config = require '../../server_config' winston = require 'winston' mongoose = require 'mongoose' Grid = require 'gridfs-stream' mongooseCache = require 'mongoose-cache' global.testing = testing = '--unittest' in process.argv module.exports.connect = () -> address = module.exports.generateMongoConnectionString() "Connecting to Mongo with connection string #{address}" mongoose.connect address mongoose.connection.once 'open', -> Grid.gfs = Grid(mongoose.connection.db, mongoose.mongo) # Hack around Mongoose not exporting Aggregate so that we can patch its exec, too # Level = require '../levels/Level' Aggregate = Level.aggregate().constructor mongooseCache.install(mongoose, {max: 200, maxAge: 1 * 60 * 1000, debug: false}, Aggregate) module.exports.generateMongoConnectionString = -> if not testing and config.mongo.mongoose_replica_string address = config.mongo.mongoose_replica_string else dbName = config.mongo.db dbName += '_unittest' if testing address = + ':' + config.mongo.port if config.mongo.username and config.mongo.password address = config.mongo.username + ':' + config.mongo.password + '@' + address address = "mongodb://#{address}/#{dbName}" return address