module.exports = class Letterbox extends createjs.Container subscriptions: 'level-set-letterbox': 'onSetLetterbox' constructor: (options) -> super() @initialize() @canvasWidth = options.canvasWidth @canvasHeight = options.canvasHeight console.error 'Letterbox needs canvasWidth/Height.' unless @canvasWidth and @canvasHeight @build() Backbone.Mediator.subscribe(channel, @[func], @) for channel, func of @subscriptions build: -> @mouseEnabled = @mouseChildren = false @matteHeight = 0.10 * @canvasHeight @upperMatte = new createjs.Shape()'black').rect(0, 0, @canvasWidth, @matteHeight) @lowerMatte = @upperMatte.clone() @upperMatte.x = @lowerMatte.x = 0 @upperMatte.y = -@matteHeight @lowerMatte.y = @canvasHeight @addChild @upperMatte, @lowerMatte onSetLetterbox: (e) -> T = createjs.Tween T.removeTweens @upperMatte T.removeTweens @lowerMatte upperY = if e.on then 0 else -@matteHeight lowerY = if e.on then @canvasHeight - @matteHeight else @canvasHeight interval = 700 ease = createjs.Ease.cubicOut T.get(@upperMatte).to({y: upperY}, interval, ease) T.get(@lowerMatte).to({y: lowerY}, interval, ease) destroy: -> Backbone.Mediator.unsubscribe(channel, @[func], @) for channel, func of @subscriptions