class SuperModel constructor: -> @models = {} @collections = {} @schemas = {} _.extend(@, Backbone.Events) populateModel: (model) -> @mustPopulate = model model.saveBackups = @shouldSaveBackups(model) model.fetch() unless model.loaded or model.loading model.once('sync', @modelLoaded, @) unless model.loaded model.once('error', @modelErrored, @) unless model.loaded url = model.url() @models[url] = model unless @models[url]? @modelLoaded(model) if model.loaded # replace or overwrite shouldLoadReference: (model) -> true shouldLoadProjection: (model) -> false shouldPopulate: (url) -> true shouldSaveBackups: (model) -> false modelErrored: (model) -> @trigger 'error' @removeEventsFromModel(model) modelLoaded: (model) -> model.loadSchema() schema = model.schema() unless schema.loaded @schemas[schema.urlRoot] = schema return schema.once('sync', => @modelLoaded(model)) refs = model.getReferencedModels(model.attributes, schema.attributes, '/', @shouldLoadProjection) refs = [] unless @mustPopulate is model or @shouldPopulate(model) # console.log 'Loaded', model.get('name') for ref, i in refs when @shouldLoadReference ref ref.saveBackups = @shouldSaveBackups(ref) refURL = ref.url() continue if @models[refURL] @models[refURL] = ref ref.fetch() ref.once 'sync', @modelLoaded, @ @trigger 'loaded-one', model: model @trigger 'loaded-all' if @finished() @removeEventsFromModel(model) removeEventsFromModel: (model) -> 'sync', @modelLoaded, @ 'error', @modelErrored, @ getModel: (ModelClass_or_url, id) -> return @getModelByURL(ModelClass_or_url) if _.isString(ModelClass_or_url) m = new ModelClass_or_url(_id: id) return @getModelByURL(m.url()) getModelByURL: (modelURL) -> return @models[modelURL] or null getModelByOriginalAndMajorVersion: (ModelClass, original, majorVersion=0) -> _.find @models, (m) -> m.get('original') is original and m.get('version').major is majorVersion and m.constructor.className is ModelClass.className getModels: (ModelClass) -> # can't use instanceof. SuperModel gets passed between windows, and one window # will have different class objects than another window. # So compare className instead. return (m for key, m of @models when m.constructor.className is ModelClass.className) if ModelClass return _.values @models addModel: (model) -> url = model.url() return console.warn "Tried to add Model '#{url}' to SuperModel, but it wasn't loaded." unless model.loaded #return console.warn "Tried to add Model '#{url}' to SuperModel when we already had it." if @models[url]? @models[url] = model getCollection: (collection) -> url = collection.url url = url() if _.isFunction(url) return @collections[url] or collection addCollection: (collection) -> url = collection.url url = url() if _.isFunction(url) if @collections[url]? return console.warn "Tried to add Collection '#{url}' to SuperModel when we already had it." @collections[url] = collection # consolidate models for model, i in collection.models cachedModel = @getModelByURL(model.url()) if cachedModel collection.models[i] = cachedModel else @addModel(model) collection progress: -> total = 0 loaded = 0 for model in _.values @models total += 1 loaded += 1 if model.loaded for schema in _.values @schemas total += 1 loaded += 1 if schema.loaded return 1.0 unless total return loaded / total finished: -> return @progress() == 1.0 module.exports = SuperModel