gplusClientID = '' go = (path) -> -> @routeDirectly path, arguments module.exports = class CocoRouter extends Backbone.Router subscribe: -> Backbone.Mediator.subscribe 'gapi-loaded', @onGPlusAPILoaded, @ Backbone.Mediator.subscribe 'router:navigate', @onNavigate, @ routes: # every abnormal view gets listed here '': 'home' 'preview': 'home' 'beta': 'home' # editor views tend to have the same general structure 'editor/:model(/:slug_or_id)(/:subview)': 'editorModelView' # user views 'user/:nameOrID(/:subview)': 'userView' # Direct links 'test/*subpath': go('TestView') 'demo/*subpath': go('DemoView') 'play/ladder/:levelID': go('play/ladder/ladder_view') 'play/ladder': go('play/ladder_home') # db and file urls call the server directly 'db/*path': 'routeToServer' 'file/*path': 'routeToServer' # most go through here '*name': 'general' home: -> @openRoute('home') general: (name) -> @openRoute(name) editorModelView: (modelName, slugOrId, subview) -> modulePrefix = "views/editor/#{modelName}/" suffix = subview or (if slugOrId then 'edit' else 'home') ViewClass = @tryToLoadModule(modulePrefix + suffix) unless ViewClass #console.log('could not hack it', modulePrefix + suffix) args = (a for a in arguments when a) args.splice(0, 0, 'editor') return @openRoute(args.join('/')) view = new ViewClass({}, slugOrId) view.render() @openView if view then view else @notFoundView() userView: (nameOrID, subview) -> modulePrefix = 'views/user/' suffix = subview or 'home' ViewClass = @tryToLoadModule modulePrefix + suffix if ViewClass view = new ViewClass {}, nameOrID view.render() @openView if view then view else @notFoundView() cache: {} openRoute: (route) -> route = route.split('?')[0] route = route.split('#')[0] view = @getViewFromCache(route) @openView(view) openView: (view) -> @closeCurrentView() $('#page-container').empty().append view.el window.currentView = view @activateTab() @renderLoginButtons() window.scrollTo(0, view.scrollY) if view.scrollY? view.afterInsert() view.didReappear() if view.fromCache onGPlusAPILoaded: => @renderLoginButtons() renderLoginButtons: -> $('.share-buttons, .partner-badges').addClass('fade-in').delay(10000).removeClass('fade-in', 5000) setTimeout(FB.XFBML.parse, 10) if FB?.XFBML?.parse # Handles FB login and Like twttr?.widgets?.load?() return unless gapi?.plusone? gapi.plusone.go?() # Handles +1 button for gplusButton in $('.gplus-login-button') params = { callback: 'signinCallback', clientid: gplusClientID, cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin', scope: '', height: 'short', } if gapi.signin?.render gapi.signin.render(gplusButton, params) else console.warn 'Didn\'t have gapi.signin to render G+ login button. (DoNotTrackMe extension?)' getViewFromCache: (route) -> if route of @cache @cache[route].fromCache = true return @cache[route] view = @getView(route) @cache[route] = view if view?.cache return view routeDirectly: (path, args) -> if window.currentView?.reloadOnClose return document.location.reload() path = "views/#{path}" ViewClass = @tryToLoadModule path return @openView @notFoundView() if not ViewClass view = new ViewClass({}, args...) # options, then any path fragment args view.render() @openView(view) getView: (route, suffix='_view') -> # iteratively breaks down the url pieces looking for the view # passing the broken off pieces as args. This way views like 'resource/14394893' # will get passed to the resource view with arg '14394893' pieces = _.string.words(route, '/') split = Math.max(1, pieces.length-1) while split > -1 sub_route = _.string.join('/', pieces[0..split]...) path = "views/#{sub_route}#{suffix}" ViewClass = @tryToLoadModule(path) break if ViewClass split -= 1 return @notFoundView() if not ViewClass args = pieces[split+1..] view = new ViewClass({}, args...) # options, then any path fragment args view.render() tryToLoadModule: (path) -> try return require(path) catch error if error.toString().search('Cannot find module "' + path + '" from') is -1 throw error notFoundView: -> NotFoundView = require('views/not_found') view = new NotFoundView() view.render() closeCurrentView: -> window.currentModal?.hide?() return unless window.currentView? if window.currentView.cache window.currentView.scrollY = window.scrollY window.currentView.willDisappear() else window.currentView.destroy() activateTab: -> base = _.string.words(document.location.pathname[1..], '/')[0] $("ul.nav li.#{base}").addClass('active') initialize: -> @cache = {} # @bind 'route', @_trackPageView _trackPageView: -> window.tracker?.trackPageView() onNavigate: (e) -> manualView = e.view or e.viewClass @navigate e.route, {trigger: not manualView} return unless manualView if e.viewClass args = e.viewArgs or [] view = new e.viewClass(args...) view.render() @openView view else @openView e.view routeToServer: (e) -> window.location.href = window.location.href