CocoModel = require './CocoModel' SpriteBuilder = require 'lib/sprites/SpriteBuilder' LevelComponent = require './LevelComponent' buildQueue = [] module.exports = class ThangType extends CocoModel @className: 'ThangType' @schema: require 'schemas/models/thang_type' urlRoot: '/db/thang.type' building: {} initialize: -> super() @building = {} @setDefaults() @on 'sync', @setDefaults @spriteSheets = {} ## Testing memory clearing #f = => # 'resetting raw data' # @unset 'raw' # @_previousAttributes.raw = null #setTimeout f, 40000 setDefaults: -> @resetRawData() unless @get('raw') resetRawData: -> @set('raw', {shapes: {}, containers: {}, animations: {}}) resetSpriteSheetCache: -> @buildActions() @spriteSheets = {} @building = {} isFullyLoaded: -> # TODO: Come up with a better way to identify when the model doesn't have everything needed to build the sprite. ie when it's a projection without all the required data. return @get('actions') or @get('raster') # needs one of these two things getActions: -> return {} unless @isFullyLoaded() return @actions or @buildActions() buildActions: -> return null unless @isFullyLoaded() @actions = $.extend(true, {}, @get('actions')) for name, action of @actions = name for relatedName, relatedAction of action.relatedActions ? {} = + '_' + relatedName @actions[] = relatedAction @actions getSpriteSheet: (options) -> options = @fillOptions options key = @spriteSheetKey(options) return @spriteSheets[key] or @buildSpriteSheet(options) fillOptions: (options) -> options ?= {} options = _.clone options options.resolutionFactor ?= SPRITE_RESOLUTION_FACTOR options.async ?= false options buildSpriteSheet: (options) -> return false unless @isFullyLoaded() @options = @fillOptions options key = @spriteSheetKey(@options) if ss = @spriteSheets[key] then return ss if @building[key] @options = null return key @t0 = new Date().getTime() @initBuild(options) @addGeneralFrames() unless @options.portraitOnly @addPortrait() @building[key] = true result = @finishBuild() return result initBuild: (options) -> @buildActions() if not @actions @vectorParser = new SpriteBuilder(@, options) @builder = new createjs.SpriteSheetBuilder() @builder.padding = 2 @frames = {} addPortrait: -> # The portrait is built very differently than the other animations, so it gets a separate function. return unless @actions portrait = @actions.portrait return unless portrait scale = portrait.scale or 1 pt = portrait.positions?.registration rect = new createjs.Rectangle(pt?.x/scale or 0, pt?.y/scale or 0, 100/scale, 100/scale) if portrait.animation mc = @vectorParser.buildMovieClip portrait.animation mc.nominalBounds = mc.frameBounds = null # override what the movie clip says on bounding @builder.addMovieClip(mc, rect, scale) frames = @builder._animations[portrait.animation].frames frames = @mapFrames(portrait.frames, frames[0]) if portrait.frames? @builder.addAnimation 'portrait', frames, true else if portrait.container s = @vectorParser.buildContainerFromStore(portrait.container) frame = @builder.addFrame(s, rect, scale) @builder.addAnimation 'portrait', [frame], false addGeneralFrames: -> framesMap = {} for animation in @requiredRawAnimations() name = animation.animation mc = @vectorParser.buildMovieClip name continue unless mc @builder.addMovieClip mc, null, animation.scale * @options.resolutionFactor framesMap[animation.scale + '_' + name] = @builder._animations[name].frames for name, action of @actions when action.animation continue if name is 'portrait' scale = action.scale ? @get('scale') ? 1 frames = framesMap[scale + '_' + action.animation] continue unless frames frames = @mapFrames(action.frames, frames[0]) if action.frames? next = true next = action.goesTo if action.goesTo next = false if action.loops is false @builder.addAnimation name, frames, next for name, action of @actions when action.container and not action.animation continue if name is 'portrait' scale = @options.resolutionFactor * (action.scale or @get('scale') or 1) s = @vectorParser.buildContainerFromStore(action.container) continue unless s frame = @builder.addFrame(s, s.bounds, scale) @builder.addAnimation name, [frame], false requiredRawAnimations: -> required = [] for name, action of @get('actions') continue if name is 'portrait' allActions = [action].concat(_.values (action.relatedActions ? {})) for a in allActions when a.animation scale = if name is 'portrait' then a.scale or 1 else a.scale or @get('scale') or 1 animation = {animation: a.animation, scale: scale} animation.portrait = name is 'portrait' unless _.find(required, (r) -> _.isEqual r, animation) required.push animation required mapFrames: (frames, frameOffset) -> return frames unless _.isString(frames) # don't accidentally do this again (parseInt(f, 10) + frameOffset for f in frames.split(',')) finishBuild: -> return if _.isEmpty(@builder._animations) key = @spriteSheetKey(@options) spriteSheet = null if @options.async buildQueue.push @builder @builder.t0 = new Date().getTime() @builder.buildAsync() unless buildQueue.length > 1 @builder.on 'complete', @onBuildSpriteSheetComplete, @, true, [@builder, key, @options] @builder = null return key spriteSheet = @logBuild @t0, false, @options.portraitOnly @spriteSheets[key] = spriteSheet @building[key] = false @builder = null @options = null spriteSheet onBuildSpriteSheetComplete: (e, data) -> [builder, key, options] = data @logBuild builder.t0, true, options.portraitOnly buildQueue = buildQueue.slice(1) buildQueue[0].t0 = new Date().getTime() if buildQueue[0] buildQueue[0]?.buildAsync() @spriteSheets[key] = @building[key] = false @trigger 'build-complete', {key: key, thangType: @} @vectorParser = null logBuild: (startTime, async, portrait) -> kind = if async then 'Async' else 'Sync ' portrait = if portrait then '(Portrait)' else '' name = _.string.rpad @get('name'), 20 time = _.string.lpad '' + new Date().getTime() - startTime, 6 #console.debug "Built sheet: #{name} #{time}ms #{kind} #{portrait}" # STREAM: uncomment spriteSheetKey: (options) -> colorConfigs = [] for groupName, config of options.colorConfig or {} colorConfigs.push "#{groupName}:#{config.hue}|#{config.saturation}|#{config.lightness}" colorConfigs = colorConfigs.join ',' portraitOnly = !!options.portraitOnly "#{@get('name')} - #{options.resolutionFactor} - #{colorConfigs} - #{portraitOnly}" getPortraitImage: (spriteOptionsOrKey, size=100) -> src = @getPortraitSource(spriteOptionsOrKey, size) return null unless src $('').attr('src', src) getPortraitSource: (spriteOptionsOrKey, size=100) -> stage = @getPortraitStage(spriteOptionsOrKey, size) stage?.toDataURL() getPortraitStage: (spriteOptionsOrKey, size=100) -> return unless @isFullyLoaded() key = spriteOptionsOrKey key = if _.isString(key) then key else @spriteSheetKey(@fillOptions(key)) spriteSheet = @spriteSheets[key] if not spriteSheet options = if _.isPlainObject spriteOptionsOrKey then spriteOptionsOrKey else {} options.portraitOnly = true spriteSheet = @buildSpriteSheet(options) return if _.isString spriteSheet return unless spriteSheet canvas = $("") stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas[0]) sprite = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet) pt = @actions.portrait?.positions?.registration sprite.regX = pt?.x or 0 sprite.regY = pt?.y or 0 sprite.framerate = @actions.portrait?.framerate ? 20 sprite.gotoAndStop 'portrait' stage.addChild(sprite) stage.update() stage.startTalking = -> sprite.gotoAndPlay 'portrait' return if @tick @tick = (e) => @update(e) createjs.Ticker.addEventListener 'tick', @tick stage.stopTalking = -> sprite.gotoAndStop 'portrait' @update() createjs.Ticker.removeEventListener 'tick', @tick @tick = null stage uploadGenericPortrait: (callback, src) -> src ?= @getPortraitSource() return callback?() unless src src = src.replace('data:image/png;base64,', '').replace(/\ /g, '+') body = filename: 'portrait.png' mimetype: 'image/png' path: "db/thang.type/#{@get('original')}" b64png: src force: 'true' $.ajax('/file', {type: 'POST', data: body, success: callback or @onFileUploaded}) onFileUploaded: => console.log 'Image uploaded' @loadUniversalWizard: -> return @wizardType if @wizardType wizOriginal = '52a00d55cf1818f2be00000b' url = "/db/thang.type/#{wizOriginal}/version" @wizardType = new module.exports() @wizardType.url = -> url @wizardType.fetch() @wizardType getPortraitURL: -> if iconURL = @get('rasterIcon') return "/file/#{iconURL}" "/file/db/thang.type/#{@get('original')}/portrait.png" # Item functions getAllowedSlots: -> itemComponentRef = _.find( @get('components') or [], (compRef) -> compRef.original is LevelComponent.ItemID) return itemComponentRef?.config?.slots or [] getFrontFacingStats: -> stats = [] for component in @get('components') or [] continue unless config = component.config if config.attackDamage stats.push { name: 'Attack Damage', value: config.attackDamage } if config.attackRange stats.push { name: 'Attack Range', value: "#{config.attackRange}m" } if config.cooldown stats.push { name: 'Cooldown', value: "#{config.cooldown}s" } if config.maxSpeed stats.push { name: 'Speed', value: "#{config.maxSpeed}m/s" } if config.maxAcceleration stats.push { name: 'Acceleration', value: "#{config.maxAcceleration}m/s^2" } if config.stats for stat, value of config.stats if value.factor value = "x#{value.factor}" if value.addend and value.addend > 0 value = "+#{value.addend}" if value.addend and value.addend < 0 value = "#{value.addend}" if value.setTo value = "=#{value.setTo}" if stat is 'maxHealth' stats.push { name: 'Health', value: value } if stat is 'healthReplenishRate' stats.push { name: 'Regen', value: value } if config.programmableProperties props = config.programmableProperties if props.length stats.push { name: 'Allows', value: props.join(', ') } if config.visualRange value = config.visualRange if value is 9001 then value is "Infinite" stats.push { name: 'Visual Range', value: "#{value}m"} if config.programmableSnippets snippets = config.programmableSnippets if snippets.length stats.push { name: 'Snippets', value: snippets.join(', ') } stats