config = require '../../../server_config' require '../common' # sample data that comes in through the webhook when you subscribe describe '/db/user, editing stripe.couponID property', -> stripe = require('stripe')(config.stripe.secretKey) userURL = getURL('/db/user') webhookURL = getURL('/stripe/webhook') it 'clears the db first', (done) -> clearModels [User, Payment], (err) -> throw err if err done() #- shared data between tests joeData = null firstSubscriptionID = null it 'does not work for non-admins', (done) -> loginJoe (joe) -> joeData = joe.toObject() expect(joeData.stripe).toBeUndefined() joeData.stripe = { couponID: '20pct' } request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) # fails silently expect(res.body.stripe).toBeUndefined() # but still fails done() it 'does not work with invalid coupons', (done) -> loginAdmin (admin) -> joeData.stripe = { couponID: 'DNE' } request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(404) done() it 'sets the couponID on a user without an existing stripe object', (done) -> joeData.stripe = { couponID: '20pct' } request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> joeData = body expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.stripe.couponID).toBe('20pct') done() it 'just updates the couponID when it changes and there is no existing subscription', (done) -> joeData.stripe.couponID = '500off' request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.stripe.couponID).toBe('500off') done() it 'removes the couponID from the user when the admin makes it so', (done) -> delete joeData.stripe.couponID request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> joeData = body expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.stripe).toBeUndefined() done() it 'puts the coupon back', (done) -> joeData.stripe = {couponID: '500off'} request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.stripe.couponID).toBe('500off') done() it 'applies a discount to the newly created customer when a plan is set', (done) -> stripe.tokens.create { card: { number: '4242424242424242', exp_month: 12, exp_year: 2020, cvc: '123' } }, (err, token) -> stripeTokenID = loginJoe (joe) -> joeData.stripe.token = stripeTokenID joeData.stripe.planID = 'basic' request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData, headers: {'X-Change-Plan': 'true'} }, (err, res, body) -> joeData = body expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) stripe.customers.retrieve joeData.stripe.customerID, (err, customer) -> expect( expect('500off') done() it 'updates the discount on the customer when an admin changes the couponID', (done) -> loginAdmin (admin) -> joeData.stripe.couponID = '20pct' request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.stripe.couponID).toBe('20pct') stripe.customers.retrieve joeData.stripe.customerID, (err, customer) -> expect('20pct') done() it 'removes discounts from the customer when an admin removes the couponID', (done) -> delete joeData.stripe.couponID request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.stripe.couponID).toBeUndefined() stripe.customers.retrieve joeData.stripe.customerID, (err, customer) -> expect( done() it 'adds a discount to the customer when an admin adds the couponID', (done) -> joeData.stripe.couponID = '20pct' request.put {uri: userURL, json: joeData }, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.stripe.couponID).toBe('20pct') stripe.customers.retrieve joeData.stripe.customerID, (err, customer) -> expect('20pct') done()