module.exports = 'application: idle-changed': {} # TODO schema 'fbapi-loaded': {} # TODO schema 'logging-in-with-facebook': {} # TODO schema 'facebook-logged-in': title: 'Facebook logged in' $schema: '' description: 'Published when you successfully logged in with facebook' type: 'object' properties: response: type: 'object' properties: status: {type: 'string'} authResponse: type: 'object' properties: accessToken: {type: 'string'} expiresIn: {type: 'number'} signedRequest: {type: 'string'} userID: {type: 'string'} required: ['response'] 'facebook-logged-out': {} 'linkedin-loaded': {} 'gapi-loaded': {} # TODO schema 'logging-in-with-gplus': {} # TODO schema 'gplus-logged-in': title: 'G+ logged in' $schema: '' description: 'Published when you successfully logged in with G+' type: 'object' required: ['access_token']