extends /templates/recruitment_base block content #tagline h1(data-i18n="employers.hire_developers_not_credentials") Hire developers, not credentials. button.btn.get-started-button Get started if candidates.length #candidate-table table tbody for candidate, index in featuredCandidates - var profile = candidate.get('jobProfile'); - var authorized = candidate.id; // If we have the id, then we are authorized. - var profileAge = (new Date() - new Date(profile.updated)) / 86400 / 1000; - var expired = profileAge > 2 * 30.4; - var curated = profile.curated; tr(data-candidate-id=candidate.id, id=candidate.id, class=expired ? "expired" : "") td(rowspan=2) img.candidate-picture(src=candidate.getPhotoURL(50), alt=profile.name, title=profile.name, height=50) td.candidate-description #{profile.shortDescription} tr.border_row if curated - var workHistory = curated.workHistory.join(","); td.tag_column img(src="/images/pages/employer/tag.png") | #{curated.mainTag} td.location_column img(src="/images/pages/employer/location.png") | #{curated.location} td.education_column img(src="/images/pages/employer/education.png") | #{curated.education} td.work_column img(src="/images/pages/employer/briefcase.png") | #{workHistory} else td Hi if (!isEmployer && !me.isAdmin()) || true div#info_wrapper span.hiring-call-to-action h2#start-hiring(data-i18n="employers.start_hiring") Start hiring. button.btn.get-started-button Get started h2#hiring-reasons.hiring-call-to-action(data-i18n="employers.reasons") 3 reasons you should hire through us: .reasons#top_row .reason img.employer_icon(src="/images/pages/employer/employer_icon2.png") h3(data-i18n="employers.everyone_looking") Everyone here is looking for work. p(data-i18n="employers.everyone_looking_blurb") Forget about 20% LinkedIn InMail response rates. Everyone that we list on this site wants to find their next position and will respond to your request for an introduction. .reason img.employer_icon(src="/images/pages/employer/employer_icon6.png") h3(data-i18n="employers.weeding") We've done the weeding for you. //this will break in i18n. Fix the inlining p(data-i18n="employers.weeding_blurb") | Every candidate that has a span.glyphicon.glyphicon-earphone | icon has already gone through a phone screen with us. We only feature developers that we would work with. .reason img(class="employer_icon" src="/images/pages/employer/employer_icon3.png") h3(data-i18n="employers.pass_screen") They will pass your technical screen. p(data-i18n="employers.pass_screen_blurb") All of these developers have ranked in our programming competitions. One employer found that 5x as many of our devs passed their technical screen than hiring from Hacker News. span.hiring-call-to-action h2(data-i18n="employers.make_hiring_easier") Make my hiring easier, please. button.btn.get-started-button Get started .reasons#bottom_row .reason_long img.employer_icon(src="/images/pages/employer/employer_icon1.png") .reason_text h3(data-i18n="employers.what") What is CodeCombat? p(data-i18n="employers.what_blurb") CodeCombat is a multiplayer browser programming game. Players write code to control their forces in battle against other developers. We support JavaScript, Python, Lua, Clojure, CoffeeScript, and Io. .reason_long img.employer_icon(src="/images/pages/employer/employer_icon5.png") .reason_text h3(data-i18n="employers.cost") Who Are the Players? p(data-i18n="employers.cost_blurb") CodeCombateers are CTOs, VPs of Engineering, and graduates of top 20 engineering schools. No junior developers here. Our players enjoy playing with code and solving problems.