RootView = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/docs/components' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' LevelComponent = require 'models/LevelComponent' class ComponentDocsCollection extends CocoCollection url: '/db/level.component?project=name,description,dependencies,propertyDocumentation' model: LevelComponent module.exports = class UnnamedView extends RootView id: 'docs-components-view' template: template constructor: (options) -> super(options) @componentDocs = new ComponentDocsCollection() @supermodel.loadCollection @componentDocs, 'components' onLoaded: -> console.log 'we have the components...', (c.get('name') for c in @componentDocs.models) console.log 'we have the attributes...', (c.attributes for c in @componentDocs.models) super() getRenderData: -> c = super() c.components = @componentDocs.models c.marked = marked c