RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/admin/analytics-subscriptions' ThangType = require 'models/ThangType' User = require 'models/User' # TODO: Graphing code copied/mangled from campaign editor level view. OMG, DRY. require 'vendor/d3' module.exports = class AnalyticsSubscriptionsView extends RootView id: 'admin-analytics-subscriptions-view' template: template events: 'click .btn-show-more-cancellations': 'onClickShowMoreCancellations' constructor: (options) -> super options @showMoreCancellations = false @resetSubscriptionsData() @refreshData() if me.isAdmin() getRenderData: -> context = super() = @analytics ? graphs: [] context.cancellations = if @showMoreCancellations then @cancellations else (@cancellations ? []).slice(0, 40) context.showMoreCancellations = @showMoreCancellations context.subs = _.cloneDeep(@subs ? []).reverse() context.subscribers = @subscribers ? [] context.subscriberCancelled = _.find context.subscribers, (subscriber) -> subscriber.cancel context.subscriberSponsored = _.find context.subscribers, (subscriber) -> subscriber.user?.stripe?.sponsorID = @total ? 0 context.monthlyChurn = @monthlyChurn ? 0.0 context.monthlyGrowth = @monthlyGrowth ? 0.0 context.outstandingCancels = @outstandingCancels ? [] context.refreshDataState = @refreshDataState context afterRender: -> super() @updateAnalyticsGraphs() onClickShowMoreCancellations: (e) -> @showMoreCancellations = true @render?() resetSubscriptionsData: -> @analytics = graphs: [] @subs = [] @total = 0 @monthlyChurn = 0.0 @monthlyGrowth = 0.0 @refreshDataState = 'Fetching dashboard data...' refreshData: -> return unless me.isAdmin() @resetSubscriptionsData() @getCancellations (cancellations) => @cancellations = cancellations @render?() @getOutstandingCancelledSubscriptions cancellations, (outstandingCancels) => @outstandingCancels = outstandingCancels @getSubscriptions cancellations, (subscriptions) => @updateAnalyticsGraphData() @render?() @getSubscribers subscriptions, => @render?() updateFetchDataState: (msg) -> @refreshDataState = msg @render?() getCancellations: (done) -> cancellations = [] @getCancellationEvents (cancelledSubscriptions) => # Get user objects for cancelled subscriptions userIDs = cancelledSubscriptions, (a) -> a.userID options = url: '/db/user/-/users' method: 'POST' data: {ids: userIDs} options.error = (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get cancelled users', response options.success = (cancelledUsers, response, options) => return if @destroyed userMap = {} userMap[user._id] = user for user in cancelledUsers for cancellation in cancelledSubscriptions when cancellation.userID of userMap cancellation.user = userMap[cancellation.userID] cancellation.level = User.levelFromExp(cancellation.user.points) cancelledSubscriptions.sort (a, b) -> if a.cancel > b.cancel then -1 else 1 done(cancelledSubscriptions) @updateFetchDataState 'Fetching cancellations...' @supermodel.addRequestResource('get_cancelled_users', options, 0).load() getCancellationEvents: (done) -> cancellationEvents = [] earliestEventDate = new Date() earliestEventDate.setUTCMonth(earliestEventDate.getUTCMonth() - 2) earliestEventDate.setUTCDate(earliestEventDate.getUTCDate() - 8) nextBatch = (starting_after, done) => @updateFetchDataState "Fetching cancellations #{cancellationEvents.length}..." options = url: '/db/subscription/-/stripe_events' method: 'POST' data: {options: {limit: 100}} = starting_after if starting_after = 'customer.subscription.updated' = gte: Math.floor(earliestEventDate.getTime() / 1000) options.error = (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get cancelled events', response options.success = (events, response, options) => return if @destroyed for event in continue unless is true and is false continue unless is 'basic' continue unless cancellationEvents.push cancel: new Date(event.created * 1000) customerID: start: new Date( * 1000) subscriptionID: userID: if events.has_more return nextBatch([ - 1].id, done) done(cancellationEvents) @supermodel.addRequestResource('get_cancellation_events', options, 0).load() nextBatch null, done getOutstandingCancelledSubscriptions: (cancellations, done) -> @updateFetchDataState "Fetching oustanding cancellations..." options = url: '/db/subscription/-/stripe_subscriptions' method: 'POST' data: {subscriptions: cancellations} options.error = (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get outstanding cancellations', response options.success = (subscriptions, response, options) => return if @destroyed outstandingCancelledSubscriptions = [] for subscription in subscriptions continue unless subscription?.cancel_at_period_end outstandingCancelledSubscriptions.push cancel: new Date(subscription.canceled_at * 1000) customerID: subscription.customerID start: new Date(subscription.start * 1000) subscriptionID: userID: subscription.metadata?.id done(outstandingCancelledSubscriptions) @supermodel.addRequestResource('get_outstanding_cancelled_subscriptions', options, 0).load() getSubscribers: (subscriptions, done) -> # console.log 'getSubscribers', subscriptions.length @updateFetchDataState "Fetching recent subscribers..." @render?() maxSubscribers = 40 subscribers = _.filter subscriptions, (a) -> a.userID? subscribers.sort (a, b) -> if a.start > b.start then -1 else 1 subscribers = subscribers.slice(0, maxSubscribers) subscriberUserIDs = subscribers, (a) -> a.userID options = url: '/db/subscription/-/subscribers' method: 'POST' data: {ids: subscriberUserIDs} options.error = (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get subscribers', response options.success = (userMap, response, options) => return if @destroyed for subscriber in subscribers continue unless subscriber.userID of userMap subscriber.user = userMap[subscriber.userID] subscriber.level = User.levelFromExp subscriber.user.points if hero = subscriber.user.heroConfig?.thangType subscriber.hero = _.invert(ThangType.heroes)[hero] @subscribers = subscribers done() @supermodel.addRequestResource('get_subscribers', options, 0).load() getSubscriptions: (cancellations=[], done) -> @getInvoices (invoices) => subMap = {} for invoice in invoices subID = invoice.subscriptionID if subID of subMap subMap[subID].first = new Date( else subMap[subID] = first: new Date( last: new Date( customerID: invoice.customerID subMap[subID].userID = invoice.userID if invoice.userID @getSponsors (sponsors) => @getRecipientSubscriptions sponsors, (recipientSubscriptions) => for subscription in recipientSubscriptions subMap[] = first: new Date(subscription.start * 1000) subMap[].userID = if subscription.metadata?.id? if subscription.cancel_at_period_end subMap[].cancel = new Date(subscription.canceled_at * 1000) subMap[].end = new Date(subscription.current_period_end * 1000) subs = [] for subID of subMap sub = customerID: subMap[subID].customerID start: subMap[subID].first subscriptionID: subID sub.cancel = subMap[subID].cancel if subMap[subID].cancel oneMonthAgo = new Date() oneMonthAgo.setUTCMonth(oneMonthAgo.getUTCMonth() - 1) if subMap[subID].end? sub.end = subMap[subID].end else if subMap[subID].last < oneMonthAgo sub.end = subMap[subID].last sub.end.setUTCMonth(sub.end.getUTCMonth() + 1) sub.userID = subMap[subID].userID if subMap[subID].userID subs.push sub subDayMap = {} for sub in subs startDay = sub.start.toISOString().substring(0, 10) subDayMap[startDay] ?= {} subDayMap[startDay]['start'] ?= 0 subDayMap[startDay]['start']++ if endDay = sub?.end?.toISOString().substring(0, 10) subDayMap[endDay] ?= {} subDayMap[endDay]['end'] ?= 0 subDayMap[endDay]['end']++ for cancellation in cancellations if cancellation.subscriptionID is sub.subscriptionID sub.cancel = cancellation.cancel cancelDay = cancellation.cancel.toISOString().substring(0, 10) subDayMap[cancelDay] ?= {} subDayMap[cancelDay]['cancel'] ?= 0 subDayMap[cancelDay]['cancel']++ break today = new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10) for day of subDayMap continue if day > today @subs.push day: day started: subDayMap[day]['start'] or 0 cancelled: subDayMap[day]['cancel'] or 0 ended: subDayMap[day]['end'] or 0 @subs.sort (a, b) -> cancelledThisMonth = 0 totalLastMonth = 0 for sub, i in @subs @total += sub.started @total -= sub.ended = @total cancelledThisMonth += sub.cancelled if @subs.length - i < 31 totalLastMonth = @total if @subs.length - i is 31 @monthlyChurn = cancelledThisMonth / totalLastMonth * 100.0 if totalLastMonth > 0 if @subs.length > 30 and @subs[@subs.length - 31].total > 0 startMonthTotal = @subs[@subs.length - 31].total endMonthTotal = @subs[@subs.length - 1].total @monthlyGrowth = (endMonthTotal / startMonthTotal - 1) * 100 done(subs) getInvoices: (done) -> invoices = {} addInvoice = (invoice) => return unless invoice.paid return unless invoice.subscription return unless > 0 return unless invoice.lines?.data?[0]?.plan?.id is 'basic' invoices[] = customerID: invoice.customer subscriptionID: invoice.subscription date: new Date( * 1000) invoices[].userID =[0] if invoice.lines?.data?[0]?.metadata?.id getLiveInvoices = (ending_before, done) => nextBatch = (ending_before, done) => @updateFetchDataState "Fetching invoices #{Object.keys(invoices).length}..." options = url: '/db/subscription/-/stripe_invoices' method: 'POST' data: {options: {ending_before: ending_before, limit: 100}} options.error = (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get live invoices', response options.success = (invoiceData, response, options) => return if @destroyed addInvoice(invoice) for invoice in if invoiceData.has_more return nextBatch([0].id, done) else invoices = (invoice for invoiceID, invoice of invoices) invoices.sort (a, b) -> if > then -1 else 1 return done(invoices) @supermodel.addRequestResource('get_live_invoices', options, 0).load() nextBatch ending_before, done getAnalyticsInvoices = (done) => @updateFetchDataState "Fetching invoices #{Object.keys(invoices).length}..." options = url: '/db/analytics.stripe.invoice/-/all' method: 'GET' options.error = (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get analytics stripe invoices', response options.success = (docs, response, options) => return if @destroyed docs.sort (a, b) -> - addInvoice( for doc in docs getLiveInvoices(docs[0]._id, done) @supermodel.addRequestResource('get_analytics_invoices', options, 0).load() getAnalyticsInvoices(done) getRecipientSubscriptions: (sponsors, done) -> @updateFetchDataState "Fetching recipient subscriptions..." subscriptionsToFetch = [] for user in sponsors for recipient in user.stripe?.recipients subscriptionsToFetch.push customerID: user.stripe.customerID subscriptionID: recipient.subscriptionID return done([]) if _.isEmpty subscriptionsToFetch options = url: '/db/subscription/-/stripe_subscriptions' method: 'POST' data: {subscriptions: subscriptionsToFetch} options.error = (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get recipient subscriptions', response options.success = (subscriptions, response, options) => return if @destroyed done(subscriptions) @supermodel.addRequestResource('get_recipient_subscriptions', options, 0).load() getSponsors: (done) -> @updateFetchDataState "Fetching sponsors..." options = url: '/db/user/-/sub_sponsors' method: 'POST' options.error = (model, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get sponsors', response options.success = (sponsors, response, options) => return if @destroyed done(sponsors) @supermodel.addRequestResource('get_sponsors', options, 0).load() updateAnalyticsGraphData: -> # console.log 'updateAnalyticsGraphData' # Build graphs based on available @analytics data # Currently only one graph @analytics.graphs = [] return unless @subs?.length > 0 @addGraphData(60) @addGraphData(180, true) addGraphData: (timeframeDays, skipCancelled=false) -> graph = {graphID: 'total-subs', lines: []} # TODO: Where should this metadata live? # TODO: lineIDs assumed to be unique across graphs totalSubsID = 'total-subs' startedSubsID = 'started-subs' cancelledSubsID = 'cancelled-subs' netSubsID = 'net-subs' averageNewID = 'average-new' lineMetadata = {} lineMetadata[totalSubsID] = description: 'Total Active Subscriptions' color: 'green' strokeWidth: 1 lineMetadata[startedSubsID] = description: 'New Subscriptions' color: 'blue' strokeWidth: 1 lineMetadata[cancelledSubsID] = description: 'Cancelled Subscriptions' color: 'red' strokeWidth: 1 lineMetadata[netSubsID] = description: '7-day Average Net Subscriptions (started - cancelled)' color: 'black' strokeWidth: 4 lineMetadata[averageNewID] = description: '7-day Average New Subscriptions' color: 'black' strokeWidth: 4 days = ( for sub in @subs) if days.length > 0 currentIndex = 0 currentDay = days[currentIndex] currentDate = new Date(currentDay + "T00:00:00.000Z") lastDay = days[days.length - 1] while currentDay isnt lastDay days.splice currentIndex, 0, currentDay if days[currentIndex] isnt currentDay currentIndex++ currentDate.setUTCDate(currentDate.getUTCDate() + 1) currentDay = currentDate.toISOString().substr(0, 10) ## Totals # Build line data levelPoints = [] for sub, i in @subs levelPoints.push x: i y: day: pointID: "#{totalSubsID}#{i}" values: [] # Ensure points for each day for day, i in days if levelPoints.length <= i or levelPoints[i].day isnt day prevY = if i > 0 then levelPoints[i - 1].y else 0.0 levelPoints.splice i, 0, y: prevY day: day values: [] levelPoints[i].x = i levelPoints[i].pointID = "#{totalSubsID}#{i}" levelPoints.splice(0, levelPoints.length - timeframeDays) if levelPoints.length > timeframeDays graph.lines.push lineID: totalSubsID enabled: true points: levelPoints description: lineMetadata[totalSubsID].description lineColor: lineMetadata[totalSubsID].color strokeWidth: lineMetadata[totalSubsID].strokeWidth min: 0 max: d3.max(@subs, (d) -> ## Started # Build line data levelPoints = [] for sub, i in @subs levelPoints.push x: i y: sub.started day: pointID: "#{startedSubsID}#{i}" values: [] # Ensure points for each day for day, i in days if levelPoints.length <= i or levelPoints[i].day isnt day prevY = if i > 0 then levelPoints[i - 1].y else 0.0 levelPoints.splice i, 0, y: prevY day: day values: [] levelPoints[i].x = i levelPoints[i].pointID = "#{startedSubsID}#{i}" levelPoints.splice(0, levelPoints.length - timeframeDays) if levelPoints.length > timeframeDays graph.lines.push lineID: startedSubsID enabled: true points: levelPoints description: lineMetadata[startedSubsID].description lineColor: lineMetadata[startedSubsID].color strokeWidth: lineMetadata[startedSubsID].strokeWidth min: 0 max: d3.max(@subs[-timeframeDays..], (d) -> d.started + 2) if skipCancelled ## 7-Day average started # Build line data levelPoints = [] sevenStarts = [] for sub, i in @subs average = 0 sevenStarts.push sub.started if sevenStarts.length > 7 sevenStarts.shift() if sevenStarts.length is 7 average = sevenStarts.reduce((a, b) -> a + b) / sevenStarts.length levelPoints.push x: i y: average day: pointID: "#{averageNewID}#{i}" values: [] # Ensure points for each day for day, i in days if levelPoints.length <= i or levelPoints[i].day isnt day prevY = if i > 0 then levelPoints[i - 1].y else 0.0 levelPoints.splice i, 0, y: prevY day: day values: [] levelPoints[i].x = i levelPoints[i].pointID = "#{averageNewID}#{i}" levelPoints.splice(0, levelPoints.length - timeframeDays) if levelPoints.length > timeframeDays graph.lines.push lineID: averageNewID enabled: true points: levelPoints description: lineMetadata[averageNewID].description lineColor: lineMetadata[averageNewID].color strokeWidth: lineMetadata[averageNewID].strokeWidth min: 0 max: d3.max(@subs[-timeframeDays..], (d) -> d.started + 2) else ## Cancelled # Build line data levelPoints = [] for sub, i in @subs levelPoints.push x: @subs.length - 30 + i y: sub.cancelled day: pointID: "#{cancelledSubsID}#{@subs.length - 30 + i}" values: [] # Ensure points for each day for day, i in days if levelPoints.length <= i or levelPoints[i].day isnt day prevY = if i > 0 then levelPoints[i - 1].y else 0.0 levelPoints.splice i, 0, y: prevY day: day values: [] levelPoints[i].x = i levelPoints[i].pointID = "#{cancelledSubsID}#{i}" levelPoints.splice(0, levelPoints.length - timeframeDays) if levelPoints.length > timeframeDays graph.lines.push lineID: cancelledSubsID enabled: true points: levelPoints description: lineMetadata[cancelledSubsID].description lineColor: lineMetadata[cancelledSubsID].color strokeWidth: lineMetadata[cancelledSubsID].strokeWidth min: 0 max: d3.max(@subs[-timeframeDays..], (d) -> d.started + 2) ## 7-Day Net Subs # Build line data levelPoints = [] sevenNets = [] for sub, i in @subs net = 0 sevenNets.push sub.started - sub.cancelled if sevenNets.length > 7 sevenNets.shift() if sevenNets.length is 7 net = sevenNets.reduce((a, b) -> a + b) / 7 levelPoints.push x: i y: net day: pointID: "#{netSubsID}#{i}" values: [] # Ensure points for each day for day, i in days if levelPoints.length <= i or levelPoints[i].day isnt day prevY = if i > 0 then levelPoints[i - 1].y else 0.0 levelPoints.splice i, 0, y: prevY day: day values: [] levelPoints[i].x = i levelPoints[i].pointID = "#{netSubsID}#{i}" levelPoints.splice(0, levelPoints.length - timeframeDays) if levelPoints.length > timeframeDays graph.lines.push lineID: netSubsID enabled: true points: levelPoints description: lineMetadata[netSubsID].description lineColor: lineMetadata[netSubsID].color strokeWidth: lineMetadata[netSubsID].strokeWidth min: 0 max: d3.max(@subs[-timeframeDays..], (d) -> d.started + 2) @analytics.graphs.push(graph) updateAnalyticsGraphs: -> # Build d3 graphs return unless @analytics?.graphs?.length > 0 containerSelector = '.line-graph-container' # console.log 'updateAnalyticsGraphs', containerSelector, @analytics.graphs margin = 20 keyHeight = 20 xAxisHeight = 20 yAxisWidth = 40 containerWidth = $(containerSelector).width() containerHeight = $(containerSelector).height() for graph in @analytics.graphs graphLineCount = _.reduce graph.lines, ((sum, item) -> if item.enabled then sum + 1 else sum), 0 svg ="svg") .attr("width", containerWidth) .attr("height", containerHeight) width = containerWidth - margin * 2 - yAxisWidth * 2 height = containerHeight - margin * 2 - xAxisHeight - keyHeight * graphLineCount currentLine = 0 for line in graph.lines continue unless line.enabled xRange = d3.scale.linear().range([0, width]).domain([d3.min(line.points, (d) -> d.x), d3.max(line.points, (d) -> d.x)]) yRange = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]).domain([line.min, line.max]) # x-Axis if currentLine is 0 startDay = new Date(line.points[0].day) endDay = new Date(line.points[line.points.length - 1].day) xAxisRange = d3.time.scale() .domain([startDay, endDay]) .range([0, width]) xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(xAxisRange) svg.append("g") .attr("class", "x axis") .call(xAxis) .selectAll("text") .attr("dy", ".35em") .attr("transform", "translate(" + (margin + yAxisWidth) + "," + (height + margin) + ")") .style("text-anchor", "start") if line.lineID is 'started-subs' # Horizontal guidelines marks = (Math.round(i * line.max / 5) for i in [1...5]) svg.selectAll(".line") .data(marks) .enter() .append("line") .attr("x1", margin + yAxisWidth * 2) .attr("y1", (d) -> margin + yRange(d)) .attr("x2", margin + yAxisWidth * 2 + width) .attr("y2", (d) -> margin + yRange(d)) .attr("stroke", line.lineColor) .style("opacity", "0.5") if currentLine < 2 # y-Axis yAxisRange = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]).domain([line.min, line.max]) yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(yRange) .orient("left") svg.append("g") .attr("class", "y axis") .attr("transform", "translate(" + (margin + yAxisWidth * currentLine) + "," + margin + ")") .style("color", line.lineColor) .call(yAxis) .selectAll("text") .attr("y", 0) .attr("x", 0) .attr("fill", line.lineColor) .style("text-anchor", "start") # Key svg.append("line") .attr("x1", margin) .attr("y1", margin + height + xAxisHeight + keyHeight * currentLine + keyHeight / 2) .attr("x2", margin + 40) .attr("y2", margin + height + xAxisHeight + keyHeight * currentLine + keyHeight / 2) .attr("stroke", line.lineColor) .attr("class", "key-line") svg.append("text") .attr("x", margin + 40 + 10) .attr("y", margin + height + xAxisHeight + keyHeight * currentLine + (keyHeight + 10) / 2) .attr("fill", if line.lineColor is 'gold' then 'orange' else line.lineColor) .attr("class", "key-text") .text(line.description) # Path and points svg.selectAll(".circle") .data(line.points) .enter() .append("circle") .attr("transform", "translate(" + (margin + yAxisWidth * 2) + "," + margin + ")") .attr("cx", (d) -> xRange(d.x)) .attr("cy", (d) -> yRange(d.y)) .attr("r", 2) .attr("fill", line.lineColor) .attr("stroke-width", 1) .attr("class", "graph-point") .attr("data-pointid", (d) -> "#{line.lineID}#{d.x}") d3line = d3.svg.line() .x((d) -> xRange(d.x)) .y((d) -> yRange(d.y)) .interpolate("linear") svg.append("path") .attr("d", d3line(line.points)) .attr("transform", "translate(" + (margin + yAxisWidth * 2) + "," + margin + ")") .style("stroke-width", line.strokeWidth) .style("stroke", line.lineColor) .style("fill", "none") currentLine++