module.exports = [ { "channel": "surface:sprite-selected", "noteChain": [ { "sprites": [ { "id": "Captain Anya", "say": { "text": "What do you need help with, boss?", "responses": [ { "text": "What do I do next?", "channel": "help-next" }, { "text": "I'm lost", "channel": "help-overview" }, { "text": "Never mind.", "channel": "end-current-script" } ] } } ] } ], "eventPrereqs": [ { "eventProps": [ "sprite", "thang", "id" ], "equalTo": "Captain Anya" } ], "id": "Anya Clicked Guide" "repeats": true }, { "channel": "help-next", "noteChain": [ { "sprites": [ { "id": "Captain Anya", "say": { "text": "Look for a list of objectives on the upper left. They tell you what to focus on." } } ], "dom": { "highlight": { "target": "#primary-goals-list" } } } ], "id": "Clicked Help Next" }, { "channel": "help-overview", "noteChain": [ { "sprites": [ { "id": "Captain Anya", "say": { "text": "Click the 'Guide' button on the upper right for an overview of the level and some hints." } } ], "dom": { "highlight": { "target": "#docs-button" } } } ], "id": "Clicked I'm Lost" } ]