config = require '../../../server_config' require '../common' # sample data that comes in through the webhook when you subscribe invoiceChargeSampleEvent = { id: 'evt_155TBeKaReE7xLUdrKM72O5R', created: 1417574898, livemode: false, type: 'invoice.payment_succeeded', data: { object: { date: 1417574897, id: 'in_155TBdKaReE7xLUdv8z8ipWl', period_start: 1417574897, period_end: 1417574897, lines: {}, subtotal: 999, total: 999, customer: 'cus_5Fz9MVWP2bDPGV', object: 'invoice', attempted: true, closed: true, forgiven: false, paid: true, livemode: false, attempt_count: 1, amount_due: 999, currency: 'usd', starting_balance: 0, ending_balance: 0, next_payment_attempt: null, webhooks_delivered_at: null, charge: 'ch_155TBdKaReE7xLUdRU0WcMzR', discount: null, application_fee: null, subscription: 'sub_5Fz99gXrBtreNe', metadata: {}, statement_description: null, description: null, receipt_number: null } }, object: 'event', pending_webhooks: 1, request: 'iar_5Fz9c4BZJyNNsM', api_version: '2014-11-05' } customerSubscriptionDeletedSampleEvent = { id: 'evt_155Tj4KaReE7xLUdpoMx0UaA', created: 1417576970, livemode: false, type: 'customer.subscription.deleted', data: { object: { id: 'sub_5FziOkege03vT7', plan: [Object], object: 'subscription', start: 1417576967, status: 'canceled', customer: 'cus_5Fzi54gMvGG9Px', cancel_at_period_end: true, current_period_start: 1417576967, current_period_end: 1420255367, ended_at: 1417576970, trial_start: null, trial_end: null, canceled_at: 1417576970, quantity: 1, application_fee_percent: null, discount: null, metadata: {} } }, object: 'event', pending_webhooks: 1, request: 'iar_5FziYQJ4oQdL6w', api_version: '2014-11-05' } describe '/db/user, editing stripe property', -> stripe = require('stripe')(config.stripe.secretKey) userURL = getURL('/db/user') webhookURL = getURL('/stripe/webhook') it 'clears the db first', (done) -> clearModels [User, Payment], (err) -> throw err if err done() #- shared data between tests joeData = null firstSubscriptionID = null it 'creates a subscription when you put a token and plan', (done) -> stripe.tokens.create { card: { number: '4242424242424242', exp_month: 12, exp_year: 2020, cvc: '123' } }, (err, token) -> stripeTokenID = loginJoe (joe) -> joeData = joe.toObject() joeData.stripe = { token: stripeTokenID planID: 'basic' } request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> joeData = body expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(joeData.purchased.gems).toBe(3500) expect(joeData.stripe.customerID).toBeDefined() expect(firstSubscriptionID = joeData.stripe.subscriptionID).toBeDefined() expect(joeData.stripe.planID).toBe('basic') expect(joeData.stripe.token).toBeUndefined() done() it 'records a payment through the webhook', (done) -> # Don't even want to think about hooking in tests to webhooks, so... put in some data manually stripe.invoices.list {customer: joeData.stripe.customerID}, (err, invoices) -> expect( event = _.cloneDeep(invoiceChargeSampleEvent) =[0] {uri: webhookURL, json: event}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(201) Payment.find {}, (err, payments) -> expect(payments.length).toBe(1) User.findById joeData._id, (err, user) -> expect(user.get('purchased').gems).toBe(3500) done() it 'schedules the stripe subscription to be cancelled when stripe.planID is removed from the user', (done) -> delete joeData.stripe.planID request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> joeData = body expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(joeData.stripe.subscriptionID).toBeDefined() expect(joeData.stripe.planID).toBeUndefined() expect(joeData.stripe.customerID).toBeDefined() stripe.customers.retrieve joeData.stripe.customerID, (err, customer) -> expect( expect([0].cancel_at_period_end).toBe(true) done() it 'allows you to sign up again using the same customer ID as before, no token necessary', (done) -> joeData.stripe.planID = 'basic' request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> joeData = body expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(joeData.stripe.customerID).toBeDefined() expect(joeData.stripe.subscriptionID).toBeDefined() expect(joeData.stripe.subscriptionID).not.toBe(firstSubscriptionID) expect(joeData.stripe.planID).toBe('basic') done() it 'will not have immediately created new payments when signing back up from a cancelled subscription', (done) -> stripe.invoices.list {customer: joeData.stripe.customerID}, (err, invoices) -> expect( expect([0].total).toBe(0) event = _.cloneDeep(invoiceChargeSampleEvent) =[0] {uri: webhookURL, json: event}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) Payment.find {}, (err, payments) -> expect(payments.length).toBe(1) User.findById joeData._id, (err, user) -> expect(user.get('purchased').gems).toBe(3500) done() it 'deletes the subscription from the user object when an event about it comes through the webhook', (done) -> stripe.customers.retrieveSubscription joeData.stripe.customerID, joeData.stripe.subscriptionID, (err, subscription) -> event = _.cloneDeep(customerSubscriptionDeletedSampleEvent) = subscription {uri: webhookURL, json: event}, (err, res, body) -> User.findById joeData._id, (err, user) -> expect(user.get('purchased').gems).toBe(3500) expect(user.get('stripe').subscriptionID).toBeUndefined() expect(user.get('stripe').planID).toBeUndefined() done()