View = require 'views/kinds/RootView'
template = require 'templates/admin/users'
User = require 'models/User'

module.exports = class UsersView extends View
  # TODO: Pagination, choosing filters on the page itself.

  id: "admin-users-view"
  template: template

  constructor: (options) ->
    super options

  getUsers: ->
    # can have this page show arbitrary conditions, see mongoose queries
    # Each list in conditions is a function call.
    # The first arg is the function name
    # The rest are the agrs for the function

    conditions = [
      ['limit', 20]
      ['sort', '-dateCreated']
      ['where', 'anonymous']
      ['equals', false]
      #['where', 'email']
      #['equals', '']
      #['where', 'dateCreated']
      #['lt', (new Date()).toString()]
    conditions = $.param({conditions:JSON.stringify(conditions)})
    UserCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
      model: User
      url: '/db/user?' + conditions
    @users = new UserCollection()
    @users.on('all', @render)

  getRenderData: =>
    c = super()
    c.users = (user.attributes for user in @users.models)
    console.log('our render data', c)