RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/editor/verifier/verifier-view' VerifierTest = require './VerifierTest' module.exports = class VerifierView extends RootView className: 'style-flat' template: template id: 'verifier-view' constructor: (options, @levelID) -> super options # TODO: rework to handle N at a time instead of all at once # TODO: sort tests by unexpected result first @passed = 0 @failed = 0 testLevels = [ 'dungeons-of-kithgard', 'gems-in-the-deep', 'shadow-guard', 'kounter-kithwise', 'crawlways-of-kithgard', 'enemy-mine', 'illusory-interruption', 'forgetful-gemsmith', 'signs-and-portents', 'favorable-odds', 'true-names', 'the-prisoner', 'banefire', 'the-raised-sword', 'kithgard-librarian', 'fire-dancing', 'loop-da-loop', 'haunted-kithmaze', 'riddling-kithmaze', 'descending-further', 'the-second-kithmaze', 'dread-door', 'cupboards-of-kithgard', 'hack-and-dash', 'known-enemy', 'master-of-names', 'lowly-kithmen', 'closing-the-distance', 'tactical-strike', 'the-skeleton', 'a-mayhem-of-munchkins', 'the-final-kithmaze', 'the-gauntlet', 'radiant-aura', 'kithgard-gates', 'destroying-angel', 'deadly-dungeon-rescue', 'breakout', 'attack-wisely', 'kithgard-mastery', 'kithgard-apprentice', 'robot-ragnarok', 'defense-of-plainswood', 'peasant-protection', 'forest-fire-dancing', 'course-winding-trail', 'patrol-buster', 'endangered-burl', 'thumb-biter', 'gems-or-death', 'village-guard', 'thornbush-farm', 'back-to-back', 'ogre-encampment', 'woodland-cleaver', 'shield-rush', 'range-finder', 'munchkin-swarm', 'stillness-in-motion', 'the-agrippa-defense', 'backwoods-bombardier', 'coinucopia', 'copper-meadows', 'drop-the-flag', 'mind-the-trap', 'signal-corpse', 'rich-forager' ] #testLevels = testLevels.slice 0, 15 @linksQueryString = @levelIDs = if @levelID then [@levelID] else testLevels @testCount = @levelIDs.length * 2 #One per langauge #supermodel = if @levelID then @supermodel else undefined @tests = [] async.eachSeries @levelIDs, (levelID, lnext) => async.eachSeries ['python','javascript'], (lang, next) => test = new VerifierTest levelID, (e) => @update(e) if e.state in ['complete', 'error'] if test.isSucessful() ++@passed else ++@failed next() , @supermodel, lang @tests.unshift test , -> lnext() , () => @render() update: (event) => # TODO: show unworkable tests instead of hiding them # TODO: destroy them Tests after or something @render()