelClass.find(args...).limit(FETCH_LIMIT).exec callback # if it's not a text search but the user is an admin, let him try stuff anyway else if req.user?.isAdmin() # admins can send any sort of query down the wire filter = {} filter[key] = (val for own key, val of req.query.filter when key not in specialParameters) if 'filter' of req.query query = @modelClass.find(filter) # Conditions are chained query functions, for example: query.find().limit(20).sort('-dateCreated') conditions = JSON.parse(req.query.conditions || '[]') try for condition in conditions name = condition[0] f = query[name] args = condition[1..] query = query[name](args...) catch e return @sendError(res, 422, 'Badly formed conditions.') query.exec (err, documents) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err documents = (@formatEntity(req, doc) for doc in documents) @sendSuccess(res, documents) # regular users are only allowed text searches for now, without any additional filters or sorting else return @sendForbiddenError(res) getById: (req, res, id) -> # return @sendNotFoundError(res) # for testing return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req) @getDocumentForIdOrSlug id, (err, document) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless document? return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, document) @sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document)) getByRelationship: (req, res, args...) -> # this handler should be overwritten by subclasses if @modelClass.schema.is_patchable return @getPatchesFor(req, res, args[0]) if req.route.method is 'get' and args[1] is 'patches' return @setWatching(req, res, args[0]) if req.route.method is 'put' and args[1] is 'watch' return @sendNotFoundError(res) getNamesByIDs: (req, res) -> ids = req.query.ids or req.body.ids if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions return @getNamesByOriginals(req, res) @getPropertiesFromMultipleDocuments res, User, 'name', ids getNamesByOriginals: (req, res) -> ids = req.query.ids or req.body.ids ids = ids.split(',') if _.isString ids ids = _.uniq ids # HACK: levels loading thang types need the components returned as well # Need a way to specify a projection for a query. project = {name:1, original:1, kind:1, components: 1} sort = {'version.major':-1, 'version.minor':-1} makeFunc = (id) => (callback) => criteria = {original:mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)} @modelClass.findOne(criteria, project).sort(sort).exec (err, document) -> return done(err) if err callback(null, document?.toObject() or null) funcs = {} for id in ids return errors.badInput(res, "Given an invalid id: #{id}") unless Handler.isID(id) funcs[id] = makeFunc(id) async.parallel funcs, (err, results) -> return errors.serverError err if err res.send (d for d in _.values(results) when d) res.end() getPatchesFor: (req, res, id) -> query = { 'target.original': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id), status: req.query.status or 'pending' } Patch.find(query).sort('-created').exec (err, patches) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err patches = (patch.toObject() for patch in patches) @sendSuccess(res, patches) setWatching: (req, res, id) -> @getDocumentForIdOrSlug id, (err, document) => return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, document, 'get') return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless document? watchers = document.get('watchers') or [] me = req.user.get('_id') watchers = (l for l in watchers when not l.equals(me)) watchers.push me if req.body.on and req.body.on isnt 'false' document.set 'watchers', watchers (err, document) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err @sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document)) versions: (req, res, id) -> # TODO: a flexible system for doing GAE-like cursors for these sort of paginating queries # Keeping it simple for now and just allowing access to the first FETCH_LIMIT results. query = {'original': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)} sort = {'created': -1} selectString = 'slug name version commitMessage created creator permissions' aggregate = $match: query @modelClass.aggregate(aggregate).project(selectString).limit(FETCH_LIMIT).sort(sort).exec (err, results) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err res.send(results) res.end() files: (req, res, id) -> module = req.path[4..].split('/')[0] query = {'metadata.path': "db/#{module}/#{id}"} Grid.gfs.collection('media').find query, (err, cursor) -> return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err results = cursor.toArray (err, results) -> return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err res.send(results) res.end() getLatestVersion: (req, res, original, version) -> # can get latest overall version, latest of a major version, or a specific version query = { 'original': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(original) } if version? version = version.split('.') majorVersion = parseInt(version[0]) minorVersion = parseInt(version[1]) query['version.major'] = majorVersion unless _.isNaN(majorVersion) query['version.minor'] = minorVersion unless _.isNaN(minorVersion) sort = { 'version.major': -1, 'version.minor': -1 } args = [query] if req.query.project projection = {} fields = if req.query.project is 'true' then _.keys(PROJECT) else req.query.project.split(',') projection[field] = 1 for field in fields args.push projection @modelClass.findOne(args...).sort(sort).exec (err, doc) => return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless doc? return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, doc) res.send(doc) res.end() patch: -> console.warn 'Received unexpected PATCH request' @put(arguments...) put: (req, res, id) -> # Client expects PATCH behavior for PUTs # Real PATCHs return incorrect HTTP responses in some environments (e.g. Browserstack, schools) return @postNewVersion(req, res) if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No input.') if _.isEmpty(req.body) return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req) @getDocumentForIdOrSlug req.body._id or id, (err, document) => return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Bad id.') if err and is 'CastError' return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless document? return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, document) @doWaterfallChecks req, document, (err, document) => return @sendError(res, err.code, err.res) if err @saveChangesToDocument req, document, (err) => return @sendBadInputError(res, err.errors) if err?.valid is false return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err @sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document)) post: (req, res) -> if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions if req.body.original return @postNewVersion(req, res) else return @postFirstVersion(req, res) return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No input.') if _.isEmpty(req.body) return @sendBadInputError(res, 'id should not be included.') if req.body._id return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req) document = @makeNewInstance(req) @saveChangesToDocument req, document, (err) => return @sendBadInputError(res, err.errors) if err?.valid is false return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err @sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document)) @onPostSuccess(req, document) onPostSuccess: (req, doc) -> ### TODO: think about pulling some common stuff out of postFirstVersion/postNewVersion into a postVersion if we can figure out the breakpoints? ..... actually, probably better would be to do the returns with throws instead and have a handler which turns them into status codes and messages ### postFirstVersion: (req, res) -> return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No input.') if _.isEmpty(req.body) return @sendBadInputError(res, 'id should not be included.') if req.body._id return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req) document = @makeNewInstance(req) document.set('original', document._id) document.set('creator', req.user._id) @saveChangesToDocument req, document, (err) => return @sendBadInputError(res, err.errors) if err?.valid is false return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err @sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document)) postNewVersion: (req, res) -> """ To the client, posting new versions look like this: POST /db/modelname With the input being just the altered structure of the old version, leaving the _id property intact even. No version object means it's a new major version. A version object with a major value means a new minor version. All other properties in version are ignored. """ return @sendBadInputError(res, 'This entity is not versioned') unless @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No input.') if _.isEmpty(req.body) return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req) @getDocumentForIdOrSlug req.body._id, (err, parentDocument) => return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Bad id.') if err and is 'CastError' return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless parentDocument? return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, parentDocument) editableProperties = @getEditableProperties req, parentDocument updatedObject = parentDocument.toObject() for prop in editableProperties if (val = req.body[prop])? updatedObject[prop] = val else if updatedObject[prop]? delete updatedObject[prop] delete updatedObject._id major = req.body.version?.major validation = @validateDocumentInput(updatedObject) return @sendBadInputError(res, validation.errors) unless validation.valid done = (err, newDocument) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err newDocument.set('creator', req.user._id) (err) => return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err @sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, newDocument)) if @modelClass.schema.is_patchable @notifyWatchersOfChange(req.user, newDocument, req.headers['x-current-path']) if major? parentDocument.makeNewMinorVersion(updatedObject, major, done) else parentDocument.makeNewMajorVersion(updatedObject, done) notifyWatchersOfChange: (editor, changedDocument, editPath) -> docLink = "{editPath}" @sendChangedHipChatMessage creator: editor, target: changedDocument, docLink: docLink watchers = changedDocument.get('watchers') or [] watchers = (w for w in watchers when not w.equals(editor.get('_id'))) return unless watchers.length User.find({_id:{$in:watchers}}).select({email:1, name:1}).exec (err, watchers) => for watcher in watchers @notifyWatcherOfChange editor, watcher, changedDocument, editPath notifyWatcherOfChange: (editor, watcher, changedDocument, editPath) -> context = email_id: sendwithus.templates.change_made_notify_watcher recipient: address: watcher.get('email') name: watcher.get('name') email_data: doc_name: changedDocument.get('name') or '???' submitter_name: editor.get('name') or '???' doc_link: if editPath then "{editPath}" else null commit_message: changedDocument.get('commitMessage') sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) -> sendChangedHipChatMessage: (options) -> message = "#{options.creator.get('name')} saved a change to #{'name')}: #{'commitMessage')}" hipchat.sendHipChatMessage message makeNewInstance: (req) -> model = new @modelClass({}) if @modelClass.schema.is_patchable watchers = [req.user.get('_id')] if req.user.isAdmin() # nick = mongoose.Types.ObjectId('512ef4805a67a8c507000001') scott = mongoose.Types.ObjectId('5162fab9c92b4c751e000274') watchers.push nick unless _.find watchers, (id) -> id.equals nick watchers.push scott unless _.find watchers, (id) -> id.equals scott model.set 'watchers', watchers model validateDocumentInput: (input) -> tv4 = require('tv4').tv4 res = tv4.validateMultiple(input, @jsonSchema) res @isID: (id) -> _.isString(id) and id.length is 24 and id.match(/[a-f0-9]/gi)?.length is 24 getDocumentForIdOrSlug: (idOrSlug, done) -> idOrSlug = idOrSlug+'' if Handler.isID(idOrSlug) @modelClass.findById(idOrSlug).exec (err, document) -> done(err, document) else @modelClass.findOne {slug: idOrSlug}, (err, document) -> done(err, document) doWaterfallChecks: (req, document, done) -> return done(null, document) unless @waterfallFunctions.length # waterfall doesn't let you pass an initial argument # so wrap the first waterfall function to pass in the document funcs = (f for f in @waterfallFunctions) firstFunc = funcs[0] wrapped = (func, r, doc) -> (callback) -> func(r, doc, callback) funcs[0] = wrapped(firstFunc, req, document) async.waterfall funcs, (err, rrr, document) -> done(err, document) saveChangesToDocument: (req, document, done) -> for prop in @getEditableProperties req, document if (val = req.body[prop])? document.set prop, val # Hold on, gotta think about that one #else if document.get(prop)? and req.method isnt 'PATCH' # document.set prop, 'undefined' obj = document.toObject() # Hack to get saving of Users to work. Probably should replace these props with strings # so that validation doesn't get hung up on Date objects in the documents. delete obj.dateCreated validation = @validateDocumentInput(obj) return done(validation) unless validation.valid (err) -> done(err) getPropertiesFromMultipleDocuments: (res, model, properties, ids) -> query = model.find() ids = ids.split(',') if _.isString ids ids = _.uniq ids for id in ids return errors.badInput(res, "Given an invalid id: #{id}") unless Handler.isID(id) query.where({'_id': { $in: ids} }) (err, documents) -> dict = {} _.each documents, (document) -> dict[] = document res.send dict res.end() delete: (req, res) -> @sendMethodNotAllowed res, 'DELETE not allowed.' head: (req, res) -> @sendMethodNotAllowed res, 'HEAD not allowed.' # This is not a Mongoose user projectionForUser: (req, model, ownerID) -> return {} if 'privateProperties' not of model or req.user._id + '' is ownerID + '' or req.user.isAdmin() projection = {} projection[field] = 0 for field in model.privateProperties projection