storage = require 'lib/storage' deltasLib = require 'lib/deltas' class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model idAttribute: "_id" loaded: false loading: false saveBackups: false @schema: null getMe: -> @me or @me = require('lib/auth').me initialize: -> super() if not @constructor.className console.error("#{@} needs a className set.") @markToRevert() @addSchemaDefaults() @on 'sync', @onLoaded, @ @on 'error', @onError, @ @saveBackup = _.debounce(@saveBackup, 500) type: -> @constructor.className clone: (withChanges=true) -> # Backbone does not support nested documents clone = super() clone.set($.extend(true, {}, if withChanges then @attributes else @_revertAttributes)) clone onError: -> @loading = false onLoaded: -> @loaded = true @loading = false @markToRevert() @loadFromBackup() getNormalizedURL: -> "#{@urlRoot}/#{@id}" set: -> res = super(arguments...) @saveBackup() if @saveBackups and @loaded and @hasLocalChanges() res loadFromBackup: -> return unless @saveBackups existing = storage.load @id if existing @set(existing, {silent:true}) CocoModel.backedUp[@id] = @ saveBackup: ->, @attributes) CocoModel.backedUp[@id] = @ @backedUp = {} schema: -> return @constructor.schema validate: -> result = tv4.validateMultiple(@attributes, @constructor.schema? or {}) if result.errors?.length console.log @, "got validate result with errors:", result return result.errors unless result.valid save: (attrs, options) -> @set 'editPath', document.location.pathname options ?= {} success = options.success options.success = (resp) => @trigger "save:success", @ success(@, resp) if success @markToRevert() @clearBackup() @trigger "save", @ return super attrs, options fetch: -> @jqxhr = super(arguments...) @loading = true @jqxhr markToRevert: -> if @type() is 'ThangType' @_revertAttributes = _.clone @attributes # No deep clones for these! else @_revertAttributes = $.extend(true, {}, @attributes) revert: -> @set(@_revertAttributes, {silent: true}) if @_revertAttributes @clearBackup() clearBackup: -> storage.remove @id hasLocalChanges: -> not _.isEqual @attributes, @_revertAttributes cloneNewMinorVersion: -> newData = _.clone @attributes clone = new @constructor(newData) clone cloneNewMajorVersion: -> clone = @cloneNewMinorVersion() clone.unset('version') clone isPublished: -> for permission in @get('permissions') or [] return true if is 'public' and permission.access is 'read' false publish: -> if @isPublished() then throw new Error("Can't publish what's already-published. Can't kill what's already dead.") @set "permissions", (@get("permissions") or []).concat({access: 'read', target: 'public'}) addSchemaDefaults: -> return if @addedSchemaDefaults @addedSchemaDefaults = true for prop, defaultValue of @constructor.schema.default or {} continue if @get(prop)? #console.log "setting", prop, "to", defaultValue, "from attributes.default" @set prop, defaultValue for prop, sch of or {} continue if @get(prop)? continue if prop is 'emails' # hack, defaults are handled through's email-specific methods. #console.log "setting", prop, "to", sch.default, "from sch.default" if sch.default? @set prop, sch.default if sch.default? if @loaded @markToRevert() @loadFromBackup() @isObjectID: (s) -> s.length is 24 and s.match(/[a-f0-9]/gi)?.length is 24 hasReadAccess: (actor) -> # actor is a User object actor ?= @getMe() return true if actor.isAdmin() if @get('permissions')? for permission in @get('permissions') if is 'public' or actor.get('_id') is return true if permission.access in ['owner', 'read'] return false hasWriteAccess: (actor) -> # actor is a User object actor ?= @getMe() return true if actor.isAdmin() if @get('permissions')? for permission in @get('permissions') if is 'public' or actor.get('_id') is return true if permission.access in ['owner', 'write'] return false getDelta: -> differ = deltasLib.makeJSONDiffer() differ.diff @_revertAttributes, @attributes getDeltaWith: (otherModel) -> differ = deltasLib.makeJSONDiffer() differ.diff @attributes, otherModel.attributes applyDelta: (delta) -> newAttributes = $.extend(true, {}, @attributes) jsondiffpatch.patch newAttributes, delta @set newAttributes getExpandedDelta: -> delta = @getDelta() deltasLib.expandDelta(delta, @_revertAttributes, @schema()) getExpandedDeltaWith: (otherModel) -> delta = @getDeltaWith(otherModel) deltasLib.expandDelta(delta, @attributes, @schema()) watch: (doWatch=true) -> $.ajax("#{@urlRoot}/#{@id}/watch", {type:'PUT', data:{on:doWatch}}) @watching = -> doWatch watching: -> return in (@get('watchers') or []) populateI18N: (data, schema, path='') -> # TODO: Better schema/json walking sum = 0 data ?= $.extend true, {}, @attributes schema ?= @schema() or {} if and _.isPlainObject(data) and not data.i18n? data.i18n = {} sum += 1 if _.isPlainObject data for key, value of data numChanged = 0 numChanged = @populateI18N(value, childSchema, path+'/'+key) if childSchema =[key] if numChanged and not path # should only do this for the root object @set key, value sum += numChanged if schema.items and _.isArray data sum += @populateI18N(value, schema.items, path+'/'+index) for value, index in data sum @getReferencedModel: (data, schema) -> return null unless schema.links? linkObject = _.find schema.links, rel: "db" return null unless linkObject return null if linkObject.href.match("thang.type") and not @isObjectID(data) # Skip loading hardcoded Thang Types for now (TODO) # not fully extensible, but we can worry about that later link = linkObject.href link = link.replace('{(original)}', data.original) link = link.replace('{(majorVersion)}', '' + (data.majorVersion ? 0)) link = link.replace('{($)}', data) @getOrMakeModelFromLink(link) @getOrMakeModelFromLink: (link) -> makeUrlFunc = (url) -> -> url modelUrl = link.split('/')[2] modelModule = _.string.classify(modelUrl) modulePath = "models/#{modelModule}" try Model = require modulePath catch e console.error 'could not load model from link path', link, 'using path', modulePath return model = new Model() model.url = makeUrlFunc(link) return model setURL: (url) -> makeURLFunc = (u) -> -> u @url = makeURLFunc(url) @ getURL: -> return if _.isString @url then @url else @url() module.exports = CocoModel