PAST_PATH_ALPHA = 0.75 PAST_PATH_WIDTH = 5 FUTURE_PATH_ALPHA = 0.4 FUTURE_PATH_WIDTH = 2 Camera = require './Camera' CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass' module.exports = class TrailMaster extends CocoClass paths: null # dictionary of thang ids to containers for their paths pathDisplayObject: null world: null constructor: (@camera, @layerAdapter) -> super() @tweenedSprites = [] @listenTo @layerAdapter, 'new-spritesheet', -> @generatePaths(@world, @thang) generatePaths: (@world, @thang) -> return if @generatingPaths @generatingPaths = true @cleanUp() @createGraphics() @pathDisplayObject = new createjs.SpriteContainer(@layerAdapter.spriteSheet) @pathDisplayObject.mouseEnabled = @pathDisplayObject.mouseChildren = false @pathDisplayObject.addChild @createFuturePath() # @pathDisplayObject.addChild @createPastPath() # Just made the animated path the full path... do we want to have past and future look different again? @pathDisplayObject.addChild @createTargets() @generatingPaths = false return @pathDisplayObject cleanUp: -> createjs.Tween.removeTweens(sprite) for sprite in @tweenedSprites @tweenedSprites = [] createGraphics: -> color = @colorForThang(, PAST_PATH_ALPHA) @targetDotKey = @cachePathDot(10, color) @pastDotKey = @cachePathDot(PAST_PATH_WIDTH, color) @futureDotKey = @cachePathDot(FUTURE_PATH_WIDTH, @colorForThang(, FUTURE_PATH_ALPHA)) cachePathDot: (width, color) -> key = "path-dot-#{width}-#{color}" color = createjs.Graphics.getRGB(color...) unless key in @layerAdapter.spriteSheet.getAnimations() circle = new createjs.Shape() radius = width/2'#000000').drawCircle(0, 0, radius) @layerAdapter.addCustomGraphic(key, circle, [-radius*1.5, -radius*1.5, radius*3, radius*3]) return key colorForThang: (team, alpha=1.0) -> rgb = [0, 255, 0] rgb = [255, 0, 0] if team is 'humans' rgb = [0, 0, 255] if team is 'ogres' rgb.push(alpha) return rgb createPastPath: -> return unless points = @world.pointsForThang, @camera params = { interval: 8, frameKey: @pastDotKey } return @createPath(points, params) createFuturePath: -> return unless points = @world.pointsForThang, @camera interval = Math.max(1, parseInt(@world.frameRate / 4)) params = { interval: interval, animate: true, frameKey: @futureDotKey } return @createPath(points, params) createTargets: -> return unless @thang.allTargets container = new createjs.SpriteContainer(@layerAdapter.spriteSheet) for x, i in @thang.allTargets by 2 y = @thang.allTargets[i + 1] sup = @camera.worldToSurface x: x, y: y sprite = new createjs.Sprite(@layerAdapter.spriteSheet) sprite.scaleX = sprite.scaleY = 1 / @layerAdapter.resolutionFactor sprite.gotoAndStop(@targetDotKey) sprite.x = sup.x sprite.y = sup.y container.addChild(sprite) return container createPath: (points, options={}) -> options = options or {} interval = options.interval or 8 key = options.frameKey or @pastDotKey container = new createjs.SpriteContainer(@layerAdapter.spriteSheet) for x, i in points by interval * 2 y = points[i + 1] sprite = new createjs.Sprite(@layerAdapter.spriteSheet) sprite.scaleX = sprite.scaleY = 1 / @layerAdapter.resolutionFactor sprite.gotoAndStop(key) sprite.x = x sprite.y = y container.addChild(sprite) if lastSprite and options.animate createjs.Tween.get(lastSprite, {loop: true}).to({x:x, y:y}, 1000) @tweenedSprites.push lastSprite lastSprite = sprite @logged = true container destroy: -> @cleanUp() super()