extends /templates/base block content //- DO NOT localize / i18n div span *UNDER CONSTRUCTION, send feedback to a.spl(href='mailto:team@codecombat.com') team@codecombat.com div input.student-view-checkbox(type='checkbox') span.spl Student view div TODO: fix ugly tabs div TODO: level concepts, status, working play button div TODO: student view div TODO: aggregate student progress div TODO: student level progress popups div TODO: student concept progress div(style='border-bottom: 1px solid black;') h1= course.title p= course.description p strong Concepts: ul each topic in course.topics li= topic strong= course.duration h3 Your Class .form-group select.form-control.select-session each instance in instances option= instance.name span.spl button.btn.btn-xs.edit-class-name-btn edit class name p if instance.description span= instance.description span.spl button.btn.btn-xs.edit-description-btn edit class description else div button.btn.btn-xs.edit-description-btn add class description .form-group span Class programming language: select.spl.form-control.select-language option(value="Python") Python option(value="JavaScript") JavaScript option(value="All Languages") All Languages div(role='tabpanel') ul.nav.nav-tabs(role='tablist') li.active(role='presentation') a(href='#progress', aria-controls='progress', role='tab', data-toggle='tab') Students li(role='presentation') a(href='#invite', aria-controls='invite', role='tab', data-toggle='tab') Add Students li(role='presentation') a(href='#levels', aria-controls='levels', role='tab', data-toggle='tab') Levels .tab-content .tab-pane.active#progress(role='tabpanel') if instance.students table.table.table-condensed thead tr th th span.progress-header Progress span.progress-key.progress-key-complete complete span.progress-key.progress-key-started started span.progress-key not started if maxLastStartedIndex > 30 input.expand-progress-checkbox(type='checkbox') span.spl.expand-progress-label(data-i18n="clans.exp_levels") Expand levels tbody each student in instance.students tr td a= student td.progress-cell - var i = 0 each level in course.levels if i <= userLevelStateMap[student].lastCompletedIndex span.progress-level-cell.progress-level-cell-complete #{i + 1} if showExpandedProgress || i === 0 || i === userLevelStateMap[student].lastStartedIndex span.spl #{level} else if i <= userLevelStateMap[student].lastStartedIndex span.progress-level-cell.progress-level-cell-started #{i + 1} if showExpandedProgress || i === 1 || i === userLevelStateMap[student].lastStartedIndex span.spl #{level} else span.progress-level-cell.level-progression-level-not-started #{i + 1} if showExpandedProgress || i === 1 || i === userLevelStateMap[student].lastStartedIndex span.spl #{level} if i === maxLastStartedIndex - break - i++ .tab-pane#invite(role='tabpanel') p Invite students to join this class. if course.title !== 'Introduction to Computer Science' p Student unlock code: #{instance.code} p Class capacity: 34/50 textarea.textarea-emails(rows=3, placeholder="Enter student emails to invite, one per line") div button.btn.btn-success.btn-invite Send Invites .tab-pane#levels(role='tabpanel') table.table.table-condensed thead tr th Level th tbody each level in course.levels tr td spa= level td button.btn.btn-success Play