if ( typeof password === 'undefined' ) { throw "Please specify the coco user password on the commandline as --eval 'password \"\"'"; } if ( typeof _ === 'undefined' ) { throw "Please include underscore/lodash on the commandline before this script."; } var main = connect('ec2-52-4-223-77.compute-1.amazonaws.com:27017/coco', 'coco', password); var ls = connect('ec2-54-236-64-198.compute-1.amazonaws.com:27017/coco', 'coco', password); var users = main.users.find( {role: 'student', //birthday: {$regex: /^20/} birthday: {$exists: 1} }, {_id: 1, birthday: 1, email: 1} ).toArray(); print("Found " + users.length + " users in age range"); var names = { "5411cb3769152f1707be029c": "Dungeons of Kithgard", "54173c90844506ae0195a0b4": "Gems in the Deep", "54174347844506ae0195a0b8": "Shadow Guard", "54ca592de4983255055a5478": "Enemy Mine", "541875da4c16460000ab990f": "True Names", "5604169b60537b8705386a59": "Kithgard Librarian", "55ca293b9bc1892c835b0136": "Fire Dancing", "565ce2291b940587057366dd": "Loop Da Loop", "545a5914d820eb0000f6dc0a": "Haunted Kithmaze", "5418cf256bae62f707c7e1c3": "The Second Kithmaze", "5418d40f4c16460000ab9ac2": "Dread Door", "54e0cdefe308cb510555a7f5": "Cupboards of Kithgard", "54f0e074a375e47f055d619c": "Breakout", "5452adea57e83800009730ee": "Known Enemy", "5452c3ce57e83800009730f7": "Master of Names", "55ca29439bc1892c835b0137": "A Mayhem of Munchkins", "5452d8b906a59e000067e4fa": "The Gauntlet", "541b434e1ccc8eaae19f3c33": "The Final Kithmaze", "541c9a30c6362edfb0f34479": "Kithgard Gates", "5630eab0c0fcbd86057cc2f8": "Wakka Maul" }; var samples = 0; var excluded = 0; var buckets = { 30: 0, 45: 0, 60: 0, 75: 0, 90: 0, 120: 0, 'Infinity': 0 }; var years = { }; _.shuffle(users.slice(0,1000)).forEach(function(user, idx) { print("Scan " + user.email + ' / ' + user.birthday); var totalPlayTime = 0; var sessions = ls.level.sessions.find( {code: {$exists: 1}, creator: user._id.valueOf()}, {'created': 1, 'level': 1, playtime: 1, 'state.complete': 1} ).toArray(); sessions = _.sortBy(sessions, 'created'); var success = false; for ( var i = 0; i < sessions.length; ++i ) { var s = sessions[i]; var name = names[s.level.original]; if ( !name ) { ++excluded; return; } totalPlayTime += s.playtime; if ( name == 'Known Enemy' && s.state.complete ) { success = true; break; } //print(s.created, name, s.state.complete, totalPlayTime / 60); } if ( !success && totalPlayTime < 60 * 90 ) return; var by = ISODate(user.birthday).getYear(); if ( !years[by] ) years[by] = 1; else ++years[by]; ++samples; if ( success ) { for ( var bracket in buckets ) { if ( Number(bracket) * 60 >= totalPlayTime ) { buckets[bracket]++; } } } //print(JSON.stringify(sessions, null, ' ')); }); print("Excluded " + excluded + "\tSample Size:" + samples ); _.forEach(buckets, function(v,k) { print(k + 'm\t', (v * 100 / samples) + '%'); }); //print(JSON.stringify(years, null, ' '));