ModalView = require 'views/core/ModalView' AuthModal = require 'views/core/AuthModal' ChooseAccountTypeView = require './ChooseAccountTypeView' SegmentCheckView = require './SegmentCheckView' CoppaDenyView = require './CoppaDenyView' BasicInfoView = require './BasicInfoView' SingleSignOnAlreadyExistsView = require './SingleSignOnAlreadyExistsView' SingleSignOnConfirmView = require './SingleSignOnConfirmView' ExtrasView = require './ExtrasView' ConfirmationView = require './ConfirmationView' State = require 'models/State' template = require 'templates/core/create-account-modal/create-account-modal' forms = require 'core/forms' User = require 'models/User' application = require 'core/application' errors = require 'core/errors' utils = require 'core/utils' ### CreateAccountModal is a wizard-style modal with several subviews, one for each `screen` that the user navigates forward and back through. There are three `path`s, one for each account type (individual, student). Teacher account path will be added later; for now it defers to /teachers/signup) Each subview handles only one `screen`, but all three `path` variants because their logic is largely the same. They `screen`s are: choose-account-type: Sets the `path`. segment-check: Checks required info for the path (age, ) coppa-deny: Seen if the indidual segment-check age is < 13 years old basic-info: This is the form for username/password/email/etc. It asks for whatever is needed for this type of user. It also handles the actual user creation. A user may create their account here, or connect with facebook/g+ sso-confirm: Alternate version of basic-info for new facebook/g+ users sso-already-exists: When facebook/g+ user already exists, this prompts them to sign in. extras: Not yet implemented confirmation: When an account has been successfully created, this view shows them their info and links them to a landing page based on their account type. NOTE: BasicInfoView's two children (SingleSignOn...View) inherit from it. This allows them to have the same form-handling logic, but different templates. ### module.exports = class CreateAccountModal extends ModalView id: 'create-account-modal' template: template closesOnClickOutside: false retainSubviews: true events: 'click .login-link': 'onClickLoginLink' initialize: (options={}) -> classCode = utils.getQueryVariable('_cc', undefined) @signupState = new State { path: if classCode then 'student' else null screen: if classCode then 'segment-check' else 'choose-account-type' ssoUsed: null # or 'facebook', 'gplus' classroom: null # or Classroom instance facebookEnabled: application.facebookHandler.apiLoaded gplusEnabled: application.gplusHandler.apiLoaded classCode birthday: new Date('') # so that birthday.getTime() is NaN authModalInitialValues: {} accountCreated: false } { startOnPath } = options if startOnPath is 'student' @signupState.set({ path: 'student', screen: 'segment-check' }) if startOnPath is 'individual' @signupState.set({ path: 'individual', screen: 'segment-check' }) @listenTo @signupState, 'all', _.debounce @render @listenTo @insertSubView(new ChooseAccountTypeView()), 'choose-path': (path) -> if path is 'teacher' application.router.navigate('/teachers/signup', trigger: true) else @signupState.set { path, screen: 'segment-check' } @listenTo @insertSubView(new SegmentCheckView({ @signupState })), 'choose-path': (path) -> @signupState.set { path, screen: 'segment-check' } 'nav-back': -> @signupState.set { path: null, screen: 'choose-account-type' } 'nav-forward': (screen) -> @signupState.set { screen: screen or 'basic-info' } @listenTo @insertSubView(new CoppaDenyView({ @signupState })), 'nav-back': -> @signupState.set { screen: 'segment-check' } @listenTo @insertSubView(new BasicInfoView({ @signupState })), 'sso-connect:already-in-use': -> @signupState.set { screen: 'sso-already-exists' } 'sso-connect:new-user': -> @signupState.set {screen: 'sso-confirm'} 'nav-back': -> @signupState.set { screen: 'segment-check' } 'signup': -> if @signupState.get('path') is 'student' @signupState.set { screen: 'extras', accountCreated: true } else @signupState.set { screen: 'confirmation', accountCreated: true } @listenTo @insertSubView(new SingleSignOnAlreadyExistsView({ @signupState })), 'nav-back': -> @signupState.set { screen: 'basic-info' } @listenTo @insertSubView(new SingleSignOnConfirmView({ @signupState })), 'nav-back': -> @signupState.set { screen: 'basic-info' } 'signup': -> if @signupState.get('path') is 'student' @signupState.set { screen: 'extras', accountCreated: true } else @signupState.set { screen: 'confirmation', accountCreated: true } @listenTo @insertSubView(new ExtrasView({ @signupState })), 'nav-forward': -> @signupState.set { screen: 'confirmation' } @insertSubView(new ConfirmationView({ @signupState })) # TODO: Switch to promises and state, rather than using defer to hackily enable buttons after render application.facebookHandler.loadAPI({ success: => @signupState.set { facebookEnabled: true } unless @destroyed }) application.gplusHandler.loadAPI({ success: => @signupState.set { gplusEnabled: true } unless @destroyed }) @once 'hidden', -> if @signupState.get('accountCreated') and not application.testing # ensure logged in state propagates through the entire app if me.isStudent() application.router.navigate('/students', {trigger: true}) else if me.isTeacher() application.router.navigate('/teachers/classes', {trigger: true}) window.location.reload() onClickLoginLink: -> @openModalView(new AuthModal({ initialValues: @signupState.get('authModalInitialValues') }))