View = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/account/profile' User = require 'models/User' JobProfileContactView = require 'views/modal/job_profile_contact_modal' JobProfileView = require 'views/account/job_profile_view' forms = require 'lib/forms' module.exports = class ProfileView extends View id: "profile-view" template: template events: 'click #toggle-editing': 'toggleEditing' 'click #toggle-job-profile-active': 'toggleJobProfileActive' 'click #toggle-job-profile-approved': 'toggleJobProfileApproved' 'click #save-notes-button': 'onJobProfileNotesChanged' 'click #contact-candidate': 'onContactCandidate' 'click #enter-espionage-mode': 'enterEspionageMode' 'click .editable-profile .profile-photo': 'onEditProfilePhoto' 'click .editable-profile .project-image': 'onEditProjectImage' 'click .editable-profile .editable-display': 'onEditSection' 'click .editable-profile .save-section': 'onSaveSection' 'click .editable-profile .glyphicon-remove': 'onCancelSectionEdit' 'change .editable-profile .editable-array input': 'onEditArray' 'keyup .editable-profile .editable-array input': 'onEditArray' 'click .editable-profile a': 'onClickLinkWhileEditing' constructor: (options, @userID) -> @userID ?= super options if User.isObjectID @userID @finishInit() else console.log "getting", @userID $.ajax "/db/user/#{@userID}/nameToID", success: (@userID) => console.log " got", @userID @finishInit() unless @destroyed @render() finishInit: -> return unless @userID @uploadFilePath = "db/user/#{@userID}" @highlightedContainers = [] if @userID is @user = me else if me.isAdmin() or "employer" in me.get('permissions') @user = User.getByID(@userID) @user.fetch() @listenTo @user, "sync", => @render() else @user = User.getByID(@userID) getRenderData: -> context = super() context.userID = @userID context.jobProfileSchema = me.schema().properties.jobProfile if @user and not jobProfile = @user.get 'jobProfile' jobProfile = {} for prop, schema of jobProfile[prop] = _.clone schema.default if schema.default? for prop in context.jobProfileSchema.required jobProfile[prop] ?= {string: '', boolean: false, number: 0, integer: 0, array: []}[[prop].type] @user.set 'jobProfile', jobProfile ?= (@user.get('firstName') + ' ' + @user.get('lastName')).trim() if @user?.get('firstName') context.profile = jobProfile context.user = @user context.myProfile = @user?.id is context.allowedToViewJobProfile = @user and (me.isAdmin() or "employer" in me.get('permissions') or (context.myProfile && !me.get('anonymous'))) context.allowedToEditJobProfile = @user and (me.isAdmin() or (context.myProfile && !me.get('anonymous'))) context.profileApproved = @user?.get 'jobProfileApproved' context.progress = @progress ? @updateProgress() @editing ?= context.myProfile and context.progress < 0.8 context.editing = @editing context.marked = marked context.moment = moment context.iconForLink = @iconForLink if links = jobProfile?.links links = ($.extend(true, {}, link) for link in links) link.icon = @iconForLink link for link in links context.profileLinks = _.sortBy links, (link) -> not link.icon # icons first context afterRender: -> super() return unless @user unless @user.get('jobProfile')?.projects?.length or @editing @$el.find('.right-column').hide() @$el.find('.middle-column').addClass('double-column') unless @editing @$el.find('.editable-display').attr('title', '') @initializeAutocomplete() highlightNext = @highlightNext ? true justSavedSection = @$el.find('#' + @justSavedSectionID).addClass "just-saved" _.defer => @progress = @updateProgress highlightNext _.delay -> justSavedSection.removeClass "just-saved", duration: 1500, easing: 'easeOutQuad' , 500 initializeAutocomplete: (container) -> (container ? @$el).find('input[data-autocomplete]').each -> $(@).autocomplete(source: JobProfileView[$(@).data('autocomplete')], minLength: parseInt($(@).data('autocomplete-min-length')), delay: 0, autoFocus: true) toggleEditing: -> @editing = not @editing @render() toggleJobProfileApproved: -> return unless me.isAdmin() approved = not @user.get 'jobProfileApproved' @user.set 'jobProfileApproved', approved res = {jobProfileApproved: approved}, {patch: true} res.success (model, response, options) => @render() toggleJobProfileActive: -> active = not @user.get('jobProfile').active @user.get('jobProfile').active = active @saveEdits() enterEspionageMode: -> postData = emailLower: @user.get('email').toLowerCase(), usernameLower: @user.get('name').toLowerCase() $.ajax type: "POST", url: "/auth/spy" data: postData success: @espionageSuccess espionageSuccess: (model) -> window.location.reload() onJobProfileNotesChanged: (e) => notes = @$el.find("#job-profile-notes").val() @user.set 'jobProfileNotes', notes {jobProfileNotes: notes}, {patch: true} iconForLink: (link) -> icons = [ {icon: 'facebook', name: 'Facebook', domain: /facebook\.com/, match: /facebook/i} {icon: 'twitter', name: 'Twitter', domain: /twitter\.com/, match: /twitter/i} {icon: 'github', name: 'GitHub', domain: /github\.(com|io)/, match: /github/i} {icon: 'gplus', name: 'Google Plus', domain: /plus\.google\.com/, match: /(google|^g).?(\+|plus)/i} {icon: 'linkedin', name: 'LinkedIn', domain: /linkedin\.com/, match: /(google|^g).?(\+|plus)/i} ] for icon in icons if ( isnt -1) or ( isnt -1) icon.url = "/images/pages/account/profile/icon_#{icon.icon}.png" return icon null onContactCandidate: (e) -> @openModalView new JobProfileContactView recipientID: showErrors: (errors) -> section = @$el.find '.saving' console.error "Couldn't save because of validation errors:", errors section.removeClass 'saving' forms.clearFormAlerts section # This is pretty lame, since we don't easily match which field had the error like forms.applyErrorsToForm can. section.find('form').addClass('has-error').find('.save-section').before($("#{errors[0].message}")) saveEdits: (highlightNext) -> errors = @user.validate() return @showErrors errors if errors jobProfile = @user.get('jobProfile') jobProfile.updated = (new Date()).toISOString() @user.set 'jobProfile', jobProfile return unless res = res.error => return if @destroyed @showErrors [message: res.responseText] res.success (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed @justSavedSectionID = @$el.find('.editable-section.saving').removeClass('saving').attr('id') @highlightNext = highlightNext @render() @highlightNext = false @justSavedSectionID = null onEditProfilePhoto: (e) -> onSaving = => @$el.find('.profile-photo').addClass('saving') onSaved = (uploadingPath) => @user.get('jobProfile').photoURL = uploadingPath @saveEdits() filepicker.pick {mimetypes: 'image/*'}, @onImageChosen(onSaving, onSaved) onEditProjectImage: (e) -> img = $( onSaving = => img.addClass('saving') onSaved = (uploadingPath) => img.parent().find('input').val(uploadingPath) img.css('background-image', "url('/file/#{uploadingPath}')") img.removeClass('saving') filepicker.pick {mimetypes: 'image/*'}, @onImageChosen(onSaving, onSaved) formatImagePostData: (inkBlob) -> url: inkBlob.url, filename: inkBlob.filename, mimetype: inkBlob.mimetype, path: @uploadFilePath, force: true onImageChosen: (onSaving, onSaved) -> (inkBlob) => onSaving() uploadingPath = [@uploadFilePath, inkBlob.filename].join('/') $.ajax '/file', type: 'POST', data: @formatImagePostData(inkBlob), success: @onImageUploaded(onSaved, uploadingPath) onImageUploaded: (onSaved, uploadingPath) -> (e) => onSaved uploadingPath onEditSection: (e) -> @$el.find('.emphasized').removeClass('emphasized') section = $('.editable-section').removeClass 'deemphasized' section.find('.editable-form').show().find('select, input, textarea').first().focus() section.find('.editable-display').hide() @$el.find('.editable-section').not(section).addClass 'deemphasized' column = section.closest('.full-height-column') @$el.find('.full-height-column').not(column).addClass 'deemphasized' onCancelSectionEdit: (e) -> @render() onSaveSection: (e) -> e.preventDefault() section = $('.editable-section') form = $('form') isEmpty = @arrayItemIsEmpty section.find('.array-item').each -> $(@).remove() if isEmpty @ resetOnce = false # We have to clear out arrays if we're going to redo them serialized = form.serializeArray() jobProfile = @user.get 'jobProfile' rootPropertiesSeen = {} for field in serialized keyChain = @extractFieldKeyChain value = @extractFieldValue keyChain[0], field.value parent = jobProfile for key, i in keyChain rootPropertiesSeen[key] = true unless i break if i is keyChain.length - 1 child = parent[key] if _.isArray(child) and not resetOnce child = parent[key] = [] resetOnce = true else unless child? child = parent[key] = {} parent = child if key is 'link' and keyChain[0] is 'projects' and not value delete parent[key] else parent[key] = value form.find('.editable-array').each -> key = $(@).data('property') unless rootPropertiesSeen[key] jobProfile[key] = [] if section.hasClass('projects-container') and not section.find('.array-item').length jobProfile.projects = [] section.addClass 'saving' @saveEdits true extractFieldKeyChain: (key) -> # "root[projects][0][name]" -> ["projects", "0", "name"] key.replace(/^root/, '').replace(/\[(.*?)\]/g, '.$1').replace(/^\./, '').split(/\./) extractFieldValue: (key, value) -> switch key when 'active' then Boolean value when 'experience' then parseInt value or '0' else value arrayItemIsEmpty: (arrayItem) -> for input in $(arrayItem).find('input[type!=hidden], textarea') return false if $(input).val().trim() true onEditArray: (e) -> # We make sure there's always an empty array item at the end for the user to add to, deleting interstitial empties. array = $('.editable-array') arrayItems = array.find('.array-item') toRemove = [] for arrayItem, index in arrayItems empty = @arrayItemIsEmpty arrayItem if index is arrayItems.length - 1 lastEmpty = empty else if empty and not $(arrayItem).find('input:focus, textarea:focus').length toRemove.unshift index $(arrayItems[emptyIndex]).remove() for emptyIndex in toRemove unless lastEmpty clone = $(arrayItem).clone(false) clone.find('input').each -> $(@).val('') clone.find('textarea').each -> $(@).text('') array.append clone @initializeAutocomplete clone for arrayItem, index in array.find('.array-item') for input in $(arrayItem).find('input, textarea') $(input).attr('name', $(input).attr('name').replace(/\[\d+\]/, "[#{index}]")) onClickLinkWhileEditing: (e) -> e.preventDefault() updateProgress: (highlightNext) -> return unless @user completed = 0 totalWeight = 0 next = null for metric in metrics = @getProgressMetrics() done = metric.fn() completed += metric.weight if done totalWeight += metric.weight next = metric unless next or done progress = Math.round 100 * completed / totalWeight bar = @$el.find('.profile-completion-progress .progress-bar') bar.css 'width', "#{progress}%" if next text = "" t = $.i18n.t text = "#{progress}% #{t 'account_profile.complete'}. #{t ''}: #{}" bar.parent().show().find('.progress-text').text text if highlightNext and next?.container and not (next.container in @highlightedContainers) @highlightedContainers.push next.container @$el.find(next.container).addClass 'emphasized' #@onEditSection target: next.container #$('#page-container').scrollTop 0 else bar.parent().hide() completed / totalWeight getProgressMetrics: -> schema = me.schema().properties.jobProfile jobProfile = @user.get('jobProfile') ? {} exists = (field) -> -> jobProfile[field] modified = (field) -> -> jobProfile[field] and jobProfile[field] isnt[field].default listStarted = (field, subfields) -> -> jobProfile[field]?.length and _.every subfields, (subfield) -> jobProfile[field][0][subfield] t = $.i18n.t @progressMetrics = [ {name: t('account_profile.next_name'), weight: 1, container: '#name-container', fn: modified 'name'} {name: t('account_profile.next_short_description'), weight: 2, container: '#short-description-container', fn: modified 'shortDescription'} {name: t('account_profile.next_skills'), weight: 2, container: '#skills-container', fn: -> jobProfile.skills?.length >= 5} {name: t('account_profile.next_long_description'), weight: 3, container: '#long-description-container', fn: modified 'longDescription'} {name: t('account_profile.next_work'), weight: 3, container: '#work-container', fn: listStarted 'work', ['role', 'employer']} {name: t('account_profile.next_education'), weight: 3, container: '#education-container', fn: listStarted 'education', ['degree', 'school']} {name: t('account_profile.next_projects'), weight: 3, container: '#projects-container', fn: listStarted 'projects', ['name']} {name: t('account_profile.next_city'), weight: 1, container: '#basic-info-container', fn: modified 'city'} {name: t('account_profile.next_country'), weight: 0, container: '#basic-info-container', fn: exists 'country'} {name: t('account_profile.next_links'), weight: 2, container: '#links-container', fn: listStarted 'links', ['link', 'name']} {name: t('account_profile.next_photo'), weight: 2, container: '#profile-photo-container', fn: modified 'photoURL'} {name: t('account_profile.next_active'), weight: 1, fn: modified 'active'} ]