# Since we're not a node module, we just use this to tell Nodejitsu what to deploy. # Don't include GitHub stuff or local scripts README.md generators to_browserify.js config.coffee bin karma.conf.js .gitignore # Don't include Brunch input test vendor # Only include some of app app/assets app/styles app/templates app/views #!app/models # keep #!app/validators # keep #!app/lib/world # keep #!app/lib/surface # keep ### Stuff from .gitignore ### # # Python *.pyc *.pyo # OS X .DS_Store Icon? ._* .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes # Windows Thumbs.db # Emacs *.*~ *.# .#* *# # Vim .*.sw[a-z] *.un~i # Sublime *.sublime-project *.sublime-workspace # IntelliJ/WebStorm *.iml # NPM packages folder. node_modules/ # Some other random stuff always-ignore extensions *.diff *.err *.orig *.log *.rej *.vi *.sass-cache .zedstate # OS or Editor folders .cache .project .settings .tmproj .idea nbproject # Brunch folder for temporary files. tmp/ ### Brunch output ##public/ ## Do include Brunch output. # Redis? dump.rdb # Mongo mongo/ bin/node/ bin/mongo/ # Karma coverage coverage/ temp/ # local settings login.coffee # debugging *.heapsnapshot npm-debug.log* temp/