IndieSprite = require 'lib/surface/IndieSprite' Camera = require './Camera' {me} = require 'lib/auth' module.exports = class WizardSprite extends IndieSprite # Wizard targets are constantly changing, so a simple tween doesn't work. # Instead, the wizard stores its origin point and the (possibly) moving target. # Then it figures out its current position based on tween percentage and # those two points. tweenPercentage: 1.0 originPos: null targetPos: null targetSprite: null reachedTarget: true spriteXOffset: 4 # meters from target sprite spriteYOffset: 0 # meters from target sprite subscriptions: 'bus:player-states-changed': 'onPlayerStatesChanged' 'me:synced': 'onMeSynced' 'surface:sprite-selected': 'onSpriteSelected' 'echo-self-wizard-sprite': 'onEchoSelfWizardSprite' 'echo-all-wizard-sprites': 'onEchoAllWizardSprites' 'self-wizard:move': 'moveWizard' constructor: (thangType, options) -> if options?.isSelf options.colorConfig = _.cloneDeep(me.get('wizard')?.colorConfig) or {} super thangType, options @isSelf = options.isSelf @targetPos = @thang.pos if @isSelf @setNameLabel me.displayName() @setColorHue me.get('wizardColor1') else if @setNameLabel makeIndieThang: (thangType, thangID, pos) -> thang = super thangType, thangID, pos thang.isSelectable = false thang.bobHeight = 0.75 thang.bobTime = 2 thang.pos.z += thang.bobHeight thang onPlayerStatesChanged: (e) -> for playerID, state of e.states continue unless playerID is @setEditing state.wizard?.editing continue if playerID is # ignore changes for self wizard sprite @setNameLabel continue unless state.wizard? @setColorHue state.wizard.wizardColor1 if targetID = state.wizard.targetSprite return console.warn "Wizard Sprite couldn't find target sprite", targetID unless targetID of @options.sprites @setTarget @options.sprites[targetID] else @setTarget state.wizard.targetPos onMeSynced: (e) -> return unless @isSelf @setNameLabel me.displayName() if @displayObject.visible # not if we hid the wiz newColorConfig = me.get('wizard')?.colorConfig or {} shouldUpdate = not _.isEqual(newColorConfig, @options.colorConfig) @options.colorConfig = _.cloneDeep(newColorConfig) if shouldUpdate @setupSprite() @playAction(@currentAction) onSpriteSelected: (e) -> return unless @isSelf @setTarget e.sprite or e.worldPos animateIn: -> @displayObject.scaleX = @displayObject.scaleY = @displayObject.alpha = 0 createjs.Tween.get(@displayObject) .to({scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, alpha: 1}, 1000, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(2.2)) animateOut: (callback) -> tween = createjs.Tween.get(@displayObject) .to({scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, alpha: 0}, 1000, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(2.2)) if callback setColorHue: (newColorHue) -> # TODO: is this needed any more? return if @colorHue is newColorHue @colorHue = newColorHue #@updateColorFilters() setEditing: (@editing) -> if @editing @thang.actionActivated = @thang.action isnt 'cast' @thang.action = 'cast' else @thang.action = 'idle' if @thang.action is 'cast' setInitialState: (targetPos, @targetSprite) -> @targetPos = @getPosFromTarget(@targetSprite or targetPos) @endMoveTween() onEchoSelfWizardSprite: (e) -> e.payload = @ if @isSelf onEchoAllWizardSprites: (e) -> e.payload.push @ defaultPos: -> x: 35, y: 24, z: @thang.depth / 2 + @thang.bobHeight move: (pos, duration) -> @setTarget(pos, duration) setTarget: (newTarget, duration, isLinear=false) -> # ignore targets you're already heading for targetPos = @getPosFromTarget(newTarget) return if @targetPos and @targetPos.x is targetPos.x and @targetPos.y is targetPos.y # ignore selecting sprites you can't control isSprite = newTarget?.thang? return if isSprite and not newTarget.thang.isProgrammable return if isSprite and newTarget is @targetSprite @shoveOtherWizards(true) if @targetSprite @targetSprite = if isSprite then newTarget else null @targetPos = targetPos @beginMoveTween(duration, isLinear) @shoveOtherWizards() Backbone.Mediator.publish('self-wizard:target-changed', {sender:@}) if @isSelf getPosFromTarget: (target) -> """ Could be null, a vector, or sprite object. Get the position from any of these. """ return @defaultPos() unless target? return target if target.x? return target.thang.pos beginMoveTween: (duration=1000, isLinear=false) -> # clear the old tween createjs.Tween.removeTweens(@) # create a new tween to go from the current location to the new location @originPos = _.clone(@thang.pos) @tweenPercentage = 1.0 @thang.action = 'move' @pointToward(@targetPos) if duration is 0 @updatePosition() @endMoveTween() return if isLinear ease = createjs.Ease.linear else ease = createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(3.0) createjs.Tween .get(@) .to({tweenPercentage:0.0}, duration, ease) .call(@endMoveTween) @reachedTarget = false shoveOtherWizards: (removeMe) -> return unless @targetSprite allWizards = [] Backbone.Mediator.publish('echo-all-wizard-sprites', {payload:allWizards}) allOfUs = (wizard for wizard in allWizards when wizard.targetSprite is @targetSprite) allOfUs = (wizard for wizard in allOfUs when wizard isnt @) if removeMe # diagonal lineup pattern # wizardPosition = [[4, 0], [5,1], [3,-1], [6,2], [2,-2]] # step = 3 # for wizard, i in allOfUs # [x,y] = wizardPositions[i%@wizardPositions.length] # wizard.spriteXOffset = x # wizard.spriteYOffset = y # wizard.beginMoveTween() # circular pattern step = Math.PI * 2 / allOfUs.length for wizard, i in allOfUs wizard.spriteXOffset = 5*Math.cos(step*i) wizard.spriteYOffset = 4*Math.sin(step*i) wizard.beginMoveTween() endMoveTween: => @thang.action = if @editing then 'cast' else 'idle' @thang.actionActivated = @thang.action is 'cast' @reachedTarget = true @faceTarget() updatePosition: -> return unless @thang.pos = @getCurrentPosition() @faceTarget() sup = x: @thang.pos.x, y: @thang.pos.y, z: @thang.pos.z - @thang.depth / 2 @displayObject.x = sup.x @displayObject.y = sup.y getCurrentPosition: -> """ Takes into account whether the wizard is in transit or not, and the bobbing up and down. Eventually will also adjust based on where other wizards are. """ @targetPos = @targetSprite.thang.pos if @targetSprite?.thang pos = _.clone(@targetPos) pos.z = @defaultPos().z + @getBobOffset() @adjustPositionToSideOfTarget(pos) if @targetSprite # be off to the side depending on placement in world return pos if @reachedTarget # stick like glue # if here, then the wizard is in transit. Calculate the diff! pos = x: pos.x + ((@originPos.x - pos.x) * @tweenPercentage) y: pos.y + ((@originPos.y - pos.y) * @tweenPercentage) z: pos.z return pos adjustPositionToSideOfTarget: (targetPos) -> targetPos.x += @spriteXOffset return # doesn't work when you're zoomed in on the target, so disabling center = distanceFromCenter = Math.abs(targetPos.x - center) if @spriteXOffset distanceFromTarget = Math.abs(@spriteXOffset) - (1 / (distanceFromCenter + (1/Math.abs(@spriteXOffset)))) else distanceFromTarget = 0 @onLeftSide = targetPos.x > center @onLeftSide = not @onLeftSide if @spriteXOffset < 0 distanceFromTarget *= -1 if @onLeftSide targetPos.x += distanceFromTarget # adjusted targetPos.y += @spriteYOffset faceTarget: -> if @targetSprite?.thang @pointToward(@targetSprite.thang.pos) updateMarks: -> super() if @displayObject.visible # not if we hid the wiz moveWizard : (x, y) => interval = 250 position = {x: @targetPos.x+x, y: @targetPos.y+y} @setTarget(position, interval, true) @updatePosition() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'camera-zoom-to', position, interval