extends /templates/base block content p.bigger-text strong Teachers span - share CodeCombat's Hour of Code with your class! .container-fluid .row .col-md-6 .bigger-text div In just one hour, students will learn: ul li basic Python syntex li arguments li strings li while loops li variables .col-md-5 .well strong.uppercase These easy steps to get started: ol if me.isAnonymous() li a.spr.link-register Register span for a free teacher account to manage classes and monitor student progress else li Register (you've already done this) li a.spr(href='/courses/teachers') Create a class span and invite students via email, unique passcode, or URL. if me.isAnonymous() .text-center button.btn.btn-lg.btn-success.uppercase.btn-create-account Create Teacher account .text-center button.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.uppercase.btn-login-account Log into Teacher Account h2 Free Trial for Teachers! p strong.spr Hour of Code Special! span Complete the survey by December 31st and enroll all your students in the paid courses for 2 months. p(data-i18n="teachers.teacher_subs_0") p span.spr(data-i18n="teachers.teacher_subs_1") a(href='/teachers/freetrial', data-i18n="teachers.teacher_subs_2") span.spl(data-i18n="teachers.teacher_subs_3") h2 FAQ h3(data-i18n="teachers.who_for_title") p(data-i18n="teachers.who_for_1") p(data-i18n="teachers.who_for_2") h3 Does it cost anything to play Hour of Code? p No! The first hour of CodeCombat is completely free. p Teachers, please see the free trial information above for further details. //- h3 How much are the paid courses? //- p //- span.spr(data-i18n="teachers.free_3") //- a(href='/courses', data-i18n="teachers.free_4") //- span(data-i18n="teachers.free_5") //- p(data-i18n="teachers.free_6") //- p //- span.spr For more details, please email //- a(href='mailto:team@codecombat.com') team@codecombat.com h3(data-i18n="teachers.more_info_title") p span.spr(data-i18n="teachers.more_info_1") a(href='http://discourse.codecombat.com/c/teachers', data-i18n="teachers.more_info_2") span.spl(data-i18n="teachers.more_info_3")