.container-fluid.text-center .alert.alert-danger.lt-ie9 strong(data-i18n="home.no_ie") The CodeCombat game does not run in Internet Explorer 8 or older. Sorry! if view.isIPadBrowser() || view.isMobile() .alert.alert-danger.mobile strong(data-i18n="home.no_mobile") CodeCombat gameplay was not designed for mobile devices and may not work! else if view.isOldBrowser() .alert.alert-danger.old-browser strong(data-i18n="home.old_browser") Uh oh, your browser is too old to play CodeCombat. Sorry! br span(data-i18n="home.old_browser_suffix") You can try anyway, but it probably won't work. nav.navbar.navbar-default .container .row .col-md-3.col-sm-4 .navbar-header button.navbar-toggle.collapsed(data-toggle='collapse', data-target='#navbar-collapse' aria-expanded='false') span.sr-only Toggle navigation span.icon-bar span.icon-bar span.icon-bar a.navbar-brand(href="/") img#logo-img(src="/images/pages/base/logo.png") span.glyphicon.glyphicon-home .col-md-9.col-sm-8 #navbar-collapse.collapse.navbar-collapse ul.nav.navbar-nav.pull-left li a(href="/about") About li a(href="/courses") Courses li a(href="/courses/teachers") Teachers li a(href="https://discourse.codecombat.com/") Forum if me.isAnonymous() li a#create-account-link.signup-button Create Account li a#login-link.login-button Login else li.dropdown a.dropdown-toggle(href="#", data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aroa-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false") span.spr My Account ul.dropdown-menu li.user-dropdown-header.text-center span.user-level= me.level() a(href="/user/#{me.getSlugOrID()}") img.img-circle(src=me.getPhotoURL()) h5=me.displayName() li a(href="/user/#{me.getSlugOrID()}" data-i18n="nav.profile") li a(href="/account/settings", data-i18n="play.settings") li a(href="/account/payments", data-i18n="account.payments") li a(href="/account/subscription", data-i18n="account.subscription") li a(href="/account/prepaid", data-i18n="account.prepaid_codes") Prepaid Codes li a#logout-button(data-i18n="login.log_out") li #language-dropdown-wrapper select.language-dropdown.form-control .container-fluid#jumbotron-container-fluid(class=view.jumbotron === 'student' ? 'alt-image' : '') .container .row .col-lg-7.col-md-8 h1 The most engaging game for learning programming. .col-lg-3.col-lg-offset-2.col-md-4 .well.text-center.hidden-md.hidden-lg .row .col-xs-8 h6 Classroom Edition: .col-xs-4 h6 Learn to code: .row .col-xs-4 button#teacher-btn.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn-block Teacher .col-xs-4 a.btn.btn-forest.btn-lg.btn-block(href="/courses") Student .col-xs-4 a.btn.btn-gold.btn-lg.btn-block(href=view.playURL) Play Now .well.text-center.hidden-xs.hidden-sm h6#classroom-edition-header Classroom Edition: div button#teacher-btn.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn-block I'm a Teacher div a.btn.btn-forest.btn-lg.btn-block(href="/courses") I'm a Student h6#learn-to-code-header Learn to code: a.btn.btn-gold.btn-lg.btn-block(href=view.playURL) Play Now .row#learn-more-row .col-xs-12.text-center a#learn-more-link h6 Learn more h2 span.glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-down .container#classroom-in-box-container #classroom-in-box-row.row .col-sm-6 h2.text-navy A classroom in-a-box for teaching computer science. .col-sm-6 p CodeCombat is a platform for students to learn computer science while playing through a real game. p Our courses have been specifically playtested to excel in a classroom setting, even by teachers with little to no prior programming experience. #feature-spread-row.row.text-center h3 Designed with teachers in mind .col-sm-4 img.img-circle(src="/images/pages/home/F1_typedcode.png") h4 | Real, typed code br | from the first level p.small Getting students to typed code as quickly as possible is critical to learning programming syntax and proper structure. .col-sm-4 img.img-circle(src="/images/pages/home/F2_teacherguides.png") h4 | Educator resources br | and course guides p.small Teaching computer science does not require a costly degree, because we provide tools to support educators of all backgrounds. .col-sm-4 img.img-circle(src="/images/pages/home/F3_accessible.png") h4 | Accessible to br | everyone p.small Democratizing the process of learning coding is at the core of our philosophy. Everyone should be able to learn to code. .testimonials-rows .testimonials-filler-left .testimonials-filler-right .row .col-lg-offset-2.col-lg-7.col-sm-8 blockquote h3 I think they actually forgot that they were actually learning something. .col-lg-2.col-sm-3.text-center img.img-circle(src="/images/pages/home/timmaki.png") h6 Tim Maki .small Director of Technology, Tilton School .row .col-lg-7.col-sm-8.col-sm-push-4.col-lg-push-3 blockquote h3 Coding is something I've always wanted to do, and I never thought I would be able to learn it in school. .col-lg-2.col-sm-3.col-lg-offset-1.text-center.col-sm-pull-8.col-lg-pull-7 img.img-circle(src="/images/pages/home/dylan.png") h6 Dylan .small 3rd Grader h3.text-center Why is learning through games important? #benefit-row-1.row #benefit-graphic-1.col-sm-6.col-sm-offset-1.col-sm-push-6 h2 Games reward the productive struggle. img(src="/images/pages/home/G1_reward.png") #benefit-graphic-1-filler .col-sm-5.col-sm-pull-6 p | Gaming is a medium that encourages interaction, discovery, and trial-and-error. | A good game challenges the player to master skills over time, | which is the same critical process students go through as they learn. p | Games excel at rewarding “ a(href="http://blog.mindresearch.org/blog/game-based-learning-infographic-strong-math-practices" target="_blank") productive struggle span.spr ” - the kind of struggle that results in learning that’s engaging and a(href="http://www.gamesandlearning.org/2014/06/09/teachers-on-using-games-in-class/" target="_blank") motivating | , not tedious. #benefit-row-2.row #benefit-graphic-2.col-sm-6 h2 Studies suggest gaming is good for children’s brains. (it’s true!) img(src="/images/pages/home/G2_brains.png") #benefit-graphic-2-filler .col-sm-5.col-sm-offset-1 p span.spr When game-based learning systems are a(href="http://schoolsweek.co.uk/gaming-is-good-for-childrens-brains-study-suggests/" target="_blank") compared span.spl.spr against conventional assessment methods, the difference is clear: games are better at helping students retain knowledge, concentrate and a(href="http://dev.k-12techdecisions.com/article/game_based_learning_is_where_vygotsky_meets_dweck/P3" target="_blank") perform at a higher level of achievement | . p | Games also provide real-time feedback that allows students to adjust their solution path and understand concepts more holistically, instead of being limited to just “correct” or “incorrect” answers. #benefit-row-3.row #benefit-graphic-3.col-sm-6.col-sm-offset-1.col-sm-push-6 h2 A real game, played with real coding. img(src="/images/pages/home/G3_game.png") #benefit-graphic-3-filler .col-sm-5.col-sm-pull-6 p | A great game is more than just badges and achievements - it’s about a player’s journey, well-designed puzzles, and the ability to tackle challenges with agency and confidence. p | CodeCombat is a game that gives players that agency and confidence with our robust typed code engine, which helps beginner and advanced students alike write proper, valid code. .request-demo-row.text-center h3 Curious? Request a demo and we'll show you the ropes h4 Or create a class and see it for yourself! div a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg(href="/teachers/freetrial") Request a Demo a.btn.btn-primary-alt.btn-lg(href="/courses/teachers") Create a Class div if me.isAnonymous() span.spr Already have an account? a.login-button Login else span.spr You are currently logged in as #{me.broadName()}. a(href="/courses/teachers") View my classes span.spr.spl or a#logout-button logout h3.text-center Computer science courses for all ages h4.text-center span#school-level-label Show me lesson time estimates for: select#school-level-dropdown.form-control.text-navy option(value='elementary') Elementary School option(value='middle', selected=true) Middle School option(value='high') High School h5.text-center#total-hours-header span.spr Total curriculum hours: span#semester-duration #courses-row.row - var conceptsSeen = {}; - var lastScreenshot = ""; for course, courseIndex in view.courses.models .col-md-3.col-sm-4 .media.course-details(data-course-slug=course.get('slug')) if courseIndex === 0 .free-course h6 Free for all students .media-body(title=course.get('description')) h6.course-name= course.get('name') + ':' p.small - var total = 0; each concept in course.get('concepts') - if (conceptsSeen[concept]) continue; - conceptsSeen[concept] = true; if total === 3 - total += 1; span ... - continue; else if total > 3 - continue; else if total > 0 span.spr , - total += 1; span(data-i18n="concepts." + concept) img.media-object(src="/images/pages/home/course"+(courseIndex+1)+".png") - lastScreenshot = course.get('screenshot'); h6.course-duration span.spr Lesson time: span.course-hours= course.get('duration') || 0 span.spl.unit(data-i18n="units.hours") for upcomingCourse in ['Computer Science 6', 'Computer Science 7', 'Computer Science 8'] .col-md-3.col-sm-4 .media.disabled .media-body h6.course-name= upcomingCourse + ':' p.small Coming soon! img.media-object(src="/images/pages/home/inprogress.png") .clearfix .text-center h4 img(src="/images/pages/home/course_languages.png") div Courses are available in JavaScript, Python, and Java (coming soon!) .testimonials-rows .testimonials-filler-left .testimonials-filler-right .row .col-lg-offset-2.col-lg-7.col-sm-8 blockquote h3 Boasts riddles that are complex enough to fascinate gamers and coders alike. .col-lg-2.col-sm-3.text-center img.img-circle(src="/images/pages/home/opensource.png") h6 Open Source .small opensource.com .row .col-lg-7.col-sm-8.col-sm-push-4.col-lg-push-3 blockquote h3 A winning combination of RPG gameplay and programming homework that pulls off making kid-friendly education legitimately enjoyable. .col-lg-2.col-sm-3.col-lg-offset-1.text-center.col-sm-pull-8.col-lg-pull-7 img.img-circle(src="/images/pages/home/pcmag.png") h6 PC Mag .small pcmag.com .request-demo-row.text-center h3 Everything you need to run a computer science class in your school today, no CS background required. p a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg(href="/teachers/freetrial") Request a Demo a.btn.btn-primary-alt.btn-lg(href="/courses/teachers") Create a Class .text-center img(src="/images/pages/home/character_lineup.png") .container-fluid #footer.small .container .row .col-sm-3 ul.list-unstyled li strong CodeCombat li a(href="/about") About li a(href="/Careers") Jobs li a(href="http://blog.codecombat.com/", data-i18n="nav.blog") li a(href="/legal") Legal .col-sm-3 ul.list-unstyled li strong Schools li a(href="/courses/teachers") Teachers li a(href="https://sites.google.com/a/codecombat.com/teacher-guides/") Educator Wiki li a(href="/teachers/quote") Request a Quote .col-sm-3 ul.list-unstyled li strong Get Involved li a(href='/community', data-i18n="nav.community") li a(href="/contribute") Contribute li a(href=view.forumLink(), data-i18n="nav.forum") li a(href="/play/ladder") Multiplayer li a(href="https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat") Open source (GitHub) .col-sm-3 ul.list-unstyled li strong Support li a(href="https://discourse.codecombat.com/t/faq-check-before-posting/1027") FAQs li a(tabindex=-1, data-toggle="coco-modal", data-target="core/ContactModal", data-i18n="nav.contact") li a(href="https://www.facebook.com/codecombat", data-i18n="nav.facebook") li a(href="https://twitter.com/codecombat", data-i18n="nav.twitter") #final-footer.small.text-center | Copyright ©2016 CodeCombat. All Rights Reserved. br.hidden-lg.hidden-md img(src="/images/pages/base/logo.png" alt="CodeCombat") br.hidden-lg.hidden-md span.spr Need help? Email a(href="mailto:team@codecombat.com") team@codecombat.com span.spl and we'll get in touch!